The Irresistible Bundle (55 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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The remaining girls downed their drinks and scurried back to the dressing room. They were only performing one dance for the night.

"You might find it equally entertaining to be back there with them" Nicholas offered Leticia. Marco and Valentino laughed as they nodded their heads.

Leticia wasn't sure if she wanted to go back there; she wasn't in a bad spot here either. She was the only female sitting with a group of sexy-as-hell men. Every last one of them were fine specimens of the male species. "Are you trying to get rid of me?" She teased.

Nicholas shook his head. "Merely extending the offer," he didn't mention that he wanted to head back there himself to see what the troublemakers were up to.

"Sure" Leticia shrugged with feigned indifference. The reality was her blood was pumping and her body ached in all the right places. Leticia enjoyed the company of the girls; they were an interesting group. It had nothing to do with the fact that she wanted to see if this Jaxon guy was as potent as they claimed. Not. At. All.

Nicholas escorted Leticia to the girls' private suite. He knocked once before opening the door. Leticia scoffed as he strolled in amidst a sea of naked bodies. "No wonder you like checking up on them" She snickered as Nicholas winked at her.

"Have to do my job to the best of my abilities" he smirked.

"Did that meet your approval" Jaxon asked as he heard Nicholas' voice. By the roar of the crowd, Jaxon knew he'd met, if not exceeded, their expectations. It also helped that Carina was completely engaged with him throughout the song.

"It did although Valentino was stewing over the fact that you couldn't take your eyes off his girl." Nicholas replied. Jaxon was still in his jeans but just slipping on shoes while the others got ready for their number.

"We were singing to her" Jaxon shrugged. He froze catching a glimpse of the woman beside Nicholas. Jaxon muffled his groan as his eyes traveled from her strappy heels, upwards to her purple leggings that showed off shapely legs and a nice ass, and finally stopping at her barely covered breasts beneath a sexy black cowl neck top with loose ruffled sleeves. Jaxon's eyes caressed her visible collarbone before devouring her face. Long ebony hair rested down her back stopping just above her waist. He swallowed as his eyes locked onto her bright green irises. They looked like emeralds under the fluorescent light.

"Jaxon, have you met Leticia" Nicholas motioned to the silent beauty. "She's Marco's cousin."


Jaxon's groan escaped before he could silence it. He just couldn't get a fucking break. No wonder Leticia reminded him of Carina. Apparently he and Marco shared similar tastes; dark haired beauties with luscious curves.

Leticia stiffened as she watched the modern-day Adonis swallow his groan. Leticia's skin heated under his intense gaze. The man didn't miss much. She held her breath as Jaxon approached.

"Pleasure" Jaxon's deep voice greeted her. He leaned forward and kissed Leticia on the cheek. It was one of the things Carina had taught him regarding Hispanic families; they kissed and hugged rather than shaking hands. Jaxon willingly embraced that cultural trait.

"Hell to the fuck no" Desirae screamed at Chelsea. Jaxon and Leticia jumped apart at her viscous tone while the room froze with trepidation.

"But Carina and Sati always choose the songs" Chelsea stomped her foot like a bratty child storming over to Nicholas and Jaxon. Desirae followed hot on Chelsea's heels.

"Inform the stupid cunt that Carina and Sati choose the songs because they're always in good taste" Desirae spat at Chelsea while she waved her hand between Nicholas and the group.

Nicholas' eyes widened at the heated exchange. Desirae made no qualms about her feelings regarding Chelsea and Melissa. "What song are you suggesting?" Nicholas inquired. He looked between Chelsea and Desirae trying to appear somewhat diplomatic.

by Kelis" Chelsea proudly stated.

Nicholas and Leticia cringed while Jaxon snickered. "And what kind of performance did you want to accompany that song selection with" Nicholas asked. There were only two things Chelsea did well on stage; the pole or stripping.

"We could do a strip tease" Chelsea shrugged, "Or maybe we can play out an erotic scene with Jaxon and do some kind of threesome."

"Let me guess" Jaxon sniggered, "You and Melissa."

"If Carina joined me would you automatically say yes?" Chelsea leaned over to show Jaxon her barely covered breasts.

"Put those away Chels" Carina called from the other side of the room. "He's already seen them and played with them. The answer to your question is a resounding hell no for everything you suggested."

"I already said that" Desirae crowed while Chelsea pouted.

"Nicholas you make the executive decisions" Chelsea pleaded. She got on her knees making Jaxon and Nicholas fly several feet back. Desirae howled with laughter as Leticia looked around the room. The girls were either laughing at the scene unfolding or shaking their heads in disgust.

"First off" Nicholas' firm tone made everyone stand at attention, "I hired Carina and Sati with that specific purpose in mind. They oversee every aspect of your performances beginning with song selection, including style and choreography choice, and ending with performers." Nicholas stared at every person in the dressing room. "You all are here because of Carina."

Melissa shifted uncomfortably. Sati nodded her head with agreement. Desirae knowingly winked at Carina.

"Second" Nicholas growled. "Sexual acts or attempts thereof will win you no favors or get you anywhere."

"I beg to differ" Chelsea sniffed. "I heard Andrea and Desirae saying that you've had sex with Carina several times. Is that true?"

"Carina's sex life has nothing to do with your song selection" Sati interjected.

Leticia blanched looking around the room. Was it her or did Carina have sex with damn near everybody but Chelsea and Melissa were considered the sluts?

"Let's clear the air here" Carina's sharp voice made everyone turn towards her. She looked directly at Jaxon as she began. "Jaxon and I
an item last year. We're not going into details about anything."

"The sex was great" Jaxon pointed his finger in the air and waggled his eyebrows.

"No one doubts that" Nicholas dryly retorted.

Carina sighed with exasperation before continuing. "Valentino, Marco, and I do not hide the fact that we choose to add partners on occasion. Nicholas and I have had sex."

"I think he passed out too" Andrea giggled as Sati gawked.

"How would you know?" Chelsea scoffed.

"What can I say?" Andrea shrugged. "They're exhibitionists and Des and I are voyeurs."

"Sugar, you did more than just watch" Nicholas licked his lips as his eyes bounced from Andrea, to Desirae, to Carina.

"That we did" Andrea reminisced. She squirmed in place aware of the many eyes on them.

"But I'm the bad guy here" Jaxon muttered. Carina frowned; there were too many people present to have this conversation with him again. Jaxon was always fixated on the wrong thing. Carina opened her mouth to say something when a loud knock at the door made everyone jump.

"Five minutes" the familiar voice called out making Sati shriek. Leticia watched as the girls hustled to complete the finishing touches to their outfits while Nicholas and Jaxon got out of the way.

"You aren't in this number?" Nicholas flicked his chin at Jaxon.

Jaxon watched the girls line up by the door. They followed behind the group. "No" Jaxon replied. "This is their only group number for the weekend."

"Do I need to familiarize myself with their routines and your expectations?" Leticia asked Nicholas. Marco had asked her to check out the nightclub and decide if she wanted to manage it. Valentino and Marco offered her the job; it was up to Leticia to decide if she wanted it.

"I'll still be in charge of the performances since they'll be connected to the estate and the monthly themes." Nicholas replied. "But I value your feedback and suggestions."

Leticia sighed with relief as Nicholas led the way back to the table. She knew how to run a club but had no idea how to manage acts. Jaxon walked beside her making Leticia very aware of every succulent inch of his body. She couldn't condemn Carina for her actions because given the opportunity Leticia was sure she'd have a piece of every scrumptious male at their table... Well, minus Marco. No matter how good-looking he was Leticia never intended to cross that line.

"Took you long enough" Marco complained. Leticia scooted into the booth next to him.

"Chelsea and Desirae dramas" Nicholas explained. Marco and Valentino shook their heads while Griffin looked completely lost.

"Desirae can be a viscous little thing" Jaxon chuckled as they settled in for the girls' performance.

"What are they doing this time?" Diego asked the group as a whole. He wasn't sure who was in charge of approving their numbers. Carina spoke vaguely about what she did within these walls.

So What
by Pink" Jaxon replied. The other guys nodded their heads in approval. Diego's shoulders slumped with relief. He wasn't sure if he'd be up to watching his little sister pole dancing or anything.

Nicholas' throaty laugh caught the attention of nearby tables. Leticia looked around to see what had him so entertained. She caught sight of several of the girls climbing occupied tables.

"There's Desirae" Marco pointed to the busty brunette standing on the bar.

"And Sati" Valentino added as he motioned towards the entrance of the club. Sati was straddling an awestruck member as the music began. Carina's voice belted through the club before appearing from behind the closed curtains.

The girls danced on table tops and gulped down club members' drinks as Carina sang about wearing a brand new attitude and getting into fights. The whole club joined in with their performance as they sang the chorus. Male and female voices belted out the lyrics of having fun and being a rock star.

Ariel and Andrea head-banged while Desirae kicked around a few drunken fools at the bar. Leticia howled with laughter at their ballsy performance. Diego smiled as the crowd ate up the girls' abuse. Valentino and Marco were up before the song ended leading the way for the standing ovation. The crowd loved the fact that the girls constantly mixed up their performances.

"That's my cue" Jaxon exclaimed before sliding out of the booth, "Showtime for me and

"You don't get to call her that anymore" Marco growled as Jaxon followed the girls.

"She still responds to it" Jaxon taunted as he slipped away. Marco snarled wanting to lunge forward and choke the shit out of him. Valentino gripped his forearm.

"Rein it in now because they're up next" Nicholas warned. The DJ got back into his booth and played dance music for the crowd.

"Is this everyone's way of paying tribute to their independence?" Leticia mused aloud as she pointed to people scantily dressed in red, white, and blue. The thick tension by the brooding males was almost suffocating and she seemed like the only sensible one trying to diffuse it.

"Yep" Nicholas agreed as a server approached the table. Leticia ordered a beer, not wanting to get drunk while she observed the club's operations. She intended to get intoxicated another night, perhaps at Marco and Valentino's club where she didn't have to worry about being the future boss.

"How long until Carina performs?" Diego inquired. A playful redhead was successfully attracting his attention but he didn't want to miss his sister's number.

"An hour" Valentino replied. Diego excused himself from the table. "Enjoy yourself" Valentino called out.

"I won't go far" Diego assured them.

"Does he always play the hero?" Nicholas asked Griffin. Valentino and Marco laughed while Griffin shrugged his shoulders.

"He's as real as it gets" Griffin replied. "We've been best friends since freshman year. Never seen the guy pull any bullshit but he'll tell you like it is."

"I'm sure he's part of the reason why Carina's so strong and independent." Valentino smiled warmly towards Diego.

"He's protective of her" Griffin replied, "But he lets Carina spread her wings and picks her up when she falls. I've seen her transform from a girl to a woman these last few years."

"You never made a play for her" Nicholas inquired. Carina was stunning; it was hard for any man to resist.

"Carina is temptation reincarnated" Griffin wistfully sighed. "Aside from my friendship with Diego, I don't think I could've handled Carina anyways. She just might be a little too much woman for me."

Marco sympathetically patted Griffin on the shoulder as Valentino laughed and nodded. "Do you see why it takes two of us?" Marco snickered.

"With Nicholas as a side dish on occasion" Leticia chuckled.

"What the hell have you girls been talking about already?" Marco demanded. His cousin had only been in town for a few days and she already knew Carina's history.

"Who said what about what" Desirae demanded as she returned to the table in formfitting jeans and a one-shoulder top.

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