Windows Server 2008 R2 Unleashed (85 page)

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selected when you want to provide public access to an FTP site without having end

users pass credentials.


Basic Authentication—
It is another built-in authentication mechanism for FTP

sites. Basic authentication requires the FTP clients to enter a valid Windows user

account and password when gaining access to the FTP site. Basic Authentication

sends password credentials in clear text, which is a security hazard. As such, imple-

ment SSL when using this mechanism to encrypt passwords in transit.

ASP.NET Authentication—
The FTP site will provide authorization to FTP clients by

having them enter a valid ASP.NET user account and password. This is a custom

authentication mechanism that requires a provider and connection string to an

ASP.NET user database.

IIS Manager Authentication—
This is another custom authentication mechanism

similar to ASP.NET. An FTP client must provide a legitimate IIS Manager username

and password to gain access to FTP content. Similar to Basic Authentication, the cre-

dentials are not encrypted, so it is recommended for this authentication to be used


in conjunction with SSL.


Don’t forget that to utilize these authentication mechanisms, the appropriate authenti-

cation role services must be installed prior to configuration.

FTP Authorization Rules Feature Page

This page should be used to manage Allow and Deny authorization rules that control

access to FTP sites. The Actions pane options Add Allow Rule and Add Deny Rule should

be selected to invoke the Allow or Deny Authorization Rule page. After the page is

invoked, rules can be applied to All Users, All Anonymous Users, Specified Roles or User

Groups, and Specified Users. In addition, the rules are based on Read or Write permissions.

FTP Current Sessions Feature Page

This page should be used to monitor current sessions for an FTP site. The following

elements are displayed: User Name, Session Start Time, Current Command, Previous

Command, Command Start Time, Bytes Sent, Bytes Received, Session ID, and Client IP.

FTP Directory Browsing Feature Page

The FTP Directory Browsing page illustrated in Figure 12.13 is broken out into two

sections. The first section is called Directory Listing Style. The format presentation options



Internet Information Services

FIGURE 12.13

The FTP Directory Browsing feature page.


include MS-DOS and UNIX. The second section, Directory Listing Options, controls how

directory information is displayed. The display options include the following:

Virtual Directories—
This option allows you to specify whether to include virtual


Available Bytes—
This setting controls the display behavior of the available bytes

remaining when a disk quota is enabled.

Four-Digit Years—
When enabled, this setting displays the last modified date for a

file based on the four-year date, such as 1974, and not a two-year date format, such

as 74.

FTP Firewall Support Feature Page

A new FTP feature associated with IIS 7.5 is the FTP Firewall Support. This feature allows

the server to accept passive connections when the FTP client is behind a firewall. An

administrator must enter the Data Channel Port Range and External IP Address of the

Firewall settings and then click Apply in the Actions pane.

FTP IPv4 and Domain Restrictions Feature Page

The exact same settings are associated with the FTP IPv4 and Domain Restrictions as for a

website in IIS 7.5. The FTP IPv4 and Domain Restrictions feature page should be used to

create and manage rules that allow computer networks and IP addresses the opportunity

to either gain access or be denied to specific web content. You can either allow or deny

access. It is also possible to enter a single IP address, a range of IP addresses, or a domain

name. Finally, rules can be added to a page, site, or inherited from the parent.

Installing and Configuring FTP Services


FTP Logging Feature Page

The FTP Logging feature page includes the exact same logging settings as for a website.

This page controls the type of log file to use, the location to be stored, and the log file

rollover settings.


FTP Messages Feature Page

The FTP Messages feature page illustrated in Figure 12.14 is a great way to create a banner,

or welcome and exit message that will be displayed to FTP users. The message behavior is

controlled by the following elements:

Suppress Default Banner—
If enabled, this option displays a default welcome

banner. Otherwise, a customizable banner is displayed.

Support User Variables in Messages—
By enabling this setting, user variables such

as BytesReceived, BytesSent, SessionID, SiteName, and UserName are included in the

message banner.

Show Detailed Messages for Local Requests—
This setting controls the behavior

for displaying FTP error messages. If enabled, FTP error messages are displayed to the

local host.


The next section on the FTP Messages feature page is called Message Text. The administra-

tor enters message text in the various text boxes. The message boxes include Banner,

Welcome, Exit, and Maximum Connections.

FIGURE 12.14

The FTP Messages feature page.



Internet Information Services

FTP Request Filtering

The FTP Request Filtering feature page should be used to define the list of Allow or Deny

rules based on the specific elements:

File Name Extensions—
This tab allows for the creation of filename extensions for

which the FTP service will either allow or deny access to the site. For example, an

administrator can prevent Internet clients from uploading any files with the exten-

sion of *.txt or *.com.

Hidden Segments—
The Hidden Segments tab should be used if you want to hide

specific areas of your FTP site. If hidden, the specific section will not be displayed in

the directory listings.

Defined URL Sequences—
This setting should be used to define the list of URL

sequences for which the FTP service will deny access.

The final tab Commands defines the list of commands for which the

FTP service will either allow or deny access to further tighten security.

FTP SSL Settings Feature Page

This page should be utilized for enabling and configuring SSL settings for an FTP site. The

options include a drop-down menu for selecting the SSL certificate you will use and SSL


policy. The SSL Policy options include Allow SSL Connections, Require SSL Connections,

and Advanced Custom Settings. You will also have the chance to choose whether to use

128-bit encryption for SSL connections.

FTP User Isolation Feature Page

Similar to IIS 6.0, IIS 7.5 can still isolate FTP users so FTP content is protected. This is an

especially useful feature for Internet service providers (ISPs) and application service

providers (ASPs) servicing a large number of users. FTP users can have their own separate

directory to upload and download files to the web or FTP server. Users who connect see only

their directory as the top-level directory and can’t browse other FTP directories. Permissions

can be set on the FTP home directory to allow create, modify, or delete operations.

It is worth noting that FTP user isolation is based on an FTP site rather than at the server

level and is either enabled or disabled. However, sites that need to enable FTP user isola-

tion aren’t forced to strictly use this feature. You can enable anonymous access in

conjunction with FTP user isolation by creating a virtual directory within the FTP site and

allowing read-only access. The only limitation to mixing the FTP user isolation and

anonymous access is that information can be downloaded only from the public or read-

only virtual directory.

The configuration settings on the FTP User Isolation page, as shown in Figure 12.15,

consist of the following options for where to start the user when they connect. The

options include the FTP Root Directory or User Name Directory. In addition, it is possible

Securing Internet Information Services 7.5



FIGURE 12.15

The FTP User Isolation feature page.


to isolate users by restricting them to following directories. The Isolate Users options

consist of the following:

. User Name Directory (Disable Global Virtual Directories)

. User Name Physical Directory (Enable Global Virtual Directories)

. FTP Home Directory Configured in Active Directory

Securing Internet Information Services 7.5

There shouldn’t be any question that IIS is significantly more secure than its predecessors.

Several key enhancements such as a reduced attack surface, minimum install by default,

and enhanced application isolation deliver a robust and secure web platform. IIS also is

enabled by default to present only static information (that is, to use applications or other

dynamic content, you must manually enable them).

However, Microsoft products are also the most popular products to try to hack. For this

reason, it’s important to secure the web server as much as possible. The more barriers there

are, the less inclined a hacker would be to try to gain unauthorized access. Each compo-

nent on the web server must be secure; the server is only as secure as its weakest point.



Internet Information Services

Windows Server 2008 R2 Security

Windows Server 2008 R2 security actually begins during the planning and designing

phases so that every conceivable security aspect is addressed. This can entail physical,

logical (Windows Server 2008 R2, applications, and so on), and communications security.

When you’re securing the Windows Server 2008 R2 system with the Web Server role, it’s

important to use NTFS on the disk subsystem and apply the latest service pack and secu-

rity patches. Using NTFS is critical because it can have appropriate permissions set on files,

folders, and shares. Also, keeping up to date with service packs and patches ensures that

Windows Server 2008 R2 is operating with the greatest amount of protection.

Application security on the Windows Server 2008 R2 system with the Web Server role

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