The Girl. (48 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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The badly beaten up Wiley boys were home next door at the apartment complex.
Sebastian’s eyes were actually swelled shut and his wife Mandy took it harder than the other
wives did, she had always been different about the bar.
Sebastian and Mandy always fight about it too, as she accuses him of flirting with the women or
even messing around.
That Wiley has a fight every day, as him and her do not get along, Mandy wanted Sebastian to go
at the hospital like his brothers did.
However, he refused telling her that he would survive, as Sebastian was the most stubborn out
of the four.
Not only just sarcastic and hateful gutted one that is why Brenda has never interfered with that
boy of hers, as he is very moody.
In a dark blue jogging outfit Mandy stood by the bed looking down at him with his eyes swelled
he said, “I’ll be ok, shoot I just can’t see you right now”.

Folding her arms mumbled, “Unbelievable darn bar”. Looking at him totally beaten to a pulp.
She also thought, heck our room is all bright yellow and he cannot see, gee they beat him blind.
Yellow is her favorite color and their room from curtains to the bedding and walls were yellow.
Sebastian lay groaning some, as he even spit blood into a tissue with her looking on in disgust.

Sanding with her arms folded sarcastically said, “All these years I dealt with you and that
stupid bar, now looking at you tonight I finally had my fill”.
Sebastian rose up on the bed holding his head and said, “Aw come on Mandy, shoot comfort me
not argue”.
“Nah I am done with a bar life style can’t have it anymore”.
He lay back down still holding his aching head saying, “Heck Mandy girl, it’s a job”.
“Well one I don’t want to deal with or have my kid see its daddy beat up every other night”.
Sebastian sat up again and excitedly asked, “Mandy your pregnant?”

Waving her hand, she said, “Forget us bar bouncer daddy, because I am leaving”.
Sebastian actually got out of the bed stumbling, as she really shook her head and he said, “Hey
how come now after all our trying your pregnant”.
Rolling her green eyes, she said, “Guess we got lucky huh”.
He grinned saying, “Nah maybe someone else did”, snarls.

Gasping said, “I can’t believe what a cruel person you are, but you always were a smart aleck”.
“Well you can’t trust me so how can I really trust what you’re doing Mandy”.
That slapped him across his battered face, “Guilt and don’t ever do that again girl”.
“Why gonna hit me, mean boy”.
“Just don’t ok”.
Throwing her hands up she said, “Oh you are pure hateful”, and then went rushing grabbing her
clothes throwing them into a duffle bag.

Squinting trying to look, as everything was a blur he said, “Yep the ones that accuse are the
guilty ones honestly”.
Grabbing a pile of clothes fast and in tears said, “Sebastian I may not have had the best
education, but I’m not a born fool”.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Mandy wiped tears saying, “I have known you better than you have yourself, zipping up the
duffle bag and said, “Sebastian I lived with a threesome inside your heart a long time”.

Hanging his head and she smirked saying, “Oh lord how sad, no sick actually”.
He was silent a moment, not Mandy that said, “Guess one lucky girl sure played ring around the
Wiley boys”.
“Wrong Mandy, it’s not what you imagine”, as she huffed saying, “Spare me details”.
Got some of her things together fast and as she went to walk out the bedroom spit right into his
horribly bruised face.

Very mad Sebastian jerked her arm roughly, as she pulled away then hurried out of their
bedroom with him stumbling behind her, almost tripping a few times, because he could hardly
Out the door quickly into the long hallway of the three-story building and Sebastian comes out
the door too and she rushed down the stairway, as they lived on the third floor.
He yelled down from the top banister, “Hey Mandy, don’t come pinning child support on me”.
She flicked him off then running out the door, he turned around walking slowly back to their

Sebastian Wiley was one brother that always had relationship problems.
Especially with Mandy who was difficult, as he sure could be too, when Mandy had got in her car
and drove off.
A parked van that was across the street, suddenly turned on their lights and followed her.
Brother two seem like he had some issues in his relationship also.

Seth’s wife Missy was sitting on the end of their bed sobbing, as he lay under the hunter green
comforter and his eyes were badly black and blue.
Missy sobbed saying, “I just tried to make you feel better”. Crying heavily.

Under the covers, Seth quietly said, “Missy I don’t want to argue or talk about what just

She stood up reaching over on the bed grabbing her pillow up saying, “It happens a lot Seth”.
With the covers up near his battered face, he said, “Look come morning put this behind”.
Missy looked at him in disgust and added, “I am not gonna fight in front of my girl Sammy”.
She held her pillow and replied, “Fine Seth, I’ll keep it to myself, because honestly I wouldn’t
want anyone knowing”.
“Good”, turning over on his side, as she huffs.

Seth was silent and she added, “What about our son Steven you never mention”.
He did not answer her, instead started snoring.
She looked at him sleeping peaceful and mumbled, “Right”, as she hit the pillow down on to him

Raising his face out from the covers, Seth hollered, “Aw heck Missy, just go sleep on the sofa
like every other night”.
She walked over to the door and hollered, “Why don’t you go sleep with the woman you moaned
out for, Ella”.

Seth now put his pillow over his head holding it tightly and she stood there with tears rolling
under her glasses and said, “I should have known from that time in the park years ago, all this
time you have wanted her”.
Missy opened the door and said, “Guess we have some great marriage, because my husband
cries out for another woman during oral sex”.

Heartbroken, walked out of the bedroom and tired of Seth yearning for Ella, his own brother’s
wife that lay in their bed under the big blue comforter?
Wiping tears, as Saul snored, and felt heart broke like usual and that Saul maybe messing
around again after a few years of him being devoted and a good dad.

Furthermore, Saul brushed Ella off, as she tried to comfort him and she knew that he would
never be true.
Saul was badly beat up and his left arm was in a sling, his whole back was bruised severely, as he
even had boots imprints all down his back and his eyes were terribly swollen.

Ella lay in the bed next to him, as his back was towards her snoring.


She mumbled, “Sebastian Wiley you’re the one my heart has always longed for and always will,
but I do miss Seth and need him the most, truth is, I fell completely in love with him”.

Three Wiley brothers have many marital problems, while brother number four had no
Shane and Tara were in their bed cuddled together under the black and white striped comforter.
Badly battered with his eyes swollen shut practically and he was sore.

Right outside their lower level bedroom window stood three tall people wearing those hooded
jackets hiding their smirking faces.
They were sure up to no good when another tall person wearing a ski mask walked up to them
and said, “Time has finally come to put those filthy Wiley boys through a living hell!”
Another one laughs saying, “Let the torture begin”.

Patting his back one disguised person replied, “Oh their gonna suffer?”
Another very tall person wearing a ski mask and said, “Someone will die tonight, paw did, now
Wiley’s will?”
Walking up to the group saying, “Aw taken care of, we ready to roll gutting some Wiley’s?” Stood
another very tall man wearing a ski mask.

Turning away from the window, five hidden faced people replied, “Ready!” Those hidden faced
people with the gray hooded jackets on looked into that window.
Meanwhile, just a few streets away there were many cop cars and a fire truck.

Two police officers were talking with a man that told them, “A big black van seem to cut the car
off the road causing the vehicle to crash into the building?
There was an ambulance that workers were quickly putting badly burned Mandy onto a
Mandy as the paramedic workers put her into the back of the ambulance, kept mumbling, “Our
She then lifted her hand up and screamed out, “NO GOD!”
Noticing her totally covered burnt hands and the ambulance hurried off with Mandy in
screaming tears.

Forty-five minutes later back at the Wiley duplex, Sebastian had been sleeping, as the phone
Struggling reached over on the nightstand and finally answering it.
Raised his voice, “WHAT!” Dressing quickly, as he barely could see and then went tripping into
Kayla’s bedroom.

Grabbed hold of her dresser and her little princess night lamp was on the nightstand next to
her bed.
Sebastian strain to see going over by the bed and bent lifting up his little girl, as he now even
struggled to breathe, as she was light as a feather.
Held her in his sore arms walking out of the room, then carried her out the door and she asked,
“Daddy what’s wrong?”

Holding her tightly he said, “Aw you’re going to go by Ashley at Aunt Ella’s”.
Half asleep, she said, “Okay daddy”.
She just closed her eyes, as he took his child by Saul and Ella’s and luckily without tripping.
Ella comes to the door opening it and standing there with Kayla in his arms Sebastian asked,
“Can you please watch her there’s an emergency”.

“Oh my Sebastian, your face is so bad”.
“Yeah they messed me up”.
Staring at his badly bruised face then reaching her one hand up to his face softly brushed the
bruises with him silently looking at her through swollen eyes, she said, “My poor baby”.

Tears filled their eyes when she took her hand off from his battered face and said, “Yes bring her
in put her on the sofa”, as he nodded and remained silent.

Following putting Kayla down onto the blue sofa, Sebastian headed to the door and before
going out with his back towards her.
He said, “Thanks, I love you very much Ella, always have and will to my dying grave”, and he
walked out, as she broke down crying her hardest ever.

Twenty minutes later, a few streets from the hospital sat a full size extended black van parked
and inside was a group of guys, at least fifteen to seventeen of them laughing.
All wearing those gray hooded jackets and three had ski masks on, as they laughed saying,
“Wiley’s we are here to stay”.
“Payback time”.
“Brace yourselves!”
They were raving on saying, “Man we got him good”,
“End of one filthy Wiley boy”.

Another person with a deep voice said, “Heck this is easy, guess them old Wiley’s aren’t so
tough”, and they cracked up laughing.
One person sitting in the passenger seat of the van pulled off his ski mask.
He had short jet-black hair as you couldn’t see his face and he said, “Were going to stay low after
we finish tonight, because one Wiley is seriously down or gone”, as he laughed.
Then he added, “Rest of those filth boys is to come.”

The group of men were all silent and listened to who appeared being the leader of the crew said,
“I got a full force plan figured out and hope it all falls accordingly in to place”.
That group of people laughed very wickedly.

Exactly one hour later at the hospital, in the waiting room sat Brenda and Paul Gene with many
tears rolling and their three badly beaten up boys sat silently hanging their head, as many tears
fall hitting the floor.
Paul Gene saw his boys shedding tears and knew it took a lot to make any of them cry.

Tonight was sure it in every way, as they sat awaiting word on Sebastian who was fighting for his
life, because he had been brutally attacked in the hospital parking lot and even run over by a
vehicle. Then what was even more heartbreaking is his lifeless body had been set on fire actually.
Sebastian somehow managed to crawl up by the emergency doors a ball of fire and discovered
Brenda kept messing with her special locket glancing now and then at a young pretty nurse with
flowing jet-black hair and bluest eyes.
That found Sebastian and never left his side, until he was taken into the surgery area.
The Wiley family did not even have a clue Mandy Wiley was a few rooms away and suffered
minor burns to her body.
Two doctor comes out giving the Wiley family some sad news, the doctors told them all that
stood listening in tears how bad Sebastian was.

Bleeding on the brain with severe swelling that might require surgery to relieve the pressure
and most of his ribs are broken.
Brenda at that moment heaved and Shane put his arm around her tightly, as the doctor
continued of his condition.

Multiple and deep stab wounds to the facial area, including second-degree burns to his whole
The family all broke down crying heavily as they just heard how badly off Sebastian really was
and very bad it is.

The doctor added one more statement about Sebastian, as they listened in tears, “He too has a
broken arm along with everything else that is mild”.
The doctor hung his head and said, “I am truly sorry, this young man is in very critical

Brenda had tears pouring nonstop at this point, as the doctors told them all, “He is stable and
honestly we are doing everything possible to keep him comfortable.”
Standing in shock, as Paul Gene did not look so good with the news of his son and has been
feeling bad lately complaining of chest pain often.

This appeared, as it would push his health condition worse than it already was, because he
had to go sit down in a chair fast, as his three boys hurried right with their father.
Saul had to actually help him sit down Brenda had tears rolling and played with her locket
mumbling, “He sure has been a great paw”.
The doctors went to walk away when Brenda hurried up to them in many tears holding her
locket she asked. “My boy is not going to make it is he?”

The one doctor replied, “Truth your son is in very critical condition and the odds are not good
in this situation”.
Tears rolled more from Brenda that mumbled, “Oh dear god, he is only twenty-five-years-old,
just a baby”.

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