Royal Pain in the Ass (44 page)

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Authors: Heather Trudy

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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I deleted it along with all the other voicemails he

d left me.
I went out on the balcony and let the warm sticky heat of Florida envelop me.
I let the warm salt breeze fill my nose and every pore.
It was good to be home.

d missed this more than anything else in England.

The next morning I called Chase.

Good morning, sweetheart.

Cut the crap,

I growled.
The fucking paparazzi know I

m home.

I didn

t tell them.

I know.
You want in the limelight?
Fine, go get Loki and my surfboard and meet me at that spot.


I hung up on him.
I had to put up with him, not like him.
I bribed one of the kitchen staff to give me her change of clothes, then went and bought a new bathing suit, a cover up, flip flops, and a hat.
Fuck the paparazzi.
If they wanted a show, fine.
But it was going to be on my terms.
I walked to the best place I knew to surf.
The waves here were always awesome.

There was a nice swell this morning.
It wasn

t long before Chase was blowing up my phone.


I snapped.

Same beach you used to love to surf?


“Okay, I

m here.

Me too.


Come fine me.

I snapped and hung up on him for the second time today.
I had to admit, it felt great.
Unfortunately, it didn

t take him long to find me.
On the plus side, Loki was with him.

he smiled at me.

Yeah, whatever.

I knelt down and Loki bounded over to me.

s a sweetie pie?

s a good boy? 

s a good boy?”
I laughed as he licked my face.

s right!

s my good boy!”


Chase asked.

Yeah, whatever.

I growled at him.

Jules, you

re supposed to be my girlfriend.

Chase, it

s an act.

I don’
t like the way things ended between us.

Was it the cheating?
The cheating with my supposed best friend?
Or that I found out?

Chase sighed.
Jules, you never had any time for me anymore.
  I got lonely.”

“Oh, I

m sorry. 
My mother was a little busy dying!

m so sorry you were lonely.

m sorry I had bills to pay, school to finish up, a full time job, and a sick mother I was trying to keep alive!
Fuck you and your loneliness.

I snapped.


t say it like that,

Chase pouted.

Chase, cut the bullshit.
the wave of fame, just like you wanted.
Get your stupid fifteen minutes of fame and then get the hell out of my life.
I don’
t want you in my life.
I already told you this.
If you didn

t have that stupid tape, I wouldn

t even be talking to you right now you piss poor excuse of a waste of space human being!

Chase was stunned silent for a moment, even Loki was looking unnerved.
Come on Loki,

I called and we bounded into the waves.

I was just excited to have the company of Loki in my hotel with me.
I made the police keep Chase out of the room.
Amanda and Maverick were my only visitors.
This had become my life.

d sneak out to surf if I could, if not I was stuck watching tv or playing video games.
I was beginning to wonder if this was how the rest of my life would be when the last person I expected to see showed up at my door.























Chapter XXII



Um, what are you doing here?

I had to.

t you going to invite me in?

I stepped aside and let Angelica in.
What are you doing here?

Angelica sat down on the couch and looked around nervously.
Is there anything to drink?

I went and grabbed two cokes and handed her one.

s up?

Angelica was chewing on her bottom lip and kept glancing around the room.

Are you expecting to see someone else?

How safe is this room?

What do you mean?

I mean, is anyone else here?

No, and it

s been swept for bugs if you mean that.
The police checked that before I was allowed in.
Apparently they

re used to this sort of thing here.
This is the hotel Johnny Depp likes to use when he

s in town because they

re good about keeping the press out.

Angelica nodded.
And your boyfriend?

I raised an eyebrow.
I don’
t have a boyfriend.

Angelica gave me a skeptical look.


Chase Evans?
Lead singer of Dirty Pumpkings?

Oh that idiot?
  No, he

s not my boyfriend.

Well he thinks he is.

I nodded.

s delusional and an idiot.

But there are pictures of you two together.

I shrugged.
Chase and I used to be something, but he

s an ass and I really don

t give a damn what he does one way or the other.

“I –
I have to tell you something.



m sorry.”

I shrugged.
For what?

For what I did.

I shook my head.
Forget it, you thought I was just after your money.
I wasn

t what you were expecting.

Oh, no, not that part.
Well, I

m sorry for that part too, but that

s not why I

m apologizing.

I raised an eyebrow.
Okay, so what are you apologizing for.


s all my fault.

What is all your fault?

I was jealous because I thought you were going for Ethan because of what he said, then I caught him with my friend and by time I

d realized what was really happening it was too late and everything had already happened.

Angelica let out in one breath, almost unintelligibly.

I narrowed my eyes.
What did you do exactly?

I saw her eye brimming with tears.

m how Chase found you!

she bawled and I felt my jaw clench.

You did what?

I just, I wanted you gone to so bad, and then he was there and it was so easy and god!
  I can

t eat or sleep, I feel so terrible!
And then I caught Ethan with Rosa and oh my god, I feel so bad!

I took a deep breath because at the moment I was fighting the urge to punch something or someone.

An-and then things st-started to ma-make sense.

Angelica sobbed.

m so-sorry.  I di-didn

t mean for this to ha-happen.
Things just got out of hand so fast.

I watched her cry and I sincerely
wanted to hit her.
I hoped she wasn

t looking for comfort from me.

I went over to the freezer and poured myself a glass of vodka.

What gave you the right?

I growled after downing it and glaring at her.


m sorry! 
I had no right!

Angelica sobbed, nearly hysterical now.

Do you have any idea what that asshole has put me through?


Do you have any idea what I

ve been through period?
What sort of bullshit I

ve had to deal with in my life?


No, you don

Because you

re a spoiled little princess who gets whatever she wants with no regard to anyone else.
  You don

t care about anyone but yourself.
You are spoiled rotten and thus you don

t really see what you did wrong.

I told you I

m sorry!”

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