Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (27 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"And what's that" Valentino replied dryly.

"I think you and Marco need to find a woman who is willing to share you both. Willing to step aside when you need your time together; willing to step in when needed and wanted; just open and willing..."

"Let me get this straight" Marco replied slowly. He looked between them as he shared his perception of the conversation. "You're saying that Valentino and I have been going about this all wrong. We need something more than the occasional threesomes we participate in. We should be in a relationship, together, with a woman who can and will love and be with us both." It was something he'd always dreamed of but never had the courage to ask for. In one fell swoop she'd voiced it.

Valentino straightened as he digested what they were saying. Was that the crux of their lack of successfully finding love? They'd been with countless women but never seemed to stay in a relationship for more than a few months.

"Yes" Carina replied. She sipped her wine as the men sat in silence.

"And are you graciously offering to be that woman?" Valentino quietly asked. He didn't dare hope one way or the other. He was still trying to process everything they'd said.

"I don't know if I would be the best fit in this scenario" she confessed. "You two should think back to the women you've shared and determine if there is someone better suited. You don't have to approach all future relationships with this mindset but it may help. You may tire of each other once you try your hand at an actual relationship and agree to remain as you are now: business partners, best friends, and the male-male part of your threesomes..."

Her heart pounded against her ribcage. Truth-be-told she was curious and wanted to be that integral part of their relationship but she wasn't sure if they wanted to be with her in that capacity. There was only one way to find out. She stood up and rinsed her glass. The men remained seated still stunned and confused by the conversation of a prospective three-way relationship. For too long they'd just bedded the same women but never thought more of it.

"Let's go to bed" Carina announced to the silent room. She kept her back to them not wanting them to see how nervous she was. This was so much bigger than her one night with Sati and Valentino. This was about a potential relationship with two men who she suspected already loved each other. Could she compete with that? Could she be a part of that kind of love or would she become the third wheel?

Valentino and Marco gaped at her. "Does that mean we've made a decision" Valentino scoffed.

"No it doesn't" She patiently clarified. "But it may help us determine which path to take... Plus I can't get these dirty pictures out of my mind thanks to Marco." She winked at the stunned men.

Chapter Thirty-Four

Marco's wolfish grin was all the answer she needed. She grabbed her cell phone and sifted through her emails. "By the way" she handed Valentino her phone.

"What am I looking at" he asked. He glanced at the phone's screen unsure if he should be reading the email in its entirety.

"It means all systems clean, clear, and ready to go" she offered. Valentino had no idea how relieved she was to see the test results. The excruciating wait had been punishment enough. She was grateful for the negative results.

Valentino stared at the words. Carina was willingly showing her test results that revealed plenty of personal information. The results included a negative pregnancy test, healthy cholesterol levels, and her blood type. He expelled a lungful of air. If he was being honest with himself he'd been concerned about her test results. He appreciated her honesty about her recent sexual history but her uncertainty about her last partner caused him distress. He rarely slid inside a woman without wrapping it up but for some insane reason he'd been careless with Carina on more than one occasion.

"Thank you" he breathed. "Is Marco permitted to review the information?"

Carina nodded, handing her phone to Marco. Valentino took the opportunity to run to his in-home office. He grabbed two documents from his personal drawer and ran back into the kitchen.

"We are too" he beamed like a proud little kid bringing home a report card full of A's. She looked at the two documents. One was for Valentino and one was for Marco. She smirked at the irony. Unconsciously Valentino was reaffirming what she'd suspected and revealed about them. Marco was in this whether they wanted to acknowledge it or not.

Carina's eyes widened. She stared in disbelief at the date the tests had been performed. "Hey that's not fair" she complained. It took everything in her not to stomp her foot in frustration.

"What" they both asked peering at the documents. The negative results were pretty straightforward.

"How did you get your results so quickly" she griped. It had taken two drawn out weeks to obtain the results of her tests.

Valentino winked at her. "We've got connections baby" he playfully swatted her ass. She pouted in frustration making the men laugh. He grabbed the documents and returned them to his office desk.

"Playtime" Valentino purred. He scooped her into him arms with Marco following closely behind them. Carina laughed with delight as they headed to his bedroom. This definitely was not the way she thought her night would end.

Valentino entered the room and paused by the bed. Carina and Marco looked at him expectantly; this was his show. "Are you sure" Valentino asked nuzzling her hair. He didn't want her to have any doubts. Their one night with Sati had been enjoyable but this was going to be something entirely different. He didn't want her to feel obligated or pressured.

"Yes" her breathy response echoed in the silence.

Valentino released his firm grip slowly sliding her down his body. She closed her eyes loving the feel of his hands around her waist. She grabbed a fistful of his sweater. Her knees almost buckled at the amazing sensation of having two tight, male bodies pressed against her.

Valentino slowly kissed her jaw line as Marco kissed the nape of her neck and moved down her spine causing her skin to erupt in goose bumps. She trembled with intense pleasure. Their tender kisses heated her blood and soaked her core. She firmly gripped Valentino's waist trying to anchor herself. She tilted her head, giving both men better access.

Marco caressed her lower back and hips while Valentino traced the points of the stars on her pasties. Through half closed eyes she watched Valentino nod. Marco's hands grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her heavy breasts. She raised her arms as his fingers grazed her ribs and the sides of her breasts. She shivered at the contact.

Valentino cupped her heavy breasts. "Look" he instructed Marco. She panted as the two men stood next to each other openly grazing her body with their eyes. They kissed her stomach, ribs, and under her breasts. She placed a hand on each man and tilted her head back in ecstasy. They were extremely talented with their tongues and they'd barely just started.

Carina gasped as their mouths traced the star pasties on each side of her breasts. Her fist tightened in their hair as their hands touched her body while their mouths continued to explore her body.

"Fucking exquisite" Marco breathed against her skin. They slowly removed the pasties, caressing and suckling to distract her from the slight pull during removal. Valentino slowly pushed her pants down while Marco kissed the newly exposed skin.

Carina cherished their slow and thorough joint exploration. This was nothing like the time with Sati. It was obvious these men knew their way around a woman's body in each other's presence. They were a sensual team of concurring touches and kisses.

Valentino walked away to drape her clothes on the chair. Marco hooked his fingers in her thong and pulled the tiny material off. His eyes remained fixed at the treasure he uncovered. He sucked in air sharply through his teeth.

"What now" Valentino whispered against her neck. She groaned as she felt his still covered erection brush against her bare skin. "I want you both to strip" she panted, "slowly".

Valentino sat her at the edge of the bed as he and Marco stood directly in front of her. They removed their shoes at the same speed. Carina's eyes bounced from one set of feet to the other. They slowly removed their socks making her toes curl with the sight of exposed skin. She stared at two set of sexy feet. She wriggled against the bed knowing that her fluids were dripping onto her thighs.

Valentino removed his pullover sweater as Marco slowly unbuttoned his dress shirt. Their eyes never left her. She tried to slow her breathing as Marco's chiseled chest peeked through the slightly open dress shirt. Valentino quickly unbuttoned his shirt to keep pace with Marco. Their shirts dropped to the floor at the same time. All that was left was their jeans and underwear.

Carina motioned for them to freeze. The bulge in their pants made it hard for her to look anywhere else but her mind screamed for her to focus. She took in Marco's sexy disheveled appearance. He was a mighty fine sight to take in. She bit her lip as she decided what she wanted to do next. She loved that Valentino allowed her the small semblance of control.

"My turn" she whispered sliding off the bed. The men gasped at the sight of her kneeling before them. She unbuckled Valentino's jeans first. "Did I tell you how incredibly sexy you looked tonight" she murmured as his jeans dropped to his ankles. He groaned while Marco grunted with appreciation. Valentino kicked off his jeans as Marco absently stroked his erection against the denim material. Carina's fingers traced Valentino's erection through his boxer briefs. Both men moaned and shifted from one foot to the other.

This was definitely more erotic and pleasurable than her time with Sati and Valentino. The men shared a familiarity with each other that helped Carina feel at ease. Nothing felt awkward or staged. She rubbed her face against his impressive erections before removing Valentino's boxer briefs. Anticipation coursed through her as his erected shaft popped free from the imprisoning material. She ran her nose along the underside of his shaft breathing in his masculine scent. She closed her eyes as his velvet steel erection caressed her face. His thighs quivered under her perusal.

Carina's tongue traced the large throbbing vein that pulsed with anticipation. She grabbed the base of Valentino's dick while her tongue trailed a wet path around the enlarged head. She tasted his excitement as she opened her mouth to welcome him in. As his head brushed the back of her throat she sucked long and hard, and then pulled back. His cock popped out of her mouth making Valentino whimper at the loss.

Carina turned to Marco and repeated the same actions for him. She took her time with both men learning what Marco liked. He wasn't as thick as Valentino but nicely proportioned and still impressive. She sucked one cock while stroking the other and then switched. She felt empowered having both men within her reach anticipating her every move.

"Enough" Valentino rasped. He teetered too closely on the edge of an orgasm. He picked her up and softly placed her on the bed. He kissed her, their tongues rubbing against each other as he tasted himself and Marco on her. He shuddered and groaned with the knowledge. He'd never tasted another man before and this was the best kind of introduction. Carina sucked his tongue causing his cock to jerk. She gasped and arched her back as Marco cupped her ass and licked her cleft. She couldn't believe she'd momentarily forgotten about him.

She grabbed Marco's hair and circled her hips as he licked, nibbled, and sucked her lower lips and clit. Her nipples pebbled causing Valentino to focus his attention on them. She groaned as the men put her into sensory overload. She'd wanted them to come in her mouth but Valentino had stopped her from doing so. Now she was on the edge of falling over a massive cliff with nothing preventing her from doing so.

Carina panted and writhed as their talented mouths and hands switched places. The tightening of her stomach and the stiffening of her legs were their only indication. She arched her back and screamed as Valentino sucked her clit while Marco inserted two fingers into her soaked pussy. The orgasm slammed into her like a freight train. She momentarily lost consciousness unsure if it was because she'd stopped breathing or due to the mind-blowing orgasm.

"Damn she tastes good" Marco grunted as he sucked his creamy fingers.

"Mmmm" Valentino agreed watching her come down from her powerful orgasm. He stroked his erection as his eyes grazed over her heaving chest.

"Have a taste" he offered Marco. Valentino boldly leaned forward knowing this moment would change everything. His heart pounded in his chest as Marco's eyes caught on fire. Their tongues battled to taste her sweet nectar. Marco's kiss wasn't soft like Carina's; his was passionate and intense igniting something long dormant within Valentino.

Carina opened her eyes to find two sexy masculine bodies over her. Their erections pressed against her as they passionately kissed. She watched, fascinated, as Marco reached for Valentino. He grabbed Valentino by the back of the head taking control and deepening the kiss. She couldn't stifle her pleasurable moan. If she'd had any doubts about how she'd feel when she saw them being intimate, her reaction said it all. They were fucking sexy as hell.

She leaned over nearly swallowing Marco whole. He gasped as she sucked hard and fast. His grip on Valentino tightened as she worked him into a frenzied state. His hips thrust as his cocked swelled. Marco cried out as the orgasm ripped through him. Valentino swallowed his cries of pleasure as she swallowed every delicious drop. Marco shuddered as Carina milked him dry with her mouth.

"Your turn" he hoarsely whispered. He pushed Carina back and grabbed Valentino's dick. He looked at both Carina and Valentino, wanting to ensure they were comfortable with this. Valentino froze but nodded as Marco leaned forward. Marco licked his lips as he watched fluid drip from Valentino's slit. He opened his mouth and licked the pearly fluid. Valentino grabbed Marco's head and slowly pushed his thick, long cock into Marco's mouth. Marco eagerly opened his mouth and pulled in his cheeks, deep and hard while his tongue circled Valentino's dick.

Valentino threw his head back and groaned. Marco knew exactly how hard to suck and how fast to go. They knew he wouldn't last. Valentino's body tensed as the intense sensation moved down his spine. Carina saw the change and cupped his balls while Marco massaged his ass. Valentino thrust his hip towards Marco just as his balls tightened and released a torrent of semen into Marco's mouth. His eyes glazed and he gasped for breath as he rode out the orgasm.

The trio collapsed on the bed. They lay in a tangled heap of limbs. Temporarily sated, they fell unconscious curled into each other.


Carina felt overly warm. Her skin touched other skin in almost every angle of her body. She stirred; body heat and sunshine brought her out of a restful sleep. She blinked hard and looked around. It took a moment to recall that she was at Valentino's place. Her hand rested on a chest while her ass was being prodded by a rock hard erection. She looked at her hand and smiled at the familiar chest; Valentino was still asleep.

A set of warm lips kissed her shoulder. She turned to find Marco quietly watching her. She smiled taking in his sleep mussed hair and whiskered face. She turned around stroking his beard stubble and wrapped a leg around his waist.

Marco smiled at her silent invitation. They hadn't had any one-on-one time and this was the perfect opportunity with Valentino asleep. He wanted to enjoy this moment with her. He kissed her chin and cheek while his hand caressed her ribs. He cupped her breasts loving their fullness as she pressed them into his open and willing hands.

Carina grabbed his engorged shaft and stroked it up and down. She angled herself to easily welcome him. Marco growled pushing her back and nestling between her thighs. Valentino stirred but didn't wake. They giggled and froze, waiting to see if his breathing remained slow and shallow. Marco slowly slid in, gritting his teeth against the loud groan that wanted to escape. He slid his arms beneath Carina and grabbed her shoulders. If he slid in any deeper he'd be done in 30 seconds flat.

Carina wrapped her legs around him and dug her heels into his ass. She met him thrust for slow thrust. She wrapped her arms around his back and buried her face in his neck breathing him in. Marco shivered as she wrapped herself tightly around him. No wonder V hadn't wanted to share; there was no way he could keep this slow and steady pace. Her vaginal walls pulsated with pleasure making him groan in response.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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