Vampirium (24 page)

Read Vampirium Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Vampirium
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With your mind set upon the task of finding and retrieving the Claw of Naar before Autarch Sejanoz arrives, you hurry out of the inn and stride across the main square. In the light of a street lantern you consult your Siyenese Compass once more before setting off in the direction that it indicates. It leads you towards the Military Quarter located on the east side of the square. You follow a broad avenue lined with closed shop doorways and soon arrive at a busy barracks. The Siyenese Compass and your Kai Sixth Sense both tell you that the Claw of Naar is located somewhere inside this troop-infested building.

If you wish to try to find a way to enter the barracks undetected,
turn to 81

If you decide to observe this building from the cover of an unlit doorway,
turn to 242


As the host of flying creatures emerges from the pass, the leading beast veers away to the east and draws its foul brethren towards the ravine where
is hidden. They swarm above the steep gully and emit a hellish chorus of cackling shrieks as they prepare to attack the skyship.

You cast a glance down into the pass and see that the squad of Imperial Guards has now halted on the narrow mountain trail. You sense that they are waiting for their winged escorts to return before they dare to venture a step further.

If you wish to hurry back to
and help Lord Rimoah repel the aerial assault,
turn to 345

If you choose to stay with Captain Gildas and the rangers,
turn to 302


The corporal orders you and your companions to turn back. When you do not obey his command immediately, one of the bridge guards steps out of the line and jabs Captain Gildas in the ribs with the haft of his spear. The captain retaliates by kicking the guard in the shoulder, sending him spinning to the ground. A brawl ensues, and despite your best efforts to stop it, it quickly deteriorates into an all-out fight.

Illustration XVIII
—The guards at the bridge are quick to anger.

Bhanarian Bridge Guards:

You may add +2 to your
for the duration of this combat, for the rangers are supporting you during this fight.

If you win the combat,
turn to 84


Beyond the door you discover a narrow passage that leads to a flight of stone steps. You check your Siyenese Compass and then you lead the rangers up the stairs to a wider corridor on the floor above.

You instruct Gildas and his men to wait at the top of the stairs while you make sure the way ahead is clear. Tall arched windows march past on either side as you approach a door at the end of the passageway. You detect the aroma of roasting meat and hear the sounds of feasting, and when you peep through the door's keyhole, you see a soldiers' mess hall beyond.

Carefully you twist its spherical handle and push open the heavy oak door just a few inches. Peering around the door, you see a dozen Bhanarian soldiers sitting at a large table set before a blazing log fire. A side of beef is roasting on a spit above this fire, and the soldier's plates are heaped high with meat and vegetables. Stands of antique armour are positioned around the walls of the hall, and its panelled ceiling is decorated with the portraits of famous Bhanarian generals of old.

Some of the soldiers dining here are Imperial Guards from the squad that you encountered in Sunderer Pass. You scrutinise their faces, yet you cannot see their leader among them. Your Siyenese Compass indicates that the Claw of Naar is nearby; its needle is pointing to a door on the far side of the mess hall. You sense that the Claw is in the room beyond this door, and you resolve to find a way of reaching it without being seen.

If you possess Grand Nexus and wish to use it,
turn to 222

If you possess Assimilance and wish to use it,
turn to 98

If you possess Elementalism and wish to use it,
turn to 178

If you possess none of these skills, or if you choose not to use any of them,
turn to 289


You gallop along the trail after the fleeing rangers, shouting desperately for them to stop, but they are deaf to your pleas as they speed for the cover of the ruins. As you enter the ancient site, you glance over your shoulder to see that the fearsome Xanon are gaining on you at a terrific pace.

To continue,
turn to 245


One of the steam-gun projectiles gouges your shoulder: lose 3

If you survive this wounding,
turn to 68


Using the shadows to conceal your approach, you climb over the tailgate of a canvas-covered wagon that is standing in the line, and hide yourselves among its load. Patiently you settle down and wait for it to enter the barracks. Several minutes pass before the wagon begins to move. You tear a hole in its canvas cover through which you are able to see the inner buildings of the barracks complex. The wagon trundles along a narrow passage towards a parade square, beyond which lies its final destination — the kitchen store rooms. You clamber to the rear of the wagon and crouch beside the tailgate. Then, at the moment the wagon emerges from the passage, you signal to your companions to leave. One after the other you leap from the back of the wagon.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 4 or lower,
turn to 165

If it is 5 or higher,
turn to 66


You watch with mounting fear as the horde of winged creatures circle and dive repeatedly into the ravine. They are met by intermittent flashes of magical energy which illuminate the gloom; Lord Rimoah and his young crewmen are putting up a spirited defence of their grounded skyship.

Then you see an unexpected sight:
rises out of the gully and ascends rapidly into the darkening sky. You magnify your vision and witness a bloody battle raging along her decks as the winged beasts attempt to wrest control of the helm. You watch helplessly as the beleaguered skyship powers away towards the east, pursued by the flying swarm of ravening beasts.

Illustration XIX
—The skyship is swathed in a blanket of attacking beasts.

When the squad of Imperial Guards catch sight of
fleeing eastwards, their leader raises his hand and signals his men to advance. Using your enhanced vision, you focus on the leader and your Kai senses reel at the aura of evil surrounding him. You sense that this power does not emanate from him directly; it flows around a mace-like weapon which he carries sheathed in his belt. It is the Claw of Naar, and even at a distance its malignant power fills you with unease and foreboding.

With bated breath, you watch the Autarch's men come marching along the narrow trail. Captain Gildas gives the signal to Durasso to spring the ambush, and the ranger tugs hard on the rope in his hands. There is a moment of silence; then a thunderous rumble reverberates through the mountains. A billowing cloud of thick dust engulfs the trail and you lose sight of the squad as a thousand tons of rock and rubble cascade towards them.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 5 or lower,
turn to 238

If it is 6 or higher,
turn to 30


You take the opportunity to get some sleep while the storm continues unabated. Gildas wakes you shortly after dawn and you peer out of the cottage window to see that the rain is now no more than a fine drizzle. You mount up and return to the road, but soon you discover that the way south is impassable. The road has been blocked during the night by the debris of a torrential mudslide.

Reluctantly, you are forced to abandon your horses and set off across the hills on foot. During your trek, you discard your plains-herder robes for they offer no protection from the rain. At noon you halt to prepare a meal of roots and wild vegetables. While you are eating, you resolve to attempt to cross the River Heng and enter the friendly realm of Chai. Once you are across the border, you will make your way to the city of Pensei, and try to make contact with the Dessian envoy — Lord Ghadra.

Despite difficult terrain you make good progress. You leave the Honah Hills and enter the dark pines of the Angfeng Forest, covering 30 miles by sunset. As darkness casts its black shroud upon this untamed land, you stop to set up camp for the night on the fringe of a cold marsh. The night sky is clear, and before you settle down to sleep, you take time to observe the stars.

If you possess Astrology,
turn to 257

If you do not,
turn to 155


Gildas raises his arm and signals to his men to follow as he jumps his horse across the stone wall of an ancient hall. You follow his lead and, once you are inside, you dismount and corral your horse with the others in a corner of this site. Then you draw your Weapon in readiness to confront the approaching Xanon. The rangers prepare their bows and take up positions along the north and east-facing walls. You choose a place close to Gildas and watch with mounting fear as the Xanon come charging out of the surrounding grassland. As you watch their approach, your Sixth Sense detects that these fearsome creatures have been spawned by an evil sorcery.

If you possess a Bow and wish to use it,
turn to 317

If you do not possess a Bow, or if you choose not to use it,
turn to 187


You examine the strange, fern-like shrub and your Grand Master Discipline enables you to recognize its pale blue berries.

‘This is Omaldro,’ you say, confidently. ‘These berries contain a powerful stimulant that can sharpen a man's reflexes, especially in combat.’

There are sufficient berries on this small Omaldro shrub for 1 dose. If you wish to pick and keep them, record the Omaldro on your
Action Chart
as a Backpack Item. When swallowed, Omaldro will boost your
by 2 points for the duration of one combat.

To continue,
turn to 240


You turn on your heel and walk speedily towards the end of the street, ignoring the officer's repeated commands to halt. You tell Gildas and his men to get ready to run the moment you reach the corner, but before you arrive there, you hear a shrill whistle and the sound of iron-shod hooves clattering on stone. A glance over your shoulder confirms your fears: the patrol is chasing after you. Gildas points to a narrow alleyway on the opposite side of the street, and upon your command, you sprint towards it.

Turn to 146


You dodge to the left, and immediately there is a flash and a deafening
. You feel the lead ball from the squad leader's pistol strike your right forearm with numbing force, but you sustain only a flesh wound and you are able to keep a grip upon your Kai Weapon: lose 2

To continue,
turn to 204


As you hit the ground, you glimpse the black funnel of flame come rushing towards you. Then, in the blink of an eye, your vision is obliterated by a vivid scarlet flash. Instantly you are plunged into a dark and fathomless void as the power of the Claw leeches your life-force.

Tragically, your life and your mission end here in Sunderer Pass.

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