Sweet Immortal (The Golden Collection) (12 page)

BOOK: Sweet Immortal (The Golden Collection)
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Instantly a ton of results came up:


Maxwell Thomas hits USA.

Maxwell Thomas with new girlfriend.

Maxwell Thomas has an affair with PA

Maxwell Thomas-Is he sleeping with Veronica Hart?


              None of these were dark or deadly. I skipped ahead to page four. That urging feeling was overwhelming me and it suddenly felt like an obsession. An obsession to pull Maxwell's life apart and leave him with nothing. Just like he had done to me when he took Georgina away.


              Maxwell Thomas-The business

Maxwell Thomas signs Veronica Hart

Maxwell Thomas-Is the Father to my child a blog by Debbie Harris.


              My eyes widened I never knew he had a child! I clicked on the link straight away, I was intrigued and wanted to find out more. It landed on a blog page. A picture of dark woman, a child and Maxwell appeared. They were all sat hugging and smiling, the photo must have been taken a few years ago. I began to scroll down, it was a little boring. A day to day account of her life with Maxwell. Her moaning about him not being home, working to much, possibility of him cheating, her bored with life. God! This wasn't going to help me. I wanted dirt! Finally, I got to the last post



July 2012

I met his new girlfriend today... Some young dumb model type. Typical, she is younger than him. Probably going through a mid thirty’s crisis! She doesn't deserve him. I made a terrible mistake leaving him. At the time I thought it was the right thing to do. Now, I regret everything. I wish he would read this and understand how much I love him. I need him back and Olivia needs her Father. She needs her real family.



Page 39



              As I write this my husband will be getting home from work. He will find a letter on the table and find us gone. I am heading to England to get back what is rightfully mine. I will get him back...No matter what!



I sat back  and gave a satisfying smile... I had found it! This woman needed my help and I would kindly offer her it. Maybe, when thinking about it clearly this wasn't revenge on Maxwell. Maybe I wanted to hurt Georgina more. This would, taking Maxwell away from her. I wanted Georgina to suffer just like I was. Watch her perfect world crumble away and leaving her in the same state she left me. I had to find this Debbie. I grabbed my phone. There was only one person I knew who could help me. In fact they would take complete delight in destroying Miss Georgina Dawson's life!


*     *      *



“Blake!” She smiled.

“Mother” I replied.

She had agreed to meet and help me. She was staying in Randolph hotel and my Father had filed for divorce and forced her to leave the family home. She looked fragile and had aged at least ten years in the last month or so. A wave of guilt crashed through me, I had done this to her! Another woman was sat with her. I recognized her face from the Blog page, it was Debbie. I could always re-lie on my Mother, she never seemed to let me down.

I held out my hand. “Blake Waterman.”

She shook my hand and gave a little smile. “Debbie, please to meet you.”

I took my seat at the table. “You too” I replied nervously. I didn't know where to start.

“Wine?” Debbie asked holding up a glass.

I shook my head. “no thanks, I'm trying to cut down.”

“Please to hear it” my Mother snapped. I could tell by her voice she was still pissed at me. Yet again, if someone smashed my head in I would be too.

“So,” Debbie began. “What exactly is this all about? Its not everyday someone calls me and demands I get here quick.”

I looked over at my Mother and urged her on with my eyes. She took the hint and coughed. “We want to help you.” I watched Debbie narrow her eyes. “Help you get Maxwell back. You see Debbie, Georgina destroyed my family. She ripped us apart and left me with nothing. She inflicted pain on my son and he truly isn't over it. We don't want her doing it to you.”

Wow, I was impressed. My Mother had a way with words. Debbie shifted in her seat and her eyes moved from me to my Mother. Debbie finally sat back in her seat. “And want do you suggest I do about her?” Her tone was low.

My Mother gave a little chuckle. “It's simple... Let me explain.”

I allowed my Mother to reveal her plan, she had worked out every small detail. Thank god I had come to her for help, I would of never come up with this. The need to make Georgina suffer was now bigger than ever. A smug smile came to my face, this is what she deserved and I was going to rip her apart just like she had done to my heart!




Page 40



*     *      *



              “Special Delivery!” Maxwell sang walking into the bedroom carrying a tray. He placed it down on my lap and gave me his special smile. “Breakfast” he kissed my cheek and walked round to his side of the bed.

“Wow, I could get use to this” I joked looking down at my toast,coffee and a red rose on the tray. He was a secret romantic despite the cold business man persona he liked to switch on and off.



My Mr Golden Rule sat down next to me and grabbed a slice of toast. “I want you to” he took a bite and I watched his eyes lit up. He really was such a magical man. My stomach flipped and really handsome and he was all mine. I looked over at the clock it was past nine!

“Maxwell... We should be at work!”

He gave a little laugh. “No work for us today! We have something special tonight.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Which is?”

He copied my reaction. “Your very inquisitive?”


He laughed again. “I am not telling you!”


He gave the cold stare and his lips twitched. “Will you stop with the questions! Wait and see, Miss Dawson. You will love it and that is a promise.”

“Maxwell!” I shrieked, sometimes he was the most frustrating man EVER!!! “You can't leave me hanging like this.”

That magically mouth pouted and his eyes filled with that sexy glim. God, the things a look could do to me. “Hanging? No not hanging..” His toned changed to that low dangerous sound. “I could cuff you to the bed and leave you here all day.”

“And what pleasure would I get from that?” I tried to pretend he was not affecting me which was quite difficult. He controlled my body and he knew it.

“Any time I required my fix you would be here willing and waiting.” I could hear the arousal filling his voice and I was biting down on my lip. Just the thought of it was turning me on. “Eat!” He ordered, his mood changing in an instant. I rolled my eyes, he was bossing me around again! I would much prefer being cuffed and being used as his sex slave. I gave a little laugh. What had happened to me? I had turned into an sex addict. No, not a sex addict. My addiction was with Maxwell Thomas. I gazed over at his his beautiful face; His strong jaw, sparkling blue eyes, delicious mouth and his red hair all roughed up.

“Enjoying something, Miss Dawson?” He said looking at me from the corner of his eye.

“Busted!” I laughed.

“Oh!” He sat up and stared at me. “Now your using my lines?”

“What can I say? I like what I see....”

He moved a little closer. “How about I love what I see?” He leaned froward to kiss me.

I picked up a slice of toast. “I need to eat!”

He groaned and slumped down next to me. “Miss Dawson, your very frustrating at times!”

I gave a little smile. “Oh Mr Golden Rule... If only you knew!”




Page 41



I stormed into my office. What was important that it couldn't wait till tomorrow? Being called in on the one day I wanted off was a piss take! Jan was sat my desk with another man. Security? I never actually had anything to do with them.

“What's this about?” I bellowed taking my place on my throne.

“We are really sorry for calling you in” The man from security began. “We would just prefer talking to you without miss Dawson present.”

I glared at him. “And you are?”

“Ted, Mr Thomas. I am head of security. Jan requested I came to see you regarding the package you received today.”

“What package?” My attention turned to Jan.

“This one” Jan placed a brown box on my desk. “Ted believes it was hand delivered as there is no postage mark. You should really look inside, Mr Thomas. Its very disturbing to say the truth.”

I pulled the box towards me and slowly lifted the lid off. It was a heart necklace just like the one I had made for Georgina. The only difference was on the heart there was a charm in the shape of a gun. My blood ran cold.

“The card!” Ted said. “You should read the card.”

I pulled the little gold card out of the box and began to read...




Dear Miss Dawson,

Here is a gift I want you to have. The heart means nothing as for the gun it is yours. I'm just sorry I didn't get the chance to engrave your name on the gun charm. The actual one does have your name on it.....


              I slowly looked up, I didn't understand! Was this some joke? Jan and Ted looked deadly serious. The tiny hairs on my arms were standing. My heart was racing. Who would want to hurt Georgina? I placed the card back in the box and pushed it away. I couldn't bare to look at it no more. I jumped straight into boss mode.

“Have you checked the CCTV?”

“Yes and there was nothing suspicious” Jan said. “I think we should call the police!”

“No!” I yelled. “It will cause media attention and we really could live without that.” I began to tap my fingertips on my desk. What were we going to do? There was some freak out there wishing my future wife dead! Fucking dumb twisted cunt! It was my job now to keep her safe and make sure no one hurt the woman I craved.

“Ted!” I jumped up and began to pace. “I want you to check everyone in the building and see if anyone saw anything. This must all be kept secret and not a word said to Georgina.”

“Is that wise?” Jan ask.

I froze on the spot and gave her the cold stare. I placed my hand up in away to kindly say keep out of this. Jan looked down at her hands and I carried on with my orders. “Ted, I want you to hire a body guard and I want him with Georgina 24/7. Once again I do stress Georgina does not find out about this. I really don't want her freaking out.”

“I'll do it straight away” Ted nodded.

“Maxwell! I think she should know.”



Page 42



BOOK: Sweet Immortal (The Golden Collection)
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