Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series) (17 page)

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She wasn’t sure that she succeeded. Before long she was riding his finger, holding the door handle to her right and the seat to her left to keep herself upr
ight. Evelyn closed her eyes tight when she heard him licking his fingers. Could anyone be more embarrassed than her right at this present moment?

He zipped her, and buttoned the single button on her shorts. “We’re here.” Mitch leaped out of his car and came to open her side. A young boy came to take the seat he had just vacated and Evelyn wondered what they were doing here. Wherever here was. She was led into an elevator that took them from the first floor, to the top floor. Evelyn was trying to piece the puzzle pieces together when she was shown into an amazing room.

She was good at what she did, and knew when someone else did good and deserved praise. “Wow! This is beautiful. You interior deco person is very good,” she told him, forgetting about what she had been trying to do earlier.

Mitch grinned at her. “Thanks. I’ll just be a minute.”

He left her and Evelyn walked around, moving from the living room, to the dining room, to the kitchen. The light coming in through the floor to ceiling windows was to die for. Evelyn could just imagine herself lying down in the chaise lounge and eating up the sun’s rays. She could stand or sit here for hours and not even want to move for anything.

“You’re not just an ordinary bodyguard,” she said turning when she heard his footsteps, “are you Mitch?”

Mitch came to stand right next to her. “No. I own the company, among other things,” he told her.

Evelyn laughed. “Well,
it’s not like you lied to me.” She took a step back. “However,” she swallowed. “You did make me think you were. By omission.”

“I disagree,” he said to her and took a step closer to her. “There wasn’t any time to get into introductions. Things just happened. And dispite my initial misgivings, I’m glad they did.”

Evelyn shook her head and moved away. “Mitch,” she said and held her hand in warning. “You don’t understand. It was bad enough that we had sex, but now my brothers will probably think that you forced me into this or something. This is the worst timing.”

Mitch looked into eyes as grey as his. “I get it. It’s tough to live with brothers as the only girl.” He walked close
r to her and pulled her body flush against his. “I’ll take all the blame. Besides, it’s the truth anyway. If I hadn’t kissed you, we wouldn’t be here.”

Evelyn snorted. “You don’t understand.”

“Understand what?”

“My brothers. They are very civilized, until they believe I’m in some kind of trouble or danger. I honestly think they believe I’m still a virgin. It was hard enough fighting to buy my own house and moving out. And now this? With you?”

Mitch growled at her. “Something wrong with me you want to share?”

Evelyn laughed. Shaking her head she said, “No, nothing. It’s just that, they assumed I would always date the boy next door type of boys.”

“They wouldn’t know what to do with you.” He kissed her hard. “Let’s go.”

Evelyn took
the hand he held out to her and they left his penthouse. She shook her head thinking, Mr. Bodyguard had surely signed his own death warrant. So long as she could preserve his cock, she would… Oh God. What was she thinking?

They made it to the
first floor in silence and Mitch took her hand again and led her to his car. The valet guy brought it around and skipped out, holding the door for him. Mitch settled her in and walked to the driver’s side, then dropped into his bucket seat. He made the short drive to Gabe’s penthouse and again valet parked his car. He took the ticket he was given and placed it in his pocket.




As soon as she was done greeting her brothers, Evelyn went to find Ana. Since Rafe was here, she assumed Kelly would be too, unless she had gone to work. She heard their voices coming from one of the guest bedrooms. They were in the bedroom Kelly had been assigned to before she had started sleeping at Rafe’s.

“Ana, Kelly, hi.” She came into the room and hugged them both. “I don’t know what you were talking about, but please, I need to talk to someone before I burst open,” she warned them.
She threw herself on the bed and rolled to lie on her back.

“Burst good, or burst bad,” Ana asked her.

Kelly swiped at Ana. “How can burst be good, silly?”

Ana rubbed her hand. “I don’t know. But she looks okay, so it can’t be that bad, surely?”

Evelyn closed the door and came back to the bed. “Last night I jumped my bodyguard. I feel so terrible. But not so much.”

Kelly grinned. “Baby, clearly Steve rocked your world.”

“Jesus, Evelyn,” Ana said in shock. “Steve is about to have a baby. What were you thinking?”Evelyn cried out in dismay, “ No it wasn’t Steve. I’m not sure if you’ve met him before, but it was my first time. He just appeared out of nowhere, and I was so horny, and one thing led to another. Before I knew it, we were having sex in my kitchen, then on my bed, and this morning oh God, the best sex ever. In my bed, then in the shower.

I’m sore. I never knew a vagin
a could be sore from sex, but let me tell you girls,” she said and swallowed. “It’s possible. I’m living proof of it. And because of that, I probably need to spend more time in the jacuzzi than the pool.”

“Who?” both girls asked.

“Mitch Sanders,” she told them. “Apparently he’s the…”

“…owner of Sanders Consulting,” Ana added.

“Mitch Sanders?” Kelly asked in surprise. She laughed at Evelyn’s dismayed face. “Why the face? He’s a hunk.”

Evelyn sighed. “Well, when I jumped him, I was thinking that he was just a one night replacement for Steve, and I was so horny,” she wailed. “I screamed when I saw him, and he kissed me to shut me up, and then of course, one thing led to another.”

“Why were you screaming? It’s not like the man has horns or something.” Kelly asked.

“He switched sometime in the middle of the night with Steve, when his wife went into labor.” She turned and held her chin up by her fist. “Anyway, I was thirsty and went to get a can of soda, and thought it had been Steve sleeping on my sofa. And when I saw who it was, I mean, I didn’t know him, and thought he was an intruder.”

“Well, he certainly can intrude my place at anytime,” Ana said fanning herself.


“What?” she asked them both.

Kelly lifted her ring finger. “Might I remind you that you are now engaged?”

“To my brother, no less,” Evelyn added.

“A girl can still look can’t she?” she rolled her eyes. “Come on girls. Evelyn is sore. That just tells me the guy knows what to do with his equipment. And so does Gabe.”

“Ew!” Evelyn cried out. “Please I don’t need that visual.”

Kelly giggled. “I plan to join you in the jacuzzi, Evelyn. Rafe…”

Evelyn held
her hands up. “Oh, no, no, no. I can’t hear that.”

“You just told us what a
machine Mitch is,” Kelly grumbled.

“Mitch isn’t your brother. That makes it okay,” she clarified. “Anyway, change of subject. Why are we here? Did something happen?” she asked.

Ana sighed. “Yeah, I’m in trouble. Well, was, but hopefully we resolved it last night, in bed,” she said with a mischievous smile. “Sorry,” she said to Evelyn. “Anyway, some pictures were taken of me and Stefano walking to a diner for lunch yesterday. Gabe thinks it’s Jeremy Maynard or some associate of his.”

“The high school kid?” Evelyn asked her.

“The one and only,” she said. “I’m not trying to make light of the situation, but I really need this to be over and done with. I’m tired. I need my life back. I’m sure you all do.”

“As much as I agree with you, Ana, I have to thank you in a convulated way. If not for you, I wouldn’t have met Mitch and had the best sex of my life. But now that’s done, yes, I agree, this needs to stop and be over.”

“Girls,” Stefano said standing by the door he had just opened. “Your presence is needed,” he said. “Hey Evelyn. I didn’t know you were here.”

Evelyn walked over to him and gave him a huge hug. “I cam
e a while ago, but didn’t see you too. I did see Manuel though.”

“I guess I was outside. Come on let’s go. Gabe isn’t in a good mood.”

They left Kelly’s bedroom and made their way to the living room. Yes, Gabe wasn’t in a good mood. He was going through the pictures with Mitch and his eyes got darker as he got angrier at each picture before him.

Ana tried to make herself as small as possible. There was no point in arguing the point. She could ea
sily have been shot or harmed. Why Jeremy hadn’t done anything to her, she was still wondering today. At least they weren’t rehashing her faults today. That had been addressed yesterday and was done. Today they were addressing the issue that Jeremy was still ruling New York.

The cops couldn’t seem to find him, not that they were really looking for him. Despite that the other boys who had been with him had confessed that
he had been party to their harassment on the train, the whole political aspect of his ties, kept him slightly out of reach. Besides the case hadn’t been tried yet.

Gabe had reached the point of no more tolerance. He now wanted this boy caught and handed to the cops on a silver platter. It now wasn’t just about protection anymore, but now included capture. With the dwindling funds of his parents, it should be easier to catch up to him and find his hiding place. How much longer could his rich friends hide him if he couldn’t pay his way anymore?

Ana sat in between Evelyn and Stefano, with Kelly on the other side of Stefano. Mitch agreed to recommend a couple of companies he thought could try and track this boy down.

With firm promises of no more walking, Ana, Kelly and Evelyn were glad when the meeting came to an
end. Ana thought about Evelyn’s job. She also did a lot of walking and suddenly realized she was suffering due to this insane issue.

They all went back
to the bedroom to grab their bags, then walked outside to the pool.

“Can we at least do a little swimming before we sit in the jacuzzi?” Ana asked. “Stretch some muscles for a while?”

Evelyn shrugged.

“Sure,” Kelly answered.

“Whatever you girls want,” Stefano replied.

“Four to six laps,” Ana suggested.
She dove in and started swimming towards the shallow end. The water was nice and cool against her skin. It flowed around her as she reached the end and turned to go back to the deep end. She lost herself in the swim and finally let go when she was too tired to put more effort into it. She rose up and found her friends already in the jacuzzi. She laughed assuming she had done more than the four to six laps  she had suggested.

Ana pulled herself out of the pool and went to join her friends. She waved to Gabe who was at the grill. His brothers must be in th
e kitchen she thought. Mitch came to stand beside him and she snorted thinking of Evelyn’s night of passion. She couldn’t wait until it all came out into the open. It was going to be fun to see it all unfold. She just hoped he didn’t go batshit crazy like her brother a couple of months back.

“What are you grinning at?” Kelly asked her, making room for her.

Ana laughed out loud. “Just that I can see Gabe punching Mitch like my brother did to him,” she told them and started laughing again.

Evelyn grimaced and they all laughed again.

“Your fiance is not someone anybody wants to cross,” Stefano said. “I was just being briefed on the apparent one night stand, which I doubt was just a one night.”

“No, look at the way Mitch is looking at Evelyn.” Kelly started fanning herself. “I can literally feel the heat in his eyes.”

“It’s scorching hot,” Ana agreed and sank down into the water. “This water is hot enough as it is, without adding the heat from his eyes.”

“It was just a one night fling,” Evelyn reminded them. “So stop reading too much into it.”

Stefano patted her back. “Keep telling yourself that love. As long as it makes you feel better.”

“What would make me feel better is some food,” she said. “I’m hungry.”

“Mitch didn’t allow you to eat some food?” Ana mocked.

Kelly giggled. “I doubt there was time in between the f…”

“Language, love. Besides the man of the hour is making his way here,” Stefano said taking a sip of his beer.

They watched him make his way to the jacuzzi. Ana and Kelly had huge smiles on their faces. Evelyn just sat and watched him, with hungry eyes. His heat reached her and seared her. She swallowed and took a huge sip of her sprite. Stefano watched him in glee. It was always nice
to mess around. He grabbed Evelyn to his side and placed his arm around her shoulder, then watched as Mitch’s eyes darkened.

“You might want to remove your hand off her,” Mitch warned as he came to stand above them.

“Or what?” Stefano asked boldly.

He heard giggles from Kelly and Ana. Evelyn tensed beside him.

“Or, I’ll remove it from her and break your fingers in the process.”

Evelyn huffed. “Don’t be melodramatic, Mitch. You don’t own me. Anyway, what do you want?”

He looked her up and down. “Lunch is ready.” He watched as she got out of the jacuzzi and side stepped him, leaving inbetween Gabe’s fiancee and Rafe’s girlfriend.

you are so fucked,” he heard the guy who was still in the jacuzzi and had his arm around Evelyn say.

“Just stay away from
her,” Mitch warned.

Stefano laughed. “Dude, I’m not your problem,” he said and took another sip of his beer. It was almost empty and he needed to replenish it and eat some food too. He pulled himself out of the water. “Your problem is that chick in the hot pink bikini.”

“That, I can handle. Just stay away,” he said and walked away.

Stefano laughed. Yep, another member gone. This family was just growing in leaps and bounds. He followed and took the sit that Evelyn pulled him into. He grinned at Mitch’s murderous stare and placed his hand around her shoulders again.

What the heck? Ana thought as she saw Mitch suddenly stand up and take threatening steps around the table towards Evelyn and Stefano. She realized Stefano had mocked him. His arm was casually hanging around Evelyn’s shoulders. Couldn’t the stupid man see that Stefano was gay. Ana rolled her eyes. What was it with these men? She ran and intercepted Mitch.

“Wait,” she said trying to push him back. “You’ve got it all wrong.”

“I warned him,” he growled and picked her up, then left her standing to the side and continued on his way.

“Kelly, damn
it. Do something. Evelyn!”

Gabe was surprised at Ana’s outburst and wonder
ed what was happening. Why was Mitch angry and walking towards his sister and Stefano? He stood not knowing what to do, but just went with his instinct. His sister may need protection. Of what kind, he wasn’t aware. Mitch wasn’t the type to hit women, so who was he after? Stefano?

As soon as he reached the mayhem, Nate was already onto Mitch, holding him away. The girls jumped into the fray protecting Stefano.

“What is going on?” he demanded to know.

Mitch growled.

Ana slapped Stefano and went to stand between Stefano and Evelyn. “Do you have a death wish?” she hissed.


“Just a misunderstanding. Everybody, go back to eating, please.”

“Ana, I’m not going to ask again. The truth.” Why his fiancee was in the middle of this, he didn’t know and shook his head. He had yet to even tell what the heck was going on. “Kelly? Evelyn?”

Mitch spoke up. “They don’t want to tell you about Evelyn and me.”

“What about you and Evelyn?” Rafe asked.

“Motherfucker. You touched her?” he asked and slammed his fist into Mitch’s chin. He would have slammed for a second time but Ana grabbed his fist and hung on.

Rafe stepped in and slammed a fist in his stomach. He didn’t manage a second as Kelly grabbed hold of his hand.

Mitch didn’t flinch and Nate finally released him after Evelyn had come to his aid.

“Ana, you need to stay out of this,” he warned.

“And so does Kelly,” Rafe added trying to remove his hand from her tight grasp.

“Gabe, no. Be reasonable.
This is like the kettle calling the pot black. Gees, stop behaving like Mark,” she cried holding onto his fist.

Kelly held tighter. “That goes for you too Rafe.”

“That’s my sister, Ana.”

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