The End (6 page)

Read The End Online

Authors: Jr Herman Grobler

Tags: #horror, #fear, #death, #hell, #zombie, #demons, #end, #torture, #the, #ghouls

BOOK: The End
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It was fast and easy to put this type of
weapon together, they are ready in just a few minutes, William goes
out first and attacks the one closest to him, stabbing this
infected person in the chest and holding on to the stick as tightly
as possible, with every bit of struggle the knife cuts deeper and
deeper, still it doesn’t die, William realize this is going to be a
problem for them, Emma goes straight for the head but the knife
just slips and slides over the skull leaving only deep cuts.

Allot more force is needed to push that into
someone’s brain, Emma studied in medicine in hopes she can be a
doctor one day for her to weakest is the eyes if she can jab him
there it will surely pierce the brain, with any luck it will die
much faster, she tries this and the knife pushes through like it
was butter, it screams horribly and aggressively. She can feel his
getting weaker and weaker soon it stopped moving she pulls the
knife out and moves to the next one, repeating her strategy, it
works like a charm this one died even faster thick blood and pus
raise to the surface it stinks beyond imagination.

William tries the same but struggles to get
it out, Emma rushes over putting it down in seconds, with only one
left, she helps William get his weapon out and ready. They lure in
the last infected person as it approaches closer and closer they
stab him in the gut pinning the other ends of the stick into the
ground finishing him off with a final blow.

These creatures are pretty dumb they just
want to reach their victim in the fastest way possible by going
straight forward; this gives William a fantastic idea for some
basic defense for when they do settle down. Emma rushes to her
daughter and mother; they are still doing fine however Danny looks
horrible he needs stronger narcotics. William loads their new
scavenged goods onto the boat, this one is much more convenient
compared to the boat they had.

Arriving at the previous boat, only to notice
it is covered in water with some toys floating around, William
wants to take what he can but Emma insists that they just leave it,
they did find some food the medicine they had will be of no use now
that the boat is flooded.

Now there is nothing soft to sleep on, there
is nothing warm to sleep under either, I should have stayed at home
Emma’s mother complains, it's actually very annoying to William and
he bet it annoying to Emma as well, no matter what you tell Susan
once something doesn’t go her way she goes ballistic and you will
never hear the end about it.

With a faster boat that has much more space,
the small group set out to go to their safe haven, with limited
supplies in a new dangerous world like this every bit of teamwork
will count, team effort will be needed for the survival of this
group William knows this much. Danny looks horrible and a plan to
set out to look for stronger narcotics is a must, the hard work
that lies ahead is too much for just one man, even if his condition
saddens him, William knows he needs to remain calm and strong,
strong for the others, good leadership must be shown or everything
will get out of hand.

The sights of the calm ocean are beautiful
such a mysterious place to be, in the deepest side of the blue sea,
you just want to go for a swim when staring into the waters, even
if it’s dangerous might even be more dangerous now than ever
before, still the feeling will always stay the same.

“Corn Beef out of the can tastes so nice”
said Emma with excitement, she always fried it a little in the pan
before serving, it has so much more taste this way, enjoying the
small amount of food, they are still hungry yet they all know not
to be greedy with it, the food they have must last until they have
found more and when that is, no one knows.

It’s almost getting dark the sun is about to
start going down, in the far distance they can see the massive Fort
its truly amazing and even more the closer they got, on arrival the
beaches is spotless its very clean the water very clear, just
walking around on the sand was a good relief from all the sitting,
even Danny looks much better he too was roaming around for a little
bit. The joy was short-lived when William suggested that they stay
and sleep on the boat for one more night, it’s really for the best,
it must be kept in mind that many tourists come here and there can
still be some minor dangers lurking around.

They didn’t like this idea, but it made
enough sense to stay one more night close to the boat, it’s going
to be a very cold night and the chances of actually getting some
sleep will be rare, only a few jackets Emma grabbed in that house
will generate the most heat and this will mostly be given to her
daughter, mother and Danny though William said he will prepare a
campfire with whatever sticks and branches he can find close

The night passed by peacefully the camp fire
was big enough to generate enough heat, I think anyone could agree
that this was some of the best sleep they have had in a long time
of course not for my mother. Emma still smiles she is fully rested
its early morning and there is still some branches and wood left
for a small fire they can have some coffee or tea her smile drops
as she remembers that was all lost with the flooded boat, she feels
the need to do something anything will do to make time go by
slightly faster.

She decide to tend to the weapons the
industrial tape did loosen a lot since their last encounter, she
will pull it apart and then put it back together with new tape,
while everyone is out cold sleeping, at least there will be
something to do, a few minutes later Danny joined her, he seems
much better, he asked if there isn’t something to eat it feels like
his starving, Emma wants to say no in the kindest of ways but since
he had such a rough journey until now it will be a very good thing
if he eats properly. Emma had no choice but to open another can of
food, this time, meatballs and spaghetti it’s not a proper meal,
but it will help with his condition he needs all the energy he can

Here you go, you can heat it up if you want,
Danny is skeptical, but she insist no one will know one can is
missing unaware that William counted them before bed. Danny eats
like a pig it’s disgusting for Emma he didn’t even warm it up,
Danny starts the fire and walks to his bag to get coffee, he
explains to Emma that he wouldn’t be able to survive the day
without his cup of coffee in the mornings so he just had to grab
this when he was hiding from those things.

This cheered Emma up instantly, after all,
she is a caffeine junkie and it’s been hard on her during this
trip, but now it’s, even more worth it even if its bitter and
without sugar, Danny grabs one of the weapons and start taking it
apart helping Emma while they enjoy their coffee.

Danny don’t slip anything personal, however
Emma did mention that she wanted to be a doctor and this could have
been very soon but then all this happened and before anyone knew it
all fell apart. Danny feels happier and lighter knowing there is,
at least, someone with knowledge over these type of things, she can
help a lot when the time comes when someone get sick or injured
with the right medication and tools she will be able to do wonders
among the group. Danny still didn’t mention how his feeling exactly
but Emma is convinced it was just a bad tummy bug it might just be
a worse case of stomach flu.

Danny almost want to believe her, still he is
stressed out that it might not just be that he keeps silent, he is
too scared to tell them how it is and how it really feels as he
finishes taping up the weapons he gets up and said he's going to
rest a little more. Emma didn’t find this strange at all, after
all, he is sick he needs all the rest he can get; William seems to
have many plans that will surely require everyone to work hard.

The last few days have been long; it’s hard
to believe they have managed to get this far except for William,
for him the progress is going slow barricading the fort where it
was needed wasn’t supposed to take four days, with everyone in
healthy conditions this was to be much faster.

At least all the work is done food is on the
downside and a fast run will be needed, not only food but other
much needed items to. William suggests to the small group that he
and Danny will go on a scavenger run for three days, three days to
gather all the needed, build materials, food, clean water, fuel and
medicine all of the above is divided into three days. William
passed out a piece of paper containing the details and asks
politely to write down what they need most, this is mostly just to
keep the peace even if William don’t really care what they want. He
is sure that he covered most of what’s needed beside you never know
what you would find out there and risking your life for something
stupid is not worth it.

Emma reads the list and it seems pretty

Day 1: The day will go out to collect food,
clean water, and fuel for the rest of the runs.

Day 2: Until twelve o’clock we will try and
get anything that we missed, we will then spend the rest of the day
preparing for the final day and, if possible, start on this day
gathering materials to barricade Fort Taylor and to use around our

Day 3: We will continue gathering materials
the entire day, this is also the final day of scavenging we will
then take two days for resting and to do minor tasks.

Medicine and any other medical supplies will
be collected throughout the days we are out there, this also
include any of the requested items that should be listed below with
your name in brackets.

Emma likes this list, she writes down what
she would need and passes it on to her mother, she writes awfully
slow finally after finishing she passes it back to William, without
even looking at the writing and just a fast view of sally’s face
William can tell that she is upset, William passes the paper and
pencil to Emma’s daughter, instantly putting a smile on her face
she writes fast and neat before handing the paper back to

William automatically assumes that everyone
is happy with the list since they all wrote down what they want,
William knows that it's risky not just for him and Danny but for
Emma as well in the world today nothing is impossible, it’s a must
to expect the unexpected, they will be alone here for twelve hours
a day for three days long, anything can happen in twelve hours on
any day.

William devotes himself to at least get a toy
the only request from the young one, the rest written down is
pretty much covered except for toilet paper that was entirely
forgotten, Emma’s mom have the most stupid requests but William
says nothing he really doesn't have the patience to deal with her
nor hear her nagging for the rest of the day.

Danny snap out of it, we need to prepare for
the next three days it’s a lot asking since we haven’t really
gotten time to rest, but we will soon, just three days then we can
rest our muscles and clear our heads, Danny nods his head sure
thing captain he replies sarcastically as he walks away.

This work is driving me nuts; it’s exhausting
I’m not used to this type of work, wish it can all go back the way
it was. I suppose that’s why I have no excuse not to help; the
faster we get this done the faster we can get back to normal times
or well, at least, close to normal living as nothing will ever be
normal again.

William hates his attitude but his acting
like this as he really hates doing heavy lifting work just like
William hate being rushed, since his body and health don’t allow it
much, sadly no one can do anything about this what needs to be done
must get done in order for them to survive. Fort Taylor isn’t that
important now but we might get more people to join our group and if
they don’t join then, at least, they can get some shelter there for
a short time, I can’t think of that now, that will have to wait
until a much later time until the work there is at least finished
we all might just die before that time.

William walks to his room slowly, on arrival
he looks exhausted he packs some clothes into an empty rubbish bag,
a few painkillers and a bandage with one can of food that will be
split between him and Danny for tomorrow in hard times like these
eating is important, it’s important to keep energy levels good and
high, thus the reason I will be going to bed even if its 4pm give
or take one.

Danny finishes a nicely cooked meal Emma
prepared, it was the best ever in a very long time even though
every meal recently feels like this to Danny, he tries very hard
for that hunger feeling not to take control over his actions.
Sometimes it feels like he can just go take a can and enjoy it all
by himself, he walks to his room knowing he will sleep once more on
a cold floor under a jacket, Danny hates it he hates it even more
to think of what he had. He now know why his mom always told him to
be great full for what he has as many didn’t have all that

Danny takes his jacket and wraps himself in
it, he lays down next to William carefully not to wake him, as much
as this anger Danny he isn’t a selfish person, he will always
respect the needs of others the same way others should respect his
own needs.

The sun is bright on my face it’s so annoying
when you still want to sleep, William and Danny must have left by
now, she is so beautiful I won’t know what I would do without her,
at least, they are still sleeping that gives me the opportunity to
get some more rest before the nagging and playing starts.

Emma wakes up much later that day, she yawns
and feels slight burns on her legs, the sun was shining on her legs
for the entire morning, she sits up and stretches her arms out high
over her head looking over her shoulder, realizing her daughter and
mother I missing, thinking they are probably in the kitchen busy
fixing a quick snack.

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