Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt (13 page)

Read Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt Online

Authors: Charlie Richards

Tags: #GLBT, #Gay, #Paranormal, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt
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Einan brought his hand down again, eliciting another moan from Cornelius.

“Got it?” he snapped, wanting,
, an answer, needing confirmation. He brought his hand down again, this time on the other cheek.

“Yes. Always talk to you first,” Cornelius gasped out, panting hard.

“Good,” Einan rumbled.

He swatted his mate’s ass one more time, then grabbed the lube resting on the end table beside their beers. He’d say
call me a fucking optimist
, but the tube had been left there from a couple nights before. Slick had been left in multiple locations around the suite.

“Need you mate,” Einan admitted gruffly as he poured a healthy amount of lube on Cornelius’s crack.

“Y-yes, p-please,” Cornelius panted, arching his back and lifting his ass higher. “Take me. Need you, too, mate.”

Groaning, Einan’s cock jerked, tapping against his mate’s abs. He took a deep breath and focused on preparing his mate as quickly as possible. He soon had three fingers sliding smoothly in and out of Cornelius’s ass. This time, Einan moaned at the sight of his fingers moving in and out of his mate’s body, stretching the pretty tan hole he desperately wanted to bury his dick in.

Unable to wait a second longer, Einan pulled his fingers free of his shifter’s ass. He manhandled his mate until Cornelius straddled his lap, then he lined up his cock head to his sexy shifter’s hole and lowered him down.

Einan watched his prick, unable to look away as Cornelius’s body swallowed him, joining them. “Fuck, Cornelius,” he hissed through gritted teeth.

“Yeah, yeah, fuck me. Please, fuck me.”

Cornelius begged so prettily, and it caused Einan’s cock to throb. Moaning at the feel of the tight, hot muscle cocooning his prick, he released his human form. His wings sprang from his back, and he couldn’t resist spreading them and pumping them once.

Holding his mate close, Einan flew them higher, spinning slowly, as he thrust into Cornelius over and over. The heat and squeeze of his lover’s body massaging his prick combined with the mewls and whines escaping him set Einan’s blood on fire faster than he thought possible. It had him on the edge in no time, his balls pulling tight, his orgasm threatening.

Not wanting to leave his lover behind, Einan nipped and licked up the side of his mate’s neck as he squeezed one rosy ass cheek…hard. Cornelius shuddered in his arms, his legs tightening where they wrapped around Einan’s waist.

Cornelius tilted his head to the side, baring more of his neck. “Please.”

Only too happy to comply, Einan sank his teeth into his mate’s neck. His lover’s blood oozed into his mouth, the metallic tang tasting so good, so right. Cornelius screamed, his chute clamping on Einan’s prick, milking him.

Einan’s orgasm crashed over him, his balls pulling flush to his body and his cock spurting. Pleasure coursed through his system, pinging blissfully through him as he flooded his mate’s body with seed, marking him from the inside out.

Humming with satisfaction, Einan slowly lowered them back to the balcony, although he didn’t release his mate. He enjoyed being buried in his mate’s hot channel and planned to stay there for as long as possible…and maybe revisit his prick’s favorite location a few more times that night.

Settling back on the swinging chair, Einan cupped Cornelius’s jaw and smiled at the man he’d lost his heart to. They hadn’t discussed their feelings, and Einan wondered if now would be a good time.

“Thank you,” Cornelius whispered.

Einan grinned. “For fucking you? Any time, my pretty mate,” he replied, threading the fingers of his free hand through Cornelius’s thick blond hair.

His mate rolled his pretty green eyes, then muttered, “No. For coming to get me.”

Damn, his mate didn’t think he’d always come for him? Yep, definitely time to talk about their future. “Cornelius,” Einan crooned. “You are my mate. I will
come for you. I love you and have no interest in living without you.” He tightened his grip on Cornelius’s hair, keeping him steady as he peered deep in his eyes, seeing the pleasure, disbelief, and hope swimming in their depths.

“Yes, my mate. I do love you. Your happiness, your pleasure, your desires, your health. These are all important to me.” He leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his mate’s lips. “I will always come for you, and I will always do my best to give you what you need.”

Cornelius’s eyes glittered and he blinked repeatedly for a moment. Finally, he whispered, “I love you, too.”

Before more could be said, Cornelius’s phone twittered and he glanced at the screen. He squealed excitedly and snatched up the device. “Look! Gus says their egg is hatching. Can we go watch?”

Einan chuckled, amused by his mate’s excitement. “Of course, my mate.” Gently, he lifted his lover off his softened cock and his lap. “Let’s get cleaned up and head over there.”

As he watched his clearly excited mate squeal and run inside, his gaze was pulled from the shifter’s delectable ass to a small mark on his back. Cocking his head, he made a mental note to get his mate checked. He hadn’t thought Cornelius had been injured earlier, but his mate had admitted to getting hit in the kidney a time or two by Corbin.

Dismissing the thought for later, Einan hustled after his mate.


Einan followed an almost bouncing Cornelius as he trailed Tible into his suite. The gray gargoyle led the way into the living room, made small by the number of people standing around the edges, all staring fixedly at Gus and the trembling, shaking, mottled-green egg he held.

He vaguely recognized Petra and Richard, Tible’s parents—a raven shifter and a coyote shifter. A dark-haired man he didn’t recognize, but smelled of coyote shifter, must have been Peter, Tible’s brother. Einan remembered getting notified that the man was coming for a few days to see if he could catch the hatching.

Of course, in attendance, was Perseus, their clutch doctor. Then, lastly, Einan recognized Raymond, their hacker. The small, introverted gargoyle had become pretty good friends with Gus and Tible. Einan almost felt bad about having to ban him from chat rooms for a week.

Standing behind Cornelius, Einan rested his hands on his mate’s shoulders. He smiled at the
coming from his mate as they watched the egg shiver, then crack. Suddenly, something sharp broke through. A second later, a pure white wing spread, making the egg lopsided. It would have rolled if Gus hadn’t been holding it.

Einan smiled slightly at the sight of the tiny black claws that soon followed. A pang shot through him, one he recognized as longing. He and Cornelius had talked about children, and he’d been the one to put it on hold. Maybe they could revisit that soon.

“It’s customary for the parents to aid the hatchling,” Doctor Perseus told them quietly. He motioned toward the egg.

Gus reached out and stroked the outstretched wing with one big finger, making the appendage twitch. The big rhino shifter crooned encouragement while Tible reached out and used a claw to make the hole a bit larger.

After several more moments, finally,
, a small head followed the wing and claws. Big brown eyes blinked slowly, taking in the world around him. Tible reached down and, stroking a claw down the hatchling’s cheek to tickle his chin, murmured, “Hello, there. Welcome to the world, Vaclar. I’m so happy you could join us.”

Vaclar stared up at Tible, then grabbed the gargoyle’s finger in one tiny hand. “Yeah, you like being out here, huh, Vaclar?” Tible continued with non-sense words while he and Gus aided Vaclar in shedding the rest of his shell.

Soon, Gus held a pure white gargoyle hatchling in his arms. The little one sported Tible’s white hair and the rhino shifter’s brown eyes. In fact, the only other color on him was the black of his claws on his hands and feet.

Petra handed Tible a bottle and a small blanket. He offered the first to Vaclar, who quickly grabbed onto the nipple and started swallowing the goat milk as if it were the best thing he’d ever tasted. The second item Tible carefully wrapped around the little gargoyle.

“Oh, he’s so cute,” Cornelius whispered, leaning closer.

“That he is,” Einan stated. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” Gus replied, while Tible flashed a beaming smile up at him.

Einan peered over Cornelius’s shoulder, resting his hand on his mate’s lower back. When Cornelius flinched and pulled away, he remembered the bruises he’d seen. “Sorry, Cornelius,” Einan quickly stated, chagrined at his carelessness.

“Dang,” Cornelius mumbled. He rubbed his back where Einan had pressed and grimaced. “Corbin must have gotten me harder than I thought.”

“Let’s take a quick peek,” Perseus stated. The doctor gripped Cornelius’s shirt and pulled it up a bit. “Hmm, does it hurt here or here?” he asked, pressing a couple different places.

At the second touch, Cornelius hissed. “Yeah, that’s the spot.”

“What about here?” Perseus reached around and pressed the right side of his abs.

Cornelius yanked away from him. “Shit, doc. What the hell?”

Perseus shook his head, chuckling. “Your pain isn’t from a kidney shot.”

Einan’s stomach tightened at the idea of something wrong with his mate. “What is it?”

“How long have you two known each other?”

Cornelius flushed. “Um.”

“A week and a half.”

Perseus nodded and gave Einan a pointed look. “You should have waited until taking precautions for a few days. Your mate is expecting.”

“What?” Cornelius squeaked as Einan’s jaw sagged open.


The doc nodded, smirking. “Congratulations.”

“I-I…” His mate turned fearful eyes on him. “I’m sorry.”

Damn, why the hell was his mate apologizing? Then, it hit him. When they’d first talked, Cornelius had been gung-ho about the idea of having cubs right away and he’d been the one to shut him down. He’d wanted to focus on figuring out his mate first. How was Cornelius to know watching Vaclar break free of his shell had completely pushed away any trepidation?

“Awe, my pretty mate. Don’t apologize.” He lowered his voice and nipped his mate’s bottom lip lightly. Putting a little growl into his tone, he added, “
the one who can’t keep my hands off your delectable body.”

Cornelius stared up at him, his green eyes wide as he searched Einan’s face.

Seeing that his sexy rhino needed just a bit more reassurance, Einan murmured, “I’ll admit I was cautious at first.” He gave Cornelius a wry smile. “We had a rough start.” He shrugged. “I always wanted a hatchling or two, and the idea of a cute tyke floating around the room with your beautiful eyes and sweet, musical laugh is very appealing. Little Xavier will have me wrapped around his tiny claws in no time.”

“You really don’t mind?” Cornelius sounded so hopeful, his eyes wide with excitement.

“I look forward to it,” Einan replied, completely honest.

“Love you,” his mate whispered.

“Love you, too,” Einan replied, before pulling his mate into a tight hug and capturing the man’s mouth in a kiss. As he thrust his tongue deep, tasting Cornelius’s smooth masculine flavor, he knew life with his sexy flirt would never be boring.



About the Author



Charlie lives on a mini ranchette in Utah with her husband and furry, four-legged children. She started writing fantasy when she was eight, and after stumbling onto her first erotic romance at age nineteen, she realized her true calling. She now focuses on writing erotic romance, normally of the paranormal variety, with heroes and heroines of all kinds. You can often find her curled up with her laptop and a cup of tea or glass of wine, creating her next adventure. Charlie enjoys exploring the mountains on horseback, 4-wheeler, or motorcycle. Her favorite exercise is jumping lessons with her Arabian gelding Apache or her Thoroughbred mare Repo. And she can’t get enough of sexy highlanders with their kilts and swords. Right now, she and her muse are working with dedication on her Wolves of Stone Ridge series and Kontra’s Menagerie series.


She can be reached at [email protected]

Or visit her at www.charlie-richards.com



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