Six Secrets of Powerful Teams: A Practical Guide to the Magic of Motivating and Influencing Teams

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Authors: Michael Nir

Tags: #Business & Money, #Human Resources, #Human Resources & Personnel Management, #Processes & Infrastructure, #Organizational Learning, #Industries, #Organizational Behavior

BOOK: Six Secrets of Powerful Teams: A Practical Guide to the Magic of Motivating and Influencing Teams
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Six Secrets of Powerful Teams



A practical guide to the magic of motivating and influencing teams



Third Edition © 2013 by Michael Nir

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the author.

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the Publisher nor the Author is engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Neither the publisher nor the Author shall be liable for damages, directly or indirectly, arising herefrom.




Six Secrets of Powerful Teams




Michael Nir

! I am really grateful that you have decided to buy and read this book.

This book is based on cumulative experience from consulting engagements given to global clients, and on the many workshops and seminars delivered on the topic.

All the simple concepts within are tested and enable you to better manage and lead your team. This guide is also relevant for team members who require collaboration from fellow team members. With this guide you will achieve remarkable results:

  • Your team will perform better;
  • You will effectively motivate your team;
  • You will understand how to influence the team members to make them work well.

It doesn’t stop here – this book is relevant to ANY team – families, friends and any interaction that is more than just YOU!

What will you find in this guide?

Two practical case studies illustrating common challenges and problems that team members and team leaders face when they are interacting. The specifics of the teams are not as important as the dynamics between team members.

You will find behaviors which you have experienced in your teams. I invite you to analyze the case studies and write down what your solutions to the challenges presented might be.

Compare your ideas with best practices and concepts presented later in the book

The following chapters discuss team dynamics from a practical dimension. They explain behaviors and mindsets within teams and provide solutions that are both simple and powerful to lead team interactions.

The last chapter uncovers the magic of powerful teams, things such as word patterns, choice of words, observed behaviors and body language cues that are common in team interactions are introduced. Practical and effective guidelines are given, that transform team interactions magically. Some best-kept secrets are also shared in the last chapters.

For your enhanced reader experience, we use the following interactive tools
in the book:




Thinking Alerts
– thinking alerts are boxed and highlighted regions in the text which emphasize and highlight important take-aways and exercises to use in the ‘real world.  I recommend reading these twice and making notes for future reference






I truly hope you like this book!


Distilled and tested by the author in this succinct guide and unearthed on its digital pages are the proven steps for your success
. What readers say about this book:

This book is someplace between
self-help, motivation and leadership
. I think it is relevant in all these categories; … Summarizing - it is a good read and quite useful and I can gladly recommend it.. …”

“….This book is genuinely good; covering all the required bases in motivating and leading teams. It is unquestionably also beneficial for personal development in interacting with other people.
The Six secrets are revealing, they describe things I didn't know well or at all previously, and as such are a revelation.
… Great read. ….”

“…..Really fascinating and attention-grabbing how to book, that is
relevant to business and also to social interactions
, the case studies are flowing and
fun to read
and the exercises are thought provoking and the
Secrets are real
. Great Read....”

Really good book
, just read this flowing volume on motivating
teams and essentially anyone and you'll have your answers!

“….Thank you Michael for this fun and engaging book; I enjoyed very much and it even helped me solve some problems with my team at work.
especially enjoyed the part where you mentioned psychological concepts that have to do with teamwork since I was dealing with these aspects myself and the challenges that it created within the team
. I hope to read something similar in the near future. Your sincerity in telling the secrets in the book, proved to be a great step for me full to truly handling tough conflicts and issues…”

“…Lovely guide on influencing in teams and also on more psychological concepts that have to do with motivation
empowerment and personal development
, I feel well connected with the concepts - as they also contribute to personal growth…”



About the Author

Michael Nir - President of Sapir Consulting US LLC
- PMP, Scaled Agile Consultant - has been helping clients overcome business challenges and achieve their potential for over 16 years. He is passionate about Gestalt theory and practice, which complements his civil and industrial engineering background (M.Sc. and B.Sc.) and contributes to his understanding of individual and team dynamics in business. Michael authored bestsellers on
Influencing, Agile, Teams, and Leadership
. His experience includes significant know-how in the telecoms, hi-tech, banking, R&D environments and petrochemical & infrastructure industries. He develops creative and innovative solutions in Agile project and product management, process improvement, leadership, and team building.

Michael's professional background is analytical and technical; however, he has a keen interest in human interactions and behaviors. He holds two engineering degrees from the prestigious Technion Institute of Technology: a Bachelor of civil engineering and Masters of Industrial engineering. He has balanced his technical side with the extensive study and practice of Gestalt Therapy and "Instrumental Enrichment," a philosophy of mediated learning. In his consulting and training engagements, Michael combines both the analytical and technical world with his focus on people, delivering unique and meaningful solutions, and addressing whole systems.






In the spotlight - the challenge

Case Study #1 The Team Leader - Manager

Case Study #2 The Team Member


Unlocking team dynamics

The Power of the Tuchman Jensen analysis

The Forming Stage

The Storming Stage

The Norming Stage

The Performing Stage

The Adjourning Stage


Proven – Use of Team Roles

Balanced Teams

Belbin's Team Roles Model

Integrating the models within the Context of the Case Studies

Case study #1

Case study #2


Uncovering the Six Secrets

Secret #1: The power of self-disclosure

Secret #2: The Incredible impact of Me

Secret #3: The Magic of Simple Gestalt Concepts

Secret #4: The focusing on the ‘Here’ process

Secret #5: The Practicality of Perception

Secret #6: Revealing ideas of NLP and the use of words


Summary of Concepts


Building highly effective teams:

Develop a Vision

Be Genuine

Talk about the Hard Things

Know how to Listen

Ask Good Questions

Be Dependable

Know How to Have a Good Time

Be Goal Oriented

Remember – to Influence and lead:


Before you go….

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