You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side (36 page)

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Authors: Sherrie Dillard

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology

BOOK: You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side
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spirit. Imagine that you are at one with the spirit realm.

• Send a thought or feeling message to those in the spirit realm.

Ask for a loved one to come close and communicate with you.

Keep breathing and relaxing. Be patient and calm.

• Pay attention to any sensations, emotions, thoughts and im-

ages that you receive. Do not try to figure them out and over-

think. Simply stay in a receptive mode. Breathe, relax and


• When you sense a loved one, receive a visual image, see streaks of light or color or you simply know that a presence is close,

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ask for a message. Continue breathing and relaxing, listening

and receiving.

• Allow images, thoughts, feelings and sensations to surface. Do not rush this process or expect too much. If you are confused

or overwhelmed or feel very little, ask the spirit to increase

the energy and strengthen the quality of an image.

• Keep breathing and relax. Continue in this way until you feel

the energy begin to fade. Do not try to analyze what you re-

ceive. If you do you may lose the energy connection.

• When you ready, send warm thoughts of love and gratitude

to your loved one. Open your eyes. Write down or speak into

the tape recorder all that you received. Include any thoughts,

feelings, body sensations and images.

Interpreting What you Receive in a Session

The following is a list of guidelines for interpreting the images,

thoughts, feelings and impression that you receive in the exercises.

• Assume the beginners mind. Do not try to immediately un-

derstand and figure out what you receive.

• Energy is alive. What you receive may change and evolve, let


• Trust your initial impressions.

• Expect to be surprised

• Use your intuition to interpret what you have received. Ac-

curate intuitive interpretation involves both the left and right

brain. Allow your thinking mind to suggest an interpretation.

Use your right (intuitive) brain to confirm, and get a sense of

what feels correct.

• If you intuitively receive numbers, letters, words or names use free association to discern meaning. For instance: the number

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four may indicate four, days, weeks or months. Get an intuitive sense of what feels right to you. Some words and names

have literal meaning. For example if the name John comes to

you in some way, it is likely John is present. Names of towns

and places like, Chicago or the gym might signify these actual


• Use your intuitive type to guide you in interpreting what you

intuitively receive. An emotional medium can use their feel-

ings as a barometer for what feels correct or inaccurate while

interpreting a message. A mental medium can trust their

inner sense of knowing as an interpreting guide. Spiritual me-

diums can tune into their angels and guides for further help

and the physical medium can confirm accurate interpreta-

tions through their gut feelings.

• Know that even if what you receive seems confusing at first,

you will, probably at a later time, receive a flash of under-


• Take your time and don’t push. Relax and try to enjoy the

process. You may spontaneously and unexpectedly receive the

interpretation days or weeks later.

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Medium Help 911

Death is the great awakener. When someone that you love

passes over to the other side, a bit of you goes with them.

Even when you know in your heart that they are safe in the heavens

among family and friends, you still miss them. Grieving is a process that like death, can shake us to our core. Compassion, understanding, supportive friends and family can help us through the difficult and lonely days and nights. But still it is not easy. When someone

passes over we can experience an emptiness that nothing seems to

be able to fill. However death makes its way into your life you are forever changed.

Although you may be grieving the passing of a loved one, it

is important to be aware that you can still be a source of help to

him or her. When death arrives our loved ones seem gone forever.

But they are not. You still miss their phone calls, warm presence, a touch on the hand and their laughter. Yet, learning how to communicate and connect with them not only helps you, it also supports

them in a variety of ways.



The following exercises, meditations and suggestions provide a

way for you to be of further help and be of service to a loved one.

In the process your relationship with him or her evolves in unex-

pected ways. Although they are now living in another dimension,

an unexpected comfort and a tangible sense of their presence is still possible.

Talking About Death

Helping our loved ones during their transition to the other side can have a significant positive impact on their journey into the spirit realm and on our continued relationship with them. As a culture

we are embarrassingly afraid of talking about death. While we can

lovingly tend to a loved one’s physical needs, we are less comfort-

able discussing and talking about the dying process. I know that

it is not easy to broach the topic. You may not feel as if it is your place to discuss death with someone who is dying. Yet, I have found that most people, who are in the process of making the transition, find it a relief to share their thoughts and feelings. They are usually thankful when someone brings up the topic. Many people

who are aware of their imminent passing fear that if they approach

this topic with their friends and family it will only upset and cause them undue pain. If you would like to broach the subject of dying

and the other side to a loved one, open the door to conversation in a gentle way. If your loved one is ready and willing to take the discussion any further they will recognize and seize the opportunity.

It can be helpful to begin by talking about your personal feelings

and beliefs of life after death and communication with the other

side. However do not expect others to necessarily readily agree with you. My mother was a Methodist minister and not at all interested

in metaphysics, new age beliefs, psychics or mediums. Yet, when she was dying of cancer she wanted me to talk about what I knew of the

other side. This might not necessarily seem noteworthy, unless you

knew my mother. A Bible believing woman with a graduate degree

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in religion from Duke University she was not a fan of my work as

a psychic and medium. That all changed when she was dying. The

closer she got to passing over, the more she wanted me to tell her

what I knew of the other side. Even though in her work as a minis-

ter she had cared for many who were in the process of dying, when

physical death came close she did not know what to expect and

needed reassurance. In response to her questions, I told her what I knew of the other side. Our discussion helped to calm her anxiety

and an inner peace settled in. Assure your loved ones that the other side is a realm of love, acceptance, compassion and forgiveness. Let them know that they will not feel any more pain or discomfort and

that their family members and loved ones are waiting to welcome

them home.

If your loved one does not share the same beliefs as you, do

not argue or try to convince them that you are right. Listen and let them share their thoughts. Whatever their perception of the afterlife may be, assure him or her that they will experience uncondi-

tional love and peace.

The Hand of Spirit

When physical death is imminent almost everyone begins to see

and sense their loved ones on the other side. Sometimes they con-

nect and communicate with their loved ones through dreams.

Often their family and friends in spirit can be seen sitting on their bed or watching over them. At times, people deny their loved ones’

presence and believe that they have an over active imagination or

that they are experiencing a hallucination. Loved ones on the other side come close to us during our transition to comfort and guide

us. Asking a loved one if they are aware of a family member on the

other side can help them to accept their presence and accept their


Close to the time of passing over, many people become fear-

ful as to where they are going and what to expect. It is difficult for
Medium Help 911 ~ 253

some to let go and leave the physical body. It can be helpful to tell your loved one that a family member or loved one will come and

help them over. If they have a beloved pet on the other side, it may also come forward to comfort and help them.

Tell your loved one, that when they feel that their time has

come to make the journey to their spirit home, to go towards the

light. This might seem like an overused and trite comfort, but to a loved one who is passing over it can be a much needed support and

guide. You might also let them know that an angel or loved one will take their hand and guide them.

Passing Alone

Do not be surprised if your loved one passes when they are alone.

One of the most common regrets that I hear from clients in me-

dium sessions is their guilt at not being present when their loved

one passed over. If this happens to you, it is no accident.

I had a client who quit her job and moved across the country

to care for her father after he was diagnosed with cancer. For over a year she lived in his home and took care of all of his needs. He

spent the last week of physical life in the hospital with his daughter by his side day and night. She stepped out of the room to get breakfast one morning and when she returned she discovered that her

father had passed over. She was racked with guilt for not being with him in his last moments here. When she came in for a reading, her

father immediately came forward from spirit to thank her for her

love and care. He also explained to her that he could not leave in

her presence. It was too difficult. He felt the other side pulling him into spirit. But his daughters love was keeping him in the physical. He apologized and told her that when she left the room that

morning a light in space opened, filled him with love and he could

not resist. She assured him that she understood and she was glad

that he passed over in love. This was her concern. She was at peace knowing that it was not her bad timing, but fate at work.

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The time of passing is not random. It is as meaningful as our time

of birth into the physical world. It is a joyous event when a soul

unites with the source of all of creation. Family members who are

caring for ill loved ones sometimes ask me if I can tell them when

their loved one will pass. Watching a loved one go through the pro-

cess of dying can be difficult and even overwhelming. Yet, the time of death is a personal and intimate exchange between an individual

and the heavens. It is not always for us to know.

When the light of the other side draws close, blessings and un-

expected wonders often take place. Many people tell me of the deep

and profound look of peace on their loved one’s face when they

pass over. Honor physical death as a path to pure love. Even if a

loved one passes over unexpectedly in an accident, through drugs

or alcohol, in war or in a wide spread tragedy. Know that once in

the light, unfathomable love, peace, forgiveness greets them.

Mediations and Medium Type

Your innate intuitive awareness provides you with an often ignored

avenue of loving service to your loved ones during the time of transition. You do not have to be an expert intuitive or medium to tune into and facilitate healing and provide assistance to the dying. The time immediately before, after and during someone’s passing is a

time of increased energetic potency. As a loved one shifts their energy into the spirit body they are aided by powerful angelic and

divine forces. Positive energy is heightened during the time of transition. Tuning in and connecting with your loved one through visu-

alizations and mediations can have a profound effect on both you

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