Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (57 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Carina looked up with wide eyes as Leticia scurried in behind Valentino. Carina's startled expression quickly melted away. She smiled broadly as Valentino crossed the room to her.

"I was thinking of wearing this for the fireworks show tonight" Carina stated as if Valentino always stormed into the dressing room after a performance.

"What the hell was that" Jaxon demanded exiting the shower area with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Leticia's jaw dropped as Jaxon approached Carina. He still hadn't seen Valentino.

Valentino's eyes narrowed at Jaxon's audacity. It was time to make a statement to any and everybody. Valentino slowly rolled up his sleeves while he stared intently at Carina. Jaxon froze realizing they weren't alone. Leticia's shallow breaths sounded really loud to her amidst the heavy silence coming from the other side of the room.

Carina licked her lips as she followed Valentino's strong hands. Her eyes glazed over as Valentino unbuckled his belt and pants. He took his time seeing that he had Carina's undivided attention. Jaxon was but an accessory in the background.

Leticia wanted to pull away but she couldn't tear her eyes from Valentino as he pulled his dick out of his pants. She was completely frozen to the spot. Her skin flushed and her womb clenched as she took over Desirae and Andrea's places as the voyeurs to the unfolding scene. Leticia's eyes flickered over to Jaxon who stood just as immobile as she was. His blue eyes flashed with fire as Valentino ripped Carina's scrap of panties away. Leticia's heart hammered against her ribs; she knew she shouldn't stay but her feet refused to budge.

Valentino turned Carina around and thrust into her from behind. Carina bent over right in front of her makeup station. Her eyes locked onto Valentino's through the reflection in the mirror. Jaxon hissed as Carina threw her head back in pleasure oblivious to everyone around her. Valentino pushed Carina's crochet dress up her back as his pants slid down to his knees.

"Hold on tight" Valentino growled. He pounded into Carina. The sounds of slapping skin echoed in the dressing room.

Leticia's inner walls pulsated as she watched dominant Valentino. The man had simultaneously dismissed whatever Jaxon thought he'd accomplished onstage while reminding Carina why they were so good together.

"And this is how the alpha male claims his mate" Desirae giggled into Leticia's ear. Leticia squeaked at the unexpected company. She looked behind her to see Andrea, Sati, and Nicholas join them.

"Hot damn" Sati murmured. "I miss that man's insatiable appetite."

"Poor Jaxon" Andrea snickered, "Ignored, with no one to play with."

"The only reason he's not storming off" Nicholas chuckled, "Is because tomorrow evening we'll be at the estate with them featured as the main entertainment."

"No wonder Valentino is staking his claim" Leticia choked out as Carina screamed Valentino's name. The group watched in awe as Valentino roared and shuddered through his release.


Jaxon's jaw twitched but he said nothing. As fucking hot as that was to watch he knew why Valentino did it. The savvy businessman wasn't known for having quickies in the back of his club. Word throughout the estate was that he participated in the occasional scene but wasn't a frequent performer.... Until Carina came along. Jaxon intended to change all that.
members would
Nicholas for Carina and Jaxon to act out a scene again. Jaxon would ensure of that.

Leticia inhaled sharply as Valentino pull out of Carina. Desirae groaned her appreciation while Valentino tucked his flaccid shaft back into his pants. Carina shakily stood up trying to recover from the thorough claiming. Leticia swallowed hard watching Valentino's seed drip down Carina's thighs. The group silently watched Carina head to the showers. Jaxon stiffly threw on jeans and a dress shirt while Valentino grabbed Carina's dress and followed her into the shower area.

"Boss" a voice called from the doorway. Nicholas turned around to see who was calling him. The employee gawked at the flushed group. He looked at the floor as he relayed his message to Nicholas. The fireworks were in place and members were being escorted to their assigned seats.

"Let's go ladies" Nicholas urged the three young women while looking back at Jaxon.

"Is my uncle already out there?" Jaxon inquired following them out. Jaxon hadn't seen Uncle Richard all evening but he knew that his uncle wouldn't miss this weekend's events.

"He's waiting for you" Nicholas confirmed. Jaxon nodded as Marco met up with the group. Marco's eyes narrowed on Jaxon before locking onto Leticia's.

"Where are they?" Marco urgently inquired. Valentino and Carina were nowhere to be found and it left his stomach in knots.

"Think Carina is still recovering from getting her brains fucked out of her head" Desirae laughed.

"You planning on joining them" Andrea teased. Leticia tried not to gawk at their intimate knowledge of each other's sex life.

"I've got all night" Marco chuckled as he rested his arm on his cousin's shoulder. Their acknowledgement eased the gaping hole in his chest. Jaxon couldn't mess with what they had. "Valentino will make sure that Carina doesn't miss the show. This is our first 4
of July together."


Valentino watched Carina slip into the one-shoulder lace cocktail dress. He admired the dress' understated elegance as Carina twisted her hair into a simple up-do.

"Did you have us in mind when you picked out this dress?" Valentino couldn't hide the pleasure and warmth from his voice. Carina showed her affection for them in subtle ways like this. Her dress simultaneously matched his and Marco's business suits.

Carina looked in the mirror as she touched up her lipstick and eye shadow. The royal blue satin beneath the black embroidered lace matched the men's suits. The red ribbon sash at her waist added that patriotic flare to the ensemble. All she was missing was something white.

"Always" Carina whispered kissing his jaw. She wanted to snuggle into his neck but it reminded her too much of the scene played out onstage just moments ago. Carina needed to distance herself from those hot memories before she could do anything like that.

Valentino wrapped his strong arms around her. She closed her eyes grateful for Valentino's bold claiming in front of Jaxon. He rarely did anything so abrasive but Carina had loved every moment. It was nice to know the impeccable businessman needed the same reassurance.

"Are you ready for the show" Valentino's warm breath against her ear made her shiver.

Carina nodded wrapping her arm around Valentino's waist. Although Jaxon was trying to claim this weekend, Valentino was making sure it was one she'd never forget.

Valentino stopped at the doorway and pulled Carina into his arms. She emanated love and adoration through every pore of her body. Valentino knew that Marco was the more expressive of the two. He constantly kissed and hugged Carina, loudly staking their claim. "I love you" Valentino whispered before leaning down and thoroughly kissing her. He didn't care if he wore her lipstick. It was just another sign of their shared possession of each other.

Chapter Ten

"You're not directing the scene" Jaxon emphatically stated as he leaned against the wall in Nicholas' office.

"The agreement was that I would be in the room with you two" Nicholas reminded a petulant Jaxon. "Otherwise Valentino and Marco adamantly refused."

"Fine" Jaxon spluttered, "Out of sight; out of mind!"

"You will heed my suggestions" Nicholas abruptly stood up behind his desk. He wanted this to play out but not at the cost of some mega-clusterfuck. "The director is there to help guide the scene. The audience may be craving something that you would've otherwise missed."

"I trust you to point it out" Jaxon shrugged his shoulders. He'd seen Nicholas direct more than enough scenes within the estate walls to know that he was always professional and on-point. But it seemed a little more personal this time around. "But your job is also to keep the others out." Jaxon reminded Nicholas.

"Trust me they know there's going to be penetration tonight" Nicholas stated chagrined. Tonight's performance was going to be the death of him. It was a hell of a lot easier overseeing both the estate and the new nightclub than dealing with this one performance.

"Good" Jaxon retorted. "Now if you'll excuse me I need to get the props in the room ready."

"Are you using toys?" Nicholas inquired. He hadn't heard from the staff about needing to special order anything.

"Nothing out of the ordinary" Jaxon reassured Nicholas. "But there are a few things I want in the background for the setting." He smiled baring all his teeth as he thought about the evening's plans. He'd had a walking hard-on since Nicholas had approved the scene but it was worth every uncomfortable moment.

Nicholas merely nodded. Jaxon had been looking forward to this all summer and it was finally here. Nicholas wasn't sure if it was the ammunition Jaxon needed to win Carina over but it would be fun to watch the show. Nicholas swallowed the bitter taste of envy that kept creeping back up his throat. He would get another opportunity to play with Carina. All Nicholas had to do was let everything die down and things would be fine.

"You know the expected minimums" Nicholas reminded Jaxon. Minimum time limits and orgasms were one of Nicholas' requirements whenever members requested to enact a scene in front of an audience. The smaller see-through rooms Nicholas offered members didn't have those same requirements. They just fulfilled the exhibitionist cravings and voyeuristic tendencies of his members and their guests.

"I know" Jaxon's hard tone let him know the man was done talking. Nicholas took a deep breath before dismissing the eager young man. He looked over the guest list again as he called in his assistant. All the private rooms and suites were booked for the weekend and select members had reserved entire wings for themselves making this an extremely profitable weekend.

"Sir" His assistant peeked in.

"Come in" Nicholas motioned her over. There was still so much to do before the doors opened. "Call everyone in early to ensure that everything is set and in immaculate order before we open the doors this afternoon. Assign specific people to focus on themed rooms, others to the guest quarters, and those who lack attention to detail can just be the runners or help with simple errands.

"Yes sir" his assistant squeaked as she furiously notated Nicholas' expectations.

Nicholas stared at the impressive guest list. Musicians, artists, and a few athletes were coming in for the weekend. It was more than Nicholas had ever envisioned. He figured his club members would ultimately consist of business men and women, politicians, and spoiled heirs and heiresses. With Valentino and Marco's assistance, Nicholas had sourced members from other prestigious and profitable channels.


Jaxon looked around the room, pleased with himself. No one but Carina would understand the significance. The room was an exact replica of his apartment on campus. His guitar was tucked away in the corner, a picture of Carina and Jaxon hung on the wall for all to see, and a box of Carina's favorite cookies and soda rested on the small round table. If a picture was worth a thousand words then Jaxon was saying a whole fucking lot.

"Cozy" Nicholas mused looking around the room. He hadn't believed his assistant when she'd mentioned that Jaxon was making the room look like an ordinary bedroom.

"It is" Jaxon proudly stated. "I'm going to take a shower before the doors open."

Nicholas nodded still unsure of the room's significance. Jaxon looked so damn proud of himself.

"Sir" a timid voice called from the hallway. Nicholas turned to see who was getting his attention. He loved how the staff members called him
Only members and friends addressed him by his name under this roof, and a select few called him
. Nicholas sighed with disappointment knowing that Carina would never be one of those.

"Sir" the girl called out again. "Shall we have the guest relations members at the door with the hostesses or did you prefer them to be elsewhere?"

Nicholas smiled envisioning the three troublemakers. Desirae was decked out in red leather pants and a matching vest that barely covered her breasts. Her spiked heels and high ponytail made her look tall for the evening. Nicholas approved Desirae carrying around a flogger. She was advertising the dungeons for the night and would be there after Carina's performance.

"I prefer them by the bar" Nicholas replied. "We have enough bodies at the main entrance." The girl nodded before scurrying off. It wasn't long before someone else was calling his name. Nicholas sighed knowing it was going to be a long night.


"What are you going to wear?" Desirae asked as Carina stepped out of the shower. They looked at her options. She didn't want to wear something that would be difficult to take off but she also didn't want to go there wearing only a negligee. Carina grabbed the crème colored cashmere sweater dress with long sleeves. It covered enough to look classy yet sexy.

"I think lace will show under the dress, go for satin" Desirae advised. Carina nodded and slipped into a nude satin undergarment set. She skipped the thigh-highs and garters. Jaxon wouldn't get the best of her for this performance.

"These boots" Desirae grabbed a pair of chocolate, heeled boots that hugged Carina's calves and ended just below her knees. The outfit gave a glimpse of skin at her thighs and hid her ample cleavage beneath the snug-fitting material.

"No belt" Carina stated before Desirae could sift through the collection. She wasn't going somewhere that required attention to detail; her clothes would be off in no time.

"I've been instructed to ensure that you wear this when you arrive" Nicholas declared as he entered the room. Desirae glared at Nicholas' bold entrance. The man was getting too comfortable around them.

Carina looked at the cashmere dress coat. It was the perfect complement to her ensemble. She wasn't sure why Jaxon wanted it for their scene but she would acquiesce. The beautiful coat was easy to put on and take off. She wanted this evening to go as smoothly as possible. Dinner had been enjoyable for everyone. Nicholas hosted the dinner and allowed members to choose, based on their needs to get back to activities, to eat in the dining hall with a formal buffet to get in and out, or to sit down in the formal dining area and be served by the wait staff. Nicholas understood the needs and wants of his members and catered to them.

"I'll escort you" Nicholas stated bringing Carina out of her reverie. "There's a glass wall with a doorway... that is where you're to enter as if you were visiting Jaxon's place."

"Don't tell me they're going to attempt some porno scene" Desirae groaned with disgust. "Don't you think Jaxon's already pushed the limits?"

"Nothing about this scene will be tasteless or tacky" Nicholas' sharp voice made Desirae flush. "He's already run by me his intentions. Carina doesn't know all the details because unlike some tasteless
adult videos
I want genuine reactions between the two."

Carina slipped into the luxurious coat. "I'm ready whenever you are."

Desirae nodded at the pair. She hustled out of the room to ensure her place in the audience. Carina and Jaxon weren't the only "performances" of the weekend but those who knew their story were interested in watching. Desirae knew without a shadow of a doubt that a couple of the audience members were male members hoping to shag Carina.

Desirae smiled at the security staff as she passed them. The room was quickly filling up. Valentino, Marco, Leticia, Griffin, and Andrea were already seated towards the front. An empty seat awaited her.

"About damn time" Griffin huffed. "Do you know how many looked ready to kill us because we wouldn't give them this seat?"

"Good to know you value your testicles" Desirae shrugged as she slid into her seat. Andrea giggled making Griffin scowl.

"Where's Diego spending his time?" Desirae inquired while looking around. This was no place for Carina's brother. He was practically abandoned the moment seating began for the erotic show.

"He's checking out the themed rooms" Griffin casually stated. "They didn't have as many activities last time around. I'm sure he'll stay busy."

Desirae's brows furrowed. Diego had that dark sensuality with genuine wholesomeness mixed in all together. The man could strut around in a sex club with no problem but she never saw him taking anyone back to their hotel room. Desirae knew Diego wasn't celibate but he didn't flaunt his conquests the way most guys did. He was always subtle about things.

How completely opposite Diego and Carina were...

A soft erotic beat thrummed through their surroundings. Desirae looked for the hidden speakers but couldn't immediately locate them. Her eyes darted to the staged room where Jaxon entered through the supposed doorway. He walked over to a picture hanging on the wall. Desirae leaned forward nearly gasping. It was a picture of Carina and Jaxon sitting at a bar. Carina was smiling while Jaxon looked like he was beaming. Desirae tilted her head. She couldn't recall if Carina had a picture like this. Obviously Jaxon did and kept his.

"They looked happy" Leticia mumbled. Desirae bit her lips not knowing how to respond. Jaxon and Carina's relationship was oftentimes tenuous at best. Looking from the outside in, most saw only the physical aspect of their relationship. Desirae suspected Carina cared for Jaxon; otherwise she wouldn't have tolerated his shit for even a moment.

Jaxon unloaded items from a bag Desirae hadn't previously noticed. He placed a can of Pepsi and a package of cookies on the nightstand next to the oversized bed. The audience silently watched as Jaxon looked at the time. His hand absently stroked a guitar propped in the corner against the clear wall. His nervousness and anticipation permeated through the room. Desirae had to remind herself that they were viewing a planned scene, not peeping into Jaxon's bedroom without his knowledge.

" Jaxon's gravelly voice brought all eyes to the doorway. Carina stood at the entrance looking around at the room. Desirae swallowed as various expressions flitted across her best friend's face. It was as if the room was familiar to Carina even though it was only staged.

"Come in" Jaxon motioned for Carina to step into the room. He grabbed her beautiful coat as it slipped off her shoulders and neatly placed it onto a chair a few feet away from them. Desirae glimpsed Nicholas' form in the corner but her focus was on the couple. She now comprehended what Nicholas had wanted from Carina. Their interactions weren't premeditated; they weren't forced or fake. Jaxon didn't jump on Carina the moment she stepped on stage. Desirae squeezed her thighs knowing where the scene would ultimately go but she savored every agonizing second of mental and verbal foreplay beforehand.

"Did you get that for me?" Carina pointed to the soda and cookies. Jaxon nodded. He couldn't hide his pleased smile that she'd noticed.

"I'm glad you came" He softly stated. Desirae looked around noticing that his voice traveled throughout the room, much like the now barely discernable music in the background.

"You're hard to resist" Carina chuckled. Jaxon pulled her in. He gripped her waist while she wrapped her arms around his neck. Their familiarity didn't go unnoticed by those in the room. Murmurs of appreciation hummed while the couple slowly and reverently kissed. Desirae rubbed her hands on her thighs torn at the barely unfolding scene. Valentino and Marco were watching the heated connection between Jaxon and Carina. The couple's undeniable chemistry saturated the air with barely contained passion and lust.

"Would you dance with me" Jaxon asked. He pulled away from Carina waiting for her reply. If she declined he had another way of introducing the song but he didn't want to play that card yet.

"That'd be nice," she smiled. Jaxon grabbed a remote off the nightstand and pressed a button. A guitar strummed through the speakers. Carina's eyes widened as she recognized the song. Desirae's mind flittered through various artists but she couldn't place the song. Jaxon enfolded Carina into his arms and slow danced with her. He sang,
"Falling Slowly"
over the now recognizable voice of Kris Allen. Desirae glanced over at Marco and Valentino. Desirae bit her lip, watching the men hold hands as they watched their girl being serenaded by Jaxon's breathtaking voice.

"The bastard plays dirty" Griffin whispered aloud. If Jaxon's voice didn't pull everyone in, then it'd be the words to the song. Jaxon sang with all his heart as his hands caressed Carina's shapely figure. By the end of the song he was on his knees looking up at Carina.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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