You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side (31 page)

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Authors: Sherrie Dillard

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Parapsychology

BOOK: You Are a Medium: Discover Your Natural Abilities to Communicate With the Other Side
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and laughed and carried on with the audience. About twenty min-

utes later, he put his head down again and in a man’s voice asked

about what the talk had been about.

The Seers

Spiritual Intuitives

Spiritual intuitives receive energy information through the energy

field. This might be a little harder for some to understand. All living things emit an electromagnetic energy that is for the most part invisible to the eye. This is commonly referred to as the
. Many intuitives and mediums are able to see or sense the aura or energy

field that surrounds the body. This can look like a multicolored

glow from a light bulb or rays of the sun. A spiritual intuitive will often comment that they pull information out of the air or that

they sense things and have no idea how or why they do.

212 ~ Your Medium Potential

Spiritual Medium

Do you ever see flashes of light or color or the image of a loved one who is on the other side? Feel the presence of a loved one who has

passed over in your home or car? Have you ever woken up and felt

that you were busy and active all night while in the dream state? Do you sometimes feel that you are in the company of an angel? These

are common experiences for a spiritual medium.

A spiritual medium receives intuitive impulses in a more elu-

sive way than the other types so their connections may tend to

feel imaginary and dreamy. A spiritual medium is likely to have

encounters with ghosts, spirit guides and divine beings. Having a

depth of spiritual wisdom, they can also often intuit the lessons

and higher purpose within their own lives and the lives of others.

Spiritual mediums are connected to the other side in ways that

can be hard to fully appreciate. For most spiritual mediums, the

other side is not far away and abstract. Because this type of me-

dium intuits through their energy field or spirit they have a natural and comfortable affinity with spiritual and lofty vibrations. Spiritual mediums tend to be aware of the soul purpose and lessons that

others are meant to be learning here and in the beyond. Because of

this they can provide a wide range of useful guidance and informa-


The Sensitive Aura

A spiritual medium’s aura or the electromagnetic energy field that

surrounds their physical body is usually expansive, flowing and

can reach out across time and space. It absorbs and receives spiri-

tual energy and connects them to those on the other side. Not all

spiritual mediums are aware of their highly sensitized aura and are often confused by the images, flashes of light and random apparitions that they randomly perceive. Without intent and thought

they can have one foot in the physical world and the other in the

spiritual realm.

Your Medium Potential ~ 213

The spiritual medium’s highly sensitive energy field is inter-

twined with their nervous system. Spiritual energy can affect

them in baffling and unpredictable ways. They may be attracted to

meditation, altered states of consciousness and find transcendent

spiritual states soothing, nurturing and comfortable. Intuiting too much energy can also cause a spiritual medium to become spacy,

forgetful and lazy. A physical medium picks up the denser physical

vibrations and communication with the other side as
. A mental medium whose energy is focused in thought can talk their self

out of believing in other worldly communication and an emotional

medium can be overwhelmed by the emotions they receive. A spiri-

tual medium does not have these concerns. For most, communica-

tion with the other side is an accepted reality. Their issue instead is their tendency to allow their consciousness to freely drift in spiritual currents and lose touch with the practical reasons for further developing their skills.


Many mediums can visually see spiritual beings. However this abil-

ity comes most naturally to spiritual mediums. The ability to vi-

sually see energy information is called
. Clairvoyant images vary in intensity and depth. They may fade or drift, be a

partial image or more third dimensional looking. Quite often these

visions and images are more inward and dream like. However a

clairvoyant vision can appear in the external world as solid and

physical. In medium readings spirits commonly communicate in-

formation to me in this way. Quite often a loved one on the other

side can describe such specific details as the flowers in my client’s garden, the color of their bedroom walls, a specific picture, and the pattern on their china. I initially become aware of loved ones in

spirit through clairvoyance. I am usually able to see those on the

other side in surprising detail. Their clothing, the expression on

214 ~ Your Medium Potential

their face, the way they stand or sit and their jewelry all can stand out. I can assure you we still have style in spirit.

Natural Mediums

Unlike the other types, a spiritual medium is usually aware that

they are connecting and communicating with the other side. They

are innately wired to be aware of non-physical reality. For an experienced spiritual medium the spiritual realm is so familiar it can

feel like a second home. They visit it through their dreams, day-

dreams and visions and like to escape there as often as possible. As children many spiritual mediums were able to sense and communicate with deceased family members, angels and spirits. They may

have memories of seeing grandpa who passed over years earlier

sitting in the rocker and Aunt Anne helping in the kitchen. Spiri-

tual mediums are also more likely to encounter ghosts and other

spiritual entities than the other types. Because they naturally bond with spiritual energy, they can become stressed and anxious in the

presence of ghosts and wandering and lost souls. Although they are

aware of these spirits, they do not always know how to detach and

disengage from them. It can be confusing to encounter random

spirit strangers and dream of loved ones and other celestial visitors.

At a young age many spiritual mediums began to repress and hide

their intuitive ability. Not wanting to be thought of as kooky and

different they do their best to silence their natural intuitive talents.

For the spiritual mediums that grew up feeling misunderstood and

not accepted, developing their medium abilities later in life can be an emotionally healing experience.

Engaging With the World

Although spiritual mediums are naturally attuned to the spiritual

realm, some avoid sharing and developing their gifts. They may like floating in the extrasensory lofty experience of spiritual energy so much that they become ineffective. Instead of fulfilling their earth
Your Medium Potential ~ 215

lessons they can live in an alternate reality of day dreams and fleeting spiritual sensations. Satisfied with their stimulating inner world they become unmotivated and dissipate their potential. For this

type of spiritual medium, energy is a transcendent seduction that

need serve no purpose in the world. In the everyday earthly realm

they may feel as if they are strangers from another place. The challenge for these kinds of spiritual mediums is to discover meaning

and purpose in the here and now.

However many spiritual mediums go in an opposite direction.

At ease and usually adept at communicating and connecting with

those on the other side, they desire to become professional medi-

ums. They retain a distant memory of life in the ethereal cosmos

and love to visit its special magic and love centered warmth as often as possible. With devotion and drive they develop their abilities in order to bring those in the physical and spiritual together. They see the interplay between the two realms and seek to understand the

bigger purpose and meaning in life. For them the physical world is

a temporary assignment in their overall soul plan. Like a magnet

they feel as if they have been pulled to the earth to be of service for a greater purpose. Just taking the leap to acknowledge their medium abilities and practice and share them with others, is all that they may need to do to further develop as a medium.

216 ~ Your Medium Potential


Mastering Medium Abilities:

Exercises and Meditations

The natural impulse to develop the ability to communicate

with the other side is a call from your soul, awakening you to

your true identity. Although from the human point of view it may

seem that spirit communication is simply an interesting pastime,

when you are motivated to develop medium abilities your soul has

a bigger agenda in mind. A new you, comes to light when you en-

gage the power of your spirit. As you expand your circumference

of awareness you begin to participate in the full continuum of life.

The physical realm is just one aspect of the vast multidimensional

spectrum that we are all a part of. The spirit realm is all around

us. It is where you are right now. As you develop your ability to

communicate with the nonphysical you activate you wake up to a

larger vision of reality. Your innate medium abilities are the doorway through which your most powerful self emerges.

In this chapter I provide exercises and meditations which enable

you to develop and refine your innate intuitive connections with

the other side into useful medium abilities. However, learning how

to effectively communicate with your loved ones, angels and guides

involves more than just acquiring and practicing skills. In the process your spirit awakens, emerges and the eternal you is activated.


When you communicate with the spirit realm, you become more

spirit yourself. You begin to interpret and perceive reality through a much broader lens.

It is important to approach the spirit realm with respect and

with an open mind and heart. This is more than a parlor trick and

a way to impress your friends and family. When you open yourself

to the other side you invite transformative energy into your con-

sciousness. You will change, grow and evolve.


To achieve the best possible results in your efforts to further de-

velop your intuitive medium type I recommend the following prac-


Become Aware of Your Intent

Why do you want to communicate with the other side? Your rea-

sons for wanting to develop your medium abilities are just as im-

portant as your level of intuitive proficiency. The spirit realm

cannot support your desire to connect if you are only interested in becoming more powerful, special or if you wish to separate yourself from others. You will still be able to develop your intuitive abilities, as this is a normal and natural function that we all have. But, you will not attract the highest degree of help and guidance from

the spirit realm. This is not because your angels and guides are ignoring or punishing you. Instead self-centered ego thoughts and

feelings are a dense vibration. They weigh you down and prevent

you from accessing the higher levels of wisdom and love. What you

perceive and connect with will be nonphysical energies that are in

the denser astral levels of spirit. Because these energies are usually fear based thought forms and negative entities, you may become

confused and frustrated instead of enlightened and filled with love.

Your loved ones, your angels and spirit guides can only work with

you if your intent is based on greater principals. Open hearted lov-218 ~ Mastering Medium Abilities: Exercises and Meditations ing, giving, sharing, supporting others and service is the way of

spirit. When your intent is pure, you access you align yourself with love and wisdom.

Be Humble, Receptive and Have a Good Sense of Humor

Approach the spirit realm and your loved ones with a simple and

receptive openness. There is no room for ego when you make con-

tact with those in spirit. I have been working professionally as a

medium and psychic for over twenty five years and I am continu-

ally humbled by my experiences with the other side. Almost every

day I realize how little I really know. Our human understanding is

very limited. We do not know why things happen and the true sig-

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