Sweet Immortal (The Golden Collection) (11 page)

BOOK: Sweet Immortal (The Golden Collection)
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“Maxwell Thomas” I said with pride.

“Do I know him?”


“What happened to...” He began to click his fingers. “Blake?”

I felt my cheeks blush. I was surprise he hadn't heard after all the newspaper reports on Blake and his Mother.

“He's mine now” boomed a voice. I turned in her direction and there she was. All power suit and her phone in its favourite place. “Bottle of white please, Peter.”

I looked back at Peter and smiled. “Talk later?” I followed Amy to a free table and sat down. Peter brought over the wine and glasses.

“Enjoy, ladies” and he disappeared.

I watched as Amy poured the wine while I sat in complete silence. Why did I feel awkward? We had known each other for years and it had never felt like this before. Although, we had never fell out like this... Ever!!

She handed me a glass. “How are you?”

“Good....” I took a sip. “And you?”

“Good” she replied.

We both began to drink our drinks. This really was uncomfortable and I really didn't like it. I couldn't bare it any longer. One of us had to make the first move and it looked like it was down to me.



Page 35



              “I'm sorry” I blurted out. Amy just stared at me with her mouth wide open. I don't know why she looked shocked. Truthfully out of us both she was more stubborn than I was. “I should of never reacted the way I did. If Blake makes you happy then it really isn't any of my business.”

Amy gave a crooked smile. “I'm sorry too. I should of just been honest with you. After all your like a sister to me. I missed you.”

I put my glass down and reached over for her hand. “From now on we never fight over men. Deal?”

“Deal” She squeezed my hand. “What have you been up to?”

I shrugged. “Only this!” I held up my engagement ring hand and Amy's mouth dropped open. “Me and Maxwell are getting married” I giggled.

“You waste no time. Let me see that...” She leant froward and took a good look. “That flashy fucker” she raised an eyebrow. She was giving me that look again. The one where she knew something about me and I hadn't told her.

She back down in her seat her eyes still glaring at me. “Anything else you would like to share with me?” I shook my head. I really had no idea what she was talking about. She gave a slight smile and picked up her phone. What was she doing? She spun the phone round to me and I had to look twice. It was an advert for a perfume and there I was with Riley. Both of us in underwear simulating a sex scene.




The photo shoot, that was what it was for. I grabbed the phone off her and just stared.

Was that really me?

I actually looked hot. Now I could understand why Maxwell had made me do it. I doubted I actually looked like this. They probably airbrushed it.

“Where did you get this from?” I asked finally looking up.

“It's everywhere” she laughed. “I knew Riley left, but I didn't know Maxwell had hired him. How come your in the shoot? Career change?”

“No!” I quickly replied. “The other model didn't show up and I got forced to do it.” I felt a little uneasy now. How many people had seen me in my underwear? Why hadn't Maxwell warned me about it?

I didn't want to think about it no more. I handed Amy back her phone. “So.. Tell me about you? How are things between you and Blake?” I watched her eyes go dreamy. She really did like him. Not many men had this effect on Amy Alexis. Besides, the witch would prefer her hands down to me. At least that would make Blake's life easier.

“Fucking brilliant!” she hushed. Looked like life was finally good for everyone.


              Dead on nine James picked me up and escorted me home. Just and like he had promised Maxwell was waiting for me on the sofa.

“Come” he ordered holding out his arms. I sat down on his lap and allowed him to hold me tight. There was no better welcome than this. I relaxed into him and took in his intoxicating aroma. He was dressed in a track suit and fresh from a shower.

“I've seen it” I whispered slowly kissing his neck. I heard a groan deep within his throat and his hand disappeared underneath my skirt.

“Seen what?” He moved his head back to give me more access to his neck.

“The advert.”


Page 36



“Fucking hot, don't you think? Shame it was with Riley and not me. Otherwise I would blow it up and plaster it on the office wall” he gave a little chuckle. He slowly moved his hand inside my thong. “I get hard just looking at it.” With his index finger softly he began to massage my sweet spot. I could feel his erection digging into my hip. I loved the way I had full control of his body.

My tongue began in invade his mouth, I was hungry for him and needed him to be inside me. I climbed off and laid down on the sofa. I watched as he pulled down his track suit bottoms and his manhood was erected and ready for pleasure. His hands moved up my thighs and his fingers grabbed hold of my thong. In one quick motion he had pulled it to the side and plunged his most precious possession deep inside me.

My head moved back and I gave out a groan. He began to rock and swirl his hips.

“I want it hard and fast” I moaned in his ear. He looked down at me and have a wicked grin. Every muscle in my body clenched and warmed. I loved this man and he loved me. He was mine and I was his.

“Then we should give you what you want” he hissed. He began to pump into me, his fingers dig into my hips and he picked up speed. I closed my eyes as I went to that mind blowing special place. The explosion hit me hard and my whole body convulsed.

“You looked sexy when I make you come” I looked up and he was beamed. Slowly he pulled himself out of me slightly and then... Bang, he slammed hard into me and found his own release. He fell on top of me pushing me in to the sofa. I could his heavy breathing and I hugged him hard.

My Mr Golden Rule.....



























Page 37



              “And she was fine about it?” I said shocked. I think I was more shocked that Georgina had quickly got engaged rather than her being fine with me and Amy.

“Yeah” Amy giggled. “She’s moved on, Blake. She has her dream man now.. Just like I have mine.”

“Dream man?” I blushed. “I would not go that far.”

The front door opened and Riley appeared. “Look what I've got” he sang looking really excited. His eyes looked at Amy and what ever he had went behind his back. I gave him a strange look. What was going on?

“I have already seen it!” Amy snapped.

“seen what?” I asked. I was not really confused. My eyes went from Amy to Riley. “What's going on?”

Riley looked down at his feet. “I didn't realize she would be here.” Amy folded her arms and glared at Riley. I thought Riley was going to self combust with the intensity from the look.

Amy finally looked at me. “Your friend here” she began. “Has now signed with my competition.”

Riley held up his free hand in protest. “It's not like that. In my defence I never actually signed with you.”

“You didn't actually tell me either” Amy yelled.

I was even more confused now. What were the pair going on about. “Look, would someone please inform me...” I looked from Amy to Riley. Finally Amy jumped up, ran over and whipped whatever Riley had behind his back.

“Take a look for yourself” Amy threw it at me. I held the magazine up and had a good look. Riley and some hot blonde were in underwear and it looked like they were having sex.

“This is amazing, Riley. Who's the girl?”

Riley gave a smug smile. “That would be Miss Dawson aka Georgina.” My eyes diverted back to the magazine. That was actually Georgina? Wow, she looked amazing. No, amazing was an understatement... She looked hot. I couldn't take my eyes away from her. My girl? A model?

Amy must of noticed my reaction as she snatched the magazine off me. “Put the eyes back in the sockets, stud!”

“Sorry” I blushed.

“I'm still pissed at you!” Amy turned to Riley. “But he's right it is good even though you did screw me over!”

“I can live with that” Riley shrugged. “My magazine please” he held out his hand and Amy handed it over. “Thank you, if you will excuse me.” With that Riley disappeared into his room leaving me and Amy alone. I could sense an atmosphere between us. Had my reaction to that photo been that blatant?

“I saw your face” she snapped breaking the uneasy tension.

“Excuse me?” I laughed trying to look dumb. It wasn't everyday you saw your ex plastered over a page in underwear and you certainly didn't want your new girlfriend to witness it.

“The way you looked at that magazine!” She walked over and grabbed her bag. “You were practically fucking her with your eyes.” I ran a hand through my hair and took in a deep breath. “When are you going to get over her?”

Amy was right, I stared down at my hands... When was I going to get over her? Every time I thought I was over her something popped up. I jumped up and grabbed Amy's wrist. I couldn't allow Georgina getting in between us. I had to  forget about her and consecrate on Amy. A wonderful person who cared and wanted to be with me. I studied her face it was covered with hurt. I felt bad.

“I'm sorry” I placed my hand behind her neck. “Even more sorry knowing I've hurt you.”

Page 38



              “You haven't hurt me” she snarled. “No one can hurt me!”

“Maybe you can teach me to be tough?” I bent down and kissed her soft lips. She had such desirable lips. “I need you, Amy” I whispered as I pulled away and hugged her tightly. I let out an agonizing breath. I did need her more that I had thought.

Yet, I knew that fucking smug bastard Maxwell was still laughing at me. I could feel my mouth tighten. If only I could get some revenge, wouldn't that help? If only there was something dark on him. Just something little to destroy his life like he did to me!

Amy pulled away and gazed up at me with her big brown eyes. “What you thinking about?”

“You” I lied and Amy returned back into her original position.

There had to be something?


              That night I couldn't settle. What I had thought about earlier tonight kept running through my head. I knew Amy was fast asleep and she wouldn't catch me. I just knew there was no way Maxwell could be as perfect as he made out to be. All I wanted was one piece of information on him. I sat down at the breakfast bar and switched my lap top. I loaded up Goggle and entered Maxwell Thomas into the search bar.

BOOK: Sweet Immortal (The Golden Collection)
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