Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt (3 page)

Read Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt Online

Authors: Charlie Richards

Tags: #GLBT, #Gay, #Paranormal, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt
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Einan, instead, took his time filling his plate, piling on a full rack of ribs, several dollops of coleslaw, a cob of corn, and a Caesar salad, after grabbing a roll of cloth, which he knew held a fork, spoon, and steak knife.

He turned and—yep—discovered the slender blond’s gaze on him. Satisfaction filled Einan that his mate—he was more certain every second the man’s scent tickled his senses—seemed too distracted by him to keep his focus on his audience because, damn, it had been difficult to concentrate on Raymond. Einan grinned and winked, then turned back to the buffet and grabbed a dinner roll before heading toward the man.

Instead of joining the big group of gargoyles already surrounding Cornelius, Einan settled a short ways down the long bench table next to Gus. Tible sat on the big rhino shifter’s other side and Bobby and Maelgwn sat across from them. After nodding to the men, he ate a couple ribs, slowly licking the tasty, spicy BBQ sauce from his fingers, then wiping them on his napkin.

He grabbed the pitcher of beer and hard plastic cup and poured himself a drink. The red cup reminded him of the bowling alleys his clutch occasionally rented when holding a kid’s party. They’d rent the entire facility for an evening, and once night fell, those who couldn’t turn human snuck in through the back.

After swallowing a couple of gulps of the dark lager, he set down his drink and asked, “Who chose the beer?”

Einan couldn’t remember the last time dark beer was served at the chieftain’s table.

Since his mouth was full, Gus used his fork to point at Cornelius.

Just to confirm, Einan stated, “That’s Cornelius Roister, your buddy, right?”

“Yep,” Gus said, having swallowed his bite of rib. “I’ve convinced him to move out here, and Raymond is helping him sign up for the last few classes he needs for a childcare degree.” Gus grinned and looked toward Cornelius, who currently regaled the group with a tale of a naughty child at the daycare he’d once worked at. “He’s a little excited and the beer probably isn’t helping.”

Some of Einan’s tension eased. He wouldn’t have to convince the shifter to move there. It was already in the works. Shifter? “He’s a rhino shifter, like you?” Einan asked before picking up the cob and starting on the perfectly cooked and buttered corn. He didn’t have any qualms about pumping Gus for info on his mate.

Knowledge is power.

Gus lifted a shoulder in a half shrug. Before Einan had to ask what the hell that meant, Gus took a swig of beer, then explained, “He is a rhino shifter, but not like me. I’m a white rhino, one of the biggest breeds,” he explained, his face appearing to flush at that admission. “He’s a Sumatran rhino, so he’s quite a bit smaller.”

Einan chuckled softly. “I think, with a rhino, small is a relative term,” he teased.

Tible grinned and bumped shoulders with his mate. “You got that right.” He winked. “But, big is good.”

This time, Gus’s face turned a rosy pink, and he suddenly became extremely interested in the pile of coleslaw on his plate.

For the next several minutes, Einan focused on eating…and covertly spied on his mate. As he watched Cornelius, he noted how, occasionally, the rhino shifter would lift a hand to touch his hair or subtly shift away from anyone who got too close.
Interesting. He likes attention, but not necessarily to be touched.
Was that for everyone? Just strangers? How would that translate with him?

Finding his glass empty, Einan found the pitcher again and filled his mug.

“Hey, can I get some of that?”

The soft melodic tenor murmured so close to his left, coupled with the thick waft of Cornelius’s scent, caused Einan’s hand to freeze. It wasn’t until the beer overflowed his cup, the cold liquid spilling over his fingers, that he regained his senses.

“Shit,” he muttered, putting the pitcher down and reaching toward the paper napkin dispenser.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you,” Cornelius mumbled, sounding almost shy and completely at odds with the vibrant storyteller from a few minutes before. “Please, let me help.”

Einan really didn’t like the shifter’s suddenly timid attitude, especially since it was directed toward him. Although his first instinct was to brush the man’s hand aside and take control, he relinquished his hold on his cup, sat back, and watched Cornelius clean up the mess Einan had made.

His mate’s quick efficient movements had the spilled beer cleared up, his cup dried and back in front of him in no time. Einan smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Cornelius,” he stated. The shifter’s slight shiver at the use of his name didn’t escape his notice, and he’d have to remember
for later.

Picking up the pitcher of beer, Einan held it up. “Sorry for the delay. May I refill your cup?”

Cornelius beamed at him and nodded, holding out his cup. Einan took it, refilled it, and set it down in front of his mate. He returned to the pitcher in the middle of the table. Instead of returning to his food or speaking—knowing he’d probably say something asinine like
you’re my mate, I’m keeping you
—Einan waited for Cornelius to speak first.

He didn’t have too long to wait. Evidently, Cornelius didn’t seem capable of remaining quiet for long if his story-telling abilities were anything to go by. “I scented you when you came in,” Cornelius murmured, his brows drawn together, creasing them. “I looked up and I know you saw me, too.” He traced the rim of his cup with one long finger. Watching the idle movements, Einan wondered how that finger would feel rubbing around and around the rim of his cock head. The mental image had a predictable reaction on his cock—namely, making it thicken from half-mast to hard and begging in seconds.

The dulcet tones of his mate drew Einan’s attention, and he realized Cornelius had probably been talking all the time his mind had wandered.

“You didn’t come over. Why didn’t you come over?”

With most of his blood pooled in his groin, Einan said the first thing that came to mind. “You seemed a bit busy and had plenty of other company.” And, shit, if he didn’t sound like the biggest asshole in the world!

Chapter Three



Cornelius blanched, his mind a blank.


His mate had recognized him as such, but hadn’t bothered coming over because he’d been talking to other people? Then, he’d sat down and eaten as if this wasn’t the most life-altering moment of their lives?

Was the gargoyle playing some kind of game?

As a natural flirt, he was used to being pursued, so when Cornelius had realized his mate wasn’t coming to him, he’d screwed up his courage and approached, only to startle the man and spill the beer. Not the finest first impression.

“Look,” the gargoyle said, redrawing his attention. “Realizing you are my mate and seeing you flirting with over half a dozen single males isn’t really how I ever imagined finding my mate.” His mate lifted one dark gray, clawed hand and gently cupped his cheek.

Cornelius couldn’t help nuzzling into it, relishing these first tentative touches between him and the gargoyle Fate seemed to think would be his own.

“My name is Einan. I’m the head enforcer for my clutch. It’s not appropriate for my mate to be flirting with every single male in the room.” The male smiled, and even with rows of sharp teeth, somehow looked absolutely stunning. “I’ll teach you proper etiquette.”

Oh, my mate’s an enforcer! That means he’s strong and can keep me safe.
Cornelius reached for the arm that touched him and traced the thick ropes of muscles under dark leathery gray hide. Cornelius knew he had a bad habit of ending up in trouble.

That’s why Gus had always tried so hard to protect him like his own big brother
have. After pulling him out of a scrape with a fellow rhino shifter, his friend had asked him why he always went looking for trouble. Cornelius had brushed some loose strands of hair from the wrong pretty girl—purely a platonic gesture—but her boyfriend still hadn’t appreciated it. The rhino had threatened Cornelius, who’d reacted by looking the shifter up and down and stating she wasn’t his type—okay, so maybe he shouldn’t have added the bit about the other rhino being right up his alley and given the guy a sultry look. Anyway, Gus had saved him, and Cornelius had responded that he didn’t mean to look for trouble. Trouble always just seemed to find him.

Having a mate capable of protecting him would definitely be a plus. Then, the rest of Einan’s words registered in his lust-addled brain.
Proper etiquette? Teach him? What the fuck?

Cornelius snatched his hand back and jerked away from Einan. He glared at the bigger man and leaped to his feet. “Teach me proper etiquette?” he snarled, keeping his voice low enough that only those in the immediate area heard. He had some class, after all. See him being all proper? “I’m sixty-seven years old,” he continued, low and cold. “I don’t need you or anyone else to teach me proper
. Don’t you worry. I know it.”

As Einan slowly rose from the bench seat to face him, Cornelius found himself looking up,
and up
. He was no light-weight at six feet tall, but Einan towered over him a good eight inches. The man clenched his square jaw, a tick thrumming along the pulse point. His gray eyes seemed to darken, turning stormy.

Cornelius scented the subtle shift of his mate’s scent…frustration and anger. His rhino whuffled nervously in his mind. He completely agreed. He didn’t know anything about the massive gargoyle enforcer. If his mate used his fists, he’d be down and defenseless in one hit. Retreat was definitely the better part of valor.

When Einan reached for him again, saying, “I think you misunderstand me,” Cornelius backed away a step.

It wasn’t really out of reach, but the sudden retreat stopped the gargoyle, his brow ridges shooting up.

“I understood just fine,” Cornelius stated, keeping his back straight, putting on a good front, when all he wanted was to flee. If he had a tail, it’d be between his legs. Except, he wanted to say his piece, too. “I’m just fine the way I am and don’t need changing one bit.”

Giving in to his rising fear and panic, Cornelius turned and strode swiftly toward the nearest exit. He ignored Gus’s shout. He wouldn’t have been able to respond to any of his friend’s questions anyway. Not with the lump clogging his throat. His mate saying that he wanted to change Cornelius upon their first meeting hurt worse than a kick to the balls. Shouldn’t his mate want to love him unconditionally? Just the way he was?

He blinked back tears of frustration and sadness. So typical. Not even good enough for his mate. Corbin’s snide voice echoed through his head. “You’re good enough to fuck and punch, Cornelius. Nothing else.”

Swallowing the bile rising up his throat, Cornelius walked blindly, desperately trying to keep down the meal he’d just eaten. After several turns, he paused and leaned against the wall and focused just on breathing and getting his pounding heart under control.

Cornelius squeaked in surprise when someone grabbed his upper arm and swung him around. He found himself pressed against a hard chest and wrapped in strong arms. At first, he thought it was Gus, his friend coming to soothe and question.

Until he inhaled his friend’s scent…and realized this wasn’t his friend. Einan held him. Cornelius froze, uncertain, wanting desperately to sink into his mate’s embrace, to hear Einan tell him it really
all a misunderstanding and he wanted to be with him just the way he was. Unfortunately, Cornelius knew he hadn’t misheard the man.

Then, the oddest sensation vibrated through Einan’s chest and into Cornelius just as a low-pitched humming sounded in his ear. “Easy, pretty mate,” Einan crooned, his melodic bass voice just adding to the sensual riot of sensations cascading through him. Cornelius’s cock, which had softened upon fleeing this male, thickened right back up, hard and uncomfortable in his cargo shorts.

Stupid cock.

Cornelius tried to resist, really he did, but there was something so…nice…about the odd vibration and the way Einan brushed his fingers down his back, pressing and stroking. Then, his mate slid his hands under his shirt and worked his way back up, tracing the knobs of his spine and massaging the muscles in his back.

Mmm, that’s so good!

Sinking into Einan’s embrace, Cornelius hummed with pleasure at the soothing, massaging touches. Oh, and the hard, thick shaft pressing into his stomach sure didn’t hurt either.

And my mate’s scent! Ugh, what is that odd vibrating noise that he’s making? Love it!

A deep chuckle sounded in Cornelius’s ear. “That’s called trilling,” Einan explained quietly, so close to his ear that his warm breath vibrated the fine hairs of his neck and caused goose bumps to prickle over his skin.

“Oh,” he mumbled.
Guess I said that out loud. Oops!
It wasn’t the first time and probably wouldn’t be the last. “It’s nice.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Einan replied softly. He extracted one hand from under Cornelius’s shirt, but kept up the sensual assault on his back with the other.

Cornelius didn’t know if he wanted to sink more firmly against his mate’s chest and enjoy the comfort of his embrace or press into the fingers exploring his muscles.

Einan took the choice away by cupping his jaw and tilting his head back, forcing him to meet his gaze. “Mates find it soothing, and I needed some way to get you to calm down.”

Cornelius saw concern—and a healthy amount of confusion—floating in the depths of Einan’s dark eyes. He watched the thick lips he wanted to taste move as Einan continued speaking.

“I don’t know what I said or did to upset you so badly, pretty mate, but I’d like you to tell me. I can’t learn from my mistakes if you don’t tell me, hmm?”

His jaw sagged open in shock. Einan accepted responsibility?

Huh? Since when do dominant enforcers accept responsibility for mistakes?

The bony ridges that Cornelius assumed were kinda like eyebrows, shot up.

Huh, they move!

They lowered just as quickly, and one side of Einan’s mouth lifted in a half-smile. “Yeah, they move. You don’t always think before you speak, do you?”

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