The End (11 page)

Read The End Online

Authors: Jr Herman Grobler

Tags: #horror, #fear, #death, #hell, #zombie, #demons, #end, #torture, #the, #ghouls

BOOK: The End
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Ashley stares at her and before she could
continue bragging how good the house was and how good the house
looked, how expensive it was, Ashley responded that no one really
cares, it’s in the past and at this rate it will be destroyed
before anything gets better. Maggie realized that she might have
taken things to far, Ashley sounds really grumpy about it maybe she
didn’t have this type of luxury, better to keep mouth shut, Maggie
thought to herself, hopefully there is still some food left, if not
then we can only hope he didn’t find my personal stash, it’s not
much but is a backup in case someone ever had to raid them.

Maggie checks in the kitchen cupboards, in
the crates, in the storage room and most things have been taken,
all the food, the medical supplies, including some objects that
will make good weapons, Maggie invites everyone to follow her to
her room, where she has can food stashed under her bed, lucky for
them it’s still there only 4 cans of corned beef, 2 cans of sweet
corn, 2 cans of green peas and 2 cans of spaghetti and

Maggie can see the excitement in Ashley’s
eyes, no idea how long she had to go without food, Jacky to, she is
not used to skipping a meal, she must be starving as well, figuring
it will be best to simply just open almost all of it and let
everyone have a good meal before they set out, everyone knows they
wont be able to stay here, they will get in eventually and if that
doesn’t happen then that Roy guy will most likely return to see
what happened.

Maggie gets some wood also stored in the
storage room; it was just as a backup plan if the fuel had to run
out or the stoves gas, best place to make a fire will be in the
back yard, it’s just to warm up the corned beef and the spaghetti
meatballs. Maggie doesn’t know about Ashley but she hates cold
food, it should at least be before boiling temperature otherwise it
just doesn’t taste as good or in some cases just doesn’t taste good
at all, Jacky in the other hand she won’t mind how its cooked as
long as she gets fed, she is a happy girl.

The food smells good everyone is extra hungry
at this point and can’t wait to dig in if Maggie could only serve
the food faster, while eating they plan their route, which roads to
take and what precautions to take including a method to indicate
their direction to their dad, though that’s not so important right
now as they all voted they will stay one more night before taking
the road, besides dad should be back to day, late afternoon at
least, if not then we can assume that anything could have happened
to him it’s a sad thing to say, but Maggie knows it’s true other
than that a good night’s sleep will do everyone good this will also
give Jacky some extra time to recover its not much but better than
no rest at all.

It’s still early the generator is down and
there is no power even though Maggie found one can of fuel its best
to save it for the night, if something had to happen and they need
the light, while Jacky’s resting, Maggie and Ashley pack what they
would possibly need also trying to keep their back packs as light
as possible, there is only one can of corned beef before this runs
out more food needs to be found.

There is no way to prepare a good weapon, not
without the stolen tools and goods, the best Maggie has is
sharpened sticks with a few steak knives, of course, there is
shovels, spades a pitch fork but all this is way too heavy to carry
along until they find a good place to stay or, at least, the safest
place to stay.

Maggie limits their backpacks to some
clothing, water, medicine and food if they had to find any,
whatever they can carry by hand, this include the stupid stick as a
weapon, the only reason why Maggie limits this is because no one
know what they will find out there, so the space will be crucial
when they do find anything out there that will be useful, Ashley
will also take one blanket the thinnest one in the house, just if
any of them need it during the night, it’s not thick but at least
it will break the cold.

Food and shelter will be the highest priority
even if that means killing a few of them it has to be done or this
road trip will be short, they won’t make it any other way Maggie
explained and Ashley agreed that this two is a must and thirdly,
should be medicine.

Maggie and Ashley have yet to decide where to
go, all their needed goods were packed, this will be the last night
in a soft warm bed for maybe days to come, after tonight it will be
pure survival, Maggie makes sure Jacky understands and she is
convinced that she does, Ashley however agrees and knows what comes
next, she is defiantly ready.

It’s almost dark, they start barricading the
front and back door securely, Maggie goes through each room making
sure each window is secure, the night hasn’t even really started
and its sounds scary as hell outside with so many of them, Maggie
knows after tonight only the worse can be expected, the only thing
all of them can do is be prepared for anything and everything, they
all tuck into Jason’s bed, it’s the biggest bed in the house an
entire king size for the three of them, more than enough space for
all of them.

A few minutes past and Ashley can hear them
sleeping, both Maggie and Jacky are technically snoring, Ashley
knows the snoring won’t keep her up as she is feeling pretty tired
herself, even though they didn’t do much for the day, there is no
banging on the house walls not many screams, everything seem quite
enough, the perfect night for some peaceful sleep.

Early morning, before the sun has risen,
everyone is up preparing their stuff, both Maggie and Jacky is sad
that their dad didn’t return, it is what it is, Maggie said, no one
has decide which direction to go and which direction would be the
safest. Maggie however had a plan if no one else had an idea on
where to go, Maggie figures it will be best to go to the Fort,
distant from any big cities, it might be dangerous but it surely be
less dangerous then heading anywhere else, we can go to the Fort
and check it out it’s the least we could do before jumping to

Its distant but we should be able to get much
needed supplies on our way there, where we might be able to have a
good opportunity to rest unless there is a bunch of hungry flesh
eating tourists, then we have absolutely no luck Maggie smiled and
giggled even though Jacky and Ashley don’t find it funny at all,
they seem really grumpy about the idea.

Come one guys, it’s the best place I know
that might be safe, safer than any other place and if it’s not then
we might as well go to the next Fort, there must be survivors and
if there is none, then I can almost insure that there will be no
other danger.

Your right, I highly doubt these things can
swim and I still have Roy’s gun that we can use in a case of
emergency or if we meet more psychopaths like Roy, we can do this
Ashley said, we might be girls, that doesn’t mean we are weak,
let’s get out there and start walking, it’s not getting any closer
by standing around, even if her speech was suppose the be
encouraging, Ashley knew she could have done better yet speech
isn’t one of her strong points.

“It’s so cold,” Jacky Said.

“Can I please have that blanket,” Jacky asked

“If you want it then you will have to carry
the bag to,” Ashley said smiling.

“I am sore but I will try,” Jacky said with a
grin on her face, shocking to her sister Maggie as she knows Jacky
being a very lazy person.

“At least, we got past that area, past all
those monsters, it seems much safer now,” Ashley said with

“Well, we are a few blocks away, we defiantly
traveled a few miles,” Maggie said.

“We should probably find a place to stay for
the night, it’s hard to tell the time, to many clouds,” Maggie said
with a slight smile, followed with a deep breath.

“Yes I am tired,” Jacky said fast and

“Can’t be that late, felt like we only
started walking an hour ago, but I suppose your right, we should
find a place to stay we need to be safe, we need time to secure the
building and barricade the doors,” Ashley said.

“Exactly, if we play it smart then we can get
past this in no time,” Maggie said with a smile.

“Besides, it might be cloudy here but in the
distance, it looks like an epic storm approaching hopefully
leaving” Ashley said.

They enter a shop with no confrontation, it
seems like the perfect place to rest up for the night, they block
the door with the empty shelves this is heavier than any of them
could imagine, they still managed, while moving the shelves they
found a missing bullet of a riffle it’s pretty large, however, this
put everyone on full alert, trying to find the gun, if it were
still to be here, after a few minutes they give up, each gets a
Jacket from the back pack, it’s the only thing that will keep them
warm beside the blanket, only two can fit under it, if positioned

There is a faint drizzle outside but nothing
to worry about, Maggie doesn't worry about it, it’s not so loud and
she can still see and hear what’s going on outside, she still have
some fuel with her, enough to start a small fire in a metal trash
can, by using parts of the shelves that’s not being used to block
the front entrance, the fire should last a while, enough to warm
them up for the night at least.

Maggie stayed up for a few hours, just to
stay on guard and make sure the rest get there sleep, until its
around 10 Pm, Ashley will be up until about 2 Am, then Jacky will
take the last round until 6 Am, that’s 4 hours each, Maggie
explains that some rest can be taken in between the 4 hours as long
as they sit by the window. Least the windows has bars on them so
nothing should be able to come in, the most that will happen is the
window can break, the last thing while being on guard, don’t make a
sound we don’t want to draw unwanted attention to us. This shop is
small and even if the back is blocked off by fence we don’t want to
get pinned down here, sitting around the small fire, they all agree
and head to bed, Maggie got comfortable just in front of the

As the hours go by Maggie slips away every
now and then not because she is tired but the fact that it’s so
boring doing this, it’s nothing like the movies she used to watch,
every now and then something passes by but they don’t stop, they
don’t realize anything, as long as they move along Maggie is

Ashley pokes Maggie, hey it’s time for my
shift I am sure of it, beside even if it’s not I’m not really tired
so why don’t you turn in and let me take it from here, Maggie
agrees and goes straight to bed, with her being so cold, the
blanket that they brought with, really helps a lot, besides its
nice and warm since Ashley got out.

“Good to see you are awake,” Luke said to

“Look, you need to tell me what happened, dad
is furious with you, he wants you to go back and finish what you
started,” Luke said with concern.

“Oh big bro, they all so worried, it won’t be
possible,” Roy said giggling.

“Why is that?” Luke asked annoyed with Roy’s

“Because, I killed them or well those things
did,” Roy answered.

“And before you complain like a little girl,
I got most of the supplies, it’s only a few blocks away,” Roy said

“Then why didn’t you freaking bring it with
you?” Luke asked.

“Because, the car I had, broke down and it
was too much to load all that stuff to another one, beside there
was a lot on my tail, it’s like sound is attracting them,” Roy

“I got food, fuel, medical supplies and
anything that would make decent weapons, mostly large knives, not
like we need it, you never know when our little group will expand,”
Roy said laughing.

“Well then go fetch it,” Luke said

“No can do amigo, I am tired, sore, I pretty
much did the entire plan for all of you, not to mention, much
faster,” Roy said.

“You are such a childish person, this
attitude of yours is what almost got you killed,” Luke said

“Can you at least guard the prisoners, dad
and I will go pick up the supplies and go check if you actually did
the job, because you know what, Jason that guy dad knows actually
did show up and we did capture him, so the plan would have worked
and you wouldn’t have gotten your self-injured,” Luke said before
Roy could back chat him with another cheesy line.

“Don’t preach me, I did what I had to do,
just go, I will look after them and make sure they don’t escape,”
Roy said yawning afterward.

Luke gets up and informs his father while
packing their bags, while Luke packs the bags and fuels up a car,
his dad goes down to the basement to pay a little visit to his
prisoners, his prized one being Jason.

“It’s been such a long time Jason,” Said the

“You have to be kidding me,” Jason said with
slight laughter.

“Now isn’t the time to laugh!” Said the man,
shouting his words out of anger.

“Can’t help it, you really are the funniest
person I know,” Jason said laughing.

“Will it be funny, if I said that Roy killed
your two little whores which you call daughters?” The man said out
loud, laughing at Jason.

“You see I was going to capture them like I
did with you then set up a trade with you for all the supplies in
your house, well then I would torture them while you watch! For
everything you did to me!” Said the man furiously.

“I helped you get rid of your wife; I even
helped you bury her! Just for you to shoot me in the leg and blame
everything on me,” The man said as his voice softens.

“Bradley Benet, set me free now, if you don’t
then I am telling you now, consider yourself a dead man soon,”
Jason said with complete silence afterward.

“Well now, let’s see, they are dead though I
suppose I can torture you instead, slowly and I insure you it will
be hell,” Bradley said laughing.

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