The Girl. (50 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

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Giving him a longer stare Maryann thought, “I met all his brothers so who is he?”

Maryann gives another look at him and the man went into Sebastian’s room, as Maryann kept
sorting charts and said, “Maybe he’s a cousin”.
A few minutes later.

Maryann was still behind the nurse’s desk and Brenda comes walking down the hallway holding
a cup of coffee.
She passed Maryann and they both looked at each other in tears, then approached Sebastian’s
room, the door opened, and the man in tears walked out.

Suddenly dropped the cup of coffee on the floor, trembling Brenda cried out, “Shawn?”
Paul Gene stood shaking and sobbing tears of joy.
Standing right before him was the man and eyes large, Brenda went up real close to the young
man and touched his face.
“Is this real, it’s you Shawn?”

Put his arms around Brenda and tears rolled heavily down both their faces, he replied, “Yeah
maw, I’m finally home!”
Paul Gene grabbed onto them both and all three of them cried.
A Wiley boy finally comes home from the Vietnam War after a few years.
Brenda in her oldest boy’s arms sobbed saying, “Oh Shawn your brother is in bad shape”.
Paul Gene added, “We may lose him boy, just like the letter told us we lost you”.
“Yeah paw I almost did leave this earth, but I am a Wiley strong willed and don’t go down that
Not only strong willed like his four brothers, he was very good looking.
Brenda cried, “Oh lord, I am in shock Shawn, because all this time we believed you left us”.
“Well maw, paw, I was injured, held prisoner for some time”.
Their oldest son added, “I am a survivor and freed myself with a bit of help”.
Brenda gives a smile in tears rolling and he added, “I’ll tell y’all about it, but first my little
brother surviving is most important”.
Brenda asked, “Shawn do your other three brothers know your alive and back home?”
“Yeah, I sure saw their beat up faces, that’s how I found out about Sebastian”. Hugging her son
that held her tightly he added, “Aw met Ella too”.
“Oh did you?”
“Only for a second though”.
“Wait until you do boy, she’s such a great woman”.

Suddenly, Shawn flashed back into the past a brief moment.
Riding a bicycle, the young girl with flowing red hair slid falling on the dirt road and sat there
saying, “Owe my knee”, held her bloody leg ,when rushing up to her was a tall teenage boy with
long golden curls that instantly knelt down asking, “Hey girl you okay?”

Setting a duffle bag down she looked at him saying, “Yes I am fine”.
Smiling and noticing the duffel bag asked, “Going on a trip?’
Hanging his head replied, “No, going to war actually”, her eyes become large saying, “Really you
“Yeah girl, I am”.
“You scared?’
“Nah, I fear nothing”, and staring she said, “War is different and rough”.
“Aw I know”, hung his head and she asked, “You live around here?”

Pointing replied, “Yeah, just down the road”.
“Guess, we are neighbors huh”, nodding he smiled replying, “Guess we are”, and rose up slightly,
helping her up, she said, “Thank you boy”.
“My name is Shawn”.
“Well nice to meet you Shawn” .Smiling brightly.
“Likewise girl”, and looked at his wristwatch adding, “I need to be going”, as she frown now
saying, “Too bad you have to”.
Lifting up the duffle bag replied, “Aw, I’ll be back”. Teary eyed the girl said, “I don’t really know
you, but please be careful and come back”.
“I will”, and walking away, paused, turns around and said, “Hey girl”.
“Yes, Shawn?”
“Be careful on that bike”, she smiles when he walked down the road and never did return until
Shawn stopped thinking back gave a grin mumbling, “Ella was the girl I met”.
Brenda took her boys hand tightly and said, “Come Shawn let’s go back to your younger brother
you haven’t been with in years”.

Paul Gene winked at Shawn and he smiled in tears, as Brenda felt his left hand and asked,
“Shawn a ring?”
“Maw I have been away seems like forever; yes I am a married man”.
Paul Gene said, “Well of course boy, shoot you’re what twenty- seven”.
Giving a small grin Shawn replied, “Paw you’re a little off”, and they all three smiled under the
other sad circumstances.

Brenda that horrible and shocking night would not let her son Shawn’s hand go at all and he
would not let his maw.
Shawn Garrett Wiley, had been over in the Vietnam War and was just nineteen- years- old the
time he was drafted.

The oldest of the Wiley boys and just a year older then Saul is, Shawn is thirty-years- old.
Missed his family very much and has one recovering picture in his wallet.
It was of him and his brothers all sitting on a big wagon filled with hay on their farm in

They were all young in the photo and you could not notice faces really, because all the Wiley
boys had real long hair.
Even Shane that keeps his short now was once a young teenage hippy.
The picture showed the brotherly bond between the boys.

There was also something very strange again in the picture Shawn had, as there were six
longhaired boys.
Taking a longer look though at the picture, the one missing Wiley actually had a busty figure
wearing a pink shirt.
It was a girl no doubt and what happen to the Wiley boy’s only sister?

Back at home.
Seth had gone in the ambulance to the hospital with his hurt brother and wife, as Saul had
stayed close to home.
Due to all going on and even called his best pal Rodney who was on his way with a very rough
crew to make sure nothing else happens to his family actually.
At the hospital this devastating night for the Wiley’s.

Paul Gene’s three brothers stood smiling at the happy reunion now taking place outside
Sebastian’s room.
Brenda kept hugging her boy with smiles and many tears when all of a sudden the little gleams
turned into eyes huge and gasps.

A team of doctors and nurses were hurrying the stretcher fast with bloody Tara.
Shane was dragging on behind and had a towel now tightly wrapped around his hand with the
missing finger.
A nurse kept telling him, “Sir you really need to be checked”.
Due to the fact he was very bloody, could not breathe, as he held his chest and wobbled, he
waved his good hand at the nurse saying,
“Aw heck lady, leave me alone, she’s my life”. Tears rolling down his battered face.

Everyone looked on in shock again and Brenda looking onto her second son and wife such a
bloody mess this night.
At that horrifying moment, passes out cold with Shawn grabbing onto her fast, as Paul Gene
yelled, “NO!”

His two brother had tears rolling down in shock and giving an angry look youngest Marty Wiley
mumbled, “Slugs!”
Seth who was behind Shane comes up to his mother, as Shawn held her and said, “Get a doctor
little buddy, fast.”

Therefore, Seth rushed off and stumbled a few times over his swelled eyes.
Paul Gene had to go sit down holding his chest breathing heavy and noticing his brothers
mumbled, “Don’t do it brother”.

Gritting his teeth angrily, Shawn held his mother tightly looking down the hallway at Shane.
Standing in front of the big metal surgery doors with his bloody hand smearing it all the way
down, as he slid down on the floor in flowing tears yelling out,
Shawn just held onto his mother out cold.
Seth comes stumbling back with two doctors and walking behind them are two police officers, as
Seth hung his head.

Shawn with his mother tightly in his arms asked, “Seth they here for the attacks tonight?”
Jittering nervously, Seth mumbled out, “Aw don’t think they are brother”.
Brenda was now coming to and an officer asked, “Is there a Shane William Wiley here?”
Still holding his mother, Shawn replied, “Yeah, he is hurt real bad, sure hope y’all find these
creeps or we will”.

Brenda now lifted her head sitting up and the one officer asked, “Where is this Shane Wiley?”
Shawn pointed and the cops went down by Shane with Seth saying, “Uh oh”.
Shawn asked, “What little buddy?”

“Guess Shane maybe in some trouble”.

At that moment, when Seth made his remark Brenda jumped up quickly, saw the police
searching her boy and runs down there very fast.
Shawn with Seth rushed, right behind, as Brenda started yelling,
“What?” Hands against her head.
“My boy would never do such a thing like that?”

Paul Gene and his three brothers come hurrying down, as they heard Brenda screaming.
Then saw the cops treating Shane like the criminal while Shawn and Seth looked on nervously.
Hysterical, Brenda cries out, “Paul Gene their going to arrest our boy”.
“Do something”, she cried hands over her face.

Raising his jet-black eyebrows, Danny Ray asked, “What the heck for?” The cop replied, “Rape”.
Panic-stricken dropping on her knees, Brenda cries out, “No, it’s not true”.
Seth knelt down by his mother that grabbed his hand gripping tight in pouring tears.
Pointing and upset, Paul Gene said to the cops, “He’s hurt real bad, his wife may die too, how is
this possible tonight?”
The cop replied, “It happened hours earlier behind a certain bar.”
Brenda on her knees screamed out, “NO!”
The cop said, “We got the charge right here and we are taking him in if he is refusing care” .
Paul Gene with his brother looked down onto the paper and holding his chest, Paul Gene said,
“Heck no, my son would never have done it.”

Scratching his head looking at the report, Danny Ray mumbled, “Eighteen years old”.
At that moment, Brenda freaked out yelling in tears,
“No it’s not true!”
“I don’t believe it of Shane”, Hands against her head and pacing.
“I did not raise them wrong”.
“They all know better to do sinful acts.”
Shawn with Seth was in shock and crying Brenda was begging the cops, “Please don’t take him,
he couldn’t have, because he loves Tara, you made a mistake”.

A police officer replied, “The young girl comes from a family even had bruises all down her
Shawn and Seth both hung their head and remarked, “Woe, no way!”

The first officer said, “Look sorry what’s happen with your family tonight, we are not going to
stand here arguing, another family is suffering”.

Brenda completely lost it screaming out, “Oh lord take me now”.
“I cannot bear this”,
“Please take me lord!”
“I beg of you just take me!”
Paul Gene tried to calm Brenda down as she screamed in his face,
“OH NO”,
“THIS WAS THE BOMB!” Pointing in her husband’s face hysterical.

He just walked off from her in a rage and breathing much heavier.
Shane stood with his head down, tears hit the floor, he mumbled, “Don’t leave me Tara”.
The cop handcuffed him and started reading him his rights, as Brenda was screaming out again,
“NOT HIM!” Literally pulling onto Shane.

Was quiet with tears rolling, as his family had tears, distraught Brenda now yelled at the cops
saying, “I may have many boys, but that’s one thing not a one would ever do!”
The cops just looked at her, as she hollered, “I sure did not raise pigs.”
“Mrs. Wiley there was a rape and your son is being charged.”

The officers started taking Shane away and he said, “Maw keep tabs on my little darling”, and
crying out, “I will boy”.
Danny Ray said, “Will get ya out boy, there’s been a big mix up”, as Shane nodded and the cops
took him away down the hallway with blood all over him.

Tears rolling Seth knew Shane was a very good person, Brenda cried her hardest, as Shawn
held onto his mother sobbing out, “Tara might die tonight and Shane will be behind bars not
being there”.

Holding her tight, she added, “My boy Sebastian is about to die or live looking like a monster!”
“Oh this is just horrible”, Brenda cried very hard trembling,
Shawn squeezed tighter mumbling, “Those guys are going to pay hurting my family!”

Paul Gene had to go sit down again, as tears rolled down his face he mumbled “Wiley boys don’t
hurt females like that, this can’t be right!”
Brenda stood crying heavily in her son Shawn’s arms, as tears run down his face.
John and Marty went over to their brother Paul Gene that looked white as a ghost and
Danny Ray went walking down the hall and out the doors of the hospital, on his way trying to
help another nephew, he hopes.

What a tragic and shocking night for the Wiley family and appears the worst may be ahead.
Poor Mandy and Sebastian also, as their second baby maybe in trouble.
Sebastian though seems to come to her aid always and will he again, or perhaps another is there
for Mandy?
Doctors told the family the next twenty-four- hours were critical.
Sebastian Wiley only twenty-five-years-old lies in a deep coma and on life support system so
young to leave this earth.

Leaving behind Kayla to grow up without both parents and then there is his daughter Ashley no
one knows of, but him, Ella and Seth.
Tara Wiley, although seems in far worse shape and already gone, as it was very heartbreaking.
Charged with rape Shane will not even know this night if his wife lives or dies.

How very sad that Shane will not be at his wife’s side.


It appears that a group of disguised people is sure after the Wiley’s maliciously.

Back home Ella had received word of Sebastian’s vicious attack, as she really lost it and cried a
river in tears.
Sat by the kitchen table in tears rolling and drifted off onto a happy memory of a special day.
Ella kept rising up on the hospital bed screaming out with Brenda holding her hand tightly and
Sebastian right at her other side seem worried.

Noticed his look of panic Brenda said, “Unbearable pain is normal boy, do not worry nothing is
“Yeah I know maw, I just hate watching her hurt like this”.
“Me too, but there is nothing we can do”, said Brenda wiping Ella’s face with a damp cloth. Ella
was having a rough time dealing with the excruciating pain and cried out, “God help me, please!”

Stroking Ella’s hand Brenda said, “It will be all right sugar”, as Ella screams. “OH GOD”,

Glancing towards the door upset, “Oh where’s that louse son of mine?” Snarled Brenda.
Sitting silently Sebastian just shrugged watching Ella suffering in labor and Brenda said,
“Boy, I am going to go call home, will you please stay with her, do not leave”, he replied, “Not for
a second maw”.
Smiled saying, “Oh you are such a good boy, but the wrong one here, huh”, as he just nodded
and Ella was rolling on the bed crying when Brenda hurried towards the door and out fast.

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