Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt (10 page)

Read Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt Online

Authors: Charlie Richards

Tags: #GLBT, #Gay, #Paranormal, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Taming the Enforcer’s Flirt
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Reaching toward the lamp, Cornelius squealed, his back slamming into the closed door. He peered at the figure that sat—lounged really—on the love seat. It would have been sexy déjà vu if the gargoyle had been Einan…except, it wasn’t.

He hadn’t met this gargoyle before.

In the glow of the light, the creature’s skin appeared a deep, blood red. The wings draped around his shoulders were black, as were the talons rubbing across the leather of the sofa. Maybe it was the shadows, but Cornelius thought the gargoyle’s face appeared more like a skull, with a sunken nose, and prominent bones around the eyes and jaw. Were the gargoyle’s eyes…red?

A deep, throaty chuckle rumbled through the room.

The—well, not unkind, really, more mildly amused—sound yanked Cornelius out of his thoughts. He knew he’d been caught staring, but really, how could the guy blame him? Some strange guy appears out of the dark—and sure, he was sexy in a creepy crypt master way, but still—so what did he expect?

The gargoyle snorted. “Sexy, creepy, crypt master way? Really? Is that possible?”

“Shit. Did I say that out loud?”

“You did.”

Cornelius opened his mouth, intending to apologize, really, except, what came out was, “Who are you?”

Rumbling again, obviously amused now, the gargoyle eased back on the cushioned furniture and spread his arms over the back on either side. “I’m Vane. I’m looking for Einan.”

“Sorry, he’s still out on…assignment.” Is that what Einan called it?

“Ah. I’d heard he’s going to return this evening. I’d hoped he’d be back early.” Vane stood to leave. “In that case, please let him know I stopped by. I have information he’ll find…interesting.”


Cornelius stepped to the side, backing slowly as he warily watched the huge, wait, massive gargoyle. Holy shit, he had to stand nearly as tall as Maelgwn at almost seven feet! Just as the guy reached for the door handle, the gargoyle’s name jogged his memory.

Reaching out, Cornelius grabbed Vane’s wrist.

Vane froze. He barely moved his head, just a tilt, really, but it still brought the man’s face more fully into focus. Definitely skeletal. The gargoyle had nearly no nose and his lips stretched over the bone around his teeth, barely hiding the points, making his canines even more pronounced.

Slowly, Vane’s gaze slid from Cornelius’s face, to where he gripped his wrist, to his gaze again. Vane’s eyes narrowed.

“Oh.” Cornelius lowered his gaze while snapping his hand away. “Sorry, I just…um.”

Vane cocked his head, subtly questioning.

“Uh, yeah—” He stepped back. “Einan mentioned you. Said he asked you to, um…dig into my past.” He flushed, feeling the heat rise up his cheeks. Great, not only did he have to be a Sumatran rhino shifter, he had to have fair skin that showed how uncomfortable he could be so easily.

Cocking his head, Vane leveled a cool gaze his way. “Did he now? How do you feel about that?”

The gargoyle actually seemed curious, peering at him as if Cornelius were some kind of strange puzzle.

Cornelius shrugged. “I don’t have to agree with his methods, but I get it. It wasn’t like he had friends to ask like I did.”

“You asked about him?”

Rolling his eyes, Cornelius snorted. “Hell, yeah. I know Fate picks ‘em and all, but that doesn’t mean he’s a good guy. I want to be able to like and respect my mate. Of course I’m gonna ask about him.”

“Of course,” Vane toned.

“Well, what did you find out about me?” Cornelius couldn’t help being curious. He settled a hand on his hip, cocking it out, and peered up at the huge gargoyle. “How come you’re not an enforcer? You’re huge. Or the beta?”

Cornelius slapped his hand over his mouth. He stared up at Vane, relieved to see an amused expression on the gargoyle’s face. Removing his hand, he apologized. “Sorry, that was rude. My buddy Gus is this massively huge white rhino and could have taken out our alpha any day of the week and twice on Sunday and he didn’t want to do it.” Beaming, praying he hadn’t totally offended the male, Cornelius stated, “Some guys just aren’t leadership material.”

Vane’s lip curled. “Leadership material. What an interesting choice of words,” he mused, suddenly looking introspective, as if thinking about something completely unrelated. Sucking in a sharp breath, Vane frowned. He returned his focus to Cornelius, scowling. “So it’s okay to check out a prospective love interest?”

“Well, I guess it depends on how you go about it,” he replied.

Vane actually seemed to be digesting that, nodding slowly.

Not wanting to get too sidetracked, Cornelius waved a hand and asked, “So, what about what I asked? What’d you find out on me?”

After returning to his seat on the sofa, Vane waved negligently at the chair kitty-corner to it.

Cornelius frowned, but did as Vane commanded. As he sat, he wondered why he so readily obeyed others. What had Einan said about it? They’d been talking about his experience with Corbin at the time…

Right, he’d been pointing out that he was bigger and stronger, and could easily have knocked all three men aside and walked out. Instead, he’d allowed the first, Corbin, to watch his two friends take him. First one fucked him while the other grabbed his wrists and held him down, then they’d switched. And he’d allowed it.

“Hey, whatever the hell you’re thinking, it can’t be that bad,” Vane stated. “It’s just about an ex named Corbin threatening you.” He grimaced. “Well, about him threatening your younger sister, Natalie.”

He froze. It couldn’t be!

“Corbin? N-Natalie?” He rose slowly. “That asshole has threatened my sister?”

Granted, he’d hardly spoken to her until last year, which hadn’t given them much time to bond, but blood was blood. Besides, it wasn’t Natalie’s fault that she was nearly thirty years younger than him and wasn’t allowed to pick up a phone and call him until she was eighteen…which she’d just turned less than two years before.

Cornelius had been shocked when he’d received Natalie’s call. He’d been in a
with Corbin at the time. It had been the push he’d needed to break away from the bastard.


“Raymond is really good, so I’m not sure how Corbin knows about your enrollment in school to finish your degree,” Vane stated, as if Cornelius weren’t having a mental freak-out.

“I didn’t tell him to hide it,” Cornelius whispered. This was his fault.

Wait a fucking minute. This is Corbin’s fault!
The controversial words going through his mind sounded suspiciously like Einan’s voice in his head.

“That bastard!” Cornelius snarled, anger and rage flooding every nook and cranny of his psyche, pushing aside his fear and self-loathing. “How dare he threaten her? At least, tell me Pete is doing something about it!” He glared at Vane’s lounging form, referring to his father even as he struggled to control his urge to scramble toward his cell phone and see if he had any messages.

“Your father is out of town…in Cleveland, I believe,” Vane replied.

“Shit,” he hissed. This time he gave in to his urge and snatched up his phone. As he dialed his sister’s number, he asked, “What did he say, exactly?”

Vane lifted one shoulder in half a shrug. “The usual for threats, I suppose. Return to me or I’ll use your sister as a substitute.”

Cornelius’s stomach plummeted. Sure, he’d figured that would be the threat. Or maybe,
I’ll kidnap your sister
I’ll kill your sister
. Those would almost be better. Never would he want anyone to go through what he’d endured.

His sister’s line picked up and relief filled Cornelius. It was short-lived.

“Hello, darling,” Corbin’s smooth southern drawl sounded over the line. That had been what had attracted Cornelius in the first place. The way the man spoke. He’d loved to listen to his master speak. “I was wondering when you’d call. Your sister says you talk at least once a week these days.”

Cringing, Cornelius reminded himself that Corbin was
his master, not now, not ever again. Finding his courage, he ordered, “Leave my sister alone. Get away from her.”

“How quickly you forget your place, pet.” Corbin growled, his tone chilly. “
don’t give the orders in this relationship.

Cornelius pulled his knees to his chest, hating his initial reaction to mumble an apology. He wrapped his free arm around his knees and clutched his phone tightly, pressing it almost too hard to his ear. He struggled to force his mouth and tongue to form words, any words.

Suddenly, he felt a massive hand settle on his back, stroking lightly. Cornelius looked up and found Vane standing over him. He didn’t offer platitudes, or even a smile, but suddenly a low rumbling came from the gargoyle, sounding almost like thick chains being dragged slowly across the ground.

His jaw sagged open when he realized Vane was trilling for him.

It wasn’t as soothing as Einan’s but just the idea of the huge gargoyle doing that—someone who’d been through troubles of his own, from the few things Einan had said about him—it was…sweet.

It also gave him enough courage to state, “We’re not in a relationship, Corbin. I left. We’re done.” He paused for just a second, then figured he might as well go for broke and demanded, “Give Natalie her phone and leave her alone.”

Corbin snarled. “Sure, pet.”

A second later, Natalie’s quavering voice came through the line. “C-Cornelius? P-please. Help m-me.”

Cornelius hated the absolute terror he heard. He hated Corbin for putting it there.

“I will,” he promised. He’d do anything to keep her safe, even if that meant returning to Corbin to do it.

His ex came back on the line. “Now come to Natalie’s home. Don’t keep me waiting.”

The cold excitement in Corbin’s voice sent chills down Cornelius’s spine. He lowered his gaze on instinct, even though the other shifter wasn’t even in the room. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“Good, pet,” Corbin crooned. “And, pet, come alone.” Then, the line went dead.

A sob escaped Cornelius’s throat as he lowered his phone. He desperately wished Einan were home. His mate would know what to do. Still, Cornelius realized he couldn’t sit around and wallow. His sister needed him. Now.

Sucking in a fortifying breath, Cornelius rose to his feet and away from Vane. He turned to look at the huge creature and found himself the recipient of a narrow-eyed stare. If the guy hadn’t been so nice to him, it would have concerned him.

“Please tell Einan what’s happened,” Cornelius requested, wrapping his arms around his chest. He was gonna miss his mate. Maybe, just maybe, Einan would forgive him leaving and come for him. That thought heartened him a bit. These past days had been the best ever in his life.

“I’m not letting you go alone, Cornelius,” Vane stated gruffly.

Cornelius’s brows shot up. “Huh?”

“I’m coming with you, or rather, taking you. I’ll fly you there. It’ll only take a couple of hours. Your herd’s new stomping grounds are close.”

“They are?” Why hadn’t his sister told him?

As if reading his mind, or hell, maybe he’d spoken out loud again, Vane explained, “Everyone in your herd was ordered to secrecy about their change of location. It’s on a need to know basis.”

“Then how’d you find out?” Cornelius asked, following along behind the huge gargoyle as he led out of the room.

Vane smirked. “Obviously, I needed to know.”

“Obviously,” Cornelius mumbled. Another thought struck. “Wait!” He just resisted the urge to grab Vane’s wrist again, especially when the gargoyle didn’t even slow down as they moved down the hallway. “Wait, he said to come alone.”

Snorting, Vane shook his head. “I don’t follow orders from him. And you don’t either,” he snapped, frowning over his shoulder at him.

Once more, the odd light filled Vane’s eyes. It made Cornelius feel like his current companion was a few fries short of a happy meal. Still, if he couldn’t have Einan by his side, or Gus, this gargoyle seemed to be able to take care of himself.

“Oh, shit, Gus!”

“What about him?”

“I’m supposed to meet him and Tible for dinner.”

“Better call them and tell them you can’t come.”

“What should I say?” He’d never been a good liar, and Gus would know straight away.

“That you can’t come.”

Cornelius paused at that, then rushed to catch up with Vane. The gargoyle’s long strides ate up the ground, making him rush. Shrugging, Cornelius hit two on speed dial. By the time Gus greeted him—
Hey, you runnin’ late, buddy?
—he was nearly out of breath trying to keep up with him.

“I can’t make it,” he puffed.

Gus laughed. “Einan get home early?” he teased.

He was saved from having to answer by Vane opening a door. He squeaked and hopped out of the way before it hit him in the nose. “Gotta go,” he said and disconnected upon Gus’s laughter.

Cornelius really wished he were actually being ravished by his mate instead of rushing off to face his ex, but if he’d told Gus, his friend would want to help. And there was no way he’d pull his buddy away from Tible and their egg now. It was due to hatch any day.

As Cornelius watched, Vane leaned through the open doorway and handed a small envelope to Raymond. “Don’t open it and give it to Einan as soon as he arrives,” he ordered gruffly.

From the clearly intimidated expression on Raymond’s face, Cornelius figured he was in decent hands.


Chapter Ten



Einan weaved the SUV through traffic. Seeing the red light ahead, he groaned and slammed on the brakes. He tapped his thumb restlessly on his trouser-clad thigh. The material moved easily with him, but still in his frustrated state, he wished he could rip it from his body and shift to his gargoyle form.

“Fucking change already,” he growled. “I’m late enough as it is.”

As if heeding his words, the light flipped to green. Einan stomped on the accelerator, causing the vehicle to shoot forward. It took another five minutes for him to reach the restaurant. He tossed his keys to the valet, snatched the ticket, and rushed inside.

Having never been inside a restaurant of this caliber, Einan paused a couple seconds to get his bearings…and for his eyes to adjust to the dim mood lighting. His expression must have been one of confusion or something, for a human behind a podium stepped from behind the stand and approached him.

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