Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt (8 page)

Read Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt Online

Authors: Charlie Richards

Tags: #GLBT, #Gay, #Paranormal, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt
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A few seconds later, Tible—now back in gargoyle form—opened the door. A smile lit up his light gray features. “Hey, there! We didn’t expect to see you for at least a day! What’s up?”

“Can I come in?”

His softly spoken words must have tipped Tible off…or maybe his scent. He knew he must reek of nerves.

Tible scowled, grabbed his upper arm, and yanked him into the sitting room. “Damn it. What did that thick-headed gargoyle do?”

“I—well—” Cornelius flushed. It wasn’t really all Einan’s fault. Cornelius recognized that. He just wished he knew if Einan would use his fists when he didn’t get his way. Would Tible know? “Would Einan hit me if he got angry?”

He blurted the question, then dropped onto the nearest chair. Putting his head in his hands, he groaned. “Shit, I’m so fucked up.” Lifting his head, Cornelius met Tible’s shocked expression and mumbled, “Einan deserves so much better than me.”

“What happened, Corny?” Gus rumbled from beside him.

Cornelius whipped his head around, saw his friend, and launched himself toward the huge shifter. Gus didn’t disappoint and wrapped his thick arms around him. He sank into Gus’s hug, clinging tightly.

His friend just held him. He felt Tible press against his back.
A Cornelius sandwich.
He smiled, although tears threatened at the corners of his eyes. He blinked them back rapidly.

Sighing, he faced the music and drew away from the pair. “He told me I needed to fuck him and I flipped out,” he admitted. “He yelled. I yelled back. He yelled some more and got angry and I ran away.”

He flopped back onto the chair and glared at the two surprised looking men. “Why the hell didn’t I know that you couldn’t turn into a human until
Gus had fucked you? Why didn’t I know this?”

His dreams of a happy mating and several cute gargoyle cubs running around his and Einan’s legs went up in smoke before his eyes.

“Gods, I’m such a shit. I know I’m a shit!” Cornelius thrust his fingers into his sandy hair and put his head between his knees. He focused on his breathing, knowing it wasn’t his friend’s fault and he needed to calm the fuck down.

The cushion next to him dipped, and someone—from the scent, Cornelius guessed Gus—sat down next to him and curved his arm around his shoulders. When he was tugged up and pulled against a barrel chest, his suspicions were confirmed.

“I can’t fuck him, Gus,” Cornelius whispered, his heart breaking. “I just can’t.”

He spotted Tible’s confused look and grimaced. Evidently, his buddy hadn’t explained. Fortunately, Cornelius didn’t have to, for Gus took that opportunity to murmur, “When Cornelius was in his late twenties, his father found him fucking a friend. Suffice it to say, he wasn’t happy. They were in an empty horse stall, but there were cleaning supplies nearby. He grabbed a pitchfork and started stabbing at both of them, completely flipping out.

“Cornelius’s friend fled, but his dad didn’t stop. Not until Cornelius was on the ground.” Gus’s big body shuddered. “I’ll never forget all the blood and puncture wounds.” Shaking his head, he stated, “Cornelius hasn’t been able to fuck anyone since.” The hand around his shoulders squeezed lightly. “Some kind of mental trauma, ya know? He’s talked to Doctor Digby about it.”

Tible nodded slowly, his mouth forming an
, sympathy filling his pale gray eyes. He reached out and squeezed Cornelius’s shoulder.

Cornelius looked up and smiled wanly at the show of support. Doctor Gordon Digby was an elephant shifter, a psychiatrist, back in Stone Ridge and he’d helped Cornelius get his panic attacks under control…sort of.

At least, Cornelius knew he could get clear of the situation first now before breaking down. He’d freaked Tible out once when he’d panicked at a coffee shop. Some guy had hassled them about their table. Gus had convinced him to see the shrink. The fact that Gus trusted Gordon, having spent many hours under his care after being rescued by the wolf shifters from the scientists, had been all the encouragement Cornelius had needed. He’d known he had a problem, he just hadn’t told Gus everything. Only Gordon knew…and now he’d probably have to figure out how to tell Einan just how fucked up he still was.

“Okay, I can at least tell you that Einan doesn’t use his fists first,” Tible assured, giving his shoulder another squeeze. “He wouldn’t be the head enforcer if he did. Maelgwn would never stand for it.” He shrugged. “I’ve never even seen him angry, but I know mating can cause emotions to run high.”

was an understatement.

He nodded anyway. “I appreciate the vote of confidence for him,” he murmured. “I figured in my head as much, but…” Panic wasn’t rational.

“You’re gonna need to talk to him, tell him,” Gus urged softly. “He needs to know the problems you’re dealing with. He can’t help you if he doesn’t know.” Patting his thigh, then squeezing hard to punctuate his words, he added, “And Einan couldn’t do any better than you. You’ll make him a wonderful mate.”

Gus bumped their shoulders together companionably.

Sighing, Cornelius nodded slowly. “Thanks,” he whispered.

Maybe from sitting on the sofa, maybe from all the emotions crashing over him, maybe because it was three-thirty in the morning and he’d only had a couple hours rest, but fatigue hit him hard. Cornelius felt his eyelids droop and he sagged against his friend.

“Get some rest,” Gus urged, easing off the couch and helping him spread out. “I’ll wake you an hour before sunrise. That way you have time to return to Einan and talk a little bit.”

Trusting his friend, Cornelius sighed and allowed his eyelids to slide closed. Sleep took him quickly.

Chapter Eight



Einan sat on the sofa, beer clutched tightly in the hand resting on the couch’s arm. He stared fixedly at the door. He knew his mate was with Gus and Tible. When Cornelius had fled he’d followed him, although this time, he hadn’t stopped him. Once Cornelius had slipped into his friend’s room, Einan had returned to his suite.

He knew his mate would be safe there.

That didn’t make him any happier about having his mate in another couple’s room…especially while they were having trouble.

Having no idea what he’d done wrong, Einan could only stew. He acknowledged that he should have kept a better lid on his temper, something he hadn’t had trouble with since before he’d turned the century mark. Still, he hadn’t lifted a hand or made any aggressive moves toward Cornelius. Hell, he’d
hit his mate, no matter how angry he became. He’d never been violent when angry before…just tended toward yelling. At least, way back when.

Einan had worked hard to overcome those tendencies. Learning yoga, meditating, and deep breathing exercises had done wonders for his self-control. Few of his friends knew about his morning ritual—the Gods bless his private balcony—of fifteen minutes of yoga followed by fifteen minutes of meditation, and he had every intention of keeping it that way. His mate would find out soon enough…assuming he came back.

Taking a sip of his beer, Einan knew Cornelius not returning wasn’t an option. They’d bonded. He’d have to get to the bottom of his shifter’s refusal to top, so he could go through molt, but…

“Perhaps I pushed too hard too fast,” he mused, picking at the bottle’s label. It wasn’t like Cornelius would be leaving the mansion anytime soon. They didn’t need to complete it right that instant.

The doorknob turning caught Einan’s attention, pulling him from his musings. Few would walk right into another gargoyle’s suite, and since Sapian had dropped off Cornelius’s bags earlier—also taking a moment to discuss needed duties—Einan hoped it would be his mate.

Relief flooded Einan upon seeing Cornelius almost slink into the front room. He watched the slender man peer around the fairly dark area. Currently, only the kitchen light glowed, casting the front room in shadows. It had matched his mood at the time, dark and gloomy.

Einan knew the minute Cornelius spotted him, for the shifter froze and his shoulders tensed. Not wanting his mate to think him angry, he reached up and flipped on the light. “Hey,” he murmured, filling the tense silence. “I’m glad you found your way back.”

“Yeah, uh…Gus showed me the way.” Cornelius wrapped his arms around his torso, his gaze lowered to the floor. “I would have been back sooner, but I fell asleep.”

“It’s fine,” he responded, which wasn’t completely true. “I’m just glad you’re back.” That was true, however.

Silence descended as Cornelius nodded slowly. Einan racked his brain for the right thing to say.

“I guess we need to talk,” Cornelius said.

Just as Einan stated, “You need to talk to me instead of running all the time.”

Cornelius flushed. “Yeah, sorry about that.” He rubbed the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable.

“I apologize for not asking more questions and just yelling and insisting on my way,” Einan offered. He knew it took two people to argue.

His mate’s jaw sagged open. His eyes rounded. After a second, he blinked and snapped it back shut.

Okay, not the reaction Einan had expected. A memory clicked. “That’s the second time you’ve acted shocked when I apologized,” he realized.

“Doms don’t apologize. I—” Cornelius shook his head, scowling. “I don’t understand the rules.”

Einan stilled at his mate’s softly spoken words.
Oh. Oh, shit.
Cornelius was a submissive. Yeah, he’d recognized that in the bedroom, but did he expect to continue the lifestyle out of the bedroom, too?

But, he doesn’t act submissive in public.

Then, Einan remembered the way Cornelius smiled, lowering his gaze and flirting while watching through his lashes, a submissive move, watching and gauging how another reacted and adjusting his behavior accordingly. Subtly, he moved away from another’s touch so as not to offend but also didn’t invite someone to be too friendly.

Even as his mate had appeared outgoing and flirtatious, he’d still given off subtle clues to his real self.

How could I have missed it?

At least now he knew how to fix it.

Holding out his hand, Einan gently ordered, “Come here, pretty mate.”

Cornelius hesitated just an instant, then crossed to his side and took his hand. All it took was a glance toward the floor and a squeeze of his mate’s hand and the rhino shifter smoothly knelt at his feet. Fucking sexy and scary all at the same time. Other clues, now that Einan knew what to look for, told of past abuses.

If I find him, I will kill him!

Schooling his emotions, Einan smiled down at his mate. “My sweet Cornelius, the only rules are what we make. First, stop running from me.” He softened his reprimand with a quiet crooning tone and a quick press of his lips to his mate’s. “Second, you need to tell me when something is wrong. I can’t help you and care for you if I don’t know there’s a problem.”

“Yes, sir,” Cornelius instantly whispered.

“Rule three, don’t call me
. I’m your mate, not your master,” Einan quickly explained. “Call me
. You are fully capable of independent thought, and if you feel the need, do it.”

“Yes…Einan.” Cornelius peered up at him through his lashes, a shy smile playing about the corners of his lips. “Will you…if you need to punish me, please give me warning first,” he suddenly blurted, almost begged.

Einan’s jaw clenched at the insinuation and struggled against the growl of anger bubbling up his chest—not at Cornelius, but at whoever had caused his mate such self-doubt.

Although he could school his features, Einan couldn’t control his scent. Cornelius shivered and bowed his head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked for anything,” he quickly muttered.

Knowing this was his mate’s true personality, submissive, beat-down, sent a fresh wave of anger crashing through him. Hating how Cornelius trembled, and hating that he caused it, however unintentionally, Einan lunged at the shifter. His mate squeaked in alarm, his entire body stiff and unresponsive. Einan ignored that. Instead, he wrapped his arms around the man and tugged him to his chest even as they tumbled together to the floor.

Einan twisted, making certain he took the brunt of the fall, then tucked his mate against his chest and held him close. He trilled softly and nuzzled his temple. “I will never raise a hand in anger to you,” he crooned. “
I don’t know who you were with before or what happened, but I am
that man. You’re my mate, my treasure, and I value you above all others.”

They lay in silence for several minutes, just breathing in each other’s scents. Einan waited patiently, allowing his mate to calm.

Finally, Cornelius murmured, “You really believe that.”

“Yes,” Einan quickly responded, wanting to banish all his mate’s doubts. “I’ve never hit anyone in anger. I sure as hell won’t start with my mate.”

“But you were so angry.”

Einan fought back a sigh. “I was frustrated. Confused. Hurt. And, yes, angry. I didn’t understand why you flat out refused me when I explained what was required for me to go through molt.”

A sudden lethargy swept over Einan, telling him sunrise was only moments away. “I’d love to understand, but the sun is rising, and I have but a few minutes before I roost for the day.” He pressed a soft kiss to Cornelius’s neck, then nibbled the tendons for a few seconds, liking the way his mate shivered and tilted his neck for more. “Be here at sunset.” As an afterthought, he added, “Please?”

Cornelius immediately nodded, setting Einan’s mind at ease.

“Thank you.”

Einan pulled away from his mate, but Cornelius just rolled with him until he sprawled across his chest. He was about to scold his mate when the shifter pressed their lips together and slipped his tongue into his mouth. His mate’s heady buttery flavor burst across his tongue.

Just as suddenly, Cornelius pulled away and rocked to his knees. “So I’ll be the first thing you taste when you wake up,” he whispered.

Unable to do anything but grin, Einan nodded. “Thank you. Good morning, sweet Cornelius.” He reached out and traced his mate’s cheek and jaw, then released him and turned toward his bedroom. He paused in the doorway and peered back at his shifter. “The pantry is fully stocked and the DVD’s are in the cabinet to the left of the TV. Make yourself at home,” he encouraged.

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