Vampirium (23 page)

Read Vampirium Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Vampirium
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As the Xanon bellows its death-cry and crumples to the ground, you see six of its kin come galloping along beside the west wall of the ruin. Fearful that these determined creatures could overwhelm your position if they chose to attack simultaneously, you command Gildas and the rangers to abandon their positions and escape to the east. Together you leap onto your horses and, as the captain leads his men away at the gallop, you stay and fight a brave rearguard action to delay the battling Xanon.

With ice-cool nerve and deadly grace, you wield your Kai Weapon to deadly effect. Your blows shatter Xanon skulls and smash their lances, forcing them to abandon any hope of following the rangers as they make good their escape across the plain. But when the time comes for you to follow your fleeing companions, a thrusting lance blow to the middle of your back nearly unhorses you. You hang on desperately to the mane of your frightened mount as he leaps over the wall and carries you away.

You rejoin the rangers at the top of a grassy rise that overlooks the ancient ruins. The triumphant cries of the Xanon are carried to you on the wind, and when you magnify your vision, you see they have gathered in a group in the ruins of the hall. One of their number appears to be holding aloft a short staff. You focus upon it and your heart sinks when you see that it is the Claw of Naar!

Turn to 72


As you hit the ground, a black funnel of flame roars over your head and strikes you in the back of your legs. A searing pain runs the length of your spine and explodes in your head, making you scream with anguish: lose 6

If you have survived this wounding,
turn to 43


There is a fiery flash and a loud
, and suddenly a white light obliterates your vision. A terrifying numbness spreads rapidly from your neck to the soles of your feet, and you feel yourself tumbling backwards into a fathomless abyss.

The lead ball from the squad leader's pistol has pierced your forehead and penetrated your brain. Mercifully, your death is swift and painless.

Your life and your mission end here, in the barracks of Yua Tzhan.


The corporal smiles broadly when you place two more gold coins into his hand. Immediately he orders the barrier be raised, and as you trot your horses onto the bridge, he waves farewell and wishes you a swift and safe journey.

Turn to 272


You draw deeply upon your psychic powers and construct a glowing ball of mental energy which you launch at the sorcerous woman. You see her shiver uncontrollably as the power of your Mindblast penetrates her defences and, for a short while, the rangers are spared the effect of her hypnotic voice. But the use of this attack leaves you vulnerable to a sudden psychic assault. Sensing this, the woman quickly seizes her chance to retaliate.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Kai-screen, add 3 to the number you have picked. If your current
score is 15 or lower, deduct 2.

If your total score is now 4 or less,
turn to 337

If it is 5 or higher,
turn to 101


You unsheathe your Kai Weapon and you offer up a prayer to Ishir to protect you as you get ready to launch yourself into the fray. With your battle-cry upon your lips, you pull open the door and rush headlong across the mess hall, flailing your deadly blade at any Bhanarian who dares to stand in your way. Your sudden attack from the rear diverts the gunners' attention away from the rangers. As you cut a bloody swathe through their comrades, they are forced to abandon the steam-cannon and face you with cold steel.

Bhanarian Guards & Gunners:

If you win this combat,
turn to 144


The fortune-teller becomes irate. He stands up and stabs at the air with his index finger as he threatens to report you to the City Guards. Gildas takes hold of his wagging finger and bends it back, forcing him to his knees. The man whimpers like a frightened puppy and says he has changed his mind. He will forget all about your supposed debt. You leave the table, and as you walk towards the tavern door, Gildas releases the trickster. He motions his rangers to accompany him as he follows you to the door.

To continue,
turn to 295


You intone the words of the Old Kingdom Spell
moments before you release the straining bowstring and send your Arrow whistling towards the beast's open jaw. The missile sinks deeply into the roof of its foaming mouth and its magic-hardened tip penetrates the creature's brain, killing it instantly.

Turn to 18


You draw upon your psychic defences, but to no avail. In this instance they fail to protect you from the concentration of ancient evil that is present within this chamber: lose 4

Turn to 9


You hand over the Gold Crowns and the old man slips the coins into his pocket with a contented grin. Then you and your companions each take one of the loose-fitting robes and slip them on over your tunics. The thin, hooded garments are large enough to conceal your backpacks and weapons, and you are pleased to discover that they do not hamper your movement.

Having concluded your business, you thank the old man and bid him farewell. Then you leave his tent and collect your horses.

Turn to 118


With the tavern-keeper's curses ringing in your ears, you urge your startled horses on to the end of the alley and then turn them towards the South Gate. Fortunately the gate is open, and its dozing guards pay you scant attention as you ride through its tall arch and depart the city. The road beyond passes through several outlying settlements before it begins a gentle climb into the Honah Hills.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 0–4,
turn to 202

If it is 5–9,
turn to 194


The squad leader awakes with a start. But before he can react, you snatch the blanket roll from beneath his head and set off at a sprint. With your heart pounding wildly in your chest, you race towards the rangers on the far side of the copse. They have dispersed the Bhanarians' horses and they are waiting anxiously for you to appear. As you rush through the trees, you hear the squad leader screaming at his men to wake up and give chase.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 3 or lower,
turn to 195

If it is 4–6,
turn to 39

If it is 7 or higher,
turn to 275


You call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility to help keep you hidden as you enter the mess hall. You take cover behind the nearest stand of armour, and by moving quickly from one suit to the next, you make your way steadily towards the far door.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is 4 or lower,
turn to 8

If it is 5 or higher,
turn to 211


Before the guard can reload his musket and fire again, you reach the end of the roof and climb down the trunk of the tree. Gildas and his men follow your lead, and when all of you are safely on the ground, you pause for a few moments to assess the situation. From beneath the leafy boughs of the young oak, you look out across the parade ground and scan the buildings that border upon it. Bhanarian soldiers are running everywhere, seemingly in confusion. Then you realize that they all have a purpose: they are rushing to secure every entrance and exit from the barracks.

Gildas points to a building on the west side of the parade ground. Its doors are open and unguarded. You magnify your vision and see that it is part of the barracks stables. Its well-lit interior is busy with troopers who are preparing their mounts for tomorrow's ceremonial parade through the city. Beyond its rows of stalls is an archway that opens on to one of the city's streets. You inform the rangers of what you have seen and you decide that the stables offer you your best hope for an escape from the barracks. Using the perimeter trees for cover, you skirt around the parade ground and make your approach to the stables. You are less than 6 yards from its open doors when you are suddenly called upon to halt. Three Bhanarian guards come weaving through the line of trees towards you, their spears held at the ready. ‘Stay where you are,’ barks the tallest of these soldiers, ‘and all of you — raise your hands!’

If you possess Herbmastery and have attained the rank of Sun Lord,
turn to 229

If you possess Kai-surge and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher,
turn to 111

If you possess neither of these skills, or if you have yet to attain the required level of Kai Mastery,
turn to 274


You leave Sunderer Pass and follow the trail through the foothills to the edge of the Bhanarian Plain. Shortly before midnight, you stop and make camp for the night. Sergeant Paviz volunteers to sit watch, and before you settle down to sleep alongside the others, you resolve to set off after the Imperial Guards at first light.

Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3

To continue,
turn to 179


A sliver of masonry hits you in the shoulder and knocks you sideways to the ground: lose 2

To continue,
turn to 104


For three hours you ride across the rolling grasslands, guided on your way by your infallible Kai tracking skills and the light of a waxing moon. It is not until you see the outline of a broken stone watchtower silhouetted on the southern horizon that you slow your pace and point your tired mount towards it. Upon reaching the derelict tower you discover that it stands beside a pond of fresh water. You let the horses drink their fill and, as they recover their strength, you and your companions explore the lower levels of the ruin.

The tower is empty and overgrown with weeds. All that it contains are several blocks of stone engraved with ancient designs, which are illuminated by streams of moonlight filtering down through the holes in the shattered roof. You take the opportunity to examine the Claw, and as you unfold its covering blanket on one of the blocks, you find yourself both fascinated and repulsed by the intricacies of its evil design. The head of the Claw resembles a petrified vulture's foot, cast in a black metal that is flecked with shimmering scarlet specks. Its shaft is twisted, like a length of gnarled root, and it is perforated along its length with pea-sized hollows.

A palpable evil radiates from this dread artefact and you feel an overwhelming compulsion to destroy it. You tell the rangers to stand clear, and then you unsheathe your Kai Weapon and deal the shaft of the Claw a mighty blow.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is even (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0),
turn to 46

If it is odd (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9),
turn to 122


By twisting the dial of the wall safe to an incorrect setting you unwittingly set off an alarm in a distant barracks guardroom. Suddenly the door to the antechamber is forced open and in burst a dozen soldiers, armed with spears and axes.

You draw your Kai Weapon and fight bravely, slaying most who dare come within a sword's length, but the chamber is soon awash with reinforcements and ultimately you are forced to drop your weapons and surrender. During the mêlée, the rangers are also captured, and together you are taken before the Sergeant of the Guard. Upon learning of the death of the squad leader, he denounces you as assassins and he orders your immediate execution.

Under heavy guard, you are led out into the centre of the barracks parade ground and tied to wooden stakes. A troop of crossbowmen arrive and form up in a line before you. Then the sergeant marches to the head of their line, and promptly he gives the order to fire. The crossbowmen release their volley of deadly missiles and your deaths are mercifully swift.

Tragically, your life and your mission end here, upon the parade ground of the Yua Tzhan barracks.

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