The Girl. (41 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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“Yep sure is Ella, my special ride from a special girl huh”.
“Seth the girls”, as he waved his free hand saying, “Yeah like they know”. Glancing back at them.
“In time they might hearing us talking like this”. Looking too.

Samantha put her hand against her hip and said, “Auntie Ella you ride”, waving her hand, “Oh
no sweetie I don’t know how”, said Ella.
Ashley got excited saying, “Yes mama, please!”

Smirking, Seth said, “Yeah come ride me”, Ella gasped pushing him and he laughed saying,
“No I meant my skateboard”, she said, “Ah huh, sure”.
The little girls were begging and almost throwing a tantrum, as Ella looked at them.
“Least try, I’ll catch you”, said Seth with open arms.
“Always do if I have fallen huh”. Staring at each other now, “Forever Ella”.
Seth set the skateboard down and soon as Ella just stepped onto it she went half way down and
swept her up into his arms, as both little girls giggled.

Therefore, Seth was now teaching three girls to ride the skateboard and having a lot of fun with
Ella. Who instantly went to fall again, but this time, as Seth grabbed onto her, she pulled him
down, as they both landed on the grass laughing.

In seconds, they were rolling on the grass play wrestling and he said, “Hey now someone is
going to see us”.
“See what, me whipping on you".
Laughing and said, “Aw I don’t think so girl, because I’m the karate king”.
Rapidly, tossed Ella up and flipped her way over his shoulder as she was screaming but

The two little girls giggled and pointed at the swing-set then went running fast to swing.
Since the adults were, busy now.
Seth and Ella continued rolling on the grass wrestling and suddenly he took charge pinning her
down as she gasped looking up at him.
His heart pounded staring down onto her and she said, “I do love you Seth!”

Jumping up fast, holding his hand out said, “Come on Ella to the shed”.
Ella’s eyes became large and said, “Our girls”, as he stood shaking his leg out saying, “There is a
window I can watch them too”.

Taking his hand, as he pulled her up fast, she giggled saying, “Mean you won’t be all eyes on
me this time?”

Leading her to the shed quickly, “Oh I have to watch”, said Seth and she laughed.
Making it fast by the shed, Seth pulled Ella inside, “Oh what if someone comes in?”
Holding her hand Seth replied,” I will be quick”, and she turned loose of his hand and said, “I
changed my mind, because quick isn’t worth getting busted”.

“Aw girl I am about to burst, plus have I ever been quick”, and she smiled saying, “Far from
Sweeps Ella off her feet, sitting her onto the wooden table and she looked at him staring back
and said, “Oh I guess just this once a quickie is fine under these conditions”.
Right as Seth placed both hands against Ella’s face cupping gently and their lips joined.

Little Ashley started crying loudly and Seth with Ella hurried out of the shed.
Standing by the swing set now, Seth and Ella looked at Ashley upset, because her doll could not
stay on the swing.

Seth knelt down before her and said, “Guess we must buy a special swing for your baby huh?”
Swinging high, Samantha said, “Good plans daddy”, smiled saying, “Be careful”.
Stood back up when Ella comes closer to him and said, “Sorry”, he smirked saying, “Aw don’t be,
because I got plans for you later”, and she laughs.
He added, “Don’t have to worry about quickie either”, as she really laughed, he said,
“Yep laugh now Ella cry later”, and she pushed him.

Walking away, Ella asked, “Hey where are you going?”
“To buy bonnie a special swing”, Ella with the little girls smiled and Seth runs to his black
One hour later, Seth knelt on the ground hooking up the swing for the girl’s dolls, as they stood
happily and Ella too. Ten minutes later the girls are swinging along with the doll.

Grabbing hold of Seth’s arm Ella said, “Made them happy”.
“Aw I’m gonna make you very happy later”, she giggled. Watching the girls with the doll
swinging, Seth asked, “Who wants ice cream?”
”We do Daddy”. Swinging higher.
“Yippee!” Pushing her doll on the swing. Waving his hand Seth said, “Come on y’all”, and Ella
stood there, as he took her hand adding, “You to girl”, she smiles.

Therefore, heading off on their way to the ice cream shop met up with Sebastian getting out of
his truck looking at them asked, “Where you all going?” Bright blue eyes big Ashley says, “Ice
cream store want to come”.
Kneeling down fixing Samantha’s long curly ponytail, Seth added, “Yeah come on brother”, and
Ashley folds her tiny hands saying, “Please”. Winking at his daughter replied, “I’ll go”, she jumps
up and down long curly ponytails bouncing.
Walking down the long driveway on their way to the ice cream shop, Sebastian held Ashley’s
hand that held Samantha’s right next to her and following close behind Seth with Ella giggle.
Chapter 12.

A few months go by.
One evening on the strip at the mall it was also a brisk day in the middle of November.
Sebastian and Mandy both stood in shock from running into each other.
She was dressed warmly with a pink ski jacket and pink gloves.
In addition, over her hair that grew out a pink knit beanie cap.

He stood cold wearing only a gray hooded jersey.
When he said, “Guess my little brother was right you’re okay and had been faking”.
“No Sebastian you got it all wrong”,
“I was hurt”.
Pacing back and forth he turned pointing right at her and said, “Why did you not talk to me
guess wanted to see my weak side?”

Pacing back and forth on the sidewalk in front of many stores rather upset Sebastian said,.
“Heck I don’t believe this trick or another game”.
“I didn’t play a sick joke, because do you understand I was in a state”.
“Yeah just up in till I gave you the necklace”.
“Why Mandy didn’t you say anything”.
Doleful expression, “I let you down Sebastian”.

Freezing hands snuggled into his pockets he hollered, “Let me down, aw good one, look at the
big mess now because you let me down keeping quiet”.
“I am sorry Sebastian.”
“Please Sebastian I felt so a shamed, just dirty and like it was my fault, did I tease or provoke
He hung his head and moving closer to him, she said, “Sebastian many times, I wanted to just
fall into your arms, but I was scared it wouldn’t be the same, because I had been touched by
Hanging his head, replied, “Yeah, I’m involved with another, shoot over a year”.
Fixing her yellow knit cap on her head looking at him and asked, “You happy?”
“I mean love her whole hearted”.
“I don’t know what I feel at this point”.
Raising her light eyebrows, she said, “It’s simple either you do or don’t”.
“Seeing your face after almost three years, I felt like Pinocchio and not my nose”.

She raised her gloves to her face giggling.
“But it don’t make all this right, because I got a girl planning a fairytale wedding”.
Silently they both kept looking at each other and then down fast.
Sebastian pulled his hooded jacket way up over his almost frost bitten ears she stood there
shivering and tried to pull her knit cap lower.

Quiet as she was not and said, “Maybe I just haven’t really been the girl of Sebastian’s dreams”.
“Aw bull you know better Mandy”.
“Oh do I Sebastian, because sure doesn’t show, shoot it hasn’t”.
Sebastian shivering said, “Aw, that’s bull, you know I cannot stomach mushy okay”.
“Hey I can’t either that’s not what I want”.
“Just what do you want Mandy?”
“To be the only one in your heart”.
“Heck you always were”.
“I sure hope that’s true Sebastian?”
They both looked at each other as snow lightly fell onto them.

Meanwhile back at the Wiley home.
Brenda was baking cookies as Samantha stood up on a chair next to her helping.
The kitchen was a mess and looked like a bakery.
Samantha was shaking sprinkles on the cookies a bit heavy as Brenda giggled.

While in the dining room it was sure loud where Paul Gene sat playing a board game with Saul
and Ella.

Shane and Tara, and Seth sat rolling his eyes, as he watched Saul play good role and was far
Little Ashley sat on the floor below her daddy playing with her new doll that uncle Sebastian
surprised her with. Ashley was rocking her baby doll in her arms and looking at her screaming
baby brother in the playpen.
Back in the kitchen.
Brenda and Samantha are now using cookie cutters as Brenda smiled because her
granddaughter did a good job on those Christmas cookies.
The phone rings, Brenda grabbed a towel wiping her doe hands heading to the phone,
Samantha kept making her cookie of a star filling it with sprinkles.
Brenda said, “Hello?” Dropped the phone.

With flour on her face, Samantha said, “Nana you have a sad faces”.
“Sugar go get papaw please”.
Samantha jumped off the chair, running into the dining room and pointing to the kitchen.
Excitedly her delicate low tone voice said, “Papaw stop your game play in.”
Seth smiled asking, “The cookies done Sammy?”
Shook her head of long dark curls, as everyone paused the game, she pointed saying, “Nana’s
face is froze sad”.

The fellows all got up immediately rushing into the kitchen when little Samantha crawled up
into the head seat smiling and looking at Ella and Tara, as they giggled.
Samantha said, “Me can play games, bet me win um”.
Ella with Tara really giggled and baby Cody whaled crying, Samantha shook her head and said;
“Poor small baby’s faces froze cries”.

Laughing Ella got up to get her boy, as Saul comes hurrying into her.
She looked at him holding Cody, he said, “My brothers in jail, I got to go with paw and Shane”.
Surprised she said, “Well yes, go”.

Shane comes in by Tara telling her, “I have to run little darling family duty calls”.
She kissed him saying, “Hope all works out for your brother”.
“I love you sugar”.

She giggled and he rushed out of the dining room, Brenda comes walking through and
Samantha said, “Nana cookies baking aren’t done.”
Brenda had tears and asked, “Ella and Tara you mind helping her finish”.
They both said, “Sure we will”.
Samantha jumped down off the chair saw Ashley and sat down saying, “Me like dolls bunches”.
Ella looked at Tara and said, “Guess we are on our own baking”, and Tara smiled.
They went into the kitchen to find Seth baking and giggled he said, “Shoot the gingerbread men
were burning”.
Brenda had gone into her bedroom, as she sat on the bed crying very hard and folded her hands
she said quietly, “My boy put his hands on a female wrong, oh lord no”.
If only Brenda knew her boy Saul abuses Ella right under her roof.
Brenda then closed her eyes tightly and prayed.

Out in the kitchen, Seth with the wives was baking up a storm.
The little granddaughters were watching television, as Cody finally fell asleep.
After about thirty minutes went by, Brenda comes walking through the living room and
Samantha smiled at her, Brenda winked going into the kitchen and saw the three bakers, she
said, “Oh it smells good in here”.
Seth with flour on his face replied, “Yeah it better”.

Brenda giggled looking at him then looked at the big rooster clock sighing.
Ella asked, “Want to help us finish Brenda”.
Looked at her family, as Tara smiled putting sprinkles on her cookies and comes up close to the
table, grabbed the rolling pin smiling, as they did back.

Two hours go by, Ella went to put the little ones to bed and Seth was on a baking roll.
Tara had to take a break, as she felt sick due to the second trimester; she was in the living room
curled up onto the big brown recliner.

Walking in the living room, Ella saw Tara looking pale more then she already is and
thought pregnancy can be rough, as she went grabbing a blanket and put it over Tara who
smiled saying, “Aw thanks Ella”.

“Hey we are sisters right”, as Tara nodded her head and really curled up snuggling into the
warmth of the blanket.
Went back into the kitchen, noticing that Seth was competing with his mother at the best made
gingerbread men.
The back door flew open, Sebastian went walking through fast and Brenda stopped him quickly,
his head hung.
Holding the rolling pin, Brenda giggled saying, “Aw boy, do I feel like slugging you a good one”.
Ella looked on as Brenda looked very mad like never before and sounds it.
Sebastian remained silent, his paw and two brothers come in, and saw Brenda on a rolling pin
Seth and Ella both rolled their eyes, when Brenda swung the rolling pin points it at her boys
saying, “Never, ever, do one of my sons put their hands to a female the wrong way”.
“You hear me”.

Three nodded and Sebastian went to say something and she put the rolling pin to his chest
tightly almost grinding it.
She said, “Nah, I don’t want to hear the reasons why there are none, got it!”
Brenda literally screamed, “MEN DON’T HIT GIRLS!”
Put his head back down, and kept his mouth zipped, Brenda swung the rolling pin and her boys
took deep gulps.

Furiously, Brenda and said, “I won’t have it, my boys hurt a woman in my lifetime, I’ll hurt y’all
She literally banged the rolling pin hard onto the table as pieces broke off and everyone froze.
“I’ll seriously crack skulls!” Threw the rolling pin against the wall and everyone was in shock
including Ella.
Brenda still hollered, “Real men don’t hit girl’s only spineless wimp’s”.
The boys all hung their heads.
Paul Gene though had tears, as he knows a secret about his

Brenda seemed to calm down, she looked at Sebastian and actually snarled saying, “Boy just get
out of my site tonight and stay low before I take your head off or better yet those woman beating
Therefore, he walked out of the kitchen fast and Saul with Shane hurried off too.
Brenda had her hand to her head and wiped tears.
Paul Gene went to speak as she said, “You just go, because I don’t want to look at a male figure
the rest of the night”.

A few days go by.
Brenda had calmed down, as she found out the truth to why her boy went to jail and had to buy
two packs of cigarettes again.
Chapter 13.

Sebastian had not put one finger on his fiancé, as she did all the hitting on him and they both
went to jail for disturbance and aggravated menacing.
Sebastian trashed her apartment breaking all her things and pushed around the man that he
caught her in bed with and felt relieved, because he went to her place to call off the wedding and
it sure was canceled.
Exactly one week later, Sebastian and Mandy married.
November 30, 1974.

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