Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (62 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Chapter Fourteen

Nicholas impatiently paced back and forth. He changed directions several times to avoid imprinting a path on his rug. Carina was known for her punctuality. She'd been gone for an entire week. Club members and staff had noticed her absence. Her mere presence increased member attendance on weeknights. Nicholas knew he was a selfish bastard. Carina wasn't his but he enjoyed her company. He loved seeing her on his estate mingling with the members. He envied Valentino and Marco but he'd never let it show. He valued their friendship and partnership too much and he didn't want to lose Carina being in his life. Nicholas settled for whatever he got.

"Ms. Lobos just arrived sir" the voice on the intercom announced. "Mr. DeLuca and Mr. Soriano are with her."

Nicholas wasn't surprised. Valentino and Marco whisked her away and he hadn't heard from the three all week. He needed to see them. He wanted to make sure everything was okay. But he didn't want to head straight into the lion's den. Time didn't guarantee anything. For all Nicholas knew the guys were still looking to knock his teeth out. He wasn't willingly walking into something like that.

Nicholas rolled his shoulders back. He needed to speak with the girls anyways. He was just waiting for Carina to arrive to discuss this week's performances.
was going to be open to the public for the entire weekend. There wasn't a need for special performances. He walked with a false sense of confidence towards the practice room. Members only stopped by the estate at this time of day for business lunches or a prearranged hookup.

Nicholas stood tall and proudly before knocking on the double doors. The girls' excited chatter bounced off the closed doors. "Come in" Sati called. He opened the door and stepped in. The girls smiled at him like they usually did. Most of them didn't know about the fallout during the scene. Sati knew because she'd been counting on Carina for input and planning but the others were on a need-to-know basis and they didn't need to know jackshit. Nicholas looked around the room. Desirae and Andrea stood next to Carina while the others sat in chairs waiting for the Monday huddle. Valentino and Marco stiffened at the sight of him. They curtly nodded but said nothing. Nicholas swallowed. He needed to speak with them. He didn't want this tension and discord between them.

Carina watched Nicholas hesitantly enter the room. She wasn't surprised to see him. He always came to their Monday recaps. He offered his observations and constructive feedback to help the girls improve their performances. Everyone chatted as if nothing was wrong; only Andrea, Sati, and Desirae watched the men silently eyeball each other. Carina needed to diffuse the situation before anything really got started. Because she was at the root of the issue, it was too easy to play Devil's advocate and see both sides of the story. She understood why Nicholas pressed for her and Jaxon to perform together. But she equally understood why Valentino and Marco were resentful towards Nicholas.

She walked toward Nicholas without saying anything. His body stiffened at her approach. The wariness in his eyes caused her stomach to twist. She wrapped her arms around Nicholas' waist and pressed her forehead against his chest, breathing him in. Nicholas was an enigma. He radiated power and coldness but Carina got front row seats to glimpses of tenderness and warmth. Most of the girls were intimidated by him, and rightly so. Whenever they forgot themselves and disrespected Nicholas, he quickly put them back in line. He ruled the club with an iron fist and a heavy hand.

"I'm not mad at you" Carina whispered into his chest. Nicholas shuddered. He wrapped his arms around her body soaking in her warmth. The girls quieted at their intimate gesture.

"But they still are" He murmured into her hair. He couldn't look at Valentino and Marco. He didn't want to see their anger and disappointment.

"You boys will talk it out or duke it out. Either way everything will work itself out." Carina teased. "Thank you for giving me this week. We really needed it."

"You're welcome" Nicholas breathed. He wished it had been under different circumstances. "We missed you." He confessed. He kissed the top of her head before guiding her to the others.

"Ladies, wonderful job this weekend. The staff and patrons have all complimented your performances. I've heard from numerous sources that they appreciate your diverse selections. There's a betting pool at the estate; they place bids trying to predict your performance styles for the weekend." Nicholas tried to focus entirely on the meeting but he couldn't help stealing glances at Carina and the guys. She genuinely seemed to have forgiven him but he couldn't read the blank faces of Marco and Valentino.

Sati humbly nodded her head while Ariel and Beatriz bounced in their seats. Desirae laughed as she looked at the group. "Can I tell them boss?" Desirae eagerly inquired. Carina tilted her head in curiosity unaware of the news. They'd gotten back from the cruise yesterday afternoon and the girls hadn't mentioned this idea to her. Andrea squirmed in her seat making Valentino and Marco lean forward with interest.

"Of course" Nicholas nodded his head. He didn't know how the others were going to take Desirae's idea. Nicholas was especially concerned with Carina.

"The betting pool kind of inspired this left field idea" Desirae wildly motioned with her hands. Her eyes gleamed with excitement making everyone fidget with anticipation. "This weekend Ariel and Beatriz will perform one of their show tune numbers. Sati will do one of her belly dance jigs."

"I'm coordinating with the other groups several major numbers. We'll know by tomorrow." Sati added.

"What about the rest of us" Chelsea asked. "Me and Mel could do a number with Jaxon."

The girls snorted and rolled their eyes. Chelsea made the same suggestion each week. No matter how many times the idea got shot down the stupid cunt kept asking. Even Jaxon had scoffed at the suggestion.

"This is where it gets interesting" Desirae dramatically stated. "Nicholas does theme rooms and nights within the estate. This weekend will be all about guilty pleasures."

"Members list their guilty pleasures on their annual applications. I've selected from those lists according to their popularity and accessibility within the estate walls." Nicholas calmly stated. Desirae vibrated with excitement and it was quickly becoming contagious.

"Certain staff and club members will be hosting themed rooms" Desirae informed the group. "A part of the dining hall will have several women laid out on the table allowing members and their guests to enjoy dessert." She waggled her eyebrows with the insinuation.

"You mean I can lay on the table with my legs open and get my pussy eaten all night long?" Chelsea swooned. Melissa fanned herself; her flushed cheeks told everyone where her mind had gone.

"Has she been tested?" Desirae scrunched her face in disgust. No one wanted to eat bad fish.

"All of you were tested when you began employment" Nicholas sighed. Regardless of the girls' feelings regarding Chelsea and Melissa, this was a perfect station for them. "You'll have to retest before Friday to be permitted to be a part of the scenes."

"I'm clean" Chelsea confidently stated. "Some of you bitches should check yourselves."

"Watch your mouth" Nicholas growled. He was really getting tired of Chelsea. Classes resumed for them in another month. Nicholas wasn't sure if he could tolerate her for that long.

Chelsea contritely looked down. She hated being reprimanded by Nicholas. He rarely gave out compliments and she only wanted him to notice the good stuff. She had to work extra hard to get his attention.

"Will you be in the dungeon?" Marco asked Desirae. They all knew that was her strength. If the night boasted of guilty pleasure there would be a line of members wanting to be dominated by Desirae.

"Nope" Desirae proudly replied. "I will be in the game room."

"Game room" several inquisitive voices asked. The girls looked at each other in bewilderment. Nicholas wanted to laugh at their puzzled expressions.

"What are you going to play
stick the dick in the hole
or something" Chelsea scoffed.

"Ohhh... that might actually be a good one" Andrea laughed. Generally Chelsea said stupid stuff but she might actually give good input this time around.

"Blindfolded" Beatriz piped in "He gets to come if he gets it in the specified hole with no help and no hands."

Nicholas' jaw dropped. It was too easy to forget how much of a spitfire Beatriz really was. He'd heard the guys talking about their rendezvous with these girls. Beatriz was a dirty girl. Nicholas wasn't sure if her friends even knew that.

"And they get spanked if they miss" Melissa added. The girls howled with laughter as the guys looked at them with horror.

"Are you writing this down" Desirae squealed. Carina watched Ariel scribbling furiously into a notebook.

"My idea was to have a contest between several girls" Desirae calmed down somewhat and continued with her idea. "The first to make the guy come wins."

"If you're sucking him off then it's not a fair competition" Carina replied dryly. There was no way she'd even attempt going against Desirae. Carina knew her limits.

Desirae waggled her eyebrows. "C'mon roomy.... All you gotta do is let them into that sweetness down there and they'll come in two minutes flat."

"I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted" Carina scoffed. She appreciated that Desirae wasn't tiptoeing around her.

"Flattered" the guys replied.

"Insulted" Ariel and Melissa echoed.

"Sabotage it" Sati mused aloud. The group stared at her with confusion before she elaborated. "Those same men should be competing also. The last one to come wins a prize."

"The prize would have to be better than the orgasm" Andrea chortled.

"How about no membership fees for 3 months" Nicholas looked at Valentino and Marco. They hadn't spoken to each other but they were the best ones as a soundboard regarding this.

"I might enter just to try and win that" Marco laughed. "Or maybe an upgrade in membership for the same timeframe... But I'd avoid Desirae like the plague."

Desirae humped the air while the girls keeled over laughing. Things were starting to feel right again.

"What would the girls win" Carina inquired. It wasn't like she was willing to go against Desirae but the prize should be worth it.

"Cash" Nicholas suggested. The girls nodded their approval. Cash was always king.

"We'd need judges" Andrea replied.

"I'd be a judge" Carina offered. She wasn't ready to join in the festivities. All three men breathed a sigh of relief. Carina raised an eyebrow in silent inquiry. Were they happy she wasn't participating or relieved that she was okay with the idea?

"Think it should be two guys and two girls" Carina suggested.

"Someone we trust" Chelsea exclaimed.

"Someone you don't know so it's unbiased" Sati retorted.

"Mixture of both" Valentino shrugged. "There should be judges for the game Chelsea suggested that way the guy can't argue whether or not he merits a spanking. The person with the paddle can't use it until the ref or judge makes the call."

"Those hot referee costumes" Desirae ran to the corner. Nicholas sighed dramatically. She'd been eyeing those costumes for weeks and hadn't figured out a way to wear them yet. Desirae pulled out four naughty referee costumes.

"You know you're a contestant not a referee, right?" Nicholas reminded her.

"I know" Desirae pouted. "But these will look so fucking hot."

Carina looked at the costume choices. The first one was a black and white striped one-piece costume. The bra connected in the front to the bottom piece by means of a two-inch wide scrap of material. The bottom was a skirt with pink ruffles at the hem. A patch with the number 69 flashed at the side. Carina laughed as Desirae turned the costume around. The skirt practically disappeared at the backside - meaning that whoever wore it was going to be showing their ass cheeks. Thigh-highs came with the ensemble and attached underneath the skirt.

The next costume was a black and white striped micro dress with short cuffed sleeves. The low neckline ensured plenty of cleavage and Carina was sure the dress would barely cover someone's ass. Pink bows added a feminine touch.

Chelsea held up a front-tie midriff top with a micro skirt. The outfit's telltale black and white stripes were the only indication that it was a referee costume. Black knee-high stockings were part of the outfit.

The last costume choice was more to Carina's liking. It was a one-piece outfit that screamed flirty-fun. The black and white striped top half looked like a corset. A black belt with a heart buckle at the waist separated the striped pattern from the white shorts. White knee-high socks with two thin black stripes matched the wristbands. Ruffles called attention to the heart-shaped top.

"This one's mine" Carina snatched the last outfit away. Desirae laughed at her best friend. It was no surprise the one she'd picked.

"How about the people paddling the losers wear something like this" Andrea suggested. She presented naughty cop outfits. Beatriz squealed with delight.

"I want to spank someone" Beatriz exclaimed. She grabbed the black satin two-piece costume complete with a badge, handcuffs, and hat.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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