The Girl. (46 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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However, the women just looked and each man was close to them, as one said, “What’s this
centerfold of the month audition cause honey your fine”, Mandy giggled saying, “Aw thanks”.
Missy pushed her glasses up saying, “Guys and bull”.
Mandy become flushed, as Tara giggled.
Another man facing Missy said, “Nah smart girls are in much sexier”.
Missy smiled saying, “Why thank you very much”, blushed pushing her glasses up.
Now Tara shook her head and a man in front of her disguised with his hood said, “No way y’all,
because I’m looking down at playmate of the year”.
Tara’s blue eyes got huge, he added, “Isn’t that right sweet little thing”, as she was now blushing.
The Wiley wives are giggling and the hunk that was with Ella comes walking out, clicked his
fingers and said, “Let’s roll”.

Three hidden faced men by each Wiley wife said, “Bye gorgeous”, and Mandy was smiling
brightly, as another said, “Later smart sexy one”.

The last man very close to Tara said, “Bye sweet little lady”, blowing her a kiss.
The three women were speechless and blushing from the many complements.
The men were now gone, as the women were beside themselves when Ella comes up to them.
Missy said, “Gee haven’t been flattered in like forever”, as she looked right at Ella pushing her
glasses up.

Laughing Mandy replied, “Yeah Sebastian doesn’t know sweet lines, just cocky ones”, as Ella
looked at her rolling her eyes.
“Well it was nice to get noticed, but Shane is a romantic”, and Mandy put her finger in her
mouth and faked gagging.

Ella shook her head at Mandy that giggled saying, “Sebastian’s romantic line is lay down
woman”, and they laughed.
Missy was laughing and said, “Yeah Seth’s is how about some now woman”, as they were
cracking up.
Ella did not though, Tara quietly asked, “Ella you okay?”
“Those guys knew us”.

The laughing session quickly stopped and Mandy asked, “Why you say Ella?”
Shaking her head replied, “Because they sure cannot stand our men we are laughing about”.
“They hate them”, said Ella fiddling with the buckle on her purse nervously.
Putting her hand on her broad hip, Mandy asked, “How do you know?”
Worried, Ella replied, “That dark haired man told me give the Wiley boys a message”.
“What’s the message?” Missy asked now scared.
“See them soon that their going to pay”, replied Ella scared also.
The women become silent, as Cody had tears saying, “Oh toys please mama”. Waving her hand
Mandy remarked, “Aw don’t worry, you all know our men, their toughest”.
Shaking her head Ella said, “I know, but this man was sure a big fellow, seemed very angry
speaking about our men, sorry I’m scared something awful is going to happen?”
The women become silent again and worried now on the way to the toy store finally, Cody had
all smiles.

In the toy store, Ella told the others wives, it is our secret, we tell the guy’s nothing about this.
They agreed and Mandy told them, it would ruin their tough ego and giggled flexing her arms, as
she had muscles and had an attitude that was different from the other’s.
Missy was quiet along with Tara, as Ella just looked at her and shrugged.

The Wiley women, still were being followed and watched with many vulgar comments and
laughs too.
Brenda comes walking into the toy store pushing the double stroller with Brandon and Dylan
saying, “Want toys”.

Tugging gently at her grandmothers purse and looking down saying, “Oh of course little sugar
daddy gave you spending money”, as Kayla lit up.
The other grandkids all took off fast and grabbing what they wanted and expensive too.
Ashley stood twirling a baton and Samantha grabbed roller skates saying, “Cool”, as Ashley

Tara’s three boys all stood by the train sets when Nicky pushed Josh and they started arguing
Suddenly, Tara blew her mommy whistle that was very loud and Brenda next to her grabbed her
ear it blew right in.
Holding a football, Josh said, “Sorry mom”, and gave Nicky a mean look, as Lance stood
touching the trains and said, “Mines”.
A half hour later.
The Wiley’s walked out of the toy store and all the kids were beaming from getting exactly what
they wanted.
Tugging at her ear Brenda told Mandy, “I did not get what I need, a hearing aide”.

Mandy giggled, as she held Kayla’s hand that was all smiles holding a new baby doll added to her
Brenda held her ear and looked at little Tara walking ahead with her happy boys and baby.

A few weeks pass, and the Wiley women remained secret about those men in the mall, as
things have not been going good for one married couple.
Ella and Saul had been arguing hot and heavy again for a week straight it went on with him
leaving and her screaming, “Go to your whore!”

In the truck, Saul sped away and not returning until daylight.
The next night, Saul threw a lamp against the living room wall shattering it with the kids
running to their bedrooms scared.

Once again, their love seem to be fading and sure not meant to be, as those two do not get along.
They brought the worst out in each other actually.
Ella and Saul’s fighting grew worse, as the children sat in their bedroom scared in tears.
One evening Ella was tired of him just leaving, Saul and Ella were shouting at each other when
he went grabbing his truck keys and Ella just freaked.

Rushing up to him saying, “No, you are not going to keep doing this to us after five years”.
“Get out of my face Ella”.
“Why Saul what is the real reason?”

“Leave me alone Ella”, as she would not and fought him over the keys.
“No I won’t”.
“I am warning you Ella!” Crying and yelling when he shoved her against the wall and hurried
out of the bedroom with her right behind him screaming, “You have a family stop hurting us!”

The children in their bedrooms were tired of hearing this already.
Running out the apartment building with her closely behind in screaming tears and ran over by
his silver truck, when Ella grabbed onto his arm saying, “No, please do not keep abandoning
your family!”
Looking at her said, “Get away from the truck Ella”.
“No I won’t let you keep running out on us”. Pulling on his arm.
At that moment, a big fight went down including Ella, as Saul angrily pushed her onto the
ground. Watching out the upstairs window Ashley with Cody are scared.

Kneeling on the ground crying and screaming at him, as he shouted just as loudly back. Saul was
furious and Ella was upset.

The two kids watching were sad, as they saw their daddy bending down above their mom
pointing in her face and looked as if he was going to hit Ella.
Irate Saul slapped her hard across the face and said, “Now will you back off!”

The kids had not been the only two witnessing this big fight when Sebastian comes running fast
out the apartment doors hollering, “Move from her Saul!”
That backed up away from Ella, as Sebastian comes closer, and aggravated Saul said, “Aw hey
not again man, because this isn’t your business”.

Sebastian grinned saying, “Ah brother it is, because you’ve made it all our business”, as he
pointed up to the window.
Where the four kids were looking out now, “Well that’s just life and a life she ruined for me”,
giving Ella a dirty look.
She was kneeling on the ground crying and Sebastian glanced down at her and said, “Aw brother
think you ruined a pretty good thing”.

Waving his hand out, Saul said, “Look, I am not going to stand here listening to you on
relationships because your woman left you again”.
Now laughing shaking his head Sebastian remarked, “No room to talk”, and in tears Ella said,
“Stop please, he’s your brother Saul”.

Gave her such an expressionless look saying, “Oh really”, and actually charged at her.
Therefore, this fight grew and somewhat ugly, as Sebastian one handedly only grabbed a hold of
Saul roughly by the neck and put him against the truck, Saul just looked at Sebastian.
Growling out, “I once told you, touch her ever again and I will have no other choice but to take
my own brothers head off”.
Looking serious at each other when Saul said, “Back up off me bro”, and he asked, “You done or
rather finish this with me?”
Kneeling on the ground still in flowing tears, Ella sobbing out, “Please do not fight”.
“It’s done you are my brother”, said Saul, as he gave Ella such a mean look.

Putting his hands up, Sebastian remarked, “Aw it’s done for now, but touch this woman again
those hands I’ll rip right off”, stepping back from Saul who got into his truck fast speeding away.

With her hands over her face crying heavily Sebastian knelt down before her saying, “Hey don’t
cry”, removing her hands, he saw tears flow, snarled and said, “Aw, I’m gonna hurt him bad, for
hurting my girl”.

Sniffling, Ella asked, “Am I still your girl?” Putting his hand against his heart, he replied,
Staring, hearts pound and Sebastian stood up, held his hand out and reaching up grabbing hold,
he pulled her up fast, close against him staring still, “Thank you Sebastian”.
“For what?”
“Truly loving me all these years”. Lowing his head whispers in her ear, “I sure miss showing you
how much I love you”.
“I miss you too, guess always will, because we can never be”, she cried and he held her tightly
saying, “Hey stop, I’m here”, nodding she said, “Yes you are, the man I love”.

Removing his hands from her waist now placing them against her face, he said, “You are the
woman I love and will be the only one”, breathing heavy staring at Ella that smiled, he said, “Aw
much better, no tears”, glanced up at the window and saw the kids back by the window again.
“You need to go in by those shaken up kids”, as she said, “Yes, I know our three kids”, he leans
his forehead gently against her forehead saying, “Aw there’d be many more if we were married”,
she giggled and he kissed her nose she laughs.

Parting from Sebastian and hated too, walking towards the apartment building with him
watching, she paused before going in with him staring, she blew him a kiss then went in.
Meanwhile, sitting in his truck parked right down the road, Saul had tears as he seen Ella in the
arms of his own brother Sebastian.
That was at his apartment and sitting on the blue sofa crying heavily, as little Kayla stood by her
open bedroom door looking at her daddy breaking down?
She said, “Don’t be sad faced my daddy!”
Little Kayla went back into her bedroom room climbing up into her bed as she pulled her
princess comforter up snug.
Folding her tiny hands she said, “Dear god, you have to help my daddy be happy, oh don’t forget
my wish to have a nicest mommy too”.

Kayla then snuggled under her covers and fell asleep smiling at the thought of a happy life one
day for her and daddy.

A few nights later on the Wiley’s Sunday break.
Saul deeply in shock went over at his best pal Rodney’s house that sat on the red sofa in deeper
Sitting on a red velvet chair with his hands over his face crying out, “What am I suppose to do
take off my own brothers head, lord knows I have wanted to all these years!”
“No guess not pal”, replied Rodney shaking his head feeling bad.
“Or traumatize innocent children”.
“Holy cow pal this is one difficult matter”.

In tears, Saul asked, “Yeah what’s the solution?”
Hanging his head, “I do not know pal”, and Saul put his hands back over his face crying heavy.
Never went home until daybreak and the next day at the construction site.
Saul closed the deal for him and his brothers to build their first home, as they moved up from
roofers to now building, Saul did have a lot of work too, as he did not lie to Ella.
He had to check on the dwelling along with city permits and everything involved to build, as he
worked all night going over everything.

After leaving his best friend Rodney’s home, Saul was at the construction site all-night and
Six months later.
The Wiley boys proved they could do anything, as the home was the happy owners dream.
It was a split-level house and the owners paid them highly for a great job done perfectly.
Saul actually took pictures of the first home they built and hung them in the office at the
construction site.
When that first home built surely started something as word got out and seemed the Wiley boys
were moving up from roofers to builders now.

Paul Gene and Brenda were proud of their boys, as for Paul Gene was not feeling well lately.
He had been back and forth to the doctors again complaining with constant chest pain.
Test, showed though that it was acid reflex and the family was all relieved.

One night in the bar, it was rowdy, because there was a birthday party going on.
Seth looking into the wild crowd told Rodney, “Heck, I really need to get my mask back out of
the closet”.
Rodney just grinned watching how rough it become, especially, as him and Seth watched
Sebastian fighting a man, which ended fast with Sebastian literally side kicking him right out of
the bar?

Leaning against the jukebox, Seth told Rodney, “Shoot I never can forget the night my head
went through a window like a stunt man”.
Laughing, as Rodney remembered time back on that certain birthday.
Starting to walk away, Seth said, “Hey Rodney, “I’m gonna grab a soda”.
Giving a smile Rodney replied, “Go on pal, I got your back”, watching the Friday night crowd
and mumbled,
“There will always be fights in this place”.

Sure enough before too long and the end of the night.
A big fight was on and fist swung, as Rodney remarked, “Man can’t people just have a good
time”, as he dogged a flying beer bottle.
Then he got drug into the big brawl with his four pals against six men that started being jerks

One light haired man, slapped Shane right across his face without warning.
From nowhere, another dark haired man walked right up to Sebastian and head butted him
Surprisingly, a third man with blonde hair stuck his foot out tripping Seth causing him to fall on
the floor.
All of a sudden, a man with reddish hair swiftly broke a beer bottle over Saul’s head.
The last man walked straight up to Rodney spitting dead in his face.
That fight was definitely on and got rough quick, as many tables crumbled and broke from
body’s forcefully crashing onto them and thrown down viciously.
People ran out of the way fast, because it was wild.

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