Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (141 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Hey Desirae" an uncertain voice calls out. I turn towards the timid sound ready to bitch someone out. Don't have time for this shit right now.

"Yeah" I bite down on my lip refraining with the standard
what do you want
since my face probably says it all.

"You've got a phone call in the office. I was just on my way up to your apartment to get you."

Rather than getting snarky with the mumbling idiot I flash my phone and raise my brows in challenge. My phone isn't ringing or anything. The Dean or anyone campus-related hasn't attempted to make contact through the usual contact methods so why do I need to take a phone call in management's office?

"I've just been informed that you need to take this call" he motions to the office. It's actually one of the rare places I haven't been summoned. Since moving in with Carina and the girls I've been on good behavior, campus-wise. Can't say elsewhere though.

He closes the door providing me with much-appreciated privacy for whatever this phone call is supposed to be about. I muster as much petulance as possible before picking up the receiver and barking out a

"It is absolutely unacceptable that I need to have you tracked down in order for you to take my call" he snarls. Oh dear, Father's pissed. I want to be elated that he's royally irritated with me but I'm at a crossroads right now so it means nothing. Technically I'm past due for next semester's tuition and Nicholas hasn't said jack shit about paying it. The agreement is in writing but I was really hoping that he'd take a more proactive approach. I never wanted to speak to this bastard about it to begin with. Boo Nicholas, you suck.

"Why aren't you answering my calls?" He snaps. Every second that passes without a response further infuriates him. Just a few months ago I would've been terrified about who he was going to call to come pick me up and teach me a lesson.

"I have nothing to say to either of you" I reply in a monotone voice. He loves getting me riled up. He lives to hear the fear and contrition in my voice but it isn't happening. Not today. Not anymore.

"Well that's too bad" he growls. Really he needs to loosen up. He wouldn't have to get his hair colored often if he didn't stress so much. "You have the audacity to not only disgrace the family name by getting into a brawl in front of a nightclub but then you refuse your family's generosity."

I laugh loudly and bitterly into the phone. There's no way I can just let that one slide. I want to tell Father to fuck off but I believe him capable of hiring some sniper to off me just so he could be rid of me once and for all.

"In case Mr. Pearce is losing his hearing at his old age I already had representation."

"Do not let me hear you disrespecting that man Desirae!" He shrills. Damn he's losing his shit. I lock the office door unsure if he has someone ready to pounce on a moment's notice and take me away.

"He's not family" I spit. Mr. Fucking Pearce attended every damn party, get-together, anything pertaining to the Philippe family. Guess who got his undivided attention?

"He's our past, present, and future" I pull the phone away from my ear positive spittle will leak through the receiver. I swear he's foaming at the mouth. I'm sure the vein in his forehead is pulsating too but I can't care enough to calm him. He should've cared enough to protect me instead of selling me to the highest bidder.

"Correction Father, he's
. I'm done. I wasn't kidding and if you haven't noticed I have no intention of ever returning home." Damn that's brave. I know I wouldn't have the titties to talk this flagrantly in his presence but a phone and with nothing but miles between us makes me bolder.

"You ungrateful little slut"

I growl. Yes, I growl because
made me into the slut I am today. Father wouldn't be living his lavish lifestyle if it weren't for me and my fantastically whorish ways. Apparently Mother can't put out like before.

"Everything you have is thanks to me. And to remind you of that fact I've informed the Dean that I'm not paying your tuition. Let's see how far your mediocre grades can foot the bill. Or have you taken to prostituting yourself?"

My chest tightens at the sound of disdain and disgust in his voice. He has nothing but hateful shit to say to me. My hand squeezes the receiver. All I want to do is hang up the phone but I can't. I'm not that stupid. Who's ever his eyes and ears will only become his do-boy.

"No I haven't Father. But I'll make arrangements to settle the outstanding bill for my tuition."

"And how do you intend to do that if you no longer have access to funds like that?" He challenges. There it is folks. He not only has denied paying for my tuition but my cash cow has officially dried up.

"My housing is paid for through the year" I remind him, "And the meal plan is already covered." I don't even know if that's true but I need to look like I got my shit together. I wasn't kidding when I told Nicholas and Valentino that I'd rather be homeless and penniless than return home.

"All your posturing is unnecessary" he snaps. "Ken contacted me once he got wind about your fiasco." My stomach churns. Just what I fucking need: Mr. Pearce and Mr. McNamara getting all up in my business.

"You may not care about your reputation but we most certainly do."

"I don't belong to any of you" I hiss.

"You are my daughter" he enunciates slowly. Like I don't live in that constant fucking nightmarish state. "You've been promised to Ken and I have every intention of fulfilling my end. Now get your act together and don't make us regret this decision."

White noise drowns out his voice. My eyes stare at some random spot on the wall but I can't really see anything. Unadulterated fear takes hold. He's talking like I haven't finished paying my penance. "What do you mean I've been promised?" I choke out the question.

"It's exactly what I said. Your mother and I are set for life as long as you keep up your end. It's the only thing you've done right in your entire existence. At the rate you're going Ken won't even have to wait for graduation. You pull another stunt like the last one and I'll yank you out of there so fast your damn head will spin. Then you won't be my problem anymore but Ken's. It's all in writing. Your trust fund will come to us since you'll have no need for it. You should actually thank us. You probably would've ended up a drug-dependent, two-bit whore at the rate you've been going."

"I hate you!" I scream. I've officially lost the tendril of control I had when this conversation started. Bile rises up fast; I can't listen to anymore of his vile lies. He doesn't own me. He can't do this. I slam the receiver down hard. If only the impact traveled through the lines and blew out his eardrums there might be justice in this world. I barely make it to the tiny trashcan before spewing the awful contents of my stomach into it.

"Miss Desirae is everything alright?" A voice calls from the other side of the door. Thank fuck that I locked it. Nothing worse than having some idiot watch you fall apart.


"Let's go to the suite" he says. My brain snaps to attention as my lungs expel the air trapped within its spongy confines. I look around wondering how the ever-loving hell I even got to the estate.

"Do you know what happened?" Another wonderfully familiar voice asks. But the question doesn't sound directed to me. And who's touching me?

"All I can tell you is that they nearly tackled me when they finally tracked me down. I found Desirae behind locked doors refusing to let anyone in. She's in shock, or at least she was when I found her. Vomit everywhere. It was bad." Carina softly replies. Good. If anyone has to find me like that Carina's my number one choice.

"Who called you Firecracker?" Nicholas pulls me into his arms. I'm so tightly wound it'll only take one wrong move to make me snap. Everything I worked so hard to accomplish went to shit in the blink of an eye. I can't hate myself for fucking up with the Chelsea thing; this was a done-deal already. Had Father signed my fate the moment he realized I was actually leaving home to attend college?

"Is it legal" the garbled words are barely loud enough for them to hear.

"Is what legal" the always well-spoken and level-headed Valentino asks. Now is not the time to play calm, cool, and collected. Everything is irrevocably fucked up. No matter what I do. No matter how hard I try.

"Can he take away my trust fund if I'm married?"

Carina blanches but I don't have it in me to comfort her. I can barely function myself. "You mean your father" she clarifies. I nod, unable to elaborate any further. If they tell me he's full of shit I'll be able to breathe again.

"We'd need to review the legal documents pertaining to the trust fund" Valentino states. My stomach churns at the realization that no one's truly answered the question. Why can't it be a cut-dry response?

"He has all that" I groan in defeat. I was a minor when I learned about the trust. Horror and despair crash into me as several pieces click together. "What if the trust was created by them?"

"Let's have the attorneys request a copy and dissect it before we start making up worst-case scenarios" Nicholas rubs my arms. Carina still has her hand on me. Their touch keeps me grounded. It helps me to remember that I'm with them and not going anywhere.

"Why all the talk about marriage Firecracker?" Valentino inquires. Everyone knows Diego and I aren't anywhere close to that stage.

My bitter laughter gets their attention. "And here I thought arranged marriages didn't exist in the states."

"No fucking way" Carina growls. That's my girl. She'll stand toe-to-toe with me and fight to the death. "He can't pull shit like that!"

I shrug, exhausted with the bombardment of thoughts and awful possibilities. "He says he has a contract."

"Even if he does it won't stand in a court of law" Carina scoffs. "You don't need them Des!"

"He didn't pay my tuition" I look directly at Nicholas. He assured me we had a backup plan. I don't need to go to school I can work at the estate fulltime but still. It's principle. If he can't be a man of his word on this then how can I trust him with anything else?

"Been taken care of baby girl" He shrugs. "I didn't wait to see if your father paid it or not. I personally made the payment with Richard. The invoice was system generated and automatically sent to him. At least we know where he stands now."

"Thank you" I breathe a sigh of relief. My shoulders sag suddenly free of a heavy burden. I want to have more faith in Nicholas but it's just so hard. Too many men have disappointed me in life. Too many friends have sacrificed too much. When will I find the balance?

"You'll be okay" Carina says as she pulls me in for a fierce hug. "We'll battle all your monsters with everything we've got" she whispers into my ear. A sob escapes. In moments three bodies envelop me swallowing me into their unconditional acceptance. Love. I have it in spades. If I have no one else on this planet I know Carina, Valentino, and Nicholas will always be by my side.



"The guys want to take us out to dinner" Carina announces as she storms into the apartment. Finals are over and done with and everyone's ready to enjoy the summer. The guys are planning another trip before we get into full business mode with the estate. Nicholas expects an even busier summer now that
is approaching its one-year anniversary. Sati claims there will be a few changes to our performances for the summer. One of the first is charging a premium for lap dances. Nothing like the hookers at those other places but the kind that only the
Crew can offer. I don't really think we can call ourselves the
Irresistible 8
anymore. With the loss of Chelsea, Melissa, and potentially Ariel; consider the occasional addition of Leticia, and with Jaxon and now Rafe permanently in the mix... Well we're even better than before.

"Do we need to dress up?" Andrea immediately asks. Sometimes the guys go all out and other times they just like to be laid back.

"I think we're doing something afterwards so don't get too prissy" Carina states. She's stripping off her clothes as she struts to her room. Guess that means we don't have much time.

"Are you wearing jeans?" I holler to her before she slips into the shower.

Carina turns around wearing nothing but a wicked smile. She saunters into her closet pulling out black satin pants and a silk ivory-colored blouse. "Let's put to use the Alexander McQueen goodies Valentino and Marco bought us." She pulls out a matching pair of heels that I found for her during that shopping excursion. V insists that she wears nothing less than extraordinary and I have to agree with him that she always looks sensational.

"Then I have just the outfit" Andrea squeals as she scurries upstairs to her room. I'm willing to put money on the orange bustier mini-dress she found that day. The color pops against her mocha skin and hazel eyes.

"Hurry up" Carina shoos me away as she hustles into the bathroom. I follow suit taking a quick shower, shaving, trimming and exfoliating everything. There's no guarantee what's in store for tonight but I plan to look mighty fine doing it.

It doesn't take a genius to guess what I'm wearing for the night. I slip into my favorite pair of leather pants that just so happen to be Alexander McQueen. I was buying designer names long before Carina even had an inclination of the sort. Being the rebel I am, I opt for a non-brand name skull print tank with skull-shaped lace back and cute bows at the shoulders. Just the right mix of naughty and nice. I slip into black studded skull Alexander McQueen pumps and sashay out to the living room. It doesn't take long for us to finish our hair and makeup.

"Jaxon should be here any minute" Carina says as she looks at her phone.

"Who all's coming?" Andrea asks. Sati isn't with us which is a rarity. She isn't loud and obnoxious, like me, she's quiet with a radiating presence. I wish she didn't have whatever's going on this evening but we can't always be together at all times.

"Us, Leti, Jaxon, my men, Diego, Griffin, and Rafe" Carina replies. What started as just me and Carina the beginning of freshman year has now grown to an intimate group of 11.

"Beatriz isn't joining us?" I ask the inevitable. I hate that she isn't as close as she used to be. At least she hasn't completely distanced herself from us like Ariel has. Lines were drawn when Chelsea decided to go after Carina. I'm not innocent in all of this but I'll be damned if anyone ever questions my loyalty. Bea can straddle the fence all she wants. I will never befriend that bitch and her little crew of skanks. I tried to tolerate her for the sake of the
Irresistible 8
but that no longer is a burden any of us have to bear.

"She already had plans" Carina shrugs it off. Without saying anything we already know she means that Bea is hanging out with Ariel and whoever else they may be with.

"Oh well" I drawl. It's not like Bea makes or breaks the group. As much as I enjoy hanging out with her, Beatriz's absence doesn't weigh as heavily as Carina's or Drea's.

"Then what are we waiting for" Andrea marches to the door leading the way out. Jaxon meets us downstairs beaming like a fucking idiot when he sees us coming.

"Let's go lover boy" I shake my head at the gawking sexual deviant. You'd think as many times as he's seen us naked that he wouldn't be shell-shocked at whatever outfits we don.

"You ladies look smoking hot" his gruff voice lets us know he more than appreciates it.

"Well in just a few minutes you can fondle your own little lady with images of us in your head." I tease. Jaxon really is a dirty fucker. He has no qualms about openly ogling us and getting off by it. Pervert.


"Fuck where the hell we at?" Andrea screeches. It's true though. When the car picked us up it whisked us away an hour out of town. Carina and I don't venture too far from the college town since there's so much to do there. With Jaxon, Valentino, and Marco in her life, I haven't been dragged to her little nature trips through the surrounding National Forests. Thank fuck!

"We're in Greenville" Jaxon replies. How is it he always ends up being the only dude traveling with us while the others always meet up with us?

"The guys needed to travel this far for Cheesecake Factory?" I scoff. I damn well know there's one closer to us. Why the hell would they want to come out this far?

"Nope" Leticia answers out of nowhere. It's easy to forget who's around when you're out of the car walking towards your destination. I honestly was expecting some fancy-dancy five-star restaurant that has only like five locations nationwide. That's more the guys' style.

"We're scouting some places out here and wanted you ladies to join." Marco replies as he pulls Carina into his body. My chest tightens. I try to squash the sense of longing that stirs within me. Diego and I are still new. There's still so much we need to get through before we can get to the level of comfort and intimacy Carina and the guys have with each other.

"Let's get inside" Valentino's soft but firm command gets us filing into the familiar restaurant. "I've already had a disagreement with the hostess regarding our private room." He mutters to Marco and Nicholas. I love getting up all in their business and they never seem to mind.

"Why" Nicholas demands. They're not accustomed to being second best.

"Apparently some asshat felt they were more important and the manager almost gave in." Valentino calmly states.

"Then let's go make use of the room boys" I interject. Really there's no use pouting over what could've happened.

The waitress's eyes double in size when she realizes who the party is that has the private room reserved. It's not that the guys are big names or anything but the sight of all these delicious males makes the female brain experience a major meltdown.

"You weren't going to wait for me?" The voice I've been waiting for finally whispers in my ear. Fuck me every which way from here till Sunday. Diego smells divine. I can't place my finger on what fucking aftershave he uses but it drives me bonkers. I have to give myself a mental slap in the face in order to avoid dry-humping him in front of everyone.

"V said to get inside" my voice sounds husky, even to me. I'm trying not to let Diego get to me. I mean hello! Wearing leather here! Not a good thing to get all warm and moist between the legs.

"I would've waited for you" he whispers against me. I close my eyes loving the feel of him against me but also feeling guilty because fuck, he's right. I would've been pissed if he hadn't waited for me yet I couldn't be bothered to do the same.

"I'm sorry" I turn around not caring that the others have to walk around us. "I'll do better next time."

Diego's smile nearly brings me to my knees. His warm brown eyes shine with love and affection as he stares at me. My body goes berserk. A lump mysteriously forms in my throat. Mexican jumping beans have a party in my stomach. My lungs test the theory of drowning while out of water. Just fucking insane.

"Save the eye fucking for later guys" Griffin sighs as he shuffles us into the private room.

"Why do you always feel the need to utilize private rooms?" Jaxon inquires. I snort while Andrea smirks at him. The man can be a ditz sometimes.

"Apparently you don't hang out with them enough" Griffin snickers from the corner, "It's amazing you guys take them out in public to begin with."

"Hey" Carina crosses her arms over her chest playfully scowling at the guys.

I don't care if he has a point; I'll be damned before I agree with him. A timid waiter enters the room making my senses go on high alert. I'm in predator mode and the helpless chap just became my victim.

"Be nice Troublemaker" V growls from the corner. I bare my teeth at him rather than smile. This guy screams submissive making me want to jump all over him and rock his world. I have no desire to have sex with him. I just want to open his eyes to everything he's missing and probably, purposely denying himself. Why do people feel like it's a bad thing to have someone dominate them? It's a shame how people try to rationalize what they crave, need.

"Hey sugar" Carina purrs at the waiter. Marco growls at her. Valentino narrows his eyes at me.

"What?" I innocently ask. I didn't tell Carina to tag team. But shit, now that she is...

"W-what would y-you like to drink" the helpless chap stammers to the other side of the table. Andrea and Nicholas chuckle as Carina and eye molest the guy with our eyes. He restlessly squirms the closer he gets to our side of the table.

"And you wonder why we need this room" Diego grumbles to Rafe. Carina giggles as the waiter takes her order. She leans forward letting him get a nice eyeful of her tatas. Before he recovers from her outrageous flirting I caress his arm while asking for the drink specials.

"Get your fucking hands off him" Diego quietly snarls. Rafe's eyes widen surprised by his friend's caveman antics. I pull my hands back trying to look contrite. Yeah, epic fail. Diego's onto me.

The waiter practically runs out of the room as soon as he has everyone's drink orders. "Is this going to be a long night?" Nicholas teases from the other side of the table.

"I'm behaving" I insist. No one's buying my wide-eye innocent act. Griffin rolls his eyes while Rafe crosses his arms over his chest sitting back in his seat ready to enjoy the show.

"But you like it when I'm naughty" Carina purrs against Valentino. His lips twitch. He's trying not to smile because encouraging both of us only fuels the fire.

"Don't y'all be mysteriously needing to use the bathroom all at the same time. That trick only worked the first time." I point my finger between the three of them. Carina loves getting V and Marco all hot and bothered. Watching her flirt with other men only makes Valentino more aroused. The man functions on a whole different planet of sexuality.

"Yeah and every time afterwards you sneak behind them and watch" Andrea chortles.

"You can't talk bitch! You join me too" I playfully retort. She's lucky we don't have any bread rolls. I'd be throwing them at her as we speak.

"Feel it's my obligation" Andrea winks, "Valentino performs better with an audience."

Griffin guffaws with laughter just as the waiter re-enters. His eyes widen as he approaches the table. Whatever innocence this poor schmuck had before working tonight will be completely gone by the time we get done with him.

"How about you sugar?" I decide to instigate. Carina has a Cheshire grin on her face knowing where I'm about to go with this. "Do you like to watch or be watched?"

"Excuse me" he squeaks. The tray of drinks wobbles a bit making Griffin and Rafe jump in their seats.

"Firecracker" V growls.

"Baby you know you can't talk like that in front of everyone" I caress my neck and collarbone looking from the waiter to Valentino. "It makes me so wet. I just wanna strip and lay on the table. Maybe you guys can have me as the appetizer since no one's asked us if we want any."

Carina's nipples press against her silk blouse. "And I can be dessert" her husky voice resonates through the room. The guys shift in their seats while the frazzled waiter just gapes at us. Damn it's so much fun playing with him.

"Dude" Griffin snaps his fingers in front of the waiter's face. "Just take our orders and run."

Rafe chuckles while Diego shakes his head. Carina and I ignore his scathing glare. It's not like he's going to spank my ass in front of everyone.

"You two simmer down or we'll never get out of here" Nicholas reprimands.

"Yes sir" Carina and I saucily reply. And we do just that. The rest of dinner goes off without a hitch.


"How many places are we scouting?" Griffin inquires as we exit the restaurant. He looks expectantly between Leticia, Valentino, Marco, and Nicholas, who should know what's on the agenda for the evening. The rest of us are along for the ride.

"We're only visiting two places but I want to cover several things at each place." Valentino replies. He's always the man with the plan.

"They stepped out sir" a voice quietly says to the left of me. The others don't really notice but I do. The restaurant and parking lot disappear as my focus shifts to the man standing a reasonable distance away. His eyes dart from our group to the parking lot making all the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. It's been a while since I've seen any of them but I'd bet next semester's tuition that this man belongs to one of the monsters in my life. I doubt Father would make that kind of effort but Mr. McNamara and Mr. Pearce see me more as an asset than a liability.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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