Vampirium (21 page)

Read Vampirium Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Vampirium
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You hand the money to the corporal and he orders his men to disperse. The barrier is raised, and as you trot your horses onto the bridge, he waves farewell and wishes you a swift and safe journey.

Turn to 272


You observe the main entrance to the barracks building and note a great deal of activity despite the lateness of the hour. Columns of Bhanarian spearmen, clad in black quilted uniforms with wide silk leggings, go marching through its main gate every few minutes with an almost clockwork regularity. You suspect that they are mustering in preparation for the arrival of the Autarch, although they appear too heavily armed to be gathering for ceremonial duties. You also catch sight of some Xanon, and you sense that these creatures were among those whom you fought at the ruins earlier today.

During the time you spend observing the barracks, several wagons arrive laden with weapons and supplies. When seven of these army transports converge upon the main gate at the same time, it creates chaos for the Gate Guards. As they try desperately to untangle the ensuing chaos, you see an opportunity to enter the barracks.

If you wish to attempt to hide in the rear of one of the army wagons that is queueing to enter the barracks,
turn to 134

If you choose to try to slip through the main entrance on foot,
turn to 95


You scurry to the edge of the ravine and search for Rimoah's metallic tube. After several frantic minutes, you finally discover that it is lying on a jagged outcrop of slate which protrudes from the wall of the ravine, some 6 yards below the rim.

Quickly you descend the steep gully wall, but in your haste to retrieve the tube, you lose your footing and fall.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 4 or lower,
turn to 106

If it is 5 or higher,
turn to 67


While you are examining the lock and dial, the advancing enemy discharge a volley of projectiles from their steam-guns. These missiles pepper the wall of the tower, tearing away fist-sized chunks of masonry that fly in all directions.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Assimilance, add 1 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 0–1,
turn to 50

If it is 2–5,
turn to 265

If it is 6 or higher,
turn to 292


Gildas leads his men off the trail and you follow as he enters the walled ruins of an ancient hall. Hurriedly you dismount and corral your horses in a corner of this site before drawing your weapons in readiness to confront the approaching Xanon. The rangers prepare their bows and take up positions along the north-facing wall. You choose a place close to Gildas and watch with mounting fear as the Xanon come charging out of the tall grassland. As you watch their approach, your Sixth Sense detects that these fearsome creatures have been spawned by evil sorcery.

If you possess a Bow and wish to use it,
turn to 317

If you do not possess a Bow, or if you choose not to use it,
turn to 187


The third tumbler clicks into the correct position
and the door of the wall safe swings open to reveal the Claw of Naar. You take the accursed artefact and place it in your pack; then you close the safe and re-hang its covering portrait.

You should restore the Claw of Naar as a Special Item on your
Action Chart
. You must discard one item in its favour if you have the maximum number of Special Items permissible.

If you now wish to search the chamber,
turn to 311

If you decide to leave the chamber and return to the rangers,
turn to 125

[18] This is the correct answer to the combination lock in
Section 137


You recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell
and cast its effect upon the door. Outside, the soldier who is trying to gain entry starts to bang repeatedly on the door with his fists, but inside the antechamber not a sound can be heard.

You unsheathe your Kai Weapon in silence and enter the main chamber to confront the squad leader in his bath.

Turn to 260


There is a blinding flash of scarlet light upon the instant that your blade strikes the shaft of the Claw, and a searing wave of heat sends you spinning backwards to the ground: lose 4

Stunned and gasping for breath, you drag yourself to your feet and stagger to the altar stone which is now wreathed with trails of grey smoke. To your dismay, you discover that the Claw is still intact. Despite the huge burst of energy that your blow released, you discover no mark or blemish upon its gnarled shaft.

The blade of your Kai Weapon, however, is notched and discoloured at the point where it struck the shaft of the Claw. (The damage to your Kai Weapon has caused a permanent reduction of 1 point to its
bonus. You should now adjust the bonus on your
list of Special Items

To continue,
turn to 103


You force the doors open just wide enough to allow a horse to pass, and then you enter the stables and search its upper and lower floors. You discover seven horses and a mule, and tack enough to equip them all. Gildas uses his expertise to choose the best mounts, and you help the rangers to fit them with saddles and bridles. When the horses are ready to ride, you mount up and lead your companions in single file along the alley.

Unfortunately, the noise that you made upon entering the stables has alerted the tavern-keeper. When you pass by his bedchamber window, he leans out and opens fire at you with his Bor musket.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 0–4,
turn to 52

If it is 5–9,
turn to 131


The tall plains grass makes the going increasingly difficult. It binds around your horses' hooves and frustrates your attempts to hasten their pace. For 5 miles you force your mounts to wade through this sea of verdant vegetation until you catch sight of some stone ruins on the slope of a distant hill. It is the remnants of an ancient village, and it is bisected by a dried-up watercourse. You scan the site and notice dark pools of liquid scattered throughout the area. The pungent aroma of crude oil can be smelt wafting on the breeze.

Your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that the ruins are deserted. Captain Gildas is anxious to press on, but you command him to pause for a moment. Your instincts are warning you of a hidden danger.

If you wish to enter the ruins of the ancient plains village,
turn to 138

If you decide to make a detour around them,
turn to 109


You call upon your Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility for protection, and then you command Captain Gildas and his rangers to wait while you go in search of the squad leader. You suspect that he may be one of the two warriors who have been killed by the rockfall. Mindful that the Claw of Naar was sheathed in his belt, you are determined to seize this opportunity to capture it before the dazed Bhanarians can recover their senses and regroup.

You swiftly traverse the mound of rocks that now blocks the pass, and as you leap onto the trail beyond, you note that neither of the slain warriors is the leader. Then you notice a drainage channel which runs alongside the mountain trail, and your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that the leader has escaped the rockfall by rolling into this trench. Without a moment's hesitation, you unsheathe your Kai Weapon and jump into the trench after him.

As your feet hit the bottom of this shallow gully, you see your adversary standing less than 2 yards away. For a moment you stare at each other in shocked silence; then the almond-eyed warrior tugs the mace-like Claw of Naar from his belt and levels its taloned tip at your chest. There is a crackling hum of power and a terrifying bolt of black fire leaps from the tip and comes streaking towards your body.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 3 or lower,
turn to 308

If it is 4–8,
turn to 278

If it is 9 or higher,
turn to 147


You exhaust yourself attempting to pick this lock by the use of your Kai Mastery of Nexus alone (lose 2
points), and after thirty minutes of futile effort, you concede defeat. The mechanism is formidable: you may have to resort to force to get it open.

If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it,
turn to 65

If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it,
turn to 263

If you possess neither of these skills, or if you choose not to use them,
turn to 324


When the Xanon are only 6 yards from the wall, you command the rangers to open fire. Each of your four Arrows finds its mark and the leading beasts stagger and fall. Shocked by the sudden death of their brothers, the following creatures turn to retreat from your deadly bows. But as they pull back to the outskirts of the ruins, you suddenly become aware of a new threat.

Some Xanon have ridden in a wide arc around the site and have come up behind your position. You hear their leader snorting gruffly as he leaps into the ruined hall, and quickly you spin around to face him. Shouldering your Bow, you unsheathe your Kai Weapon and leap forward to block him before he can launch a surprise attack upon the backs of your three companions.

Turn to 270


One of the steam-gun projectiles grazes the back of your right calf: lose 1

If you survive this wounding,
turn to 68


You do not recognize the shrub and you are wary of any properties it may possess. Rather than risk testing it in case it should prove to be poisonous, you advise Yalin not to touch the strange-looking plant.

To continue,
turn to 240


The noise of the fighting has drawn a crowd of curious onlookers. Their cries of encouragement and outrage have in turn alerted the City Guard, and as the last of your attackers falls to your blows, you hear the sound of their iron-shod boots echoing along an adjoining avenue. Anxious to avoid them, you rally Gildas and his men together and then make a hurried escape from the square, along a dimly lit alley.

When you are sure that the City Guard have lost your trail, you halt beneath the light of a tavern lantern and consult your Siyenese Compass. Your mind is now focused upon the task of finding and retrieving the Claw of Naar before Autarch Sejanoz arrives in the city. You set off in the direction indicated by the compass needle, and it leads you towards the Military Quarter located to the east of the main square. Here you follow a broad avenue lined with closed shop doorways and soon arrive at a busy barracks. The Siyenese Compass and your Kai Sixth Sense both tell you that the Claw of Naar is located somewhere inside this troop-infested building.

If you wish to try to find a way to enter the barracks undetected,
turn to 81

If you decide to observe this building from the cover of an unlit doorway,
turn to 242


Aided by your Kai Mastery, you study the night sky and try to predict the future from the relative position of the planets, moons, and stars. But your observations unsettle you and fill you with a sense of foreboding. You learn from the night sky that your flight to Chai will be fraught with many dangers and disappointments.

You resolve not to tell your companions what you have foreseen for fear of lowering their morale. Later, when you are asleep, your predictions return to haunt your dreams.

Turn to 341


The old man invites you all to come into his tent. You dismount, and the children look after your horses while you file into his spacious dwelling. He gives each of you a glass of mulled wine and a piece of unleavened bread, and while you are enjoying the plain fare, he invites you to examine the wares and trinkets that lie strewn about the tent.

Gildas nudges you and points to a rickety table that is heaped with simple straw-coloured robes, much favoured by Bhanarian plainsmen. ‘These may be a wise purchase, Sir Kai?’ he mutters. ‘I fear our tunics may arouse suspicion the further south we venture.’ You nod in agreement and ask the old man how much he wants for four of his robes.

‘One hundred and twenty Ren, kind sir,’ he replies, cheerfully.

The old man's price is the equivalent of 12 Gold Crowns. The rangers do not have any money, so if you wish to purchase these garments you must pay the full price.

If you can afford to pay the man's price,
turn to 286

If you do not have sufficient Gold Crowns to pay for the robes,
turn to 45

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