The End (12 page)

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Authors: Jr Herman Grobler

Tags: #horror, #fear, #death, #hell, #zombie, #demons, #end, #torture, #the, #ghouls

BOOK: The End
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“But first I need to go and fetch the goods
my stupid son left alongside the road, don’t worry I will get back
to you as soon as I return from my little trip,” Bradley said

“You always planned way too much, you might
be a strategic genius, but you see it will back fire just like the
plan you had to help me, hurry up then the faster you go the faster
you can get back! Just so that your plan can fail again,” Jason
said almost shouting.

Bradley gets ticked off as Jason wasn’t even
surprised to see him or even slightly intimidated by what happened
and how things will end for him; Bradley shut the door with force
locking it but forgets entirely to barricade it, Bradley stops by
Roy just to check on him.

“I almost shot you while you were down, don’t
mess this up or I will destroy you, understood” Bradley said

“Yes sir!” Roy said loudly.

Bradley rushes outside where Luke is already
waiting in the car for him, they drive of slowly, no need to rush,
the trip will do his dad good, it will help him relax, beside the
cold with the heavy rain in the night is perfect for that, he can
take a nap until we arrive at the car where Roy left the goods,
then I can nap while he takes the wheel to Jason’s house.

It’s raining so loudly that it even woke up
Jacky; there isn’t even a point in sitting up guarding this place
as you can’t even see the street really or hear anything going on
outside. Ashley figured that this will be a good time to get some
more rest, the sound of rain have always made her feel tired and

She makes her comfortable on the floor
zipping up her jacket, pulling her knees under into her jacket as
well, just to get the maximum heat and stay warm; it’s much colder
now since it’s raining.

“Dad, wake up,” Luke said, pulling on his
father’s shirt.

“Are we there already?” Bradley asked half

“Yes we are at the barricades Jason made,
already picked up the supplies and didn’t want to wake you,” Luke

“You are such a good son,” Bradley said, wide
awake now.

“Well, we should go search the house and try
and find the bodies, we can also check a few of these homes,”
Bradley said curiously.

“Yes we should, I will go check the house
across the street,” Luke said.

“Fine, just be silent, he might have messed
that up to, so they might still be here waiting for Jason,” Bradley
said explaining.

Luke understands what he is trying to say,
but he highly doubt Roy would joke about it, Luke watches his dad
enter Jason’s house while he puts on a rain jacket, there is a few
in front of the house, it’s no problem for Luke. He gets out of the
car and rushes over to them, using force to jab a large hunting
knife through the skull into the brain, knowing this is the easiest
and fastest way to kill them, pretty much any vital organ like the
heart, anything that can make the brain stop functioning is good
enough to kill them, other injuries will kill them to, but they
will still walk around attacking things though they will die from a
wound like that eventually.

Entering the house, Luke rushes through a few
cupboards in some of the rooms but there is nothing to be found,
Luke runs over to the house next door just to find it empty, Luke
thinks to himself, that this Jason guy would have probably done a
good job raiding the houses close by.

“Luke let’s go!” Bradley said loudly almost

“I’m coming!” Luke said shouting back.

Luke gets in the car staring at his soaking
wet dad, Luke doesn’t want to say it smells bad or roll down the
window a little, as it’s raining, Bradley would know that he smells
bad, turning the car around heading back knowing that there will be
problems, when they get home as his dad said, there isn’t even a
single drop of blood on the floor, passing the barricade Luke stops
the car fast, Bradley almost hitting his head on the dash.

“Are you going nuts?” Bradley asked.

“Learn to drive damn it,” Bradley said.

“No, just look at that building over there
with the door open,” Luke said, avoiding his dad’s remarks.

“It has furniture in the front, it’s been
stacked, someone was hiding there,” Bradley said with

They get out of the car and starts looking
around, it's early morning it’s still raining with little breaks in
between, searching the entire building they found a spot that seems
to be where someone was hiding in one of the rooms, this room was
barricade with furniture to, it’s a fact since the stairs were
blocked off too, it could only have been them, it was smart to go
and hide just outside of the barricade, Roy wouldn’t have expected
that, Luke knows this, but ignores telling his dad this, knowing
Roy will be in serious trouble if he knew.

“Hey my name is Conway, Conway Hart,” Conway

“I don’t know who you are but you seem to be
a reasonable man,” Conway said.

“You listened to my conversation; you know I
killed my own wife, what makes you think I am reasonable?” Jason

“Well, you got silent and angry when he said
he killed your daughters, that must count for something,” Conway
answered, almost whispering.

“I can get us out, if you help me,” Conway

“How will you get us out? We are tied down
and in cages,” Jason said whispering.

“You are tied, not me , I already untied
myself yesterday, I only need that piece of wire hanging in your
cage, so that I can pick lock this lock, then yours and then hers,
oh by the way her name is Sarah Stack,” Conway said smiling.

“Who’s that in the cage, over there in the
dark corner?” Jason asked.

“That’s Adair Solomon, she is most likely
dead, probably happened before you came in,” Conway whispered.

“What happened to her?” Jason asked.

“She was taken upstairs yesterday, she came
back with torn clothing, so I think they raped her, injured her or
beaten her,” Conway said softly.

“If she is dead then maybe it’s for the
best,” Conway said.

“Why do you say that?” Jason asked.

“Her younger sister that was also taken
upstairs, multiple times, Adair went crazy about it, it was hard on
her, it’s not something family wants to hear and think about when
you’re absolutely helpless, not long ago she was taken upstairs and
she never returned, she was so pretty, her name was Ashley,” Conway

“Ok I get it,” Jason said.

“Now toss it over to me and I will get
started, hopefully we can be out of here before they return,”
Conway said.

“Look, I am sorry for what happened to your
friend,” Jason said.

“What makes you think they are friends?”
Conway asked, with stuttering in his voice.

“You had tears in your eyes, your almost
crying, of course, you know them, or got really attached,” Jason

“Ashley and I would have gotten married here
in Florida before we knew it, we had to flee from people that
wanted to eat us, some serious disease out there,” Conway said.

“I am sure she would have been a lucky girl,”
Jason said.

“Maybe so, for all I know she could have been
killed and this is why I want to ask you something,” Conway said,
while whipping the tears from his cheek.

“What would that be?” Jason asked.

“You know Bradley, I can see you guys have a
history from what I heard, but I want to ask you that you leave
Luke and Roy, I have to be the one to do this or I will never
forgive myself,” Conway said angrily.

“Look, kid, vengeance won’t make anything
better it will most likely only make things worse, no one can think
straight when it comes to anger and vengeance,” Jason said,

“You want vengeance to, don’t you?” Conway

“Yes, I do but I won’t let it blind me,”
Jason said calmly.

“I just feel that I have to do this, she was
pure and innocent, the type that won’t hurt anyone in any way,”
Conway said as he opens the cage gate.

Conway walks over to the wall and removes the
hidden keys, unlocking the gate for Sarah, waking her up, holding
his hand in front of her mouth, telling her it’s time to go,
explaining to her that she should stay here until he knows it safe
for her to come upstairs, wanting to leave, Jason asked him,
stopping Conway in his tracks.

“Are you going to leave me here? If you go up
there and fail then this girl will die too, besides you don’t want
someone’s death on your conscious, you already have that, you don’t
need to open more doors to insanity, set me free and I will insure
you, you will get to see Roy suffer,” Jason said.

Conway just stands there thinking in silence
with not even a peep out of his mouth, ok he said, I will let you
free, he rush over to Jason’s cage explaining that he would have
still freed him after he killed Roy.

“Sure you would have freed me,” Jason

“Honestly, I would have set you free, believe
what you want,” Conway said as he open the gate for Jason to get

Jason gets up stretching, staring at Conway,
holding his hand out for a shake, I need you to stay here for a
minute as Jason walks up the stairs knocking on the door loudly,
catching the attention of Roy, he rushes to the front door
wondering why there is knocking on the door, arriving he realize
there is no one there, he turns around and notice the basement door
isn’t barricaded at all, he hear the foot steps down there and
knows something isn’t right.

Roy approach the basement door using the key
to unlock the door, in a split second the door opens with a punch
straight to the nose, so hard Roy nearly falls backwards, crouching
down holding his nose, before he could get up Jason grabs him
dragging him to a chair before he sits him down, punching him two
more times, Jason calls out to Conway and the girl to come up

Conway surprised that Jason did this so fast,
Conway is ordered to find something to keep him tied down, he
rushes through cupboards and find industrial tape, it should be
more than enough to keep him tied down.

Jason tapes Roy’s arms down to the chair with
his legs; he then looks Roy in the eyes.

“Did you kill two girls?” Jason asked

“Did you kill two girls?” Jason asked

“Screw you, I won’t tell you anything!” Roy
said, spitting at Jason.

“Did you kill Ashley?” Conway asked,
stuttering with tears in his eyes.

“I had so much fun with that bitch,” Roy
said, giggling annoyingly, followed with laughter.

“I see, so you want to be stubborn?” Jason

“Let’s make a deal? What do you say, tough
guy?” Jason asked with a smile.

“What deal?” Roy asked.

“You tell me what you did to my girls and
then I will set you free, maybe you can then kill Conway if you
wish or use Sarah over there for your personal enjoyment, I mean
look at those perfect curves on that girl,” Jason said, whispering
into Roy’s left ear.

“I see, happy to know there is someone that’s
on the same page!” Roy said loudly nearly shouting.

“So do we have a deal or not,” Jason

“Hell yes!” Roy said out of excitement
staring at Sarah with lustful eyes.

“What’s the deal?” Conway asked.

“Shut it kid, start talking Roy,” Jason

“No, I didn’t kill your daughters, they
should still be in that area hiding unless those things got to her
first and for that little whore you call your girlfriend Conway,
she ran off and did this to me, however, all is forgiven, I will
find her, after I kill you,” Roy said laughing loudly.

“Now set me free,” Roy said.

“I will, just give me a moment,” Jason said
with a smile.

Jason rushes outside pulling Conway with him
to help him with something; they lift up a big truck tire just
outside, next to an old school bus and roll it all the way over to
where Roy is taped down to the chair.

“Whoa, what the hell are you doing, set me
free now!” Roy said yelling.

“Conway Grab that side,” Jason said, already
lifting the one side of the tire.

“Why, just do him fast,” Conway said.

“Conway, don't waste my time and grab that
side now please,” Jason said.

“Okay,” Conway said stressed and worried.

“Please don’t do this!” Roy said shouting,
crying as the tire is being put over him.

“Come on, what type of asshole are you!” Roy
said screaming his words.

“Please don’t do this, I learned my lesson,”
Roy said crying rivers, with snot running from his nose.

“I can’t watch this, I’m going to wait
outside,” Sarah said, while Jason gets a small bottle full of

“Please just set me free, let me go,” Roy
said crying as Jason pours the fuel only on the edges of the tire,
making sure not to spill, wanting it to be just enough for the tire
to burn slowly.

“I am setting you free,” Jason said staring
Roy dead in eyes, lighting a match setting the tire on fire.

Jason leaves the building with Conway that
already fetched two riffles with the two pistols Jason owns, with
extra ammunition for both the riffle and the pistols, as they walk
away Sarah can’t help but feel sorry for Roy, sure he might be a
bad man but why let him suffer why not just end his misery

The one side of the tire stopped burning
though the other side is, burning with intense flames, Roy screams
and cries as his flesh burns on the one side, with the melting tire
burning deep into his body and partially dripping on his leg. Roy
noticed a bucket of water on the table, which was used to capture
the rain that leaks through the roof; Roy tips himself backwards
breaking the table’s corner with the water falling out killing most
of the fire on the tire, seconds later, Roy faints due to all the

Conway suggests that its over for Roy, he
stopped screaming, Jason agrees as he looks back with thick dark
smoke leaving through the windows of the building, we should move
faster and find our loved ones, if Ashley had to escape then it
must be where Roy confronted your girls. If we find one, we find
all Conway said positively, Jason agrees that all of them should be
in the surrounding areas and suggest they take a different route to
avoid Bradley and Luke for now.

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