The Girl. (52 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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Therefore, Danny Ray has no time to be lonely or ever bored with two little Wiley boys to raise
up. Danny Ray has one other son Patrick that lives in Arizona with his wife, Victoria and their
four children.
Danny Ray and Brenda went sitting in the waiting room, he asked, “Brenda can I get you
something to drink?”

One hand against her head replied, “Oh lord no more coffee”, and he grinned.
“I could use a can of ginger ale, my stomach is dancing”, holding her stomach.
“You got it”, and headed down the hallway going to the cafeteria, Brenda sat hanging her head,
fussing with that special locket.

Her three boys come running in hysterical and jittering nervously Shawn asked, “Maw is it true
She looked up at Shawn, Saul and Seth.
In rolling tears again sadly said, “Your paw has passed boys, I am truly sorry”, as them three lost

Saul put his hands up to his face crying heavily against the wall trembling and Seth runs off
stumbling with tears flowing.
Looking at Shawn and asked, “Dear lord who is at home watching the wives and kids?”

Wiping tears Shawn replied, “Aw a guy named Rodney with some other guys”
“Okay, tonight wouldn’t be wise leaving them alone”.

Sad with tears rolling, Shawn added, “After uncle John and Marty told us in the cafeteria
something was wrong with paw we called Saul”.
Brenda said, “Your uncles going home by me now?”
“Yes they will keep a close eye to maw don’t worry”.

Shaking her head she said, “Oh I do not worry with those old Wiley boys that were sure toughest
around”, Shawn nodded.
Crying Saul went sitting right next to his mother, she put her arms around him tightly and he
said, “Not our paw!” Shaking.
Shawn stood hanging his head and Danny Ray comes walking back holding Brenda’s pop.
He patted Shawn onto the back that just nodded and Danny Ray reached Brenda her ginger ale.

Seth hurried into the apartment building in heavy tears and passed his floor right up running
down the hallway by Ella’s door.
Standing outside her closed door, he cried saying, “I need my best friend real bad!”

Rapped lightly, the door opened and Seth broke down crying out, “My paw died Ella, I need
my friend!”


“Oh my god Seth, but I thought its Sebastian that’s bad off”.


“Yes, paw was unexpected”.


Standing there shaking in many tears rolling, he strain to see Ella that said, “I am so sorry Seth,
for such a great loss, he was a fine man”, now wiping tears and Seth cried.

Crumbling down onto the floor right between the hallway and the cracked open door, Ella knelt
down by him saying, “Oh Seth”, that cried out, “ I miss my best friend in the world”, as he cried
harder raising his hands up by his face and Ella looked at him.

Brushing his curls back, as they looked at each other, Seth reached touching her face softly, she
said, “Do not Seth, I will only cause you more pain, because you know Sebastian is my dream”.
Stroking her face softly, “I’ll take my chances Ella, because I’m crazy about you girl”.

Now sat down onto the floor saying, “Oh Seth, truth is, whether this makes logical sense or not, I
love you very much too”.
“Aw baby, I sure love you”, brushing her face with his fingers she added, “I always will Seth”.

Instantly, he stood up fast, holding his hand out to Ella sitting on the floor looking up at him,
as her eyes become large, she said, “Oh Seth no”, he nodded saying, “Yes”.
Ella become nervous, as he make great effort to stare right at her and she asked, “Where?”
“I don’t care if it’s right here in this hallway, be with me Ella!”
“Sebastian might die, I cannot, no, I just can’t”.
Moving close upon her placing both hands firmly against her face, Seth said, “I miss my girl”,
and Ella become lost into his blood-shot eyes, he added,
“Each time I am intimate with Missy, it is your face I see, always will Ella, no matter what, you
are my girl that I will love forever more ”.

Tears filled her eyes and he said, “Give me tonight Ella, take me to a magical world?”
Now placed her hand onto his face saying, “Oh Seth”, as hearts pounded rapidly.
Staring deeply into each other’s eyes, Seth swiftly lifted Ella up onto him, as she wrapped her
legs very snug around his waist facing him and he carried her through the apartment right to the
bathroom locking the door.

Seth sat her down gently on the sink vanity, drawing his zipper down, as she stared and said,
“Show me boy how much you missed your girl”, said Ella running her fingers through his curls.
Making love to Ella with all his heart and both become lost in a magical world filled with steamy

However, Seth had to get out of his brothers apartment quickly, but stood with Ella by the
kitchen door ready to leave.
Their lips softly connected, kissing deep for a final heart felt moment.
Seth told her “I love you with all my heart!”
“Yes I can tell, because you proved it!” He winked.
One hour later.

Walking into the back kitchen door setting his keys down onto the counter then went walking
through the house quietly and carefully.
Since Shane’s boys lay in sleeping bags, on the thick dark brown carpeted floor and Kayla was on
the blue sofa.

Saul walked into him and Ella’s bedroom, as she was sitting on the rocking chair with baby
Sabrina in her arms sleeping, he sat down onto the king size bed feeling drained.
“Are you okay Saul?”
“Ella we lost my paw!”, as she gives a surprised look.
“Oh I am sorry Saul”.
“Is that all you have to say, heck comforting”. Lying across the bed hands against his head.
“What should I do Saul I’m holding a toddler here”.
“Yeah well just a little compassion would be nice, but you’re busy doing what you do best”.

“True, I am a good mother”.


“Aw good mother, your big mouth is about to wake the kid”.


Ella gave him such a mean look, “I have been, more then you’ve been a father which is a far”,
said Ella that sneer.

Becoming upset he said, “I lose my paw tonight dang that rattling mouth of yours still runs
She thought, for you, oh yes it does.

Saul lay across the bed with his one arm above his head and asked, “Why don’t you lay her down
and come here”.
“Move then, because she has to sleep in the bed with me”.
He smirked saying, “You’re serious?”
“Where else Saul, should I put your brother’s baby on the floor or better yet, let’s shove a new
born in a sleeping bag”.

Jumped up off the bed throwing his hands up saying, “That’s it man, I can’t stand your
mouth”, as she thought, I cannot stand you.
Saul walked up close to her sitting on the rocking chair when she said, “Don’t I’m holding a
Leans forward close in her face and said, “Yeah luckily, because that just saved you from losing
teeth tonight”, and stormed out slamming the door.

In fact, waking the baby that now was screaming, rocking the screaming baby again after it took
an hour the first time.
Looking down onto the baby, “Oh Sabrina It’s okay that mean old wolf is gone”.
“Hopefully to his whores house or could be at her granny’s too, with him anything is possible or

However, Ella finally got the baby to sleep and placed pillows around her and Ella lay right at
the open edge. The baby remained safe from falling as the bed was against the wall on the other
Morning had come and Saul had never returned home and in many ways Ella was glad of it.
At the heartbreaking hospital, Danny Ray left with his two brothers and gone to make funeral
arrangements for their brother, as Sebastian held on strong through the night.

Brenda was relieved he pulled through and honestly knew, that was one amazing boy of hers
after all he endured of such a cruel attack.

The nurse Maryann was in the room checking his vitals then writing on the chart when
suddenly her eyes become huge, as Sebastian starts groaning and moving closer next to the bed
she asked, “Mr. Wiley?” Groans and she asked, “Can you hear me?”
Nodded groaning out, “Ella”.
Looking at him Maryann asked, “What?”
“Ella”, he kept groaning and Maryann gave a slight smile saying, “Ella?”
Slowly moving one arm slightly up Sebastian said, “I want Ella”.

Held the chart with a smile Maryann said, “You are going to make it”, and he nodded again, as
she had tears quietly saying, “What a remarkably strong man, I have to tell his mother”.
Now groaning out, “Maw”.

Sitting in the waiting room, Brenda was digging into her purse, as she pulled out a quarter and
got up heading over to the payphone around the corner and paused giving a slight smile looking
at her three boys, Shawn, Saul and Seth still sleeping on the chairs.
She had tears roll saying, “Thank god I have my boys”, she walked up by the phone and dialed
then said, “Hello Charlene is Stanley there, I need to talk to him?”

On the other end of the phone a young woman about early twenty’s with long jet black flowing
curls replied, “Sure Brenda hold on he’s here”.
The young woman held the phone out and said, “Stan, it’s your maw, she sounds upset”.
Getting up from sitting on a chair by a round wooden kitchen table.

Stood a slender and very tall young man that was about six-foot- three and appeared to
be in his middle twenty’s.
The young man had shoulder length light brown wavy hair and thick, also wearing a
flannel shirt with baggy jeans.
Taking the phone from the woman’s hand, he asked, “Maw, what’s wrong?”
Brenda just cried on the other end and jittering nervously he asked, “Maw, please what’s

She cried out, “Stanley come home, come home now boy!” Brenda actually has six


Thank you for reading and hope that you enjoyed the story, coming soon.


The One
. &
Second Chance
, completely revised editions, Available summer of 2015.


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