Royal Pain in the Ass (22 page)

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Authors: Heather Trudy

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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It took us a good half an hour to find all the ingredients.
Hand me two eggs,


m not helping you, I want to win this.

I shrugged.
Fine, it

ll just take longer,

Xavier groaned but got up and got the eggs.

I took the flour and added this seasoning and that until it smelt good.
Generally, if it smells bad, it will taste bad, and vice versa.
I was mixing the eggs with some milk to make a nice batter.

d already cut chicken into strips.


t you done yet?”

Do I look done?


re taking forever.
There should have been a time limit,

Xavier, stop whining.
Do you want it done right or not?

I want it done now,
” Xavier sulked.


re whiney when you

re hungry.

I am not,


re sulking now, how cute,

I am not!

You totally are,

Xavier turned away from me and leaned up against the island counter.
  “You don

t know what you

re talking about.

I don’


I picked up a small handful of flour.
Then I don

t know how this happened.

I flung it at him.
His face was priceless.
There was flour down his shirt, it looked like a vein was about to burst in his forehead.


he annunciated every syllable and his voice was dripping with anger.
That was not very wise,

What are you going to do about it?

Xavier gave me a devilish grin and picked up two eggs walked over to me and broke them over my head.
I felt the stickiness ooze down.
Bad move.

I grabbed the milk and splashed it down his front and grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at him.
We started throwing everything within reach at one another and in the end we were both covered in various substances that neither of us could really name.

I cannot believe we did that,

Xavier laughed.

I shrugged.
  “I can,”

Xavier let out a content sigh.
  “I can

t remember the last time I had a food fight,

Cleaning up is going to be a bitch,

Hey Juliet,


You failed to cook something edible,

I felt my eyes go wide.

That means I win the bet,

I let out a groan.
I forgot about the bet,

A sly smile spread across Xavier

s face.  “
Oh this is going to be fun,












Chapter XIV


Have you ever had a little voice whisper in the back of your mind this might not be a good idea? Yeah, I don't have one of those voices, and so I end up in situations like this.

"Tut, tut, Juliet, a bet is a bet." Xavier warned as I opened my mouth to argue. I rolled my eyes and slumped back my chair.

"This is stupid,"

"The entire day, you are not to argue or throw tantrums, just be obedient for once in your life. I believe it's quite convenient it just so happens to be on the day of one of the biggest charity events of the summer."

"Just know that I hate you right now," I cooed, singsong. "And just wait until tomorrow."

"Are we being a poor sport?"

"Never," I smiled up at him. "It's not like I'm being a whiney little boy sulking in a chair because someone else is teaching my advised to dance."

"Juliet," Xavier cooed right back.


"Shut up,"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. Fair was fair. Betting Xavier was not the brightest idea I've ever had, then again . . . coming to England wasn't either. So far my decisions this year were not looking to be the best of my life. Oh well, I've made them, now I have to live with them.

So far today, Xavier had taken me out to breakfast, then took me somewhere to have my hair and nails professionally done. I was wearing fake nails, which I hated and glaring at everyone in the salon.

"Juliet, behave," Xavier warned looking up from his magazine. He was lounging in a chair with an amused expression on his face as he watched. I'm glad someone was having a good time.

Air brushing is annoying. It takes forever and you have to hold still. It didn't take long for me to be annoyed. At least after he took me to a quaint little bistro. "You should try the,"

"I already know what I want," I cut him off.

"Too bad, you have to listen today."

I glared at Xavier as he ordered for us. He was making me get a salad. I wanted a freaking sandwich and he wouldn't let me. Son of a bitch. Just wait until tomorrow.

I made a scene stabbing the salad very loudly and awkwardly every time a took a bite. I knew I was embarrassing him, but I smiled sweetly at him.

"You're making a scene," Xavier muttered quietly.

"I'm just eating,"

"Eat like a lady,"

"I am, see it's a salad."

Xavier sighed. "Would you have behaved if I let you get the sandwich,"

"Probably not."

Xavier laughed. "I'm going to go insane."

"Good, someone will join me,"

Xavier took me home and Gwen and Laurel helped me get ready.

"Xavier's having too much fun with this stupid bet," I grumbled.

"What bet?" Gwen asked.

"He won a bet and now I have to listen to him today."

"Why would you bet that?"

"Because it meant I would get a day of doing whatever I wanted."

"Well, what was the wager?"

"I was supposed to make dinner last night,"

"What happened?"

"Food fight, no food was cooked, and so I technically lost."

"That's why no one could find anything in the kitchens this morning!"

"Yeah, we trashed it, but we cleaned it up."

"But you lost everything." Gwen laughed. "Wait, you have to do whatever he says?"

"Yeah," Gwen and Laurel exchanged glances. "What am I missing?"

"Nothing!" Gwen said too quickly then burst out into laughter. That was a great sign.

"Gwen, what aren't you telling me?"

"That boy fancies you. You're in trouble."

"What did I do? Wait, what?"

"Remember how bent out of shape he was over Ben dancing with you?"

"He was just mad Ben could do something he couldn't."

"Okay, if that's what you say." Gwen replied,
rolling her eyes.

"He's my advisor, he can't, he doesn't, what?"

"Oh Gwen," Laurel hit Gwen in the back of the head. "Look at what you've done."

"What?" Gwen asked, rubbing the back of her head.

"Juliet, pay her no mind. She doesn't know what she's talking about. You're right, he's your advisor, fraternization is not allowed. Don't worry yourself over it. Gwen just has an active imagination." Gwen rolled her eyes and Laurel hit her again.

"I think I'm just not going to think about it," I shrugged. "I just can't handle one more thing to worry about tonight."

"That's the way to do it," Laurel soothed.

Gwen was doing my make up for tonight, much to my step-mother's protests. She had a professional hired for me. Too bad. I didn't trust Millie. She'd make me look like a clown or a French whore or something. James, Millie, and Angelica were all arriving together. For some reason, I was to arrive separate, not that I was complaining. If I didn't have to spend an hour in a half being glared at by Millie it was a good day. She loved trying to make me miserable. I was too nervous to eat dinner. Xavier assured me it would be fine, and if I got hungry there would be refreshments. Before I knew it, I was sitting in a limo with Xavier across from me in four inch heels. I was worrying my bottom lip when Xavier grabbed my hand.

"It will be fine." Xavier assured me for the millionth time.


"Juliet, you look positively breathtaking. You're graceful, lovely, and honest. A bit blunt at times, but you will be refreshing. You're going to do just fine."


"As long as you listen to me, which you have to. A bet's a bet." Xavier smiled. I felt myself smile a little at that.

"Until midnight, then I'm free."

"Don't go all crazy Cinderella on me, okay?"

"Don't you ever tell me to get a salad again," I warned him.

Xavier laughed. "I told you to get a salad because it was light and would be less likely to make you feel ill later. I only did that to try to help you feel better."

"Sure you did. I think you were just abusing the bet."

"That too," Xavier nodded. "I don't imagine I'll ever get this opportunity again."


"Are you ready?"

"No," I shook my head.

"You will be fine," he assured me as we pulled up.

"What if I trip?"

"Then I will fall right beside you and we'll be on the front page of the tabloids." Xavier smiled. "The paparazzi are going to flash the cameras as soon as that door opens. Be braced for it. I'll get out first and lead you through." I nodded and continued to worry on my bottom lip. "Are you ready?" I nodded. "Then smile,"

I placed a pleasant smile on my face and took a deep breath. Xavier tapped on the window and the door opened.

Xavier stepped out and all I saw was a hand. I took it and the next thing I knew I was blinded by lights. "Keep close and smile," Xavier whispered into my ear as he led me by the waist down a carpet into a beautiful ballroom. There were at least a few hundred people milling about around the room mingling mostly. Most of them had either a wine or champagne glass.

"Champagne?" a server asked as she walked by with a silver platter.

"That would be lovely, thank you." I smiled as I grabbed one for me and one for Xavier. "Cheers to making it inside," I offered, handing him one and lifting my glass. He chimed his to mine and we both took a sip I looked around then downed the rest.

"Come, let me escort you to our seats."

James, Millie, and Angelica were seated at one table. Xavier led me to one of the seats. All of the men stood. James, a boy who looked like he was Angelica's date and another one who looked like his friend. Xavier pulled out my chair for me.

"Juliet, you look lovely," James beamed.

"Thanks, you look sharp. Angelica, that dress looked great on a hanger, but on you it's positively banging!"

"Thanks," Angelica looked uncomfortable. "You too," she took the boy's hand.

"Who's your friend?"

"This is Ethan, my fianc
," she smiled up at him like he was the only good thing in the world. I knew that look. Angelica loved this boy. "Ethan, this is my," she let out a cough. ", sister." She managed quietly. That word still caught in her throat. If I had a sister like me . . . well I'd enjoy that but then, I wasn't like Angelica.

"Hello, it's a pleasure," I offered my hand.

"The pleasure is mine," Ethan took my hand and laid a kiss to my gloved hand. His friend nudged him. "And this is a friend of mine. Raleigh Lockwood, Raleigh, I guess this is Juliet."

"The pleasure is all mine," Raleigh smiled as he took my hand from Ethan and kissed it, his eyes never leaving mine. They were a smoldering shade of grey, like winter skies. He had blonde hair that was cropped short into a business style but flattered him.

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