The Irresistible Bundle (138 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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He groans pulling away. I can't help but feel cocky as he gasps for air. His dilated eyes makes my chest swell. I've done this to him with a simple kiss.

"Let's tour the rooms" he whispers into the crook of my neck. My knees almost buckle at the contact. I've kept him at arm's length because I knew this would happen. The moment I opened the doors he'd come in like a charging bull ready to plow through any obstacle to get access to every part of me.

I nod since I can't seem to muster a coherent sentence. We walk around the estate peeking into a few rooms watching things unfold. In one room sits a throne directly in the center. Women take turns being "queen" commanding servants to do their bidding. It's rather amusing watching them bark or stammer orders as men eagerly await their turn.

As we get closer to the dungeons, Diego's demeanor shifts. He's excited, anxious, nervous... I actually have no intention of going to the lower level today. I'm there on a daily basis making men and women do my bidding. There wouldn't be anything different... unless...

"Are we going downstairs to play" I huskily breathe. Hot damn I've always wanted Diego submitting to me. He's so damn wish-washy that I don't know if he'd even try.

"Maybe another night" he tries to soften the rebuke with a reverent kiss behind my ear. Does this mean that he'll always be touching me now? Are we even officially an item? We haven't discussed anything more than just
you're mine

"Why do I feel like you're leading me somewhere in particular?" I try not to sound accusatory but I can't help it. It's taken me a little bit to realize that he's been guiding us in a particular direction.

"I want to show you something" he admits. He runs his hand through his hair. I momentarily forget my irritation as a tendril of jealousy wishes it'd been my hands doing that. Am I suddenly turning into a fucking sap?

"Like what" I demand. Why couldn't he just lead with this?
Oh hey Des, I want to show you something.
No, instead he plays it off.

"This" he whispers as he opens a set of French doors. This is one of the bigger rooms that's usually reserved for smaller parties wanting some privacy. Diego said no penetration but does he want to watch others having sex? Maybe that'll weaken his willpower enough to forget his stance.

Diego runs into me as I freeze. All the oxygen in the room disappears as my brain slowly registers what's happening behind these closed doors. Big sexy man Rafe is the star of the show in here. Rafe! How could I have forgotten that he should've been here too? In the center of the room is a woman bound by colorful ropes in intricate patterns. "Shibari" I breathe shocked to see Rafe tying knots in such an artistic and sensual manner. The man is magnificent with his hands. The woman's eyes roll like she's in heaven. Her chest heaves up and down. Her flushed face makes me squirm with envy. She looks ready to go off like a rocket. No rubbing, kissing, or penetration necessary from his part.

"So you're familiar with the practice?" Diego nuzzles my neck. My entire body shudders at the contact and the sight before me. Rafe is a master in the arts of sensual knot tying. He's managed to place silky knots against her clit, nipples, collarbone, torso, and legs. She even has them behind her knees and all around her feet. She curls her toes in pleasure completely unaware of her growing audience. Murmurs of approval flow throughout the room.

"Yes" I can't tear my eyes away from the breathtaking display in the center of the room. Mr. Pearce and Mr. McNamara never tied me in ways that were for pleasure and beauty. Their methods were sadistic and controlling. This.... This makes me want to try it. Seeing Rafe's reverent expression and worshipping pose unlocks a sense of longing within me. What would it be like to give myself like that?

"Rafe's been teaching me" Diego quietly confesses. I lock my knees in fear that I'll pass out.

"Why?" A part of me is excited at the prospect of seeing Diego doing this but the other part needs to understand his reasoning. Does he have a need that I'm unaware of? The Masters and Mistresses within the dungeons all have very specific needs. I can identify other dominants easily in a room full of people.

"Because the first time I saw Rafe doing this I couldn't help but envision you and me. It's stayed with me ever since. I'm almost ready to do it on my own."

"Have you been practicing on other women?" I snarl. That green-eyed little witch rears her ugly head. She wants to claw someone's eyes out.

Diego tilts his head at me. Yeah. Yeah. I'm an enigma. Blah. Blah. Blah. How can I be jealous over something like that? I'm not the least bit insecure but I hate thinking about him being that intimate with someone else.

"Rafe allows me to use him so he can provide me feedback" Diego pulls me into him apparently needing the contact. "I like that it bothers you." He teases. My spine stiffens at his knowing tone. Damn he couldn't even pretend to ignore my jealous little rant.

"You're asking too much of me Diego" I still haven't torn my gaze from Rafe and the girl but the fact is I have bad history with men and their need to dominate me.

"Right now all I'm asking you to do is watch" he replies. He doesn't elaborate or make excuses. We quietly stand to the side watching in awe as Rafe completes his finishing touches. The room claps the moment Rafe steps away from his masterpiece. A few members approach the girl tentatively touching her knots or stroking the rope. Others twist and turn to get a better view of the intricate patterns throughout her adorned body.

Jaxon's voice crooning over the speakers gets our immediate attention. Even Rafe cocks his head listening to the rowing prowess sing the first verse of Sara Bareilles' song
I immediately scowl giving into my automatic assumptions. It's hard not to think Jaxon's singing to Carina about always going back to her but the instant I hear my best friend I understand why they've chosen this song. Carina's stunning voice sings about holding onto someone without touching and keeping them without any chains. My bestie is determined to get her message across to me today. And damn her it's working.

Diego whispers the words as Jaxon sings them. My heart leaps into my throat as his lips tickle my ear. My brain takes a second to catch up. It's sensory overload. His mouthwatering scent, hot body, and tender touch keep me off balanced. Diego murmurs about being on his knees trying to make me see that I'm everything he needs. Tears clog my throat. Did he ask Carina to sing this? Am I reading too much into the song selections this evening?

"Let's go back" He pulls me out of the room. We say nothing as we amble back to where we started. In the main room people come and go. Guys linger trying to garner attention from the women. It's a welcome distraction observing the power shift throughout the estate.

Carina mingles with guests answering questions and steering people in the right direction. Diego and I watch from a cozy table as she avoids guys hoping to get her attention. Somehow some people still don't understand the concept of waiting for someone else to initiate because they're not supposed to.

"There you guys are" Carina greets a little too enthusiastically. She's made some groupies this evening. As entertaining as it would be to watch her politely ignore the guys I don't have it in me to see her suffer. These dumbasses are following her around hoping she's going to ask something of them. Well, it ain't happening buddy.

"You planning to get rid of them for her?" Diego chuckles. He sees the gleam in my eyes. I wink before angling my body to the crowd behind her. She has like five guys, decent ones in the mix too, asking to take pictures with her.

"Hey guys" I motion them closer. The guys warily eye Diego but shuffle closer to me. I snort as he scowls at their indifference to him. Apparently he doesn't look scary enough not to approach either one of us. I lock eyes with Brody who's here for the night. I motion my head just a fraction, enough for him to know I need his assistance.

"See cupcake heading towards us?" I discreetly point out to the massive wall of muscle walking our way. Some of the guys stiffen while the others warily look between the three of us.

"Are they bothering you troublemakers?" Brody demands. He wraps Carina into a massive bear hug instantly backing her groupies away.

"I've missed you cupcake" I blow Brody a kiss making Carina giggle with delight. The name doesn't fit him at all but it made him flush bright-ass red the first time I called him that. For all his tough exterior he is all warm and gooey on the inside. "You been hit on yet?" I know he has been. I've seen him politely reject more than one hopeful beauty for the evening.

"Yes" he laments. "Boss said I can't even go play with Bea during my break... Might give the wrong impression or something."

"I am so glad I'm not working" I taunt. Carina growls. She tries to punch me in the arm but misses 'cause I'm fast as lightning.

"Well, you won't get a free pass every time so take full advantage" Brody drawls.

"Preaching to the choir baby!" I raise my hands in hallelujah just further pissing Carina off. Diego and Brody bust out laughing.

"Wait" I run after Carina hoping Diego doesn't follow me.

"She's a big girl" Brody calls after me. "She can take it!"

I ignore his quip and catch up with my pissed off best friend. Damn it's funny to make her mad. "Mission complete?" Carina looks at me puzzled by my inquiry. I don't care to elaborate. The heifer will catch on soon enough.

"Is that code for something" oh yeah, she's still huffy puffy.

"Are the songs you're performing code for something" I mimic. Okay, maybe I'm being a little immature but does she really have to go for the jugular tonight? Ever since I voiced the idea to Nicholas and the girls I'd been looking forward to the evening. Now I feel like every song she sings has a subliminal message to it.

Carina smirks. Better yet the little tart's lip curls in victory. "Ah, so it isn't falling to deaf ears."

I swallow loudly. No, it isn't. Maybe too much shit's happened in these last six months making it too exhausting to keep my barriers erect. Or it might be with everyone slowly chiseling away that the fractures have finally become gaping holes. Whatever the reason I'm ready to take that step forward. I hate that Diego's denying me but I love the tension between us. I've never known a sense of longing and yearning for someone, for something like this until he came along.

"I have a request" I reluctantly admit. Carina perks up. She looks ready to run back onstage and sing it right now. Seriously is she that desperate for me to get with her brother?

"Name it" she eagerly insists.

"Could you sing Demi Lovato's
Heart Attack

Carina bounces up and down while clapping her hands like a performing seal. "I fucking love that song!"

"You love anything by Demi or Taylor" I roll my eyes. I swear the girl owns every album from both Demi Lovato and Taylor Swift.

"Don't hate" she chastises. Carina blindsides me with a monstrous hug before running back to the makeshift stage.

"That's impressive" Diego sneaks up behind me as Carina climbs the stage.

"What is" I ask although I know where he's going with this.

"You made her run like the hounds of hell were chasing her." He teases.

"On the contrary" I drawl. "She's just taking advantage of my over-sharing moment."

Diego's smile almost blinds me. "You told her about us" it sounds somewhere between a question and an awed statement.

"Slow your roll Romeo" I laugh at him. He's so damn adorable sometimes. It's easy to forget how badass he can be. Carina doesn't waste time. Her voice resonates through the main room. She doesn't need instruments to make her sound great. The girl has a gift and she's chosen to give it to the estate and club. I close my eyes letting the words sink in. I know Diego's listening. This song says plenty. It totally explains me. It'll help him realize what he's up against. Because the truth is I've played guys. I never wanted to fall in love. But Diego... He makes me glow. I feel like I'm bursting into flames because of him.

"This song is for you" I murmur into his neck. It really isn't the type of song to slow dance to but Diego takes advantage. He wraps his arms around me pulling me close. Being with him is like flying close to the sun. His warmth comforts me. He makes me feel safe. But too much exposure and I'll burn. I want to give in fully but I just can't.

"Thank you" he kisses me on the forehead; I almost melt. This gooey feeling... Is this what being cherished feels like? I hold on tighter to him afraid I'm going to unravel in such a public place.

"I've got you" Diego places tender kisses on my temple, cheek, and the corner of my mouth. My body doesn't ignite with lust, which is a complete quandary. But I can't stay befuddled with it because my heart is ready to implode. It hurts but it swells, all at the same time. What is he doing to me? How can he shatter every bit of my defenses with such a simple kiss?

"Don't let me go" I hiccup trying to hold back the sob. I want to cry with happiness and fear. I'm such a complete fucking mess.

"Never" he whispers against my lips before I'm completely lost to his kiss.



The little Hell Cat has made herself scarce in the last two weeks. Why is it that every time I think we make progress we just take another two steps back? With each passing day I know my little term of endearment is right on the money. She is my
my treasure, but not because she's some shiny jewel or buried treasure. No... She's that priceless gift, that rare find. My hands itch to apply what I've been learning with Rafe onto Desirae's succulent body. Something inside me screams that it's the only way to tear down all her armor.

"Is it me or does his head look like it's going to explode" Rafe snorts. I scowl wishing Marco and Valentino hadn't called this pow-wow. I'm dying to track down Firecracker and chain her to my bed until we have a good heart-to-heart. Down dick... Your time will come. Hopefully sometime this century...

"Apparently he scared Freckles away and it's making him grumpy" Griffin chuckles. He's been laughing his ass off these last two weeks. Laugh on asswipe. She will be mine.

"Focus" Marco snaps his fingers at us. He fidgets like he's nervous. Valentino and Marco are never nervous.

"Everything okay with muñeca?" There's no disguising the apprehension in my voice. It's been less than five months since her attack; I no longer take her safety for granted.

"She's fine" Marco reassures me. "Nic and Leti are arranging a private party for us."

I smack my forehead groaning. We just got done with Valentine's Day. Why the hell do they need something else so soon? Griffin leans forward in his seat eagerly waiting for Marco to continue. And poor Rafe; he looks around hoping for some kind of clarification. He's slowly but surely learning the ways of our group. I give him a few more weeks before everything makes sense to him.

"Marco and I received Ignacio's blessings during Christmas break" Valentino interjects. My heart hammers against my chest. They actually asked my father for permission to marry Carina?

"We want to present Carina with a promise ring" Marco finishes. He smiles broadly at Valentino. The love shining between them is evident. I don't really get it but I admire them. I've never once thought about Griffin or Rafe as anything more than my closest friends.

"So you're not asking to marry her?" Rafe clarifies. The word
seems to hang in the air.

"Not yet" Valentino replies. "Carina still has two more years of college and we respect that. But I also want her to know how committed we are to her and this relationship."

"And the old man said yes? I'm impressed" Griffin drawls.

"It wasn't easy but Ignacio knows we love her and we'll take care of her." Valentino answers.

"And you two helped tremendously with that" Marco snickers.

"How" Griffin asks puzzled with his statement. We weren't with them when the guys asked my father for his blessing.

"Desirae was about to beat your asses when we were talking to Ignacio" Marco recalls fondly. "I do recall winning some easy money that day."

"She left me with bruises" grouses Griffin. He absently rubs his shoulders and back where Desirae inflicted damage.

"Served you right though" Valentino chuckles. "I don't know why you two insist on cheating whenever you play them."

"How the hell did they end up with those pictures of you anyways?" I ask changing the subject. Firecracker put a whooping to us that day but I've been dying to know what happened to merit the wall of shame montage in Griffin's old bedroom.

"Don't want to talk about it" Marco grumbles. His pinched face has me and Griffin bending over laughing. The two little vixens are ruthless. I'm not at all surprised to see that it'll take two men to tame my sister. I just need to prove to firecracker that I'm the only man she needs.

"On a different subject" Marco bitterly snaps. Damn that story must be good! "Clear your schedules for spring break. We're planning a trip and you're all invited."

"Where are we going" Griffin asks. He already knows wherever I go he goes. Wherever Carina and Desirae go I go; easy enough.

"To an island" Marco smirks. The twinkle in his eyes lets me know he ain't saying much about it.

"So you want to surprise the girls" I surmise.

"Yep make sure they don't make plans" Valentino replies.

I shrug, that's simple enough. "We can maintain the façade that we're going home. I'll give mom and dad the heads up though."

"Great" the guys reply in unison. Sometimes that's kind of creepy the way they're so in sync with each other.

"I won't be able to go" Rafe sullenly replies. My shoulders slump in disappointment. The girls always outnumber and outmaneuver us. It would've been fun having him there with us.

"You going home?" I ask. We haven't spent spring break together since my freshman year. He was a senior in high school and it was easy then to still catch up. Once he entered college too our hectic schedules limited our availability. I'm really glad we all made the move here.

"Made plans already" he rubs the back of his neck in frustration. Indecision emanates from his entire being.

"It's okay" Valentino states. "We can make plans in the summer if you guys aren't interning or anything."

Marco's phone rings. We silently watch as he talks to Nicholas on the other line. Wasn't this entire pow-wow about this supposed private party? It doesn't take long for us to piece everything together. Desirae and Leticia are in on it. Something about a Mardi Gras theme and Marco singing. Apparently that's all we need to know.


"The girls went all out" I grumble. How in the hell do they find costumes in such short time?

"Don't they always" Griffin chuckles. "What's the game plan anyway?"

"We've been instructed to follow their cue" I mutter. I don't know how this is going to go off flawlessly if they just plan to wing it.

"Oh shit" Griffin gawks. His eyes widen with horror and shock. His face turns red before he looks away. I look towards whatever shocked him and am equally baffled. Motherfucking hell this woman will be the death of me.

"What the fuck is that" I bellow. I don't give a shit if I'm causing a scene. Don't give a shit if Marco and Valentino think I'm ruining their shindig. There is no fucking way I can ignore what's in front of me. Desirae's outfit is outrageous. Her fucking nipples peek through the bikini-like top that fronts as a mask.

"It's a mask" Desirae flatly replies.

"Aren't you supposed to cover those?" My hands flail all over the place. I want to cover her up so no one else can see but my hands itch to tear off that ridiculous top and have at her.

"My breasts are covered" she indignantly replies. What. The. Fuck.

"Dear God" Jaxon groans. Where the hell did he come from anyways? "She's wearing crotch-less panties."

I see red. "Keep this shit up Des" I snarl, "You're glutton for punishment."

"Be careful lover boy" Desirae tosses her hair over her shoulder nonplussed by my anger. "I've got a magic wand with your name on it."

That shuts me the fuck up fast; flashes of the dude on the dungeon floor getting shocked to shit comes to the forefront of my mind. I'm not into that. I don't know if I can tread those choppy waters, even if it means it's the only way to get to her.

"Okay kids" Jaxon steps between us. "This night isn't about either of you. Keep the drama to a minimum... At least until the guys do their thing."

Desirae huffs before stomping away. Real mature Freckles. Real fucking mature!

"Are you sure you want to try taming all that?" Jaxon snickers. Why does everyone think I want to change her? I don't want her any other way.

I stalk her for the rest of the night. She's aware of my presence. She's never alone making it impossible to pull her aside and have a private conversation. I won't be ignored forever. I've given her enough space to get her head around what her heart wants. She's already admitted to wanting to be with me. Her body screams for our union but I need her head in it too. I only know a part of her story but I know it's enough of a mind-fuck that she won't easily let me in.

It's frustrating as hell knowing that Valentino is allowed into her heart and mind. I'm starting to think Nicholas has gained ground too. I'm the only fool still outside looking in. It's fucking exhausting. It's frustrating and some days I wonder if I'm only banging my head against a brick wall.

"You can't avoid me forever
" I whisper into her ear as I walk away. She's managed to avoid me the entire night only because I've allowed it. But her time's up. It's my turn and she's got nowhere else to go.

Nicholas motions over to me. Marco walks onto the makeshift stage letting me know its time. I've been so consumed with Desirae that I'd almost forgotten what this party was all about. I wipe the sweat off my palms unsure if I'm more nervous for the guys or how Carina will react. The guys want the entire interaction recorded but Carina's recent history with videos and photographs aren't necessarily a good thing. I lift my shaky hands to capture the scene before me. I don't want to ruin this moment with shitty footage so I force myself to calm the fuck down. As Marco announces the song he's about to sing I take a deep breath focusing on my sister and her men.

Carina smiles brightly completely unaware of what's about to happen. Marco pours his heart and soul into the John Legend song making everyone realize that he's singing not only to her but to Valentino too. Carina sings right along with him about giving all of herself to both her men, it's an amazing sight to see. Just before the song ends Valentino grabs Carina's right hand. I zoom in on the couple even though part of me wants to capture Marco's expression too. But this moment is about my sister and I want to see her reaction even if it's only through a lens.

Valentino speaks softly to her making everyone around them press in a little closer. I think whatever he's saying is only meant for her ears, maybe Marco's too, but he's a little too far away to hear anything anyways. Tears fall from Carina's face as Marco approaches them. She's looking between the ring and her two men with nothing but love and adoration in her eyes. My chest tightens at the sight of the elated expression on my sister's face. She deserves this. They share a unique love and it shows between the three of them. I'm happy for them.

"I love it" Carina whispers before throwing herself onto Valentino. People clap, cheer, and laugh at her enthusiasm. I want to join in also but my role is too important. I want to capture every moment of this interaction so they can always fondly look back on it. The cheering quickly morphs into catcalls as Carina and Valentino suck face. She pulls away from Valentino gasping for breath before turning to Marco. "I'm committed to both of you" she says barely loud enough for me to hear before getting lost in Marco's embrace.

"So happy for you muñeca" I say for the benefit of the recording. Carina doesn't need my blessing but I know she won't feel 100% unless she knows I'm completely onboard with it. I never dreamed that my little sister would fall in love with two men and share this kind of relationship but in a way it completely makes sense. Valentino and Marco are perfect for her and she's exactly what they need and want.

Marco makes eye contact with me silently communicating not to stop recording. My brows furrow in confusion; it wasn't like I was going to immediately stop but now he's got my complete attention. Marco has her tucked into his side but suddenly he's all nervous, kind of like Valentino was right before he presented Carina with the heart-shaped promise ring. Gasps erupt as Marco's shaky hand reveals two matching bands. Everyone waits with bated breath as Marco tells Valentino and Carina that they have all of him. He slides the ring onto Valentino's finger, the same hand and finger as Carina's. She takes the remaining ring and slides it onto Marco's. I step closer watching as they show everyone how their matching bands piece together with Carina's. It's fucking brilliant.

My eyes find Desirae's. They're shining with tears and happiness. I lock onto her gaze trying to communicate everything without saying a damn thing. She may not believe it but we can have the same love and happiness that Carina's found with the guys. She just has to open herself up and allow me inside.

"Enjoy the rest of your night" Valentino bellows. I stop recording as the trio rushes away for their private celebration. Desirae cackles with delight warming my chest. It's time to take that step forward with my

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