The Irresistible Bundle (111 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Jaxon did NOT say to get naked fuckers" Diego hissed. Was he the only one who got tired of seeing them pull their shit out whenever they felt like it?

"We're not" Nicholas calmly reassured him. "Unlike the girls we can't pull off a neat trick like that." The trio's jeans fell to their knees. In moments they kicked them off before removing their boxer briefs. Marco removed his shirt encouraging the other two to do so as well.

"Leticia stop staring at your cousin's dick!" Sati shrilled from the corner.

"It's pretty isn't it" Carina openly ogled her men and Nicholas. They were all erect shamelessly flaunting their virile manhood.

"The assholes are naked" yelled Diego. There was no way in hell he was getting down to his birthday suit like these clowns were. He quickly motioned for Griffin to exchange boxers with him. Unlike the horny trio they kept their shirts and shorts on. Just as Jaxon instructed they were wearing each other's boxers over their shorts.

Carina and Leticia whispered to each other before sauntering over to the guys. Carina looped her bra over Valentino's head while Leticia's placed hers over Jaxon's. They turned around, facing away from their men before sliding their panties off. Carina happened to be wearing a skirt making it effortless to take it off. She hung her satin panty around Marco's neck. Leticia followed suit placing her panty in Jaxon's pocket.

"You smell so fucking good" Marco growled. He openly sniffed her panty allowing Valentino in on the action too.

"Do you need to see my pussy too" Desirae snapped her fingers trying to regain the attention of a lust-addled Jaxon.

"Huh. Why?" He spluttered.

"Because I'm going commando" she casually replied.

"I'll check. You better not take your fucking pants off" Diego growled. He'd wondered if she was wearing anything. The pair of leather pants she had on looked like they were painted on her. Damn it all to hell. She wasn't wearing panties or a bra!

Valentino, Marco, and Nicholas switched boxer briefs. They remained pantless, shirtless, and hard as rocks. "Jaxon tell them they have to stay like that for the rest of the game" Andrea pleaded. Their eyes feasted on tan skin, muscular arms, chiseled chests, protruding erections, and thick thighs. The men were proud of every inch of their bodies.

"I think Desirae should get eliminated for not being able to complete it" Griffin taunted; anything to get the fiery brunette out of the game. He prayed Jaxon wouldn't choose her to lead next.

"Oh fuck no" Desirae glared. "Don't try me Griffin!"

His phone rang saving him from her predatory stare. "She's fine" Jaxon waved the suggestion away. Griffin fumbled with the layer of boxer then cargo shorts, trying to get to his phone. He might've been able to get to it sooner if it wasn't for the dozen pockets the shorts sported.

"Will you answer your fucking phones" Desirae snapped. First Griffin's phone had started, now it was Diego's. They both looked down at their phones, concern instantly etching across their faces.

"What's wrong?" Carina leaned forward.

Griffin listened to his message while Diego answered his phone before his voicemail picked up. The group sat in silence as they glanced between the two guys.

"Fucking Logan" Griffin kicked an empty beer bottle at his feet. He stared expectantly at Diego waiting until he finished his phone call.

"Did you really have to say Logan's name while I was still on the phone?" Diego snapped.

"Tell me it wasn't him" Griffin challenged. No one knew what the hell they were talking about.

"I can't" Diego ran his hands through his hair chagrined with the situation. "It's too fucking coincidental otherwise."

"Um hello" Carina waved her hand between the two. "You plan on letting us in on this?"

"Sorry muñeca" Diego exhaled loudly. Frustration emanated from both of them. "We had a major assignment due today."

"Which WE turned in" Griffin emphasized.

"But the professor just contacted everyone saying that we need to resubmit due to some system glitch."

"Diego always gives people the benefit of the doubt" Griffin crossed his arms over his chest eyeing his best friend. "But I can tell you unequivocally that our classmate Logan sabotaged the system because he hadn't completed the assignment by the deadline. It was a major portion of our semester grade."

"How can you be so sure?" Sati challenged. That was quite an accusation to make.

"Because he spent more time hacking into the professor's system rather than just completing the fucking assignment" Griffin bitched. "I told him that for all the brains he's got that was fucking stupid. He thinks because he's some tech genius that he can't get caught."

"Do you have to go back to your place to resubmit?" Carina quietly asked already knowing the answer.

"Yep" Diego gathered his stuff. "The professor asked everyone to submit to another site and email the file. We have to complete it within the hour in order to get full credit."

"That's bullshit" Desirae balked.

"Let me guess" Jaxon smirked. "The professor isn't as stupid as this Logan asshat thinks he is. He knows someone sabotaged it."

"But he's penalizing everyone because of it" Desirae huffed. She wasn't sure if she was more pissed that they had to scramble to resubmit the assignment or if she was irritated that they were leaving before she got her turn in.

"It is what it is" Griffin sighed. They fixed their state of clothing before sullenly waving goodbye to the group to head back to their place. Carina watched the door for a few minutes before turning back to the others. Diego was an exceptional student and he prided himself on his academic career. She hoped whatever this dumbass did that it wouldn't negatively impact everyone else.

"I think it's about time I led this shit" Desirae plowed through the others. She rubbed her hands together eager to get things really started.

"Jaxon didn't say so" Andrea sing-songed from the corner. She knew it was only going to piss Desirae off but she was safe from her wrath. Desirae had something up her sleeve.

"Just get it over with man" Marco urged. He too looked eager to get in a turn.

"Jaxon says it's Desirae's turn to lead but she can't command some crazy bullshit."

"That's not how Nicholas did it" Desirae snipped. They weren't going to dictate how she was going to do things. "Okay people! Desirae says sit on the floor, close your eyes, and meditate until I tell you otherwise."

The once 10-member group was now down to 6. The four men looked over at the two women who promptly complied. Leticia and Carina sat on the ground with their eyes closed. Desirae crossed her arms over her chest not liking their reluctance. "Desirae says do it now!"

Nicholas, Valentino, Jaxon, and Marco slowly complied. Desirae waited until everyone was doing as instructed before running to the closet. Sati and Andrea sat up realizing she was about to do something different.

"Why do I feel like this is a set up?" Jaxon grumbled.

"Shut up" Leticia hissed not wanting to get in trouble.

"She didn't say we couldn't talk" Marco cockily replied.

"Alright kiddies" Desirae stated, a loud
made them all jump. Nicholas' eyes shot open trying to get a glimpse of what the noise was. "Nic is out" Desirae triumphantly shouted.

"What" Nicholas yelled, "I didn't do anything wrong!"

"You opened your eyes" Desirae shrugged her shoulders. "Go sit with the other losers."

"Hey" Sati and Andrea protested.

"She did say
close your eyes until I tell you otherwise
" Valentino helpfully offered.

"I hope you lose asshole" Nicholas muttered as he stormed away from the others. It might've been a stupid game but he knew he could've won. He wanted to beat Desirae at her own game. Fuck!

"Desirae says keep your eyes closed!" She barked.

"What the hell does she have planned" Sati whisper-shouted.

"You better not have any of your dungeon toys!" Leticia warned. She was
not having it.

"I don't" Desirae assured them. "Now shut up all of you. I should be the only one talking."

"That was never commanded" Jaxon snootily replied.

"Okay" she hissed. "Desirae says
shut the fuck up until I instruct otherwise."

"Harsh" Sati muttered from the corner. "What" she whispered to a glaring Andrea, "It's not like she can eliminate me again."

"Maybe I can't" Desirae huffed. She launched a volleyball at Sati smacking her right upside the head. "But I have other ways of getting you to shut your trap."

The group still in play remained motionless. No one spoke. No one tried to peek although Desirae could feel their curiosity permeating in the air. She rifled through the scraps of clothing she had in a small laundry basket. She really only had one task for them to complete, maybe two. She wanted to see of the men, who were willing to go the furthest.

"Desirae says each of you must share with the group what you're hoping to win for the night."

"Valentino wishes for a night of hot, uninterrupted sex with his two lovers."

"Jaxon wishes for the group to play strip poker with clothing, kisses and sex as bargaining chips."

"Lofty aspirations" Nicholas chuckled from the corner.

"Marco wishes for at least three mouths to suck him off tonight."

"Seriously?" Andrea scoffed. He had two eager mouths always ready and willing to please him. Why did he need to add another?

"She said anything" he smirked.

"Leticia wishes to watch Valentino and Carina in a scene tonight."

"Um hello" her cousin coughed.

"Carina wishes that if she wins we can make everyone's wishes come true, even if it isn't all tonight."

"Is that even a legal request?" Sati challenged.

"Here's the deal folks: Desirae says you must put on one of these suits and complete a fashion show including photos with poses. Desirae says if more than one of you stays until the very end, then each person will get their wish." Desirae tossed a turquoise bathing suit into Carina's lap, a yellow one into Leticia's lap. Andrea and Sati crept closer wanting to see what she had in store for the guys. Desirae held up a g-string bikini before throwing it in Jaxon's lap.

"Desirae says do not move, do not touch." She threw a rhinestone halter top bikini in Valentino's lap and a two-piece bathing suit with boy short bottoms into Marco's.

"Fuck no" Nicholas snickered before bending over howling with laughter. Andrea and Sati joined him.

"Desirae says open your eyes, put on your suit, finding matching shoes beside me, then head to the catwalk." She motioned for Andrea and Sati to get the camera.

"This is a
bathing suit
not a business suit" Jaxon said the words like they were repulsive.

"I never said
suit, you just made the assumption."

"What the fuck is this supposed to be" Jaxon screeched. Sati fell on the floor gasping for air while Carina and Leticia covered their mouths trying to hide their laughter.

"It's the kind of bathing suit you love seeing on others" Desirae calmly stated. Oh, she'd riled Mr. Wright's feathers. He was peeved. But if he wanted to win, he needed to get with the game.

"Yeah, on girls" he snarled. "If I do this the first thing you're betting is that mouth on my dick."

"C'mon Golden Boy let's see how good it looks on you." She taunted.

"Really Des" Marco groaned. "I thought you loved me."

"I do" She assured him. "It's why I gave Jaxon the g-string."

"You have a great ass baby" Carina giggled. "It'll look great on you!"

Although Sati, Andrea, and Nicholas were having the time of their lives on the other side of the room Desirae recognized that she was losing the guys. She chewed her lip contemplating what she could do to further sweeten the pot.

"May I offer an incentive?" Nicholas gasped between breaths. He
wanted to see the guys go through this.

you could offer to make this better" Valentino grumbled. He warily eyed Nicholas and Desirae. Technically he could have Carina and Marco whenever he wanted. It made no fucking sense for him to wear this shit. And photos? Fuck no. He had a reputation to maintain and he didn't want them to have any ammunition for future blackmail usage.

"How about if I offer my best friend's gold-medal mouth" Carina cheerily suggested. Desirae raised her eyebrows at her best friend. What now she was pimping her out?

"It's not enough" Jaxon shook his head staring in horror at the skimpy bikini bottom. "And Desirae is the one who has to make that offer anyways."

"Done" Desirae barked. "Now put that on!"

"What if I offered that we can replace many of the photos throughout the estate with poses of you guys in whatever shot or image you want?" Nicholas spoke over the bitching and moaning.

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