Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt (5 page)

Read Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt Online

Authors: Charlie Richards

Tags: #GLBT, #Gay, #Paranormal, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt
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“Ah!” Cornelius gasped.

He slid it out, then back in.

“Oh!” His green eyes blown wide with desperation, Cornelius whimpered, “P-please,” again.

Hell, yeah!

“Come on,” Einan said again.

This time, he wrapped his wing around Cornelius, covering his mate’s genitals as he moved them through the mansion, because—heaven help him—he couldn’t seem to get enough of touching the man.

After what felt like forever, Einan pushed open the door to his outer room, then led the way to his inner chambers. That door he locked behind him. He figured Maelgwn would spread the word not to disturb him, but better safe than sorry.

Einan led Cornelius across the room and stopped beside the bed. While carefully cupping his mate’s prick, he eased the zipper down with his free hand. “Kick off your shoes, pretty mate,” he ordered.

Cornelius obeyed swiftly, which was sexy in and of itself. What was even better was seeing his lover’s long, slender bare feet. No socks meant less clothing to worry about. Einan pushed his mate’s pants down, and, dropping to one knee, helped him kick them off. His lover’s long, thick prick bobbed in front of his face and he licked his lips.

Smiling, Einan peered up at his mate, who stood with his hands at his sides, dutifully waiting for Einan’s next order. “Take off your shirt, then lie on the bed on your back,” he ordered as he stood and took a step backward.

Einan deftly yanked apart the ties of his loincloth, and with the way he stood with his legs splayed, it easily fell to the floor. He wrapped his clawed hand around his thick, nearly eleven-inch dick. Just the contact of him holding it felt exquisitely painful, making his balls roll in his sack. He grunted in pleasure.

So good.

Cornelius squeaked, drawing Einan’s attention. His mate stood frozen, his hands in the middle of unbuttoning his shirt about halfway down. Gritting his teeth, Einan gave himself a long, slow stroke, gently pulling his foreskin from his glistening head at the upstroke, revealing his oozing slit.

“Take the shirt off and lie on the bed,” Einan growled, having a hard time keeping it together.

His deep, gruff voice seemed to snap Cornelius out of his stupor. He abandoned unbuttoning his shirt and whipped it over his head instead. Then, he scrambled onto the bed and laid down, his legs spread wide, feet planted, showing off his lightly furred balls, crease, and tight tan hole. His hands lay at his sides.

Einan turned away for a second and grabbed a pair of nipple clamps from his toy stash, and a half full tube of lube, then climbed up on the bed and knelt between his lover’s knees.

Eying the sexy shifter, Einan glanced at his headboard. He had soft leather straps affixed to the corners, but decided against using them. He wanted to love up his mate this first time together, and he wanted to touch and be touched.

Still, upon seeing his mate’s clenching fingers and his swollen, twitching shaft, he figured his man would need a little help to maintain control for this first part. “Reach up and grab the headboard, Cornelius. I can’t have you touching yourself when it’s my turn to get off.”

Cornelius whimpered, but obeyed. The move stretched him out, showing off his lean lines of muscle, smooth skin, and toned abs…and the tiny light brown nubs on his chest. He held open his hand, revealing the small clamps with multiple rubber-tipped teeth. “Do I have permission to put these on you?”

His mate’s eyes widened, and he glanced between the clamps and Einan’s face for several seconds. At first, Einan thought he’d refuse, but then he spotted the way Cornelius’s Adam’s apple bobbed, and Einan realized his mate struggled to get words out.

“A nod or shake of the head will suffice,” he crooned.

Cornelius nodded emphatically.

Relief flooded Einan, surprising him with the intensity. Leaning forward, Einan gently pinched the first nipple until it puckered into a hard bud, then applied the clip. A glance up showed him that Cornelius once again bit his lip, stifling his cries.

Einan reached up and gently tugged the abused lip free. “I want to hear you. Do you understand?” He put as much soothing encouragement into his words as possible, somehow just knowing that making noise hadn’t been allowed by whoever had fucked with his mate’s head.

Cornelius’s eyes rounded, but he nodded.

Splitting his attention between getting the second nipple ready and watching Cornelius’s face, Einan eased the matching green clip into place. Cornelius almost bit his lip again, but at the last second, let out a soft moaning whimper.

Einan nodded and sat back a bit. He admired the view, taking in how his legs trembled as his hole clenched. The sight appeared almost as sexy as seeing the way Cornelius’s shaft twitched over his quivering abs. Then, just as Einan surmised, a pink flush worked up his mate’s chest, highlighting his clamped nipples. Meeting his mate’s dilated green eyes, Einan smiled at the beautiful man spread out before him.

“You are absolutely stunning, my pretty mate,” Einan crooned. He knee walked forward a bit and pushed his thighs under Cornelius’s, lifting his mate’s ass up a bit and splaying his legs further. The new position pressed their balls together, his smooth leathery ones moving along Cornelius’s softer ones. He rocked his hips a bit, rubbing them together, enjoying the fiery stimulation to his sensitive sacks. It had the added benefit of forcing a cry of pleasure from his mate, too.

With how hard his prick was, he knew it wouldn’t take much to spill, and with all he wanted to do to his mate, he realized taking the edge off would be the only way it’d happen.

He wrapped his hand around his dick, groaning at the sensation. His balls so hard they ached. Slowly, he started jacking his shaft as he reached up and tweaked a clamp on his mate’s chest.

“Damn, you’re so sexy,” he mumbled, admiring the view. “The clamps match your eyes, making your lust shine bright.” He rocked forward, rubbing their balls and the base of their pricks together as he jacked the top of his own.

Cornelius wriggled beneath him, heightening the sensations.

Einan’s balls pulled tight. “I’m going to paint you now, mate, just as you painted me. Then I’m going to open you up and bury my shaft in you. I’m going to ride you nice and slow until you’re out of your head and begging.”

He figured he babbled as he listed all the things he planned to do to his mate, but didn’t care.


The one word from Cornelius, his tone pleading, threw Einan over the edge. His balls pulled impossibly tighter, sending goose bumps down his thighs even as his dick pulsed, shooting string after string of cum up his hard-as-steel dick. His back bowed and he coated Cornelius’s balls, prick, abs, and chest in his pearly seed.

Through clenched teeth, even as Einan continued to shoot, the need to see his mate come again rode him hard. He swiped a thumb through his warm cum, then reached down and pressed it into his mate’s hole.


Howling, the cry a sound of pure joy, Cornelius followed him over the edge. He grinned, seeing his mate crash into bliss.


Chapter Five



Cornelius’s abs clenched, clamping his hole on the thick digit in his ass, and his body arched off the bed. He tightened his grip on the spindles of the headboard and rolled his hips, rubbing his balls against Einan’s as he watched his untouched cock spurt.

He floated on the endorphins pinging through his system, relishing the burn on his nipples that spread tingles across his chest, heightening his pleasure. His buds had always been sensitive, and for his mate to pick up on it so quickly…just, damn!

The thumb in his ass wiggled, focusing his attention on the leering gargoyle above him. Einan grinned, showing off longer than normal canines and teeth far more pointed to pass for human. His dark gray eyes twinkled and still appeared stormy with desire.

In the dining room, when he’d first seen Einan, Cornelius had almost swallowed his tongue with lust. Thick ropes of muscle lined his arms and over his shoulders, leading to prominent pecks. Since the male wore the traditional clothing of his people—a loincloth—it showcased his cut abs and bulging thighs beautifully.

When Cornelius had realized he even found the gargoyle’s black-clawed feet sexy, the fact that the male must be his mate hit him like a physical blow. He’d thought Einan was a sexy fucker then.

Now, naked and staring at him like he was starving and Cornelius was a thick, juicy steak, he couldn’t think of anything more beautiful than this male. Especially since Einan’s huge pole of a cock still jutted eagerly from his groin, even after painting his body with probably half a dozen ropes of seed.

Cornelius desperately wanted to feel that filling his ass, stretching him wide, massaging the walls of his chute. He clenched his asshole rhythmically on the finger still filling him, hoping that would get the gargoyle moving.

Einan chuckled, but at least he pulled his thumb partway out, then slid it back deeper. It wasn’t enough. It wasn’t nearly enough.

Rocking into the finger slowly fucking him, Cornelius spread his legs as wide as he could. If he’d had his hands, he would have grabbed the backs of his knees and spread himself for Einan. Instead, the restriction felt like a stimulation in and of itself.

Stroking the claws of his free hand through the combined seed coating his abs, Einan brought the fluid to his mouth and sucked it clean. He hummed appreciatively. “I do believe it’s time to clean you up,” he purred.

Cornelius moaned in frustration when Einan pulled his thumb free. It was replaced by a strangled howl when the gargoyle leaned down and lapped at his hypersensitive cock with a longer, more flexible tongue than he’d ever felt before. After coming twice, his dick had started to soften. Feeling and seeing Einan lap at his prick like a Popsicle revived him faster than he thought possible.

Once Cornelius’s shaft—once again hard and aching—bobbed before Einan, the gargoyle leaned up and hummed. “That’s better,” he crooned, giving Cornelius a wicked grin. “We want you to enjoy this, don’t we?”

Barely able to get air in his lungs around the roaring in his head as his now-neglected erection begged for attention, Cornelius rode the fine line between pleasure and pain. Eyes wide, he just stared at his smirking mate.

Evidently, that wasn’t the response Einan wanted. He ran a claw slowly up Cornelius’s begging shaft, right along the throbbing vein, just hard enough to sting. “You are enjoying yourself, aren’t you?” His words more a statement than a question, but somehow, Cornelius knew his mate still expected a response. Then, that slender claw slid into his piss-slit, shooting burning sensation down his shaft, setting his balls on fire.

Shit, was it possible to come again so fast just from his mate’s claws on him?

He screamed his pleasure, somehow getting his mate’s name out along with a babbled
please fuck me

Einan nodded. “Oh, I will, pretty mate. I will,” he assured, even as he released Cornelius’s dick completely. “Now, you just lie there and let me finish cleaning you up, then we’ll get to the fucking.”

Panting, shock filling him, Cornelius could only watch as Einan did just that. He leaned back over and slowly started lapping up the cum from his abs, taking his time to trace each line of definition. Then, he moved up his chest, even rooting into Cornelius’s armpits, even though he was certain no cum had gone there. The male’s nips and licks tickled, making him squirm. Large hands gripped his torso, forcing him to still so Einan could continue to play.

“E-Einan, please,” he begged. “Too much.”

Einan paused, his eyes twinkling. “Oh, yeah?”


“Hmm, maybe this would be better, then.”

Without warning, Einan wrapped his lips around the left nipple clamp and tugged. Fire of a completely different sort shot through his body. The pain went straight to his already aching dick and pre-cum oozed from him freely as Einan sucked one clamped nipple with his mouth while twisting and tugging the other with a hand.

Cornelius rocked his hips and discovered Einan’s cock and balls right there. He wrapped his legs around Einan’s waist, and pressed his testicles against his mate’s, relishing the feel of Einan’s tight orbs against his own. Rolling his hips, he rutted up into the gargoyle, groaning when Einan pressed his own thick shaft harder against him, giving him something to rut against more firmly.

Einan lifted his mouth from Cornelius’s clamped nipple, quickly replacing it with his other hand. He stared down at Cornelius as he worked his nubs and pressed their groans together.

“Feel free to come anytime you need to, pretty mate,” Einan crooned.

Cornelius’s brows shot up, the permission to give in to his need was unexpected, considering how dominant Einan had been up until then.

Apparently seeing his confusion, Einan leaned close—feral possessive delight filling his expression—and purred, “Just for today, you understand. I like seeing what my loving you does to you, see what turns you on, what makes you go wild, and what makes you lose control.”

Then, Einan closed the distance between their lips and fused their mouths. He thrust his tongue deep, wrapped it around Cornelius’s muscle, and drew it into his own mouth. Einan sucked his tongue lightly and it was the last straw.

Overwhelmed, Cornelius’s body convulsed as he came—again—his seed spilling between them. Moaning into the other male’s mouth, he gave in to his need to touch. He released the headboard and wrapped his arms around the gargoyle, tracing muscle under leathery hide along his lover’s back.

Einan growled softly into the kiss. He released Cornelius’s nipples, then threaded one large hand through his hair. The gargoyle used his hold to cup Cornelius’s neck and hold his head still. Einan slowed the kiss, dipping his tongue languorously again and again.

Vacantly, Cornelius heard the snick of the tube of lube. His hole clenched in anticipation and he dug his fingers into Einan’s back muscles. His lover spread his thighs a bit, forcing Cornelius’s legs even wider. He tensed, thinking Einan was gonna take him without stretching him, and although he liked pain, that would be too much pain. Einan was fucking hung.

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