Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt (2 page)

Read Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt Online

Authors: Charlie Richards

Tags: #GLBT, #Gay, #Paranormal, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt
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After a second, Gus nodded while Tible shrugged.

Not deterred, Cornelius continued. “Well, Brice ended up mated to none other than a lion shifter enforcer who’d come to town for the conference! Poor guy just can’t get away from us,” he finished, snickering.

Gus patted Tible’s knee. “I’ll explain who he is later.”

“Well, if you ever want to see Salina, Kansas, there’s a fairly open invitation,” Cornelius finished.

“You know, I think Bobby was pretty good friends with him,” Gus mused. “I bet he’d love catching up with him.” Gus grinned, showing off pearly white teeth as he added, “I bet Bobby would enjoy giving Brice shit for not sharing that paranormals exist with him.”

Barking a laugh, Cornelius nodded emphatically. “I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation!”

Gus slowed and turned his truck into a tree-lined driveway.

Cornelius leaned forward in anticipation of his first view of the house—a three level mansion, complete with a turret, parapets, and excessive amounts of balconies. When it appeared, Cornelius decided Gus’s description didn’t do it justice. To Cornelius, it looked like someone had chopped up the best bits of Biltmore Estate and transplanted them to the middle of the forest north of Durango.

“Wow,” he whispered. “I bet there are so many hidden rooms to explore.”

“Don’t go poking into other people’s private space,” Gus warned, but Cornelius heard the amusement in his voice.

Cornelius grinned. “I won’t.” That didn’t mean he wouldn’t find ways to get invitations into certain gargoyle’s wings if he discovered a nook he wanted to check out.

Sliding out of the truck, Cornelius grabbed his bag from the bed before Gus could and slung it over his shoulder. After giving his friend a blinding smile, he followed Gus and Tible up the walkway and into the mansion. This time, Cornelius knew it was himself who gawked at everything, spinning this way and that, trying to take it all in.

“The décor isn’t going anywhere. You can take your time.”

Cornelius snapped his attention forward and discovered Maelgwn smirking at him. The gargoyle appeared much the same as he remembered, standing almost seven feet tall with long black hair and dark blue skin. He’d folded his wings around his shoulders, but from the way they hung nearly to his knees, it was easy to see that they’d be huge when spread. The big difference, however, was the way Maelgwn wrapped one thickly muscled arm around a small human—well, maybe he appeared small because of who held him, but then anyone would in that case.

Grinning, Cornelius winked. “Oh, I plan to take plenty of time to explore your clutch…home.” He snickered at the groans from the men around him at his bad pun, not quite finished. “From what I’ve seen—which hasn’t been nearly enough—it’s beautiful. I want to see more.”

“Okay, okay,” Gus grumbled. “That’s enough.” He scowled at Cornelius, which he ignored in favor of checking out the beautiful Victorian side table holding a stunning Ming vase.

Obviously holding back a laugh, Tible asked, “Is lunch ready? Or do we have time to get Cornelius settled in his room?”

“You have about thirty minutes,” replied a clearly amused Bobby. He smiled widely and made a sweeping bow, swinging his arm grandly. “Welcome to the manor. Feel free to explore the clutch as you like, save Maelgwn, of course. Only
am allowed access to those areas. And, of course, please respect any
for private use only
signs you may come across.”

Tible snorted. Maelgwn coughed, probably trying to hold back his own mirth.

Cornelius grinned and pulled Bobby into a hug. “Thanks. This is already starting out to be a great vacation.”

Laughing, Bobby extricated himself and took a few steps back. “Well, let’s get you settled.”

“Actually…” Cornelius glanced around at the others. “I’d really like to meet Raymond,” he admitted. “I’d love to see if he can help me finish my degree.”

Maelgwn pulled his phone from a case attached to one of the leather straps criss-crossing his chest. “Sure. He should be winding down with…whatever the hell he’s doing, since it’s near lunchtime.” Turning away, he shrugged. “Or he could be completely wrapped up in a new computer program or game.”

Excited to get an opportunity, finally, to complete something he’d started years before, Cornelius quickly followed after the gargoyle.

Chapter Two



“What’s this?”

Einan scowled at the mangled piece of technology Grateman had placed on his desk. Picking up the crushed black metal and plastic contraption, he spotted several broken wires poking out of holes punctured in the casing.

camera fifteen,” Grateman informed him. “I found it at the base of the tree it had been bolted to.”

Turning it over in his clawed hand, Einan nodded slowly. He finally spotted the remains of a lens. “I see.” Gently, he put the destroyed piece of equipment back on his desk. “Scent anything? Anyone?”

“Only animals, sir,” Grateman told him, shaking his head.

“And you’re certain they were actually animals and not shifters?” Einan figured that, as one of their best trackers, Grateman would easily discern the difference, but his need to double check every possibility drove him to ask.

Grateman smiled slightly, just the corners of his lips turning up. “No, Einan. Not shifters. A bunny being chased by a wolf and a bear after a hive in the tree.”

That information had Einan’s brows shooting up. He picked up the damaged camera again and flipped it over, running one finger over the four holes in the casing’s side. Lifting his other hand, he slid his claws into the holes.

Einan looked up at Grateman and asked, “How close was that beehive to the camera?”

This time, Grateman’s smile reached his deep brown eyes in his black, fanged, face. “The branch above it.”

Lifting a brow, Einan put the camera down and leaned back in his chair. “If you’d already figured out the camera was a sad casualty to a hungry bear, why bring it to me? Why not just replace it and give me a heads up that it’d been switched out, the reason for the change, and that we’d need to order a new back-up when I ordered supplies?” As much as he appreciated being kept in the loop, this was a little
in the loop.

Grateman’s smile faded. “I, uh, I brought this to you because, well—” He paused, grimacing, clearly uncomfortable.

Having no desire for more games wasting his time, Einan ordered, “Spit it out, Grateman.”

“I found that while on a leisure hike,” Grateman explained. “By my best guess, the bear took the camera out sometime last evening.”

Not liking that implication one bit, Einan snarled, “All night and all day?”

Grateman nodded.

“Where the fuck was Raymond?” he growled, more to himself than to Grateman, but the tracker still shook his head, indicating he didn’t know.

Hissing angrily, Einan rose to his feet. “Thank you, Grateman. Has the camera been fixed?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good.” After glancing at the clock, Einan said, “It’s time for the midday meal. Off you go.”

Grateman bowed slightly, exposing his neck in respect, then left the room.

Growling low in his throat, Einan stared at the damaged camera, debating his next move. Raymond watched the surveillance cameras during the evening hours, since as an unmated gargoyle—like Einan himself—he was sleeping stone during the day. The computer junkie never left his monitors for any length of time while awake, so what the fuck was he doing, and why hadn’t he noticed the damaged feed?

Einan grimaced upon thinking what could have happened if an enemy to the clutch had noticed the slip and used it to his advantage. Or a human! What if a human had wandered unknowingly up to their manor at dawn when a dozen gargoyles woke from their daily roost?

Deciding against waiting, Einan picked up the camera and headed out of his office. He just managed to keep his temper in check and avoid slamming his door. No sense risking damage to the heavy oak piece. He’d never hear the end of that.

He paused, deciding to try the gargoyle’s office first. Surprise filled him when he found it empty. Not only did the man shirk his responsibilities the prior evening, but he’d actually made it to the meal on time.

Einan strode through the halls toward the dining hall. An unfamiliar scent tickled his senses. Inhaling deeply, his brow ridges lifted when he felt his cock plump beneath his loincloth. Excitement and hope filled him at the implications. He started moving faster, excitement filling him even as he racked his brain, trying to remember if any guests were expected.

Only one came to him. Cornelius Roister—a friend of Tible, Gus, and their leader’s mate, Bobby.

Could he be my mate?

Since gargoyles had accepted their bisexuality from the beginning of their inception, Einan didn’t care if he ended up with a male mate. Hell, their seed could get male mates pregnant if they didn’t remain vigilant in eating either a root or herb to sterilize their semen. He just hoped this Cornelius fellow was open to a relationship with a man. If he proves to be my mate, Einan mused, trying not to get his hopes too high.

Following not only the ever-increasing intensity of the pleasant scent, plus the smell of food, Einan found the noise level of the room louder than usual. When he entered the dining hall, he immediately spotted why.

Several gargoyles sat around a lean, handsome man who seemed to soak up the attention eagerly. Batting thick, black eyelashes over deep emerald green eyes, the man, who could only be Cornelius, smiled coyly and touched a pink tongue to a plump bottom lip. Although he flirted back with everyone who spoke to him, he seemed to favor—of all the gargoyles—Kort. A big, dark red gargoyle with striking purple eyes and, even with his canines poking out, a charming smile.

Einan just swallowed his snarl when he watched Kort reach over and brush back a lock of Cornelius’s shoulder-length hair. He wanted to tear the gargoyle’s arm from his socket, and actually took several steps toward the group…then he saw the way the man he suspected to be his mate moved smoothly away from Kort’s touch while still smiling and chatting.


Deciding to wait and see—wanting to know how strong the mate-pull was in a shifter—Einan changed course and headed toward Raymond. The hacker sat at the next table over, watching the commotion with a slight smile toying at the corner of his dark lips. Since the male wasn’t mated, Einan couldn’t help but feel surprised he wasn’t amidst the group vying for the new blood’s attention.

Fucking meat market.

Suddenly, the man he suspected to be Cornelius stiffened slightly. He cocked his head and sniffed, scenting the wind. Then the sexy, slender man focused his gaze directly on Einan, and his lips opened slightly in obvious surprise.

Pleased the man at least recognized some pull between them, Einan smirked and gave the man a heated look, then a wink. Then, Einan managed to turn away and focus on Raymond, but fuck was it difficult.

Einan set the damaged camera next to Raymond’s plate. To his credit, the hacker’s brow ridges shot up. He immediately dropped his fork and picked up the camera, examining it.

“Shit, Einan!” Raymond gasped. “What the fuck happened to it?”

“Not entirely certain, but we surmise a bear.”

Raymond lifted his gaze to Einan’s for just a second, then immediately refocused on the device. “When?” he whispered. Evidently, the gargoyle had accurately read Einan’s displeased expression.

“Near as we can figure, somewhere between ten PM and two AM.” He paused for a heartbeat, then added, “Last night.”


,” Einan returned. “What exactly were you doing between those hours, Raymond?” he asked quietly.

Just because they were in a public dining hall didn’t mean he wanted to humiliate the gargoyle. Fortunately—or not—most still seemed fixated by the appearance of Gus and Tible’s friend. At least, now that he was close enough to make out their words, Einan realized most of their conversations were centered around gossip from the recently convened shifter convention.

“I was…”

The rest of Raymond’s words came out too mumbled and fast for Einan to understand.

Einan straddled the bench seat so he faced Raymond. The gargoyle’s scent told Einan that his anxiety had just spiked. Although true that Raymond remained in his little room as much as possible, he’d never been completely introverted. This many nerves rolling off the gargoyle concerned him.

“Tell me what’s going on, Raymond,” Einan ordered. “What did you say?”

Grimacing, Raymond flicked his gaze over Einan’s face, then away. Finally, he leaned close and hissed, “I was on a date.”

“With whom?” he replied, struggling to keep back words of caution and safety, and why the fuck would he go on a date without telling anyone? What if something had happened to him?

“I-I’m not sure,” Raymond replied. Before Einan could even get his blown away thoughts in order, the other gargoyle continued. “It was a virtual date. Online. No names or anything too personal.”

Uh… Now, Einan was just confused. “So, you didn’t leave the manor?”

Raymond shook his head.

“Did you leave the computer room?” he ventured, knowing Raymond had personal laptops he kept in his room.

“No,” Raymond replied. “I stayed in my office.”

Frowning, Einan shook his head. “Then, how the hell did you miss a bear taking out a camera?”

Raymond’s scent intensified, turning musky. He dared to peer up at Einan through his lashes as the corner of his lip curved up. “It was a really good date.”

Einan forced down his embarrassment as he combined Raymond’s words, his tone, and the gargoyle’s scent—arousal. Evidently, it’d been one of
dates. He needed to swallow twice before he found his tongue.

“I’m going to need to punish you for your lapse, Raymond.”

Nodding, Raymond mumbled, “I understand.”

Einan sighed. Resting a hand on Raymond’s shoulder, he rose. “I’ll send for you later. I expect you to be prompt.”

“Yes, sir.”

After one more nod, Einan turned and headed toward the buffet. The skin on the back of his neck broke out in goose bumps, and he just knew if he turned, he’d find their guest’s gaze upon him.

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