The End (16 page)

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Authors: Jr Herman Grobler

Tags: #horror, #fear, #death, #hell, #zombie, #demons, #end, #torture, #the, #ghouls

BOOK: The End
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“Stop the car, we can walk from here,”
Bradley said almost whispering.

“You don’t have to whisper, we are too far
from them to hear, that’s if they can even see us,” Luke said.

“Oh ok sure, the old all mighty wise guy,”
Bradley said.

“There are a lot of them,” Bradley said.

“With so many, following her will be hard
unless we stick to the fence and walls, if any approach us we can
jump the walls and that will give us time to get away,” Luke

“That sounds like a plan, let’s go then,”
Bradley said in a hurry.

“Wait,” Luke said grabbing Bradley by the

“What, What do you want?” Bradley asked.

“We don’t have to take them, it’s just a kid
and a girl,” Luke said.

“Shut it, I can raise that kid as one of my
own, his aunt or mother in the other hand, is simply dead meat, now
let’s go,” Bradley said.

“Look if you hurt that kid, then I will end
you personally, do you understand,” Luke said, holding his knife to
his dad’s throat.

“Understood, take it easy and put the knife
down,” Bradley said, followed with a second of silence Luke lowers
the knife.

“Now we can go,” Luke said.

They entered that house over there, so many
of them followed, with them being surrounded, there is no way we
can reach them it’s impossible, unless you have a death wish. Even
if we use our guns they will still outnumber us, Luke try to
explain why they should just leave, however his dad is extremely
grumpy over the situation.

It’s starting to get dark and many of them
has started to spread out, they sneak closer and closer as these
monsters make way, it’s a back and forth situations, these things
are really unpredictable to where the will be moving, one moment
they can be going left and suddenly turn and go right. This
unpredictable behaviors has scared all of us more than once,
thinking that they have spotted us, or just know we are there, we
got used to it as they simply do this at random like a broken

They reach the door and they can hear more
than two people talking, going around to the back Luke can see
clearly there is two adult males, a young boy, and the girl over
there must be family, she looks like she could be the mother, not
sure no one can make perfect assumptions.

Before Luke can go back to the front, his dad
busts into the house gun ready, he tries not to make much noise as
this seems to attract them faster now, movements to, it’s
dangerous, especially now that you have to keep both in mind when
sneaking past so many of them.

This small group was silenced before they
could even try and explain, my father wanted none of it and tied
each one down, leaving them to helplessly stare and wait, hours
went by, all part of Bradley’s plan, in this time he remained
silent, flashing his gun every now and then when one of them got

The wait continued until early morning, when
most of them were scattered distantly, there was still a few
roaming around the house outside in the garden, nothing that
Bradley couldn’t handle, he took care of them fast and easily by
using only his knife, it only took a few minutes before he returned
and explained to the family what will happen next.

“You see, we have a problem, a very serious
problem,” Bradley said with a few seconds of silence.

“This will require one of you to come with
me; you have no reason to ask me anything,” Bradley smiles with

“Oh, one more thing, before you decide who it
will be, be warned, that this person will die and most likely be
horribly, “Bradley said laughing.

The people mutter and speak to each other
mostly the two guys, it was clear to Luke that they sure aren’t
family or relatives, they are clearly talking about the girl and
the boy, not much time was given, Bradley wanted to know and he
wanted to know now.

“Have you decided who it will be? One of you
guys? This little boy or this girl that can hardly stand, pick
now,” Bradley asked, both men looking at the girl and the boy.

“Luke, I think they have decided will you be
so kind to bring the car over?” Bradley asked.

“On my way,” Luke said as he knew they would
pick the weakest one.

“Don’t take my son, take me instead, he is
all I have left,” The girl crying and begging.

“Shut the hell up,” Bradley said angrily

“Please I will go with you, you won’t have
any problems with me, I promise I will do anything you ask me,” The
girl said softly.

“For starters, I wasn’t going to take your
son, I was just going to take you,” Bradley said, laughing,

“Well, that’s what you get for being a stupid
bitch,” Bradley said laughing, holding the gun up to the kids

“Bang, bang!” Bradley making gunshot

“Stop it, just take her and go, you don’t
have to torment her!” The man said, looking down to the floor.

“And who are you to tell me what to do?”
Bradley asked.

“It seems like you two are a little bunch of
wimps, voting out a little boy and his poor mother like that,”
Bradley said, now pointing the gun toward the man that spoke out of

“Why did you decide on them? Why not chose
this guy next to you?” Bradley asked curiously.

“He is my brother, I could never do that to
him, just like he would never have done that to me,” The man said
in a high tone.

“That seems very selfish of you two, I mean
after all he is still just a young little boy,” Bradley said,
quickly aiming the gun to his brother pulling the trigger, shooting
him in the shoulder.

“Ah shit, I didn’t mean to do that, I was
just playing!” Bradley said, shouting over the man screaming in

“It will teach you two a lesson, not to talk
unless your spoken to,” Bradley said calmly.

“Stop whining you remind me of a little
girl!” Bradley said furiously, shooting the man again.

“You motherfucker, I will kill you, I swear
if that’s the last thing I do,” The man said angrily.

“Oh is that so, you shouldn’t talk to people
that way,” Bradley said, shooting the man in the head.

“Let’s go, let’s just leave,” The girl said

“Why on earth are you defending them? They
just voted you out to die!” Bradley said, shouting almost
screaming, shooting the other one in the head to.

“Because they were just looking out for each
other,” The girl said, staring at the blood running from their

“I see, well since you didn’t learn from
their mistakes I will just kill your kid, maybe then you will learn
to shut your damn mouth,” Bradley said, laughing as he grabs the
kid by his hair, dragging him over to stand in the middle of the

“Stop it! Don’t hurt him, he did nothing to
deserve this,” The girl said, crying even louder.

“Oh, so now you are begging me? Why should I
listen to a bitch like you,” Bradley said softly.

“Damn it, you see what you make me do, I hate
bad language,” Bradley said angrily, removing his knife, slitting
the boy’s throat in a seconds flash.

The mother screams out and cries intensely,
it was only for a mere second before Bradley knocks her out and
dragged her outside, just in time as Luke arrive with the car, he
opens the trunk, pick her up and drops her, pushing her neatly into
place, before slamming the trunk shut, applying his own body weight
just to make sure its closed properly before he got in.

“What was all that about? She said she will
co-operate, didn’t she?” Luke asked.

“Well she didn’t, now get us out of here,
can’t you see they are starting to gather up again,” Bradley

“What about the others?” Luke asked.

“They will be fine, they will have themselves
untied any moment now, so we better get going,” Bradley said.

“Fine, I’m going,” Luke said as he drives
through the infected people, hitting a few along the way.

it's late but we made it, I am sure Roy will
be happy about this, Bradley only opens the trunk, but leaves the
girl there, calling Roy to go do what he needs to do, once Roy
arrived outside, Luke knew that this was insane, he was looking
even better than earlier, knowing he will have to find a way to
lock him up, whether his dad agrees or not.

At least, the girl went fast, she was still
out when we got here and Roy didn’t hesitate to do it fast and get
it over with, it’s harsh to think what will happen to that kid, at
least, he is with two guys that seems very capable of handling
themselves, yet again they did offer up the girl.

Once Roy finished his meal he started
tripping over his own feat, no balance and seemed incredibly weak,
this was the moment Luke were waiting for it, he rushes over to
grab a shovel and with one hit Roy was down on the ground and the
next thing he could see was steel bars, locked up in the basement
with a rotting dead body.

“Roy is locked up, see if you can manage but
when he hurt you don’t come to me for help,” Luke said

“I will never cry, you little snot head,”
Bradley said.

“I have things to do, so I need to go get
some rest,” Luke said.

“I am tired too, now bug off,” Bradley

The night went by good, none of them got to
close and, of course, no noises from the basement, that must mean
Roy is probably still out, or patiently waiting to kill the first
one to enter the basement. Luke didn’t care and he knew he had to
go take a look, it's early morning, the sun isn’t even shining yet,
he opened the basement door only to take a peek, hating the
horrible smell.

He enters when he thought the coast was
clear, he stood there in fear, shocked, the bars is bent open and
worse of all a piece of skin is left over in the cage Roy was
locked up in, its only bits and pieces of skin, Luke doesn’t know
what to think, but he instantly rushes up to his room and starts
packing his bags.

Luke doesn’t want to run away just yet, he
still need to take his vengeance, no monster will scare him away
until he does, Jason must die and that’s exactly what he is going
to do, kill Jason.

Bradley woke up much later that day only to
see Roy escaped, yelling and shouting around the building for Luke
to come, only to realize that he too is gone, Bradley has no idea
what’s going on, Roy could have taken Luke and killed him, for all
he knew.

Luke could have taken Roy and killed him or
Luke was scared and ran away when he saw Roy is missing from his
cage, angry at himself, hating the fact that both left him,
considering that they might come back if he gives them some time,
or, at least, one will come back.

Later that afternoon, Bradley had enough, he
found this paper in Luke’s bedroom with tips that he will be going
to Fort Jefferson. Bradley decided that he will pursue his son and
if it’s not some type of trick to make him believe he was going
there, then he will find him and beat him real good until he
realizes he needs to go back home.

Chapter 7: The Hunger Part 2

It has
started again, its back and worse than ever before, Danny doesn’t
know what to do about the feeling, the pain, and the hunger.

Danny can’t stand this feeling he needs to
talk to someone soon, anyone will do but figuring its only right to
talk to William first, besides he has always cared about Danny’s
health, there is no reason for him not to care.

Still there is always days that he just
doesn’t care, times where he is too busy to listen, if that had to
be the case then Emma is defiantly secondly on the list, he will
probably just recommend me to go to her straight away.

Danny feels every second of every hour
passing by, sweating and burning up with stomach pains, it’s barely
bearable, a few hours passed, the pain was relieved over this time
and he fell asleep.

Waking up again with intense pain, crawling
against the wall all the way to Emma’s room, only to discover that
she isn’t there, realizing that the sun is up and shining bright,
meaning she must be outside working.

Danny leans against the rough walls and makes
his way out where he faints, Emma rushes over with a few other
people, all curious to what’s going on.

“Please leave, there is nothing to see here,”
Emma said shouting.

“Get back to work,” Emma said shouting

Danny woke up during the next night, happy to
see William was there next to him, sitting in an old wooden chair,
it’s a big relieve even some of the pain is gone, Danny can easily
handle this.

Danny can only pray that nothing serious is
wrong with him, he turns around and tries to rest as he still feels
drowsy maybe from medication, shortly after he turned to his side,
he fell into a deep sleep.

“Rise and shine, I am sure there is work you
need to do,” Emma said with a wide smile.

“Morning, work will have to wait, people can
take care of them self for a while,” William said yawning.

“So, have you figured out what’s wrong with
him,” William said.

“Not yet, it really can be anything, you know
I gave him the strongest painkillers we have,” Emma said,

“Will he be ok?” William asks concerned.

“He should be fine for now, only time will
tell if he is going to get any better,” Emma said.

“No worries, I will take good care of him,
you should really go talk to them and make sure they are calm,”
Emma said.

“Yes, I should before they believe he is
infected,” William said.

“Well, you better not waste any time, there
are a lot of rumors running around, its best you deal with it now,”
Emma said.

“Trust me, go now, Danny will be fine, I
won’t let him out of my sight,” Emma said with a smile.

“Very well, I trust you, I will talk to them
later today, still have something else to do, that’s just as
important,” William said.

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