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Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (137 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Hey big brother" Carina kisses my cheek as she slides into the oversized booth. Security stands just a few feet away from our table ensuring no overeager asshats make a move against the girls sitting at the table. My sister watches me knowing I want to know the answer without having to ask the damn question. But no... the little brat is going to make me ask.

"Who's performing next?" Marco saves me by asking the right question. I really need to be smarter about this. It's no secret that I'm pursuing Des but she gloats like a poor sport most of the time. I need to maintain some semblance of pride otherwise she'll have me by the balls in no time.

"Andrea, Sati, Desirae, and Beatriz" Nicholas casually responds. His gaze remains riveted on the stage as if he's expecting them to jump out at any second.

"Why aren't you performing?" Rafe inquires. He motions between Carina and Leticia. Their little red-headed friend hasn't been around much but apparently she's replaceable.

"I don't have to be in every number" Carina casually shrugs. No one misses the longing stare towards the stage. Her assault a few months back has her treading carefully on overzealous numbers. Which means the girls are about to be wiling it out.

"Don't want you stealing all the glory all the time" Leticia winks at her. They bump shoulders giggling at some unspoken exchange between them.

"It's time to get a little bit
" the DJ emphasizes. The lights dim throughout the club just as the music vibrates all around us. Christina Aguilera's all too familiar voice blasts through the speakers singing about being filthy, nasty, and too dirty to clean up. Jaws drop as the girls strut out onstage wearing only tight-fitting jeans and a tiny halter top. Their exposed skin glitters against the lights making it hard to focus on their dance moves and luscious curves. Andrea and Sati remain onstage while Desirae and Beatriz climb onto nearby platforms. The girls dance provocatively, touching themselves and eye fucking patrons as the song shifts from the chorus to the first verse.

Guys holler as Desirae and Beatriz slowly strip off their tops. Valentino pulls me down making me realize that I'd shot out of my seat. Fuck me. I'm going to kill her. Desirae has nothing but flesh colored pasties covering her nipples. A chorus of whistles echo throughout as Andrea and Sati dip low to the ground, opening their legs, gyrating their hips. Eyes dance from the girls onstage to the girls above. A group of guys get on their seats making security shift closer to them. The brazen group takes off their shirts mimicking the girls. They chant for Desirae and Beatriz to take off their pants. The girls smirk at the idiots continuing with their number. The club damn near explodes as Bea and Des unbutton their jeans. They shove their hand inside their jeans practically fucking their hand. It's a fucking nuthouse.

"Holy shit" Griffin crows as Andrea and Sati bend and twist into erotic positions. Not soon enough, but the song eventually ends. The girls are practically naked, soaked in sweat, blowing kisses to their admirers.

"She's going to be the death of you" Marco snickers. I glare not caring that my sister is beside me.

"And like she isn't" I thumb over to Carina who indignantly huffs.

"I'll die a happy man" Marco sighs. He winks at Valentino who smugly nods in agreement. Fucking horny bastards.

The girls disappear into their private wing while the DJ works hard to regain some control of the hedonistic crowd. I sandwich between guys getting head, girls getting fucked, and people surrounding them just watching.

"Need a favor" I yell to the DJ. He nods his head waiting to hear my request. The girls are big on sending messages through songs. Carina's the little ring leader and now she has all the girls hooked. I can send messages loud and clear through song or words.

"You know you going to clear the dance floor" he barks. The DJ isn't happy with the request but he recognizes me, therefore giving me leverage. "Just give me the signal" he orders before focusing on the crowd, thus ignoring me. Good enough.


It doesn't take long for the girls to come out of the dressing room. It's one of the things I love about my sister and her close friends. They're natural beauties, therefore being low maintenance. They don't require makeup, hours of preparation, and endless salon appointments.

"That was quite a number ladies" Rafe praises. The girls beam. They're so accustomed to Carina getting all the attention that they eagerly lap it up.

"Thank you" Sati humbly replies. The woman never ceases to amaze me. She has a brilliant mind for this stuff. "Are you buying the first round?"

"Of course" Rafe flashes his panty-dropping smile. No literally. I've seen one too many girls take it all off when he does that.

Nicholas motions for one of the servers to approach the table. The girls place their orders while security keeps horny asshats away. Rafe and Griffin eat up the unfolding drama while the girls easily ignore the catcalls and requests to let some asshole fuck them. It feels like an eternity before Desirae finally gets and downs her drink. She's completely aware of me but I'm trying to play it cool. Desperation is ugly; it's something I don't wear.

"Come dance with me" I whisper behind her ear. My lips caress her delicate skin. She shivers but pretends like it never happened. I fucking love the way she reacts to me. Desirae tries to act all badass but I've found a way into the chinks of her armor.

"Sorry no music to dance to with you" she saucily replies. Her eyes widen at my predatory smile. I nod my head at the DJ who just so happens to look my way. Our timing couldn't have been better.

"That's where you're wrong" I gruffly reply. I pull her onto the dance floor loving her confused expression. It's rare to catch Des off her A-game but I've managed it for the moment. Katy Perry starts singing about loving unconditionally. If a song was ever written for someone then this one's been meant for Desirae since the moment she came into our lives. She stands stiffly unsure if she wants to do this with me but I don't fucking care. I pull her into me holding on tight so that she can't get away. I whisper the words of the song into her ear. She needs to hear every single word and understand that I'm more than just dedicating it to her. I'm baring my soul to her.

Desirae trembles in my arms but I forge on. I intend to imprint my fucking message until she gets it. Her freckles beg to be kissed. I tuck her in closer loving the way her lush breasts and soft body presses into me. My mouth finds every exposed freckle reverently worshipping them until her ragged breathing and flushed face snaps me out of my spell. Whistles and perverted cat calls force me to focus on our surroundings. Club patrons watch with lustful expressions expecting my little hellcat to put out in a room full of people. Um... No. I'm no Valentino or Marco and she sure as hell won't be Carina.

"Let's go somewhere a little more private" my gravelly voice has her body melting further into me. I love when Des is like this. She shows hints of vulnerability. She makes me think that we can make a relationship work without emasculating me along the way.

"Great idea" her husky voice has my cock standing to attention. She practically drags me off the dance floor. I purposely slow down. I know what she's doing. She's trying to regain control but I'm not having that shit. Desirae will learn to give and take. It's the only way we can work.

"Where we going" I ask although it's obvious where she's leading me.

She rolls her eyes not even bothering to reply. I let her lead me into the private suite. The room is empty since everyone's out front enjoying each other's company. My little firecracker wastes no time. She pounces the minute I close the door behind us. She's a raging ball of need.

Every part of me hardens as she wraps her legs around my waist grinding against me. I grab her hair pulling her head back. Her eyes flare in challenge but I don't fucking care. I kiss her aggressively, blatantly, waiting to see her reaction. She kisses back with the same ferocity and need. Our tongues clash, our teeth scrape against anything and everything; Desirae growls igniting something inside me. Her hands are everywhere making me lose my mind. She squeezes my dick causing both pleasure and pain.

Somehow Desirae ends up trapped between me and the wall. I don't remember pressing her into it but I'm damn glad I managed it. Her hands and mouth are dangerous. It's hard to remember that we can't have sex yet when my dick demands her undivided attention.

I press my hips into her loving the way she complies to my unspoken demand. She doesn't give up all control but just enough to allow me to dictate what happens next. I cup her heavy breasts loving how her nipples react to my simple touch. I pull back earning a groan from both of us. But she isn't neglected for long. My hand slips into her too tight pants immediately finding her trimmed curls. The question scalds my tongue but I won't ask it. Not right now at least. Knowing Desirae it'll be akin to throwing a bucket of ice water on her. She'll tell me someday just not tonight.

My eager fingers find her soaked and swollen center. She's so fucking ready for me. I hate being so noble sometimes. My body declares war against my good sense. Desirae needs to come in two seconds flat before I rip off both of our clothes and fuck her senseless. I waste no time. Her sexy, needy sounds drive my hand to pump into her faster. I pinch her nipple with one hand while working my fingers in and out of her with the other. She rides my hand hard and fast. Her face flushes beautifully. Her eyes glaze over. She's fucking magnificent when she just lets go.

"Argh" escapes her lips just as her entire body tenses. I don't want this moment to end. She slowly comes down from her orgasm. My enraged dick pushes against the front of my jeans hating that my fingers got to experience the sumptuousness of her clamped walls and heated core. My chest clenches. She never calls out my name when she comes. Call me a selfish prick. Maybe I'm being an arrogant bastard but it stings when she comes by my hands, my mouth but refuses to chant, whisper, or gasp my name. I don't expect her to scream it. At least not yet.... But I'll fucking do just about anything to be balls deep when she finally does scream it.



"So I've been thinking" the second I say the words the girls groan. Nicholas laughs but looks eager to hear me out. He's a smart man. Beatriz hangs out mainly for kicks but Sati and Carina know we always mean business when Nicholas takes the time out of his busy schedule to brainstorm ideas about performances and events. He continuously takes members' feedback and suggestions into consideration, although he doesn't always do anything with the information. But at least they're heard and sometimes the members do have fantastic suggestions.

Like this one... "Just hear me out" I toss my wadded up napkin at Beatriz whose still laughing. "I heard some girls complaining the other night at

"What could they possibly complain about?" Sati indignantly huffs. I love seeing her get all hot and bothered when she thinks someone doesn't approve of our performances.

"Nothing" I reassure her. "Actually they were complaining about not having the courage to go up to some hot guys and asking them to dance."

"And" Nicholas drawls. This is nothing new but I want to shake things up a bit.

"Have you already planned for Valentine's Day?"

Nicholas crosses his arms over his chest. He sits back silently assessing me. Yes sir! I want to toss something out there for Valentine's even though it's only two weeks away. "Talk to me" he instead replies. The man is great at evasive answers. Really, he should teach a course or something.

I mimic his same defensive pose except my boobs get in the way of looking standoffish and tough. "Nice tatas" Carina snickers.

"Shut it" I bark. Hers are about the same size as mine. Skin and nipple color might be the only difference. "What I'm trying to say" I talk over the girls' laughter, "Is that I think we should have a night where it's all about the ladies."

"We do that all the damn time" Andrea rolls her eyes for effect. She almost yawns with boredom. That heifer! I should spank her ass for even doubting me. I've seen Nicholas punish her in wicked ways... Hmmmm....

"Let me finish asswipe" I retort. "I'd like to see a night where only the women are permitted to initiate throughout the estate."

Carina and Beatriz light up like fucking Christmas trees while Andrea blushes furiously. Yeah darling, this one's for you. The girl needs to get out more.

"It's been a while since I've done something like that" Nicholas muses. "That's the kind of event that requires invitations beforehand with specific instructions included."

"Is V-Day a busy holiday for you?" Sati asks in a businesslike tone. Sometimes I think she's trying to ensure her future with the estate too. It shouldn't make me nervous since Nicholas employs countless people but it kinda does.

"Hit and miss" He shrugs. "It's not a focal point for me. Sometimes I host gangbangs and orgies for those wanting to be as anti-Valentine as possible. Other times I do couples only. I base it on wants and needs."

"And this year you have nothing planned is what you're saying" I finally manage to get out of his spiel.

"Basically" the sexy fucker smirks knowing he's starting to irritate me. "I'll have Leticia assist you with that."

"Me?" I squeak. He's looking right at me but my job is the dungeons. I don't do the administrative shit. It's a miracle no one complains while I work with the girls as guest services. More than once I've let some overly handy asshat learn his place within these walls.

"It's your baby" Nicholas states matter-of-factly.

Like I really give a shit about taking credit for something. This isn't some swanky office where I'm trying to get the boss to notice me. The boss already knows who the fuck I am.

"Can we all be involved in the process?" Carina saves my ass yet again. "I'd love to see what it all takes to put this together."

"Absolutely" Nicholas beams. I'm sure if someone else asked the question he wouldn't be as eager but like me, he wants Carina as a permanent fixture within the estate. I don't know where I see my best friend in the next 5-10 years but I hope like hell that Valentino and Marco keep her here.

"I'll leave you to it then" he says. The girls huddle together instantly spitting out ideas. Glad everyone's onboard with this...


"For once I think Nicholas is being unfair" Carina pouts. It's friggin' hilarious watching her sulk while we gloat. Apparently being taken on Valentine's Day while at the estate doesn't hold as much stock as us single ladies.

"Well I think it's fan-fucking-tastic!" A giddy Beatriz bounces all over the place. Leticia claims the numbers are plentiful for both sexes giving everyone an opportunity to hook up or hang out with whoever they want.

"What does boss man have you doing tonight?" I ask Carina. She's been too busy sulking to really let us know what her role is for the night. The rest of us get to enjoy the evening and take part in the festivities. That's almost unheard of but I'm completely ecstatic that Nicholas is doing this for us. Even
is requiring girls to initiate everything from buying drinks to finding a dance partner. It helps that drinks are free for all ladies; well to an extent. Nicholas is notorious for cutting people off when they've had one too many. It's not the normal practice but he holds the nightclub to different standards than most other places.

"I'm singing" Carina shrugs. At least she isn't playing hall monitor or anything like that.

"Diego will be thrilled to hear that" Andrea giggles. My skin tingles at just the sound of his name. He'll be here tonight. And it is true. It's one less thing he has to stress about for the evening. Carina won't be semi-naked playing with Jaxon or anything.

I don't know what Diego thinks is going to happen tonight. Part of me dreads seeing him get approached by a pretty face with bright eyes and a cheerful smile. I'm sure she won't have secrets clouding her eyes or nightmares haunting her unguarded moments. But tonight is my opportunity. For months Diego's been the instigator. He's been the one making it clear what he wants. He hasn't flirted around the terms. He knows what he wants. Me. But he wants to establish boundaries and for the longest time I truly believed I could make him cave. Every man gives into lust at one point or another. Oh but not our precious Prince. He's too mighty to fall. And for the longest time I resented him for that.

Where has that gotten me though? Diego is still pursuing me. He hasn't lost interest or gone looking somewhere else. If anything even when I fucked up he still patiently waited. Who does that? How has he managed to give me my distance while ignoring his needs?

I pull my shoulders back slowly inhaling until my lungs refuse to accept any more oxygen. My eyes scan the room as I quickly exhale. There are plenty of familiar faces but just as many new ones. I don't know how Nicholas came up with the guest list but he's done well. It's hard to miss the more public figures walking around the estate like this is another regular party.

"Gotta go work" Carina whines. She shuffles away to the makeshift stage in the common area. Nicholas generally has different music for each room but tonight's going to be a little different. Whenever Carina performs everyone will get to hear it. Sati's brilliant suggestion makes sense. Members and guests won't have to choose between watching her perform and visiting the rooms since she'll be projected throughout the estate.

"We'll miss you" I call after her. She flips me off making the others laugh with delight. Carina gets onstage warmly welcoming everyone to
Nicholas put her in charge of making announcements throughout the night for guests and members who aren't aware of the special rules for the evening. I tune her out not needing to hear her spiel.

Guests cheer as she begins singing her rendition of
Listen to Your Heart.
I narrow my gaze at my best friend who still hasn't looked my way. It's almost like the little girl pow-wow we had the other night. Why do I feel like she's dedicating this song to me? Carina soulfully sings about making sure to listen to your heart before telling him goodbye; words that are on-point with what I've been debating with myself about.

"This should make for an interesting night" his lips softly caress my exposed shoulder. I can't hide the tremor that rocks through my body with his touch. I was so focused on my rising temper tantrum that I neglected to look out for the guys.

"It will be" I reply. Shit. Is that my breathy voice responding like that?

"Do I have anything in particular to look forward to?" His fingers stroke my wrist but don't move any higher up. His body presses against mine and it takes everything within me not to thrust my ass into him.

"You're not permitted to initiate contact this evening" I hotly remind him. Okay, maybe I don't mind the fact that he's making my skin tingle and my womb clench but he doesn't need to know that. Tonight I get full control and he can't do a damn thing about it.

"Why is my sister looking so intently at us while she sings this oldie but goodie? I thought y'all only did the recent stuff?"

"We do whatever is right" I angle away from him to give me some distance while changing his viewpoint of the room. There's plenty to see in this open area to not be so focused on Carina's nosy ass. Got the message woman! Loud. And. Clear.

Diego tilts his head listening to Carina sing. His eyes widen as the words process in his head. Shit. Shit. Shit. Why the hell would I say something like that? And to him of all people?!

"Are you finally going to listen to your heart?" He asks. He straightens his spine getting ready for my all-too-predictable rebuff. But this time I'm pulling a 180. Hopefully someone catches him if he faints.

"Yes" I whisper. "I'm willing to give my all"

Diego's mouth flops open and closed for several minutes. I can't help but smile. He's speechless. Damn that's hot to watch. He's always so composed, so together. The only time I've ever seen or heard him lose his shit was when Carina was attacked. Otherwise he's as cool as ice. Yeah that's a dumb analogy but really... The fucker can withstand my advances and remain stoic. Maybe it's time I just give in. My heart, mind, and pussy are all on the same train they just want to get to the final destination at much different rates.

"We go slowly" he firmly states; like he hasn't been saying the same thing for like a fucking eternity now.

"We've been going slowly for months now" I stomp my foot. Diego raises his eyebrows at me. Yes, D... I did just stomp like a toddler.

"We've been dancing around each other for months" Diego rebuttals. "I want you all in. No sex."

"That's preposterous" I screech. Okay maybe I'm garnering attention from others but I don't really care; but if that little busty blonde in the corner takes another step towards us as she continues eye-fucking Diego I'm bound to backhand her ignorant ass.

"What part is" his eyes flare with irritation, maybe anger too.

"Couples have sex" My hands flail in the air like a crazy person. "Like all the time." I lamely finish.

Diego smirks. The conceited bastard fucking smirks at me!

"We aren't like everybody else" he closes the distance between us. Hey, he isn't supposed to be initiating anything.

"You need to meet me halfway here" I hoarsely whisper. He wants my heart he needs to give up some nookie for it too.

"I am meeting you halfway" he has the audacity to reply. "I never said we couldn't kiss, touch, and all that good stuff but there will be no penetration... for now."

"You know I don't kiss" I hiss. He's seen me mess around with enough guys to know my rules.

"With me you will" he insists. I dig my nails into the palms of my hands in order to avoid scratching his eyes out. "I expect to kiss both sets of your lips just like I want you trailing kisses on both of my heads."

My mouth gapes open. Um, hello! I've never heard Diego talk dirty. He doesn't engage with the rest of us while we toss around innuendos and outrageous suggestions. "Okay" I pant because hello! I can't help but see his head of black hair between my thighs. He's given me tastes of what he can do with his mouth and fingers but it's nothing compared to what I know he'll give me after this conversation.

"Are you going to ask me anything or are you going to let the brave little blonde coming our way beat you to it?"

I glance her way and he's abso-fucking-lutely right. The little tart is trying to make her move on my man. Wait. Shit. Did I just say
my man
? I did, didn't I? "You're mine" I growl.

His eyes flare with heat. "As you are mine" he gruffly replies. The man is always so refined. Time to see how well he can function in: three, two, one. I grab his shirt pulling him into me. He automatically wraps his arms around my waist. Blondie freezes. I smother the smug bitchiness rising in me completely ignoring Blondie altogether. I have more important things to focus on. I grab Diego's hair and neck unable to get close enough.

I can show him how accommodating I can be. Our lips touch and something inside me explodes. His mouth is soft but firm. He bites my lower lip making my mouth part in surprise. Goose bumps ripple across my skin as our tongues touch. It's never felt like this. I rarely open-mouth kiss anyone but this is worth every time I've denied someone or myself. Diego kisses me like his life depends on it. He devours me while cherishing the contact. He gives freely making me want everything in return.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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