Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (58 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Yeah he does" Leticia whispered. She knew Griffin wasn't talking to her but it had to be said. Leticia battled with her mixed emotions. A tear escaped down her cheek. She hastily wiped it away before the others could see it. The song... Jaxon's voice... Both moved her in a way she'd never been touched before. Leticia swallowed the heartache that threatened to escape from her throat. She could feel Marco and Valentino's helplessness. She could feel Jaxon's vulnerability. She empathized with the three men.

A collective inhalation brought all murmurs to a halt. The same original erotic piece replayed while Jaxon removed Carina's boots. All eyes followed Jaxon's every movement.


Jaxon placed his hands on Carina's bare calves. He was somewhat disappointed to discover she wasn't wearing stockings. He'd been dreaming of taking them off with his teeth over the last few days. Carina ran her fingers through Jaxon's hair. He closed his eyes loving the contact. It was these little things he missed about her. Carina cherished every moment; she worshipped every part of his body as he did hers. Jaxon's hands slid upwards, stroking behind her knees and slowing at her thighs. She shivered under his knowing touch.

Jaxon rested his forehead against her belly. The audience groaned their appreciation as he cupped her ass underneath the dress and inhaled her scent. Jaxon closed his eyes, immensely pleased at her aroused scent. He could already feel the pulsating warmth from her sex.

Carina bent over and slowly removed his shirt. They hadn't said anything after the song and she wanted to keep it that way. She was too emotionally rattled. Intellectually she knew Jaxon was all wrong for her. Emotionally Carina wavered on the fence like a paper blowing in the breeze. She didn't hate Jaxon but her heart wouldn't allow her to love him. Jaxon knew what to say and when to say it but his actions always said something else. She couldn't completely entrust him with her heart; not like she could with Valentino and Marco.

Physically Carina was at a complete loss. Jaxon was her kryptonite. It was why Carina stayed the hell away from him. The man knew her body like few others did. Jaxon knew the buttons to press. He knew how even a hot breath against her neck or a smoldering look from across the room could melt her into a puddle. Carina had no defense mechanism for Jaxon's arsenal of sexual weapons. Avoidance, flight, or surrendering were her only options.

Jaxon slowly stood and lifted her dress. Carina remained motionless while he exposed her naked skin to the room. She lifted her arms allowing him to undress her. Jaxon stepped back and exhaled sharply as he stared at her exquisite form. The satin bra couldn't hide her erect nipples. Her satin panties were visibly dampened. He loved the way her body responded to him.

Carina took the lead. She was too aware of Jaxon's hungry gaze and Valentino and Marco's intense stares. Competing emotions warred with her. She unhooked her bra from the back, momentarily jutting her breasts forward. Jaxon quickly stepped forward. His tongue trailed a circle around her eager nipples the moment the bra fell to the ground. Carina threw her head back savoring his slow ministrations.

"Bed" Nicholas' voice broke through their lust-addled thoughts.

Jaxon cupped Carina's heavy breasts leading her backwards towards the magnificent bed. He wanted to spend hours worshipping her body but he knew he didn't have that luxury. They were both aware of certain audience members watching their every move. Jaxon didn't allow it to deter him from making the most of this moment. He intended to imprint himself so deeply within Carina that she'd never forget him.

"What all talk no action?" Carina's sultry smile snapped Jaxon out of his thoughts. He trailed kisses from her jaw, around her ribs, stopping at her hips. He gripped her satin panties with his teeth and slowly pulled them down her hips. He alternated from her left side to her right side knowing the process would be faster with his hands but he loved seeing her squirm. Carina impatiently kicked off her panties once they reached her ankles. She couldn't stand the slow pace he set.

She abruptly sat up and unbuckled Jaxon's jeans before he playfully swatted her hands away. "Uh uh" he playfully chided. Carina pouted making the audience chuckle. Jaxon took advantage of the distraction. She gasped in surprise as he lifted her legs over his shoulders making her collapse onto the bed. He parted her thighs giving him complete access to her body. Carina arched her back the moment Jaxon's mouth made contact with her soaking wet pussy. He exaggerated his slow licks for the audience to get a glimpse of his actions. Carina grabbed the bed sheets aware that she couldn't grab his head. She'd done enough scenes to know Nicholas would scold her for blocking the view.

"God I love your taste" Jaxon moaned loud enough for everyone to hear. He loved Carina's receptiveness. She quivered beneath his tongue's slow strokes. He scraped his teeth against her clit making her jerk her hips. Audience members squirmed in their seats anticipating her orgasm. Jaxon pinned her down as she screamed with pleasure. He didn't stop his oral assault until he felt her aftershocks cease.

Jaxon removed his jeans while Carina's breaths evened. His dick stood proudly at attention. Audience members moaned their approval. Carina bit her lip as Jaxon stroked himself a few times. He was torn between letting her suck him off or just burying himself within her depths.

"My turn" she purred as she got on her knees. Jaxon willing obliged. She firmly held his hips making him remain standing at the foot of the bed. Jaxon held his breathing watching Carina's beautiful ass sway in the air while she positioned herself to allow the viewers the best vantage point.

"Perfect view Carina" Nicholas gruffly whispered in the background. Jaxon fought the scowl that threatened to etch across his face. It didn't escape him that Carina knew exactly how to best position herself for the audience to simultaneously enjoy their interaction. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know how many times she'd done this before under Nicholas' guidance.

Carina cupped Jaxon's balls making him forget every other thought. She kissed and nibbled from the base of his dick to his tip. Jaxon sucked in a sharp breath the moment her tongue made contact with his overeager dick. She opened her mouth and slowly suckled him inch by glorious inch. He threw his head back as she sucked harder and slower. Instinct had him wanting to thrust his hips and grab her hair but he fought against it. Instead he used the arm that faced the glass wall and caressed her back.

Carina felt empowered. She was in control for the moment and the audience oozed sexual tension and anticipation. She moaned as Jaxon shifted his hips; she knew him well. He wanted to shove his dick down her throat but couldn't. Her body still hummed with satisfaction from his spectacular mouth and she wanted to return the favor while providing an exceptional show.

Carina reached between her legs and inserted two fingers into her still soaked channel. She blocked out the appreciative groans from the audience. Griffin's was too recognizable and she didn't want to lose her focus or her arousal. She continued her slow oral pace needing to lubricate her fingers well before she surprised Jaxon. Carina waited until his breathing sped up. She moved her soaked fingers and circled his puckered rim.

Jaxon's eyes snapped open. Carina's fingers tested unchartered territory. During the countless times they'd had sex, she'd never ventured back there. Jaxon gasped as his dick touched the back of Carina's throat. He couldn't think clearly. He squeezed his ass cheeks trying to tell her to stop but the forbidden touch started to feel good. His jaw dropped the moment Carina's finger slipped into his ass. He hadn't realized when his body had relaxed enough to allow her entry. He cursed loudly as her finger slowly slid in and out. She kept him off balance with her amazing mouth and touch. The moment Carina pressed her fingers down while in his ass Jaxon's knees damn near buckled. Pleasure exploded from his toes and shot up his legs. Carina never stopped. She continued her sexual assault as his spine tingled and his hoarse cry echoed throughout the room. Spots danced before Jaxon's eyes as his seed spurted down her throat.

"Fuck" he croaked collapsing next to her. Carina smirked as chuckles and moans echoed in the background. "Give me a second" he slurred. He couldn't quite catch his breath or focus enough after that mind-blowing orgasm. She'd touched something inside him that made him shoot off like a rocket. Jaxon rolled onto his back knowing he couldn't take a nap before going at it again.

Carina absolutely glowed with pleasure and sense of accomplishment. Watching Desirae with the guys had taught her plenty. She straddled his hips ready for round two. She didn't wait for Jaxon's next course of action. The audience leaned forward in their seats as she rubbed herself against his semi-erect cock. A staccato of sharp breaths resonated with every thrust of her hips. Jaxon threw his head back with pleasure the moment she grasped his dick. She waited until he opened his eyes before impaling himself in her.

Carina cupped her breasts and threw her head back as she set a steady pace. Jaxon grabbed her hips and thrust from beneath her to get as deep as possible. Audience members shifted in their seats trying to get a closer look while alleviating some pressure from their cores. Jaxon looked out at the other members and groaned in appreciation as he watched several couples mimicking their actions. Women sat atop their partners and thrust their hips to the same rhythm as Carina.

Carina swiveled her hips. Jaxon was the perfect length and girth. Her fluids dripped to his balls causing a loud wet sound with every thrust. She placed her hands on his shoulders changing the angle of penetration. She gasped with pleasure as her walls tightened. She looked down at Jaxon. His eyes were closed with his head thrown back in absolute ecstasy. Carina leaned forward. Her sensitive nipples brushed against his chiseled chest. His hands caressed her back while she kissed his jaw.

"I've missed you
" Jaxon whispered. He nudged her face until she kissed him. Carina didn't want to react. She wanted to pull away knowing she was in danger of falling for this scene. Instead, she kissed him softly, slowly... If she just didn't think about the bad times...

"Switch positions" Nicholas barked in the background. Jaxon was getting too personal and the audience was sensing the change.

Jaxon flipped Carina onto her back making her squeal with laughter. He withdrew completely making them both groan at the loss. He looked at his soaked balls and glistening cock. Carina was soaking wet. She smiled like the Cheshire cat as he admired her handy work.

"You've been a bad girl" Jaxon teased. His eyes gleamed wickedly with his unspoken intentions.

Carina sat up on the bed. There was no telling what he intended to do. She wasn't sure if she wanted Jaxon to spank her with an audience. She got on her knees and playfully begged for his mercy.

Jaxon pretended to listen. He glanced at the bedposts pleased to see his requests were fulfilled. "I won't spank you this time" he barely stated loud enough for the others to hear. She shivered the moment his breath stroked her skin. "But you've lost the privilege to see and touch" he admonished.

Carina lowered her head and nodded, properly contrite. Jaxon smirked knowing she was only putting on an act. Had they been alone she would've taken off. "No running" he purred before slipping off the bed. She giggled before shrugging her shoulders. Yes, Jaxon knew her well.

He opened the nightstand drawer and grabbed a set of pliable leather cuffs and a black scarf. Jaxon climbed back onto the bed making the silent voyeurs lean forward in anticipation. Carina radiated need but remained still. Jaxon kissed her shoulder in approval. He slowly and meticulously wrapped the scarf around her eyes. Her soft breaths became louder as he tied the knot in the back. He took her left arm and snapped the cuff onto her wrist. He lifted her arm to the bar, stroking the side of her breast and arm while he locked her in place. Carina panted at the contact. Jaxon repeated the same process with her right side.

"Let's see if you're still ready for me" his hoarse voice caused her to tremble. He pulled and rolled her nipples until she squirmed in place. She never spoke. Her whimpers echoed throughout the room mixing in with the sexual anticipation. Jaxon rubbed his dick against the outside of her thigh. He wanted everyone to see his aroused state while he marked her in his own way.

"Look at you" Jaxon crooned. Her fluids drenched her inner thighs and shined for everyone to see. "Tell me you want my dick" he ordered.

Carina squirmed. She yanked on the cuffs attempting to close her legs. She felt too exposed with many knowing eyes on her. The audience jumped in surprise as Jaxon slapped her ass.

"Those stay open" he barked. She quivered beneath his sharp command. "Tell me" Jaxon repeated.

"I want your dick" Carina croaked towards the audience. Her breasts rose and fell rapidly with her sharp breaths. Jaxon rewarded her. She moaned with pleasure as he stroked between her thighs.

"Tell me you love my dick" he commanded. He removed his fingers from her soaked core. She whimpered at the loss. Her thoughts were jumbled and the blindfold didn't allow her to see jackshit. It was too easy to forget there was an audience.

"You know I love your dick Jax" she panted. Jaxon beamed with approval at her confession and the use of his nickname.

"Good girl" he purred. He placed his dick against her swollen and soaked lips. He rubbed his painful erection against her needy pussy making her vibrate with lust and need. The audience pulsated with the same desire and anticipation.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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