Alexis: Evil Reborn

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Authors: Nolan Barcroft

BOOK: Alexis: Evil Reborn
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.


Alexis: Evil Reborn


COPYRIGHT © 2015 by Patient0Incognito


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


Publishing History

First Edition, April 2013 Title: The Need

      Second Edition, December  2015 New Title: Alexis: Evil Reborn


Published in the United States of America



Chase Boehner


Alexis wiped a hand across her sweat drenched forehead. The fire blazed through the toy factory and the blare of the alarms echoed through her panicked thoughts as she tried to make sense of what was happening.

Seconds ago an explosion tore through the small factory, interrupting her routine at the assembly line where her quick, nimble fingers checked the dolls for defects before heading on to packaging. The blast, immediate and fierce, ripped through the assembly room in a flash of heat and pressure. The aftermath left overturned equipment and melted plastic dolls everywhere.

Alexis grunted as she gasped for air that burned her lungs with each inhalation. Pieces of sanity broke through as she took in her surroundings. One of her arms was caught under the overturned metal belt, pulped in a mess of blood and flesh.

“I don’t want to die,” she said, her voice cracking like dry, dead leaves.

Alexis was stuck, pinned by the heavy machinery, and the slow realization of impending death crept across her flame blistered face. What was left to do but die before the shock wore off and the pain overwhelmed her, leading to a slow torturous death?

Cries reached out for help, for comfort and reassurance, but her voice would not join the chorus. Weak and raw, it rattled, and the fire heated breathes she had already taken were rushing her toward darkness. She felt the icy fingers of death squeezing her lungs and heart even through the searing air. Hot tears streaked from the corners of her eyes as she began to give up.

A minute passed in slow ebbing pain as her vision narrowed and the blackness of oblivion closed about its edges. A foot away from her she found her last focal point. The head of an Emma Doll, its plastic, raven locks already melted and one side of its tiny, clementine sized head melting until a nickel’s worth of space had opened.

She laughed, hoarse and hacking, as the absurdity of a life wasted was reflected back at her through the tiny dolls disfigured head. It was fitting, she thought, to die staring at the ridiculous little toy she had wasted so many years of her life on assembling.

There was movement in the dolls head; the quick flicker of a snake-like tail, black and scaly.

“But how?” she rasped. In these final moments it was the how that bothered her, not her imminent death. The heads were solid pieces of plastic. Fifteen years on the assembly line had taught her that much about the product. She could write it off to hallucination if, in fact, the movement was not escalating as it did now.

The tail vanished from sight and a small, leathery head emerged from the melting opening.  A tar black, cracked tongue darted out and licked at the scorched air. And its eyes, red and alert, had fallen on her. A flurry of blurred motion confused her momentarily, and then it was there, clawing at her agape mouth and forcing itself down her damaged air way. 

She would have screamed, if that was an option, but she was beyond producing sound now. If the strange little creature wanted to curl up inside her and die with her, then so be it. There was nothing left to fight for, so she welcomed the encroaching dark as it swept over her.

Her eyes flew open, and suddenly alert she moved, fighting against the belt pinning her down. She shifted on the floor, aware of the orange blaze consuming everything around her, and braced her legs against the overturned equipment. She could see her exposed skin blistering under the intense heat of the devouring flames. Suddenly she didn’t accept death as the final answer. Gritting her teeth beneath her splitting lips, she shoved hard and her arm tore free at the elbow leaving the ruined flesh behind to burn into ash.

Something’s off, she thought as she stumbled toward freedom. She should be dead, but step by step, moment by moment, the increasing inferno caused her less pain and her vision was clearing up. Looking down, she saw her clothes were tattered or burned off. One bare breast jiggled, exposed to the air with the plastic arm of a doll seared to the ample flesh. She reached up with her remaining arm and tore it free.

Her screamed pierced the factory, the only noise left besides the crackling of the flames and the crumbling of various objects being claimed by them.

She reached the north wall. Her body reacted before her mind could comprehend its actions. Her left leg shot out and kicked a hole in the wall, sending huge cement bricks flying off. She struggled to understand how she could be capable of such a superhuman feat, but the need to survive spurred her on and she squeezed through the small opening to the fresh air outside.

The morning sun mirrored the blaze inside and seared her with its bright assault.  She went to cover her eyes with her right arm, but half of it remained inside. She raised her left, blocked the rays with it, and pushed forward, breaking into a limping run toward the forest, visible just past the parking lot.

It’s shaded there. It’s safe there. We can heal there.

“We?” she said, her voice returning, “Who the fuck is we?”

Alexis couldn’t panic anymore, her body simply had nothing left and she collapsed just inside the wooded expanse, landing face first in a carpet of soft green moss.

A beetle crossed her plain of vision as for the second time her consciousness began to recede. She felt the faintest stirring of hunger spark inside, stirring her appetite. “So odd,” she thought. Her jaw creaked open, charred muscles having trouble with the motion and her tongue, insanely long and split at the end, speared out and snatched the beetle. An instant later she heard the crunching in her head as she chewed. She passed out again before she could scream.




Wake up!

Alexis was sprawled across her apartment’s carpeted floor. Movement came hard. Something was constricting her attempt to rise and when she lifted her lids to see her surroundings, it was through a milky film.

She started kicking, realizing she was encased in some kind of cellophane type bubble, suspended in cream colored mucus. One kick, two, and finally a third and the bubble, at last punctured, released its contents. Instinct spurred her on and she slid down and out of the egg like case.

Coughing and scrambling, she pushed herself up with both arms and rose to stand in the muck of her rebirth.

“Wait,” she said, remembering the explosion and the fire.
There had to be more.
The rest hit her hard, the memories crashing down, flooding her head like a burst dam and she knew what happened.

Fresh tears threatened, but she held them off and ran for a mirror, clutching the forearm that should be ash by now, left behind, a victim to the flames.

She shouldered open the bathroom door, desperate for answers. The cool tiles, slippery against her fluid covered feet, caused her to slip. Her scream never surfaced as her back collided with the floor, slamming the breathe out of her lungs. 

Get up! Get up and see my gift to you. 

The voice again, clawing forth from the dark recesses of her mind. Calm washed over her and she filled her lungs with the stale air of her apartment. The voice soothed her, an intimate friend sweeping the pain from her body and allowing her to stand again.

“Who are you?” she said, turning to peer into the mirror.

My race is the suppressed. We were damned for our sins, for satiating the Need we were born with, and then cursed in these putrid forms. We have crawled back over the millennia and we will thrive once more. You are my vessel. Now I am yours and you are mine. That is all you need to know. Live with me or die without me.

“I chose life,” she said to her reflection, her humanity recoiling at the image. The fluid clung to her, warm and sticky, as if she had been dipped in honey. Her obsidian hair was slicked tight to her scalp, but it was her arm and face she stared at now. Her face was no longer scarred and blistered by the fire. Her skin seemed soft and smooth and the crow’s feet and wrinkles that had creased her once vibrant beauty were gone. The dark blue of her eyes shone no longer, replaced by black rings and a red center, almost glowing, that reminded her of the inferno.

She raised her arm, spreading the newly grown appendage, splaying out her fingers while twisting her hand and then finally making a fist. She felt power like she had never possessed. A slow, full lipped smile spread deviously across her renewed features.

Good girl. You will be the start of our rebirth and your reward shall be eternal life. You are whole now and very soon the Need will consume you as it has us. Together we are Queen!

Alexis liked the sound of that, Queen. Her life had been hard and painful, bouncing from one abusive relationship to the next. But now she felt true power coursing through her veins and firing her soul. The painful aches of past abuses no longer throbbed in tear inducing reminders.

She started a hot shower, tracing her fingers over no longer existing scars, inside and out. The jaw that had clicked since being broke by an angry ex-lover was now strong and straight. He had hit her after he had failed to cum during sex, blaming her for his own inadequacies. And there were more from other relationships, a cut on her hip after barely avoiding being stabbed, the dull ache of broken ribs after being kicked and beaten, and a myriad of emotional scars from being told she was worthless and a whore.

They all washed away from her, fading down the drain, the hot spray cleansing her, body and soul, as the creature inside remade her into something more than what she could have ever hoped for.

With the cleansing, desire awoke, the first time in ages she had felt the hot flush of need swell her clit and invade her womb. She needed release this instant and sank to the soapy floor, shower head in hand and bracing her bent legs against the other side of the plastic tub. She twisted the head to a pulsating, steady line and, pulling her hood back with her free hand, directed the hard stream directly onto her clit. There was no build up, no steady throbbing into a shuddering orgasm. The release was immediate and wracked her core. The years of shame and abuse no longer holding her, and the years of frustration exploding behind her closed lids shook her. A primal, ancient scream, buried deep inside her exploded out and her legs, flexed against the weak plastic, convulsed until the thin barrier shattered and her feet disappeared into the wall. 

“Damn, that was wonderful,” she said, dropping the shower head. The sight of her legs leading into the wall caused a short fit of laughter and her breasts jiggled with the effort. “I don’t fucking care about this place. It’s just us girls now.”

Yes, and so it shall always be. Your release will not leave you satisfied for long. It was empty, meaningless. Soon you will gather what we need and you will understand our role here.




Alexis lived in one of the four apartments the old house was split into. She had a view of the street and shared an entrance into the basement with the tenant of the other lower apartment. This place had been her refuge when she finally had decided to run and start a new life, but her luck had followed her here, to the small town of Harper’s Hollow. Her life seemed stuck on repeat, move, get a shit job and shit boyfriend and then get abused. Wash, rinse, repeat…just like her shampoo instructions, only sad and pathetic.

“How long have we been here?” Alexis asked, already at one with the presence inside. She crossed to her window and drew back a curtain, peeking outside. She saw black smoke rising in the distance, from the toy factory where she worked. “It’s still burning?”

It’s been six hours of your time.

Six hours? Alexis reeled back from the window, shaken. It felt like days had passed and here she was alive in her apartment, recreated through the new life inside her. “My god, they’ll be looking for me.”

Yes. It is not important. We will go and start the breeding. You will not want anything more than me, and to feed the Need.

And it was true; she wanted nothing more than to feel the vibrancy of life coursing through her veins, the companionship of her new entity and the rising desire to fuck,breed and reproduce.

“Reproduce what? What am I now? What did I wake up in and how the hell did I get to my apartment?” The questions flew fast, speeding past her lips as soon as her mind formed them. How had she not questioned all of this yet? How much had changed in her? How much did she really care if they had?

My species are the first life, the filth born from the excrement of the world as it was formed. We ruled and thrived until we became lazy and man suppressed us, chased us back down into the earth where we lay, dormant and adapting until our return.

Now, you are more than you were, as too, am I. I don’t exist in the form you first saw me in. I crawled into you, gave up my body and became one with you. We are power and purpose.

“You brought me here?”

Yes, and the changes I made allowed you to live. You secreted the fluid that formed the regenerative shell around you.

Alexis stood in the center of her living room, seemingly talking to herself. It struck her how strange the image might be, but pushed it down, desperate for more answers.

She would have to wait. Sirens wailed outside and the screech of tires against tar could be heard on the street.

“Shit,” she said, lurching into action. She leaped forward toward the door, punching out her newly formed arm, and blew it open. Seconds later she had descended the stone steps and entered the laundry area, a dimly lit room that reeked of mold and old sweat. The basement entrance lay in the back, past the ancient washer and dryer that rattled next to her.

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