Vampirium (10 page)

Read Vampirium Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Vampirium
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The impact of your spell splits the cannon's pressure cylinder and it erupts like a geyser, spraying the Bhanarians with deadly pieces of jagged shrapnel. Those who are not felled instantly by the force of the explosion are blinded and blistered by jets of scalding steam.

Turn to 47


Your mind is set upon the task of finding and retrieving the Claw of Naar before Autarch Sejanoz arrives, and impatiently you dismiss the fortune-teller with a wave of your hand. Gildas and his men follow as you hurry out of the inn and stride across the main square. In the light of a street lantern you consult your Siyenese Compass once more before setting off in the direction that it indicates. It leads you towards the Military Quarter located on the east side of the square. You follow a broad avenue lined with closed shop doorways and soon arrive at a busy barracks. The Siyenese Compass and your Kai Sixth Sense both tell you that the Claw of Naar is located somewhere inside this troop-infested building.

If you wish to try to find a way to enter the barracks undetected,
turn to 81

If you decide to observe this building from the cover of an unlit doorway,
turn to 242


You have travelled less than a mile when it begins to rain. At first it is just a few drops that spot the shoulders of your robe, but within minutes it has become a deluge that soaks you through to the skin. The land bordering this road is steep and impossible to climb on horseback, and through the sheeting rain you can see little of the way ahead. The thunder grows steadily louder. When this rumbling becomes almost deafening, you suddenly realize that it is not thunder at all: it is the terrifying sound of a mudslide. Frantically you signal to the rangers to turn back. As the torrent of earth and water comes crashing down the hillsides, you urge your horses to a blind gallop in a desperate attempt to outrun this merciless river of mud.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Animal Mastery, add 1 to the number you have picked. If your current
score is 20 or higher, add 1. If it is 10 or lower, deduct 1.

If your total score is now 2 or lower,
turn to 160

If it is 3–7,
turn to 31

If it is 8 or higher,
turn to 322


For over three hours you ride south across the rolling grasslands, guided on your way by your tracking skills and the light of a waxing moon. It is not until you see the outline of a derelict temple silhouetted on the crest of a ridge that you slow your pace and point your tired horse towards it. Upon reaching the ruined temple you discover that it stands beside a well brim-full with fresh water. You let the horses drink their fill, and as they recover their strength, you and your companions explore the ruin.

The temple is empty and overgrown. Its only feature of note is an altar stone engraved with ancient designs. It is illuminated by a solitary stream of moonlight that filters down through a hole in the shattered slate roof. While the horses are resting, you take the opportunity to examine the Claw and, as you unfold its covering blanket on the altar, you find yourself both fascinated and repulsed by the intricacies of its evil design. The head of the Claw resembles a petrified vulture's foot, cast in a black metal that is flecked with shimmering scarlet specks. Its shaft is twisted, like a length of gnarled root, and it is perforated along its length with pea-sized hollows.

Illustration IV
—You are repulsed and yet fascinated by the evil Claw of Naar.

A palpable aura of evil radiates from this dread artefact, and you feel an overwhelming compulsion to destroy it. You warn the rangers to stand clear, and then you unsheathe your Kai Weapon and deal the shaft of the Claw a mighty blow.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is even (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0),
turn to 323

If it is odd (i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9),
turn to 248


You recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell
Lightning Hand
and point the index finger of your right hand at the keyhole. A tingling sensation runs the length of your arm, and then a crackling bolt of blue energy leaps from your fingertip and tears open the iron lockplate. The doors to the stables shudder and then fly open amid a cloud of smoke.

Turn to 152


You leap from the wagon to land upon the flagstoned ground. Gildas signals to you from the shadows of a doorway and quickly you scurry towards him and his men.

The doorway is blocked by a stout iron portal, but when you try its handle, you discover that it is unlocked. You slip inside and beckon the rangers to follow. When all of you are safely in, you close the heavy door and draw its bolt.

To continue,
turn to 11


As you fall, you kick your heels hard against the wall of the ravine and propel yourself towards the slate outcrop. Your quick wits and natural agility save you, and you survive the fall unharmed. Quickly you retrieve the steel tube and tuck it into your belt. Then you climb back to the top of the ravine before you examine what the tube contains.

Turn to 140


You grab the chariot's guide rail as you thrust your right hand forwards on the glittering sphere. The sky-chariot surges forwards, and as you leave the courtyard and tower, you hear Autarch Sejanoz scream a vow that he will take vengeance upon you for the defeat you have dealt him this day.

You steer the sky-chariot away to the east and flee towards the friendlier skies of Chai. As the wind whips your face, you feel the sweet exhilaration of victory. Yet it is tempered by the memory of the brave men you had to leave behind.

Turn to 150


You recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell
Lightning Hand
and raise your right hand, pointing your outstretched fingers towards the distant steam-cannon. A bolt of radiant energy leaps from your fingertips and speeds across the mess hall, striking its iron cylinder with a blinding flash of blue-white sparks.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. For every level of Kai rank you have attained above Kai Grand Sentinel, add 1 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 4 or lower,
turn to 33

If it is 5 or higher,
turn to 61


You command the snake to hold its attack. The conda hesitates, and Gildas reaches for his sword. With one swift and deadly swipe, his blade decapitates the serpent and sends its fanged head spinning through the air, trailing a stream of greenish-yellow venom.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Gildas wipes his blade on the grubby sleeve of his tunic before slipping it silently into his scabbard.

Turn to 335


As you gallop through the stables, Gildas draws level with your speeding horse. Simultaneously you unsheathe your weapons, and as you approach the closing doors, you lash out at the troopers who are attempting to bar your way. They are forced to dive aside to save themselves from your deadly blades, and you are able to pass through the narrowed exit and make good a speedy escape into the street beyond. As you gallop from the open doorway, you steer your horses to the right and then race away along a dark, cobblestoned street.

Turn to 14


Quickly you remove your pack and, to your dismay, you discover that it has been torn open by the blow you received just prior to your escape from the ruins.

(In addition to the Claw of Naar, you have also lost 3 Backpack Items. You must now erase from your
Action Chart
the Claw of Naar, plus any three Backpack Items of your choosing.)

Cursing your bad fortune, you see the Xanon leave the ruins and join with the Autarch's Imperial Guards who have been observing your battle from the safety of a nearby ridge. You see a Xanon deliver the Claw to the squad leader, and it galls you to see him raising it defiantly. With a whooping cry, the Bhanarians and their Xanon allies leave the ridge and ride south across the open grasslands.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 4 or lower
turn to 327

If it is 5 or higher,
turn to 128


You pull open the door and quickly stand aside. A Bhanarian guard strides into the antechamber, and when he looks at your face, his eyes go wide with shock. You lash out and fetch him an uppercut to the jaw, knocking him unconscious. Before he hits the floor, you move forward and grab him to prevent his body from making a sound. You are placing him down gently when the squad leader shouts out: ‘Who's there?’

You push the door shut and bolt it. Then you unsheathe your Kai Weapon and enter the main chamber to confront the squad leader in his bath.

Turn to 260


Suddenly you hear a startling shriek from the blanket of dark cloud that has enveloped the pass.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 0–2,
turn to 271

If it is 3–9,
turn to 167


Quickly you speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell
Lightning Hand
and raise your right arm. You point your outstretched fingers at the Autarch's helm and a crackling bolt of blue fire leaps from your fingertips. It strikes his helm, and the force of the impact makes him shudder. He releases his grip and the rangers fall limply to the floor.

Then he turns to face you. ‘Give me the Claw!’ he demands, his voice booming around the chamber. ‘Give me the Claw and I shall spare all your worthless lives!’

If you choose to obey his command,
turn to 35

If you choose to refuse his command,
turn to 338


The old man thanks you for having lifted the curse that was placed upon him by the shape-changer. Your courageous act has not saved his life, but it has saved his soul from the clutches of Naar's fell servant.

‘I am … Juanphor,’ he says, struggling to speak his name. ‘I am a Chai herbalist … from Zuda. I came to the Vanchou a year ago in search of rare herbs and I fell under the curse of the shape-changer.’

The old man draws from the pocket of his robe a small pouch containing some powdered yellow petals, and a rusty red key. He insists that you keep them, as a gift for your kindness. ‘The powder is Poghlam — it shall protect you from evil,’ he says in a whisper, ‘… and the key will open the door to my home in Zuda. It is called the Crimson Tower. Whatever you wish to take … it is yours.’

You offer to carry the old man away from the forest but he refuses to leave. ‘My days are numbered. I shall only be a burden to you. You must leave me and go. Do not delay … the shape-changer is approaching. I … can feel … her anger.’

Your Kai Sixth Sense confirms that the old man is correct. The shape-changer is approaching the clearing, and you must leave immediately if you are to avoid another deadly confrontation with her.

Reluctantly you bid farewell to this brave old man, and then you cross the clearing hurriedly and remount your horse. Gildas beckons you to follow as he and his rangers make good a hasty escape into the trees.

(If you choose to keep the Poghlam and the Red Key, record them on your
Action Chart
as Backpack Items.)

To continue,
turn to 346

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