You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side (32 page)

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Authors: Sherrie Dillard

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology

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nificance of the small acts that we take each day. The physical world is a dim reflection of the beauty, love and magnificence of our eternal nonphysical reality. Let go of your expectations, preconceived

ideas and biases, be curious and open. Receive, pause and do not

jump to conclusions. This perspective accelerates your growth in

leaps and bounds.

Although it is important to be reverent and respectful of the

other side, develop a sense of humor. Don’t take the spirit realm

too seriously. The other side certainly doesn’t. They laugh, tell

jokes, drop things in our path and even at times try to scare us,

just for fun. Laughter is expansive energy. It loosens the energy field and lifts the consciousness to higher levels of clarity and truth.

When doing the following exercises, do not take yourself too se-

riously. This limits and restricts your ability to receive. Sometimes in-between especially intense medium sessions, I try to take a few

minutes to watch a short online comedy video or go to my favorite

humor sites. I search for a laugh. It lightens up the energy and allows me to become more receptive. Stress and tension act like sand

bags that keep an air balloon tethered to the ground.

I have a friend who was getting ready to begin a new career ven-

ture. The night before she was to launch herself into her new work

Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations ~ 219

she had a humorous dream. She knew that it was significant but

she was not sure exactly what it meant. In the dream she was the

lead singer in a band with four musicians who called themselves

the “Call on Us Gang”. The band was getting ready to perform in

front of a large group of people and although she had never sang or played an instrument before she was excited and ready. When she

asked me about the dream I immediately saw her band mates sur-

rounding her. They were her spirit guides who wanted her to know

that they were her back-up band.

“Tell her to, call on us, we are always here to help her.” They told me.

Remind yourself that even though you are not always aware

of it, your spirit guides and loved ones on the other side are your band, singing and playing along with you.

Pay Attention to your Earth School Lessons

When you engage with the spirit realm your earth school lessons

intensify. Developing your medium abilities is not an escape from

your everyday mundane responsibilities and challenges. It does

not excuse you from participating in the ups and downs of life. As

much as we would like it to be, it is not a magic formula where

problems and issues immediately disappear. Although you must

still meet your challenges, medium development enhances your in-

sight and ability to learn and participate in your earth lessons. You still engage in everyday issues such as relationship, career, financial and health concerns, but with a renewed understanding of the significant role that they play in your soul plan. As you do this your life begins to transform.

When you develop your ability to communicate with the other

side, you begin to receive the higher vibrations of divine love and wisdom. This is the energy that your loved ones on the other side

reside in. When you open yourself to their energy the divine flows

in. You are refining yourself from the inside out. The conditions

220 ~ Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations
and circumstances that do not support your highest self fall away.

This might at times feel like loss and the opposite of what you de-

sire. Yet, like a snake shedding a skin, this is only temporary. Eventually you integrate the compassionate cosmic flow of spirit energy within the circumstances of your life. Without effort you create

new conditions and positive experiences. What you need sponta-

neously comes to you before you even ask. You naturally attract

people who can support, love and respect you. Your physical body

is rejuvenated and made healthy by the inflow of vibrant spiritual

energy. Love fills your heart and mind and you are never alone. De-

spite the ups and downs of physical reality, your bathe in an inner knowing that you are safe and loved. Fear evaporates and you become a light of strength and guidance to others.

Know that you are Worthy

Love yourself. If you have low self-esteem, habitually engage in

negative self-talk and lack confidence, you unconsciously sabotage

your attempts at developing your medium abilities. Do all that you

can to heal past wounds and love and take care of yourself. Close

your eyes breathe and ask your angels for help and healing. Do this every day.

Developing your medium abilities requires patience, practice

and trusting yourself and the spirit realm. If you lack confidence

in yourself you will have a hard time trusting the intuitive impressions, thoughts and feelings that you receive. Even if you receive

clear and accurate information and guidance, you may doubt and

disregard your abilities.

The source of your intuition and your ability to communicate

with the other side is your spirit. Your loved ones on the other side, your spirit guides and angels want to connect with you and they

will do all that they can to reach out to you, love you and facilitate communication.

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There is no getting around it. To develop your medium abilities

you must have a regular meditation practice. If you have read even

one book or taken a class on developing intuitive or medium abili-

ties, you most likely have heard of the benefits of meditation. I too, believe in its importance. Think of meditation as opening the door

and welcoming into your home friendly and loving company. Your

loved ones, angels and spirit guides respond when invited. Medita-

tion allows your mind and heart to open and receive their energy


Despite its value in inducing an inner state of calm and intuitive

receptivity, many people are frustrated in their attempts and give

up. Like others, you may have a difficult time settling your mind

and releasing constant inner talk and tumultuous emotions. In

this busy, multitasking world that we live in, it can be at times be difficult to go from full speed ahead to relaxed. I have found that before settling down to mediate, engaging in a transition activity

can be beneficial to inducing a more ready state. You might want to read a passage from an uplifting book, light a candle, listen to relaxing music or nature sounds or write in a journal before attempting

to meditate. These activities prepare your mind and emotions to

wind down and receive. Sometimes it can be helpful to engage in

a physical activity like running, yoga, swimming or walking your

dog. To get the most from a meditative state it is best to gradually slow down, shift gears and relax.

When you are ready to meditate find a place in your home

where you can be undisturbed for a period of time. Sit on the same

comfortable cushion or in the same chair and try to meditate at the same time every day. This has a couple of benefits. You train your

mind, emotions and body to relax each time you sit in this spot and you increase its psychic energy. Then each time you meditate you

can tap into this energy and add to its potency.

222 ~ Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations
When I teach classes in my office a student often sits in the chair that I use when I do readings. I have been using this same chair in the same spot in the room for many years. For the student, it is like sitting in a psychic vortex. In no time they are the class star amazing others with their psychic ability.

I suggest that you meditate without the thought of communi-

cating with the other side until you are comfortable with achieving a relaxed and quiet state of mind.


Meditation to Prepare for

Communicating with the Other Side

• Begin by closing your eyes, slowly inhale and notice your

thoughts, then release them through the out breath. Continue

to breathe in relaxing breath. Move the breath through the

body and exhale any stress or tension through the out breath.

You might want to set a timer for five or ten minutes to begin

and then slowly increase the time that you spend in media-


• As you become comfortable with this relaxing process you will

begin to look forward to this quiet inner space. In meditation

you enter an interior world. In this inner realm your intuitive

senses awaken and you can tune into subtle sensations and the

soft presence of spirit.

• Once you are comfortable with simply breathing and relaxing,

strengthen your meditative state by imagining that you are

breathing white light down through the top of the head. Move

this breath through the body. White light energy originates in

the higher vibrations of love and peace. It is the divine breath.

When you visualize white light you invite unconditional love

and blessings into your body, mind and spirit.

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• As you breathe white light energy down through the top of

the head, move it through your body and exhale it through

the heart. Continue breathing in white light. Allow it to circu-

late through your body, loosening and relaxing any stress and

tension. Then exhale through the heart.

• Feel your heart begin to open. Release any negativity, old

wounds and hurts through the outbreath. Bathe your heart in

the divine breath.

• As you continue to breathe in white light, imagine your mind

and heart opening. Feel your consciousness expand as your

mind merges with the divine mind. Feel the presence of love

as soft energy filling your heart. Continue to breathe in this

energy. Rest, open and allow love to fill you.

• When you ready, send warm thoughts of love and gratitude to

the spirit realm. Open your eyes.

It is helpful to have a journal or tape recorder close by. Quite

often you will spontaneously receive impressions, images, hear

voices or feel sensations. Even though at the time these kinds of

inner occurrences may seem insignificant, I suggest documenting

whatever you receive. Many times we disregard what we intuitively

obtain as unimportant. Then days or weeks later we begin to ob-

serve a pattern or understand the significance of what we are expe-


Preparation for Connecting to the Other Side

Having a loved one pass over to the other side can be one of life’s most painful experiences. The grief can be overwhelming and last

for weeks and months. Your world can feel like it has been turned

upside down. When someone that we love leaves the physical world

we can feel like we are torn in half. In energetic reality we are as loving another creates an energy bond. When the energy field that

love creates shifts due to the passing over of one person to the spirit
224 ~ Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations
realm, we can feel raw and vulnerable. Even when we have the assurance that our loved ones are alive and well on the other side, we still miss their company and physical presence.

Most people want to communicate with those on the other

side that they most love and miss. Yet, for the beginner it is these beloved spirits who may be the most difficult to initially connect

with. Strong emotion, grief, sadness and mourning create an emo-

tional barrier that can diffuse and create static in your attempts

to feel a connection. For this reason, I recommend that in the fol-

lowing exercises you pick a relative or loved one to communicate

with who has been in the spirit realm for several years and one that you no longer are actively grieving. It can also be helpful to have a friend or more than one person to develop your abilities with. You

can tune into one of their relatives and they in turn can tune into one of yours. Once you are feeling more confident in your intuitive receptivity you can invite other loved ones into your practice.

As your medium abilities develop it will be easier to tune into and clearly communicate with those whom you share a deep emotional


Loved ones on the other side like to communicate with us.

Sometimes people ask me if they might be disturbing their rest

or interfering with the activities of those on the other side. I have found those in the spirit realm are eager to connect with us. Remember they have free will and choice to refuse our invitation. We

can never force or make someone become available to us. At the

same time, be open to the possibility that who comes forward in

these exercises may not be the person who you are expecting. There

may be someone on the other side who shares similar strengths in

intuiting and is better able to communicate and help you to de-

velop who will be present.

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Develop Exercises by Medium Type

The following exercises are designed for each of the four intuitive medium types. To be able to connect and communicate with the

other side you will need to develop the skills of all four of the types.

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