Shattered Hart (12 page)

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Authors: Ella Fox

BOOK: Shattered Hart
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A knock at my hotel door halts my planning session.  Checking myself in the mirror one more time, I smile.  Tonight I’ve chosen a long black skirt with
slits on either side.  I’ve paired the skirt with an indigo blue silk blouse and a beautiful pair of Christian
ankle boots.  I’ve styled my hair down in loose waves, but have pulled it back on one side and held in place with a jeweled clip.

Opening the door to my suite, I smile when I see Damien there.
Of course he’s the one that comes to pick me up.  He wouldn’t have let anyone else.
I see it so much more clearly now.  He can’t stay away. 

He lets out a whistle
but then
grimaces midway. “Alri
ght, that was probably a little
e.  But honestly, I couldn’t help it.  You look ravishing.”

“Aw thanks Damien.  That’s very sweet of you to say.”

He smiles at me as I grab my handbag, and we make our way out of the suite to meet the family for dinner.  Once in the hall, I slide my arm through his as we make our way to the elevators.  It’s a fight not to smirk when I hear his harsh intake of breath as I touch him. 

Dinner with the family is fun, as usual.  Spencer is in rare form tonight, and he’s performing for everyone.  He does spot on impressions of a bunch of celebrities, and he’s got us all in stitches for most of the meal.

After di
nner, we make our way outside of the restaurant and get into two limousines and head off to see a show at the Mirage.
I've made sure to stick close to Damien without being obvious.  I'm trying to break his defenses down, not stalk him. 

Luck was in my f
avor tonight, because when Damien
handed out our tickets for the show, my seat was right next to
.  Score!

The rest of the evening passes in a happy blur, and before I know it we're back at the hotel.  Delilah and Dominique are itching to go clubbing, but after what happened last night, I want no parts of it.
  I claim fatigue and beg off for the night, heading up to my suite to watch a movie.

I was shocked when Damien came running up behind me while I was waiting for the elevator. 

"Hey.  Are you okay?"

I smiled at him and nodded.  "Yes, of course.  Don't tell the others, I just don't feel up to clubbing here after what happened last night."

The flash of anger in his eyes is downright chilling,
thankfully he gets it quickly under control. 

m so fucking sorry that I wasn't there last night sweetheart.  None of this ever would happened if I'd done what I should have and come with you.  I put you in jeopardy with my selfishness."

Shoving at his chest, I glare at him.  "Stop it.  You aren't responsible for what happened.  I'm the one that
got drunk and then
made the bad choice of dancing with that fool."

Just at that moment, the elevator gives a ping and the doors slide open.  Smiling up at Damien, I step inside. 
"Have fun tonight.  I'll see you all in the morning."

I startle when he steps in after me and presses the button for our floor.  Raising an eyebrow at my shocked expression, he stares at me for a moment. 
  You really thought I was just going to leave you alone?  Obviously, I'm staying here with you.  How about we order some dessert from room service and watch a movie?"

Normally I'd argue with him and point out that I'm not some hapless woman who can't be alone.  But right now, he's playing right into my hands by staying, so I'll be saying nothing.  The more time we spend together, the better.

I force myself not to grin like an idiot and instead settle on what I hope is a normal smile.  "That sounds like fun. 
Thank you."

Once in my suite, we spend a few minutes looking at the room service menu and choosing desserts.   I choose a slice of chocolate cake and Damien orders a black and white milkshake.

After the order is placed Damien runs to his room to change in to jeans and a t-shirt while I change in to a pair of emerald green silk boxer shorts and a tiny white midriff baring t-shirt, sans bra. 

The look on his face when he comes back in to my suite is priceless.  There is nothing indecent about what I'm wearing, but now that I know that he's attracted to me, I know it's driving him wild.

While we wait for room service, we go through the on demand and choose a movie.  I let him talk me in to Paranormal Activity, knowing it will give me an excuse to cling to him if I get "scared."

When dessert comes, we dig in with gusto.  I moan when I bite in to the delicious chocolate cake.  "Oh god Damien, it's so good."

I actually didn't mean that in any kind of a sexual way, so w
hen his eyes flare with arousal as he stares at my mouth, for a moment I'm surprised.  Once I realize why he's got that look on his face, I kick it up a notch by licking my lips.

Getting another forkful of cake, I hold it out for him to take a bite.  His eyes startle up to mine and his throat moves as he swallows.  Leaning forward, he takes his bite of the cake. 

Smiling at him I say, "Isn't it delicious?"

He nods his head as he continues chewing.  Knowing that I have his full attention, I bring the fork back up to my mouth and lick it. 
  You left some behind and I don't want to waste any of this."

The heat in his eyes
as he watches me lick the fork
has my panties soaked. 

Letting out a low growl, he's across the couch to me in seconds, pulling me in to his arms as his mouth covers mine. 

His tongue, oh god, his tongue. 
I shiver and moan as
his tong
ue connects with mine, the rhyth
m of the kiss
sometimes fast, sometimes slow. 
It’s his turn to moan
when I suck his tongue in to my mouth, and I thrill at the sound. 

Pulling back, he stares at me, eyes completely
glazed over with pure lust.  "
, you
taste better than any fucking cake ever will."

The flutter in my stomach increases as he pulls me back in to him, kissing me even more passionately.  It's good that we're sitting, because
I can feel my legs trembling

Fisting my hands in his hair, I kiss him back with abandon.  Pulling back a bit, I suck on his lower lip before biting it. 

"Oh fuck Brooke.  Fuck!"

I nod in agreement.  Fuck is right. 

, I hope.

Lifting me up, he arranges me so that I'm straddling him. 
Letting out a breathy groan
, I rub up against his rock hard cock through his jeans.  Our kiss goes on and on, his hands holding my waist as he helps me slide back and forth on him.

Throwing my head back, I
shout as I cum.  I don't know how he does it, but he makes me absolutely insane with lust.
  I just came harder dry humping him than I have since he had his fingers on me last Sunday.

When he suddenly starts to stand up with me still on his lap my heart drops.  Dammit, he's going to run again.

"Wrap your legs around me sweetheart."

As soon as I comply, he walks straight in to the bedroom.  Laying me gently down on the bed, he covers my body with his, kissing me as he thrusts against my drenched cleft.

! You feel so damn good."

I thrill when
I feel h
im start to make his way down, the view of his head kissing his way down my body is a sight to behold.

Looking up at me, he captures my gaze, holding me hos
tage with his beautiful eyes.  Right now they are the dark blue of a storm.

When he speaks, his voice is gravelly with lust.  "I need to taste you. 
Right now."

I watch in quiet desperation as he pulls my silk boxer shorts and underwear off in one smooth move, tossing the
m carelessly over his shoulder.
The look
on his face as he stares at me
intoxicating.  "Oh sweetheart, you're so beautiful."

Is it possible to cum just from
mental stimulation?  Because I’m pretty damn sure that
m right on the verge of doing just that
When he spreads my thighs, I watch in awe as his face descends down toward my dripping sex.  At the last moment, he looks up at me. 

Oh Brooke…
you're so perfect that
it makes me ache."

His words, the expression on his face and the feeling of his breath on my sex
hit me
all at the same time, and I arch my back
as I let out
yell.  "Oh god Damien, I'm going to cum again!"

"Yes, yes you are."

Just like that, his thumbs spread my lips, holding me open for his tongue. 

I erupt with a scream as a Technicolor light show goes off behind my eyes.  "Damien!  Damien!"

If I live to be
hundred, I will never forget this moment.  Only he can make me feel this way.  Out of control, but overjoyed
to be that way
.  I'm happy from the inside out.

I get even happier when I realize that he isn't going to stop.  If there were an award ceremony for most talented tongue, he'd win it so many times that they
'd have to name it after him, o
f that I have no doubt.

My body reaches a fever pitch when his tongue starts sliding in and out of my sex at a furious pace while his finger rubs my clit. 

fucking tongue!"  I shimmy and writhe,
my hands fisted in his hair as I thrust against his tongue,
screaming as I cum harder than I ever have. 

Kissing his way up my body, he help
s me pull my shirt off before l
ying me back down on the bed so that he can suck my nipples.

Incoherent words of passion flow between the two of us as he continues working his way up to my mouth. 

"Fuck Brooke.  Just fuck. 
You’re making me crazy.  All I can think about is you.”

I let out a muffled cry as he captures my mouth in a kiss that leaves no doubt
about how badly he wants me. 
This is it.  Tonight’s the night.  He’s going to make me his, and I want it so badly that I can hardly function.

Completely naked, I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms
around his shoulders, giving myself up to him completely.  The feeling of his rigid cock through his jeans is making me wild, and rubbing up against it is only making me crazier.

Suddenly, he’s off m
e like a shot as he whispers, “Oh s

I don’t get it.  He was right there with me!  What the hell happened?

My answer comes in the form of a knock at the door. 

Oh shit is right. 




Although Brooke
a bit reserved after our conversation this morning, I’ve been surprised by how normal she’s been acting
ever since.

know that I
should be relieved, but I'm not.  I feel like it was easier for her to walk away and let this go because she doesn't have the feelings for me that
I have for her.  Logically, that
should ease my mind.  I'm doing all of this so that she will wind up with somebody worthy of her. 

Illogically, my mind is
far from eased.
Sitting in my room before dinner, I had to reel myself back from falling in to a depressed funk, my inner voice pointing out what a pathetic fool I am over and over.  "All
that worry, and she doesn't even care for me.  Not really."

It takes me quite a while to talk myself down from thoughts like that.  In the end I decide that s
ince it's clearly easier
for her to move on,
I need to follow her lead. 

Taking a deep breath and mentally girding myself for the night ahead, I leave my suite and make my way down the hall to Brooke's.

As she opens the door, it's all I c
an do not to grab her
.  She's so beautiful that it hurts to look at her.  Before I can edit my reaction, I start to let out a whistle, then catch myself.

“Alright, that was probably a little inappropriate.  But honestly, I couldn’t help it.  You look ravishing.”

Her smile lights up her face and my heart twinges. “Aw thanks Damien.  That’s very sweet of you to say.”

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