You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side (35 page)

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Authors: Sherrie Dillard

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology

BOOK: You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side
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what you receive.

• When you ready, send warm thoughts of love and gratitude to

your loved one. Open your eyes. Write down or speak into the

tape recorder the description of the image that you received.

Level Three: Communicate and Dialogue

In this exercise you will begin to communicate and dialogue with

the other side. Do not do this exercise until you have practiced all four medium type exercises for level one and two. It is necessary to have some practice with all four of the medium types as those on the other side may send you messages through any of these four channels.

Emotional Mediums

Objective Level Three

Imagine an image that represents the emotional energy that you

are receiving from the other side and let it communicate to you

Physical Mediums

Objective Level Three:

Allow the picture or object of your loved one in spirit to com-

municate to you.

Mental Mediums

Objective Level Three:

240 ~ Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations
Imagine an image that represents the thought energy that you

are receiving from the other side and allow it to communicate

Spiritual Mediums

Objective Level Three:

Imagine an image that represents the energy vibrations that you

are receiving and allow it communicate.

Medium Opening Meditation

• Close your eyes and breathe in long and deep relaxing breaths.

Move the energy through the body and exhale any stress and

tension. Continue this cleansing and relaxing breath. When

you feel relaxed imagine that you are breathing white light

down through the top of the head. Move this breath through

the body and exhale any stress and tension.

• As you breathe in white light energy down through the top of

the head, move it through your body and exhale it through

the heart. Continue breathing in white light. Allow it to circu-

late through your body, loosening and relaxing any stress and

tension. Then exhale through the heart.

• As you continue to breathe in white light, imagine your mind

opening. Feel the white light breath filling your mind with

white light. Exhale any stress and tension. Continue to breathe

in white light energy and feel your heart and mind open.

• Breathe in white light breath and move it through the body.

Feel your body filling with white light, open and relaxed. Con-

tinue to breathe in this way. Breathe in white light and imag-

ine it expanding beyond the physical body. Imagine that you

are surrounded by an orb of white light. Feel your energy field

open and relaxed. Breathing white light into your mind, heart,

body and spirit. Feel yourself invigorated and at one with the

spirit realm.

Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations ~ 241

• Now proceed to one of the four mediations to complete the


Emotional Medium

• Breathe white light energy down through the top of your head

and exhale through your heart. Draw into your awareness a

loved one who has passed over. Repeat their name a few times.

Send him or her a message that you would like to communi-

cate. Keep breathing and relax. Feel your heart opening.

• Create an inner image of your loved one. You can imagine

them from a photograph or just use your imagination and

create an image. Perceive this in as much detail as possible.

What are they wearing? What is the expression on their face?

You might want to repeat the name of your loved one a few


• Keep in mind that you may not actually “see” an image. You

may instead feel or simply sense it. When you feel as if you

have a sense of an image ask yourself “What emotion or feel-

ing am I receiving form him or her? Continue this process

until you feel an emotional connection.

• Send feelings of love to your loved one. Listen and ask him

or her if they have a message for you. Be patient and listen.

You may begin to experience a wide range of emotions or a

deep sense of peace and feelings of being loved. You may feel

a warm embrace of healing energy. They may also answer you

with another image or symbol, a thought or the spontaneous

recall of a memory.

• Keep breathing and relax. Continue in this way until you feel

the energy begin to fade. Do not try to analyze and figure out

what you receive. If you do you may lose the energy connec-


242 ~ Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations

• When you ready, send warm thoughts of love and gratitude

to your loved one. Open your eyes. Write down or speak into

the tape recorder a description of the image that you received.

Physical Medium

Hold in your hand the object, photograph or a piece of paper with

your loved ones name on it in your hand. Breathe white light en-

ergy down through the top of your head and exhale through your

heart. Draw into your awareness the loved one who has passed over

who you wish to connect with Repeat their name a few times. Send

him or her, the message that you would like to communicate. Keep

breathing and relax.

• Create an inner image of your loved one. You can imagine

them from the photograph you are holding or just use your

imagination and create an image. Perceive this in as much de-

tail as possible. What are they wearing? What is the expres-

sion on their face? You might want to repeat the name of your

loved one a few times.

• Keep in mind that you may not actually “see” an image.

You may instead know it or simply sense it. When you feel

as if you have a sense of them scan your body and check for

any changes or shifts in how you feel. Do you feel lighter or

heavier? Are you experiencing any aches and pains or do

you feel energized? Pay attention to your stomach and solar

plexus. Continue this process until you feel a shift of energy

in your body.

• Send feelings of love to your loved one. Listen and ask him

or her if they have a message for you. Be patient and listen.

You may feel your loved ones presence as a touch on your

hand or shoulder, a warmth close by or a light in your room

may flicker. They may also answer you with a feeling, another

Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations ~ 243

image or symbol, a thought or the spontaneous recall of a


• Keep breathing and relax. Continue in this way until you feel

the energy begin to fade. Do not try to analyze and figure out

what you receive. If you do you may lose the energy connec-


• When you ready, send warm thoughts of love and gratitude to

your loved one. Open your eyes. Write down or speak into the

tape recorder a description of any images that you received.

Mental Medium

• Breathe white light energy down through the top of your head

and exhale through your heart. Imagine white light quieting

your mind. Notice your thoughts and release them one at a

time. Breathe and relax. Draw into your awareness the loved

one who has passed over who you wish to connect with Re-

peat their name a few times. Send him or her, the message that

you would like to communicate. Keep breathing and relax.

• Create an inner image of your loved one. You can imagine

them from a photograph or just use your imagination and

create an image. Perceive this in as much detail as possible.

What are they wearing? What is the expression on their face?

You might want to repeat the name of your loved one a few


• Keep in mind that you may not actually “see” an image. You

may instead know it or simply sense it. When you feel as if

you have a sense of them, breathe and quiet your mind. If you

begin to have an influx of thoughts and become distracted

draw your awareness back to the breath and the image that

you have created.

• Send feelings of love to your loved one. Listen and ask him

or her if they have a message for you. Be patient and listen.

244 ~ Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations
You may hear, spontaneously know or receive information

through thoughts. They might also answer you with a feel-

ing, another image or symbol or the spontaneous recall of

a memory. Do not overthink this process. You may begin to

have thought after thought. Keep breathing and focus on the

image of your loved one. Thought messages from the other

side are likely to surprise you with their simplicity.

• Keep breathing and relax. Continue in this way until you feel

the energy begin to fade. Do not try to analyze and figure out

what you receive. If you do you may lose the energy connec-


• When you ready, send warm thoughts of love and gratitude

to your loved one. Open your eyes. Write down or speak into

the tape recorder a description of the image that you received.

Spiritual Medium

• Breathe white light energy down through the top of your head

and exhale through your heart. Imagine sending white light

breath down through your entire body. Breathe and relax.

Feel energy move through you. Draw into your awareness the

loved one who has passed over who you wish to connect with.

Repeat their name a few times. Send him or her, the message

that you would like to communicate. Keep breathing and


• Create an inner image of your loved one. You can imagine

them from a photograph or just use your imagination and

create an image. Perceive this in as much detail as possible.

What are they wearing? What is the expression on their face?

You might want to repeat the name of your loved one a few


• Keep in mind that you may not actually “see” an image. You

may instead know it or simply sense it. If you begin to see

Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations ~ 245

flashes of light or color especially purple this is an indication

that you are receiving higher vibrations of energy. You may

also see many images and become overwhelmed by your per-

ceptions. If this happens, repeat your loved ones name and

focus on an image of him or her.

• Send feelings of love to your loved one. Listen and ask him

or her if they have a message for you. Be patient and listen.

You may feel their tangible presence close to you. Their image

may begin to communicate with you. They might also answer

you with a feeling, another image or symbol, a thought or

the spontaneous recall of a memory. Again, focus on the en-

ergy that is coming from your loved one. If you begin to have

image after image emerge, focus on the images that feel the

most intense.

• Keep breathing and relax. Continue in this way until you feel

the energy begin to fade. Do not try to analyze and figure out

what you receive. If you do you may lose the energy connec-


• When you ready, send warm thoughts of love and gratitude

to your loved one. Open your eyes. Write down or speak into

the tape recorder a description of the image that you received.

Level Four: Bringing it all Together

Objective: Medium Session

Congratulations! You are ready for a medium session. The following

exercise will help you to make use of the many skills that you have been practicing. Be ready and willing to receive energy information through all four medium types. Unlike the other exercises, you will not ask for a particular loved one from the other side to draw close.

Instead allow whatever spirit is present to communicate to you. I

recommend that you say the prayer of protection from earlier in the
246 ~ Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations
chapter or a similar one before you begin. Intend to invite only a loving presence from the light into your practice.

• Close your eyes and breathe in long and deep relaxing breaths.

Move the energy through the body and exhale any stress and

tension. Continue this cleansing and relaxing breath. Imagine

that you are breathing white light down through the top of

the head. Move this breath through the body and exhale any

stress and tension.

• As you breathe in white light energy down through the top of

the head, move it through your body and exhale it through

the heart. Continue breathing in white light. Allow it to circu-

late through your body, loosening and relaxing any stress and

tension. Then exhale through the heart.

• As you continue to breathe in white light, imagine your mind

opening. Feel the white light breath relaxing and quieting

your mind. Exhale any stress and tension. Continue to breathe

in white light energy and allow it to expand your heart and

open you mind.

• Breathe in white light and imagine it expanding beyond the

physical body. Imagine that you are surrounded by white

light. Breathe white light into your mind, heart, body and

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