Royal Pain in the Ass (21 page)

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Authors: Heather Trudy

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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re rushing the beats,

And you

re so much better?


m a musician, I have to be,

I laughed.

Just follow my lead,


ve tried that,

I heard a laughing and looked to see Gwen laughing at us.
Wow, you really suck at that,

Thanks, Gwen,

I rolled my eyes.
I take it you

re so much better?

Gwen nodded.
I really am, you

re thinking too much.
Watch this,

Gwen cut in and gave Xavier a curtsy.
May I?
I watched as Xavier and Gwen waltzed around the room.
See, it

s not so hard, but then again, maybe it

s not all you,


s hand cupped her chin and she looked pensive for a moment.

ve got it!
Gwen grabbed my hand and dragged me out down to the stables.
Ben was dealing with a frantic stallion.
Great, Gwen had spooked the horses.

Easy there!

Ben soothed as he got the horse to stop rearing.
Easy there, easy there.

Ben turned to Gwen.
How many times have I told you not to come running in here or yell in here!
People can get hurt,


s face fell.
  “Sorry, Ben. 
I just really needed your help.

Ben sighed and shook his head.
Just be careful.
What did you need?
Hello Juliet,

Ben bowed to me.

Hey Ben, what

s up?


re the ones who came charging into the stables, you tell me.

Ben, remember when I was little and you taught me how to waltz?

“Yes . . .”

Teach Juliet!



s some charity ball tomorrow and Juliet

s got rhythm, but Xavier

s a crappy teacher.

What is the meaning of this?

Xavier panted as he raced into the stables, startling the horses all over again.

Ben is a great teacher, he

ll show Juliet what you can



s that supposed to mean?

Xavier asked as his eyes narrowed.

Let me get these horses calmed down, and I

ll meet you outside.
Go on, you lot, out now.

Ben ordered.

Xavier opened his mouth to say something but I grabbed his arm and started pulling him out of the stables.

ll be out here, Ben.
I called as I pulled a confused Xavier out of the stables, Gwen at my heels.

What just happened?

Xavier growled.

Ben is going to teach Juliet how to waltz because you can

Gwen replied with crossed arms.

I doubt some stable boy can teach what I cannot,

Xavier, this servant crap has to stop,

I snapped.

Yeah, you

re considered help too, just so you know,

Gwen replied as she stuck her tongue out.


s kind of right,

I shrugged.
All the same, we

re all people.

Ben came out and closed the stable doors.
Now what

s all of this nonsense about?

Ben, you have one night to teach Juliet how to waltz.

Gwen shrugged.
  “Kay, go!”

Ben raised an eyebrow.

ve never waltzed?


I don’
t know if I

m a great teacher, but sure, I

ll try.
Let me finish with the horses and I

ll meet you up at the main house.
I need another hour to finish up for the day.

Okay, thanks Ben, we

ll meet you up there.

We headed back up to the main house with Xavier sulking.


s his problem?

Gwen asked as she pulled out a package of cookies.
Want one?

Be nice,
” I warned. “
Of course, why wouldn

t I want a cookie!
How do you always have cookies?

Gwen shrugged.
Perks to being in the kitchen.

Not long after, poor Ben had to deal with me.
Juliet, it

s simpler than you

re making it.
Just let me lead, relax, okay,

Like this,

You have to relax.
I took a deep breath and forced myself to relax my back and shoulders.

Good, now Gwen put the music on.
Ben placed his hand on my waist and took my other hand.
Close your eyes and just let me lead.

He whispered as we started spinning.
Somehow my feet knew where to go.
I opened my eyes and felt the grin spread across my face.
See, you

re a natural! 
You just have to think less.
That was your only problem.
Just relax and have fun with it.

I saw Xavier sulking in an armchair.
He was sitting in it sideways his face turned toward the back of the chair, his legs across the arm, his arms crossed.

I did it!


Xavier, why don

t you have the next dance with her?

Ben suggested as he led me over to him.

You seem to be doing just fine on your own.

Quit being such a whiney sod,

Gwen snapped.
A gentleman doesn

t refuse a lady a dance.
So get up and dance with the pretty girl.
Why do I have to yell at you to make you do this?
You should be jumping at this opportunity!

Gwen, stop that.
If he doesn

t want to dance with me, it

s fine.
He can sit in his chair and watch, but this is fun!

s do that again!

Ben laughed.
Okay, Xavier, are you sure?

Xavier looked over then settled into his chair.
If he wanted to be a baby, fine.

Benjamin, may I have this dance?

I curtsied to him.

It would be my honor Lady Juliet,

Ben bowed and we laughed as we danced.

Somehow in the middle of it, Gwen was suddenly there dancing with Xavier.

t ask me how, but somehow we switched and then they were just gone.
I don’
t know how long Xavier and I were dancing but it was fun and we were laughing for most of it.
The music stopped and I looked around.

I guess they went home,

I shrugged as I suddenly realized I was alone with Xavier.

It would appear so.
Xavier sighed and he checked his watch.
We missed dinner.

s late,

What time is it?

Almost nine.


s go down to the kitchens!

The kitchen staff will have been dismissed by now,


So, who will make us something?


You can cook?


Is it edible?

Not for you if you keep this up,
” I warned.

I don’
t believe you.
I have to see this.

Is this a bet?

If it is?
” Xavier challenged.

What do I get if I win?

What do you want?

I want a day where you don

t boss me around!

That is my job.

Okay, you can stop me from getting arrested or getting the royalty in trouble, but other than that I decide.

Xavier narrowed his eyes.
What do I get if I win?

What do you want?

A day where you do as you

re told when you

re told, no arguments, no tantrums, just obedience.


re on,”
I held my hand out and we shook.
What is our bet anyway?
What are the terms of it?

You just agreed to a contract without reading the fine print?

I looked around.
I know the gist of it, I just have to cook something edible right?

Edible and tasty,


re so on!

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