Vampirium (19 page)

Read Vampirium Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Vampirium
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Guided by your Pathsmanship and tracking skills, you lead the rangers to the South Gate of Yua Tzhan. Here you are able to depart the city unchallenged, along a road that passes through outlying settlements before climbing gently into the Honah Hills.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have picked is 0–4,
turn to 202

If it is 5–9,
turn to 194


Your command comes too late to prevent Gildas from letting slip his bowstring. His arrow arcs towards the creature and strikes it in the centre of its bulbous body. With a chilling cry, the beast crumples to the ground and begins to shrink and change. Within the space of a few fleeting seconds the transformation is complete, and you find yourself staring with disbelief at the wounded body of a frail old man.

Instinctively, you leap from your horse and rush to the old man's side. Cradling his greying head in the crook of your arm, you attempt to relieve the pain of his chest wound by the use of your Kai healing skills.

If you possess Deliverance,
turn to 10

If you do not,
turn to 264


As you gallop through the stables, you quickly intone the words of the Old Kingdom Spell
Power Word
and shape your mouth in readiness to utter it:

The concussive energy of your spell-word strikes one of the troopers who is attempting to bar your escape, and it sends him cartwheeling across the straw-covered ground. His companion slams shut his door, blocking half of the archway, but there is still space enough for you and your companions to make good your escape into the streets beyond. As you gallop through the narrowed exit, you steer your horse to the right and race away along a dark, cobblestoned street.

Turn to 14


Silently you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell
Mind Charm
and direct its power at your angry accuser. Under the influence of your spell, he suddenly becomes calm and susceptible to your mental commands. You prompt him to tell his cohorts that he has made an error, that you are not the plainsman who swindled him after all, and meekly he complies with your psychic suggestion.

His accomplices are embarrassed by their friend's mistake, and they offer to buy you and your companions some ale. Politely you decline their offer as you make your way towards the door.

Turn to 295


The rock is deflected by the gust of air, but as it tumbles past, it glances your right shoulder and rips open the sleeve of your tunic: lose 1

To continue,
turn to 339


Quickly you draw the bolt and, as you step away from the door, you hear the squad leader call out in response to the knock: ‘Enter!’

The door shudders and the handle turns as an attempt is made to enter the antechamber.

If you possess Kai-alchemy,
turn to 247

If you do not,
turn to 28


You hand over the Gold Crowns and the trader slips the coins into the pocket of his apron. Then you and your companions each take one of the loose-fitting robes and slip them on over your tunics. The thin, hooded garments are large enough to conceal your backpacks and weapons, and you are pleased to discover that they do not hamper your movement.

Having concluded your business, you thank the trader and bid him farewell. Then you leave this village and continue your ride south.

Turn to 118


You smash the head of the Claw against the floor to remove the burning log, and then tuck the artefact in your belt. Below, you can hear the door to the tower being blown off its hinges and an old fear returns to chill your blood. The Autarch's guards are storming up the stairs; it is only a matter of seconds before they will enter the chamber. Your instincts tell you to save your unconscious companions, but your rational mind tells you that this is now impossible; there is only time enough to save yourself. You bid them a sad farewell as you run towards the open window and leap out onto the platform of the Autarch's sky-chariot. Below, you glimpse the Imperial Guards gathered around the body of the Autarch. To your amazement, you see that they are helping their leader to his feet. Sejanoz is still alive.

Quickly you look to the controls of the sky-chariot and they seem vaguely familiar. They are similar in design and purpose to those found at the helm of
, albeit on a smaller, simpler scale. You place your right hand on a sparkling sphere, but as you are pushing it forwards to make the chariot advance, a handful of the Imperial Guards in the courtyard below fire a volley of projectiles at you.

The Autarch has given the order; he is determined not to let you get away.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Assimilance, add 2 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 0,
turn to 123

If it is 1–3,
turn to 254

If it is 4–7,
turn to 300

If it is 8 or higher,
turn to 192


Quickly you return to Captain Gildas and discover that Ranger Durasso has been killed, and Sergeant Paviz badly wounded by the Claw's second blast of power. You use your Kai healing skills to staunch the flow of blood from the sergeant's wounded arm, and then you scan the trail leading south from the pass for signs of the escaping enemy squad. In the failing light you glimpse their black-clad forms hurrying away along the trail which heads towards the Bhanarian Plain.

Gildas and his rangers are too shaken to attempt an immediate pursuit and so you allow them to rest and recover their strength. When you cast your eye towards the ravine where
was hidden, before it was attacked by the flying horde, your Sixth Sense suddenly informs you that there is something waiting for you there.

To continue,
turn to 13


You shoulder your Bow, and then you speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell
Lighting Hand
and point your right hand at a pool of oil on the ground in front of the charging Xanon. An arc of crackling blue energy hits the black puddle and ignites the oil with a terrific
sending a searing ball of flame and black smoke soaring into the air. The heat of the fireball forces the Xanon to retreat, but as they pull back, you suddenly become aware of a new threat.

Some Xanon have ridden in a wide arc around the ruins and have come up behind your position. You hear their leader snorting gruffly as he leaps into the ruined hall, and you spin around to face him. Hurriedly, you unsheathe your Kai Weapon and leap forward to block his path before he can launch a surprise attack upon the backs of your three companions.

To continue,
turn to 270


You use the power of your Grand Mastery to dislodge the spit that supports the roasting side of beef. It collapses into the fire, scattering red hot coals across the floor. Some of the coals ignite a leg of the table and, gripped by a sudden panic, the soldiers leap from their seats and attempt to put out the flames with their cloaks and their mugs of ale.

In the confusion, none of them see you enter the mess hall. You take cover behind a stand of armour, and then you draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of Invisibility to help keep you hidden before you attempt to reach the far door.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Assimilance, add 3 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1.

If your total score is 2 or lower,
turn to 8

If it is 3 or higher,
turn to 211


You detect that the woman is attempting to ensnare you with a powerful mind charm. You draw upon your Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen to block her spell and you are able to resist her mesmeric commands, but the effort drains your mental energy: lose 2

Unfortunately, your companions do not possess your strong psychic defences and they continue to ride along the track, lured on by her hypnotic voice. You call out to them to halt but they seem oblivious to your presence. You must act quickly if you wish to save them from her sinister spell.

If you possess a Bow and wish to use it,
turn to 312

If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it,
turn to 151

If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it,
turn to 53

If you possess Elementalism and wish to use it,
turn to 124

If you possess Kai-surge and wish to use it,
turn to 281

If you possess none of these skills, nor a Bow, or if you choose not to use them,
turn instead to 164


You use your Kai Mastery to command the ghastly creature to spit out your rope and swim away.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. For every level of Kai rank you have attained above the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, add 1 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 6 or lower,
turn to 315

If it is 7 or higher,
turn to 276


Instinctively you reach for the hilt of your Kai Weapon, but Rimoah stays your hand. ‘Hold, Grand Master. These are not our enemies — they're our friends.’

The four gaunt, grey, grime-encrusted figures leave their hiding places and move slowly towards the cage. It is not until their leader smiles and reveals his white teeth that you realize they are human. The many weeks that these Siyenese rangers have spent in the hell of the Doomlands have exacted upon them a heavy toll.

Illustration XIV
—Four gaunt, grime-encrusted figures leave the cover of the rocks and move towards you.

‘Greetings, Lord Rimoah,’ says the leader. ‘I am Captain Gildas of the King's Ranger Regiment, and these are my men — Sergeant Paviz, Ranger Durasso, and Ranger Yalin. We're glad you've arrived before the enemy, though by no more than a few hours at best.’

Captain Gildas looks at you and bows his head reverently. ‘We're honoured by your presence, Sir Kai. I was lucky to be in Seroa last year when Karvas was crowned King, and I witnessed your knighthood in the Palace Square. We Siyenese will be forever in your debt for ridding us of that usurper — Baron Sadanzo.’

You thank the Ranger Captain for his compliment and tell him that you have come here with Lord Rimoah to help capture the Claw of Naar. ‘It is vital that Sejanoz be denied the Claw,’ you say earnestly, ‘… at all costs.’

‘Fear not, Sir Kai,’ he replies with confidence. ‘We have laid a trap to ensnare the enemy and their foul relic. They'll not get out of Sunderer Pass. Come, we shall show you what we have prepared, but first you must conceal your skyship before the enemy arrive. Look over there, Lord Rimoah,’ says Gildas, pointing to a distant ravine. ‘That gully is deceptively deep. It will swallow your ship without trace. You must hide it there. But first, may ask a favour?’

Rimoah nods in reply.

‘Our provisions are exhausted. We have some water, but we've had nothing to eat for days. Can you spare some food before you depart?’

‘Of course, Captain,’ replies Rimoah. ‘I'll have the bo'sun drop provisions this instant.’

Rimoah climbs into the boarding cage and is winched up to the rear deck of
. Within minutes, the cage descends once more, laden with food and water. With a gleeful cry, Gildas throws open the cage door and he and his men leap upon the provisions like ravenous wolves. What little they fail to consume immediately they stow away in their empty backpacks for later.

moves off to seek cover in the distant ravine, Captain Gildas leads you to the mouth of Sunderer Pass and shows you the preparations that he had his men have made in readiness to ambush the enemy squad.

To continue,
turn to 334

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