Vampirium (18 page)

Read Vampirium Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Vampirium
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As you make the jump, the corporal sidesteps and thrusts at you with his spear. Its sharpened steel tip grazes your rib cage (lose 2

Your horse sails across the barrier, and the rangers jump their mounts over it with consummate ease. The angry cries of the corporal quickly fade into the distance as you leave the bridge and follow the road up into the hills beyond.

Turn to 272


You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell
Lightning Hand
and level your right arm at the closest creature's head. A crackling arc of electrical power leaps from your hand and connects with the beast's jaw, its raw power causing the creature to lose all control. With a sickening crunch, the helpless creature collides with the rocky wall of the mountain pass and then tumbles out of view.

To continue,
turn to 18


You see the fearsome figure of Autarch Sejanoz come stepping through the chamber's shattered window. He alights from the platform of his golden sky-chariot which hovers silently beside the tower. Sheathed from neck to toe in black and golden armour, this warrior stands an arm's length taller than you and your companions. A great tiger helm conceals his face and behind him swirls a voluminous scarlet cloak. Only his hands are visible and they seem strangely at odds with the grand scale and design of his armour. They are withered and twisted like claws, the skin wrinkled and cracked like burnt parchment. Hanging over them are four long, curved, needle-like claws of steel that sprout from the back of the golden bracers which encase his wrists.

Gildas and his men reach for their bows and fire repeatedly at the Autarch, yet every arrow they send against him ends shattered. From the visor of his helm there issues a thin, chilling laugh: ‘You cannot kill me with your sharpened sticks, you fools!’ Upon hearing this, Paviz and Yalin drop their bows and unsheathe their blades. Paviz shouts a much practiced cue, and together they attack the Autarch, striking simultaneously from either side.

With stunning swiftness, Sejanoz retaliates. He reaches out and grabs each man by the throat with his cadaverous hands, and raises them several inches from the floor. With a series of metallic clicks, the needle-claws extend and turn inwards, puncturing their jugular veins. Their faces blanch as their blood is drained, and not a drop is spilt.

Illustration XII
—Gildas' men are powerless in the grip of the mighty Autarch Sejanoz.

You are shocked by the spectacle of the Autarch's vampiric attack, and your senses scream at you to act to save your brave companions before it is too late.

If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it,
turn to 75

If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it,
turn to 233

If you possess Kai-surge and wish to use it,
turn to 148

If you possess none of these skills, or if you choose not to use any of them,
turn to 24


Dusk soon approaches and you resolve to return to the ancient ruins to set up a camp for the night. At first light you begin a long ride south, guided by your Siyenese Compass. Judging by the steady course that you follow, you hazard a guess that the enemy are heading towards the city of Yua Tzhan.

If you possess Astrology,
turn to 332

If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline,
turn to 232


Shortly before midnight, you approach a toll bridge that traverses a deep gorge. The entrance to this bridge is blocked by a single-pole barrier, and on either side of the obstruction are painted wooden shacks, adorned with flickering lanterns. The soldiers who guard this bridge are awoken by the sound of your horses' hooves. Fearing you to be a surprise inspection by their commanding officer, they grab their spears and stumble out of the shacks. As they draw themselves up in an untidy line before the barrier, their corporal raises his hand, commanding you to halt.

If you wish to stop before the barrier,
turn to 159

If you wish to attempt to jump your horse over the barrier and ride across the bridge beyond,
turn to 38


Patiently, you watch and wait until the skyship and its attackers have disappeared from view before you break cover and search for the metallic tube. After several minutes, you discover it lodged in a jagged outcrop protruding from the wall of the ravine, some 6 yards below the rim.

Aided by your tracking skills and natural agility, you descend the steep gully wall and retrieve the steel tube. You tuck it into your belt and then climb back to the top of the ravine before you examine what the tube contains.

Turn to 140


With surprising agility, the squad leader leaps from his bath tub and attacks you with the butt of his empty pistol. In the ensuing struggle, you deal him a deep and mortal wound to the chest. The force of your blow sends him tumbling backwards to collide with the tub. It tips over and a torrent of water cascades into the fire. His dying cries mingle with the loud hissing of steam as the bath water extinguishes the fire and sizzles on the red-hot grate.

You sheathe your blade and your Kai senses tell you that you are now very close to the Claw of Naar. You look at your Siyenese Compass once again, and you see that its needle is pointing to a painting which hangs above the fireplace.

To continue,
turn to 137


You stoop to examine the curious, tree-like shrub and your Grand Master Discipline enables you to recognize its red and yellow leaves.

‘This is a Klorva tree,’ you say, confidently. ‘Its leaves contain a powerful healing agent that is stronger than Laumspur.’

There are sufficient leaves on this small Klorva tree for 1 dose. If you wish to pick and keep them, record the Klorva on your
Action Chart
as a Backpack Item. When swallowed after sustaining an injury, Klorva will restore 6

To continue,
turn to 240


You observe that the bridge at Zuda is occupied by Bhanarian soldiers. Their tented encampments are dotted around the approach road and river bank, and the line of their supply wagons stretches away to the west.

The tiger's-head flag of Autarch Sejanoz now flies over Zuda. This border town has been overrun by his army within the last 24 hours. At first you suspect that this could be the start of a war between Bhanar and Chai, but your Kai senses tell you that this is no ordinary military operation. This army has come here for one purpose — to ensure the recovery of the Claw of Naar.

You hold sombre council with the rangers and try to determine how best to proceed from here. ‘I propose we try to reach the Chai Wall,’ says Gildas, and his men readily agree. Having never heard of this edifice, you ask Gildas to explain. ‘The Chai Wall is a line of forts and military defences that lies 60 miles to the east of Zuda,’ he says. ‘Invasion from Bhanar has long been a threat to Chai, but its ancient ruler — Khea-khan Xo — had remarkable foresight. He constructed a formidable wall to deter Autarch Sejanoz from invading his peaceful realm. It has served Chai well for many centuries.’

You thank Gildas for this history lesson, but you question its accuracy. ‘I was taught at the Kai Monastery that the reign of Khea-khan Xo was more than a thousand years ago. Surely his enemy then was not the same Autarch Sejanoz who rules Bhanar now?’

‘Ah, but he is!’ replies Gildas. ‘Sejanoz has ruled this land for 3,000 years. Legend says that he entered into a pact with Agarash the Damned. In return for his soul he received … immortality.’

As you look upon the flag of Autarch Sejanoz fluttering high above the buildings of Zuda, a growing sense of foreboding creeps upon you and it leaves a chill in your blood.

To continue,
turn to 184


You are making your way though the crush of soldiers and wagon drivers when suddenly a Guard sergeant blocks your path.

‘Hey, you!’ he growls, pushing you forcefully in the chest with the heel of his hand. ‘Where's your pass?’

If you possess a Tiger Ring and wish to show it to the menacing sergeant,
turn to 320

If you possess a Gold Talisman,
turn to 87

If you possess neither of these items,
turn to 55


The woman launches a bolt of psychic energy that strikes at the core of your mind. Fortunately, your mental defences prove strong enough to save you from sustaining any serious damage from this opportunistic assault: lose 2

To continue,
turn to 96


You shout at the rangers, commanding them to hold their fire, but it is already too late. Desperately you throw yourself to the ground as their feathered shafts come streaking towards you. Two of their arrows clip and gouge your flesh as you strike the stone floor and roll to a halt: lose 4

If you have survived this wounding,
turn to 269


You roll aside and your quick reflexes save you from the conda's deadly fangs. Gildas reaches for his sword and, with one swift and deadly swipe, he decapitates the hissing serpent and sends its fanged head spinning through the air, trailing a stream of greenish-yellow venom.

You whisper your thanks to Gildas as he wipes his blade on the grubby sleeve of his tunic and slips it silently back into its scabbard.

Turn to 335


You reach the far door without being seen. Silently you twist its copper handle and enter a small antechamber that is hung with tapestries. Beyond this small room is an archway through which you catch sight of part of a sumptuous bedchamber. You detect the sound of splashing water and the sweet aroma of perfumed bath oils. You can also detect the powerful aura of evil which radiates from the Claw of Naar.

Cautiously you approach the archway and peer around its carved frame. Bathing in a large tub of soapy water set before a blazing log fire, you see the squad leader. You sense that the Claw is somewhere close to him, but you cannot see it. Suddenly you are startled by a loud knock on the door behind you.

Illustration XIII
—You discover the squad leader bathing in a tub of soapy water.

If you wish open the door,
turn to 73

If you decide to lock the door, you can draw its bolt by
turning to 217

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