Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series) (18 page)

BOOK: Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series)
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“We can’t let him take advantage of her,” Rafe added.

“Yeah, so am I,” Ana hissed at Gabe.

The snickers
around made Gabe even more angry. He wanted to hit someone, but fuck, she was right. He smiled sheepishly at his brothers. “Stefano, you need to stop causing trouble,” he warned. “Manuel, you need to put a leash on your boyfriend.”

Mitch swore and ever
ybody laughed. Yep, he had been blind to Stefano’s sexual preference.

Evelyn slapped his hand away. “Serves you right for almost punching a gay man.”

“What can I say, babe? All I saw was another man putting his arm around you. I didn’t have time to read the vibes.”

“Stop it. We’re not even an item.” Evelyn stepped away from him and went to sit down. She pulled Stefano to her side, making sure he was
n’t displaced in his seat.

“That was fun,” he whispered in her ear.

Evelyn laughed. How could she not. Stefano was Stefano. Ana sat to her other side and soon everybody was back to their seats and eating with gusto. The only person missing was her mother. Unfortunately she had volunteering services to take care of. Maybe a good thing too, otherwise the almost fight would have freaked her.

She saw Mitch refuse the ice that Manuel had nicely packed in a dish cloth. She rolle
d her eyes. Men and their machoness. Well, he might have to wait until the area turned all ugly and dull colors of blue/green/grey.

Mitch watched Evelyn effectively i
gnore him throughout lunch. He wasn’t used to being ignored, especially by women and it bothered him. But one thing Mitch liked, was a challenge. A beautiful one at that was just icing on the cake.

She had challenged him, so he had just accepted. He watched her all afternoon as she swam and sat in the jacuzzi. His cock was already hard for her. The jacuzzi would sooth her sore vaginal muscles, leaving her ready to accept him again tonight. He smiled with genuine happiness and laughed at the ending of Nate’s joke.

“Man, it’s disgusting the way you have been following my sister with your eyes all afternoon,” Nate said to Mitch. “Am I the only one here who is sane?”

“You’re probably the only one who is insane
,” Manuel told him checking out Stefano. “And thanks for not hitting that pretty face,” he added.

Rafe guffawed. “Yeah. That’s a pretty face indeed.”

“Tormented Gabe to no end,” Nate reminded them.


“I really want to go dancing. Do you think Gabe will agree?” Evelyn asked.

“Well, its not like we’d be walking on the sidewalk,” Kelly replied. “Ana?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you go and ask?”

“Me?” Kelly squeaked in surprised.

“He’s your fiance, so you should go,” Stefano told her.

“He’s Evelyn’s brother, so she should go,” Ana replied.

They all looked at each other and laughed.

“Okay,” Ana said and pulled out of the jacuzzi. “I may need to do some convincing, so stay put.” She walked over to where the men were standing inside the pool. She dropped herself next to him and whispered in his ear.
“I have two wishes,” she said.

“Go on.”

“But you have to say yes to both, or otherwise it’s no to both.”

Gabe smiled. “Okay,” he said nodding.

Ana leaned into him and felt his cock harden. “I want a quickie in about two minutes.”

Gabe growled and answered yes.

“Two, the girls want to go dancing and are hoping you’ll say yes.”

“I’ll say yes to both, but it has to be more than a quickie.” He held her against his front that had a huge bulge waiting for her to appease.

As soon as he had notified everyone that they would meet for dinner in two hours and then go to the club, he carried her out of the water and to the master bedroom. Ana heard the catcalls and hollers all the way, and was so embarrassed until Gabe pulled off her swim suit and thrust into her. He didn’t even take her to bed, he just shut the door and turned her to face the wall, then moved into position and thrust into her.

“Ana,” he growled and started slamming into her.

Ana laughed when it was over.

Gabe grinned behind her. “I know I said I didn’t want a quickie, but damn baby. I couldn’t help myself.”

She chased Gabe out of the master bedroom. She grabbed his cufflinks and pushed him out, then went looking for Kelly. They were together with Evelyn putting on makeup. “Evelyn do you need a dress too?” she asked.

“No, I’m good,” she said revealing the hot number she had chosen.
It was white, pure white and didn’t leave much to the imagination of what was underneath or not. Tight but stretchy and hugging all of Evelyn’s nice curves.

Ana grinned. “If Mitch is coming, he’s going to have a hard on the entire time.”

“I feel sorry for the poor man,” Kelly added.

Evelyn possed and walked around
the bedroom. “Wasted sympathy, but come, let’s see what you two pick up?”

They traipsed to the master bedroom and walked into the huge walk in closet.

“Kelly, take your pick. I’m thinking of that red dress by the edge,” she said. She took it down and showed them. It had thin straps and not much of a back to talk about. She got the thumbs up sign and quickly removed her robe then put the dress on.

Kelly chose a rust brown dress that had no middle, but was covered by lace, holding the top half to her body. “I think we would be better off leaving the room at the last possible second,” she said looking at herself in the mirror. “I have a feeling we could all be told to change,” she predicted.

She looked at Ana’s footwear and found something she liked. A nude sandal that looked comfortable enough. “I need to go and get more clothes from the apartment,” she said as she looked at the full effect of her attire.

“Yeah, I’m sure Rafe will be pleased,” Ana told her.

They found clutch purses and were soon ready for a night out on the town. Fifteen minutes later than their scheduled time, they left the closet and walked with confidence to the living room. Gabe, Rafe and Nate all stood up as they entered.

“Save it, Gabe. We’re not changing,” Ana told him.

Evelyn looked at him. “Yeah, what she said.”


“Rafe, if I change you won’t get to see what’s underneath the dress.”

Rafe quickly shut his mouth and Nate laughed at his brother. Sissies, all of them he thought. “Well,” Nate said standing up. “Since no one is changing, let’s go.”

Their bodyguards materialized out of nowhere and they took the elevator going down. A few more were waiting for them downstairs. When they got to the restaurant Gabe had made reservations at, they found a few more body guards there again. Ana was wondering if anyone was left at home. She wondered if even the President got to be this well guarded. How had her life turned into this?

Mitch arrived as they were being led to a table. Ooh la la la. That man could wear clothes. Evelyn had no chance against his powers. She laughed as she was outmaneuvered in the seating arrangement by Mitch.
They took an entire section of the dining room.

Kelly’s phone rang as their waiter brought the bill over. Ana followed Kelly and motioned for Evelyn to follow too. They made it to the bathroom and heard Kelly hang up, thanking her caller.

“Who was that?” Ana asked.

“That was my get out of jail free card,” she said with happiness. “Remember, Jenna Grey? She wants to take a weekday off, so she asked if she could work my Sunday, tomorrow, then I could work her weekday on Friday.” Kelly did a little dance in joy. “Wow! That means I don’t have to get back early and get to spend another day with you guys.” She twirled and Ana laughed.

“Does that mean you can get drunk with me tonight?” Evelyn asked.

“Oh, yeah. Definitely. And Ana too,” Kelly told her. “Girl power!”

“Girl power. And thank Jenna for me,” Evelyn replied. “Now let’s go. I need to get wasted.”

They left the bathroom and waited
for the waiter to bring the receipt back for Gabe’s signature. As soon as that was accomplished, Evelyn was the first to stand up. Ana and Kelly followed. They walked ahead and quickly got inside the waiting limo.

This was promising to be an interesting night. Ana couldn’t wait to see the events unfold. Evelyn dragged them into the center of the dance crowd. It was already ten and the crowd was huge.
Evelyn wouldn’t allow Ana to leave, until she begged to go and find a drink. She reminded Evelyn, she was the one who wanted to get drunk after all.

Evelyn grinned at her and followed her to the bar, pulling Kelly behind her. The bartender lined three shots in front of each one and they quickly downed them all, before they returned to dancing. They did that twice until some guys started getting to
o close and the guards stepped in, putting distance between them and the would be suitors.

Ana saw Stefano come to join them and stepped closer to him sti
cking her butt into his crotch. “So you finally decided to show up?” she asked him. She glanced towards her friends and saw that Kelly was behind Stefano and dancing behind his butt, and pulling Evelyn to dance behind her. They had a nice short line of the four of them which could have been longer if the interested men hadn’t been chased away. But soon enough the other girls on the dance floor joined in and it was fun.

She sque
aled when strong hands pulled her against a hard body. “Gabe,” she breathed.

He growled at her. “I’m glad you know who it is.”

Ana giggled. Already tipsy, she almost fell if he hadn’t caught her. She kissed him full on the lips and giggled again. That had been some strong shots to make her tipsy this soon.

“Are you drunk?” Gabe asked in surprise.

“Are you drunk? He asks.”

Gabe shook his head and swung her in his arms as they danced. She placed her head on his chest and hung onto
his neck as he moved her in time with the music. When the song ended, Ana opened her eyes and saw Kelly in Rafe’s arms and Evelyn in Mitch’s arms. She walked beside Gabe as he took her hand and led her upstairs to their seats. Ana drank the water, then asked for two more shots. Gabe’s head was turned away and Ana was glad he didn’t get to hear her order.

Gabe looked at Ana as she downed the two shots in front of her. He quickly realized that he would most lik
ely need to carry her into their apartment. Tomorrow was going to be a bitch. She would have a painful hangover and there was nothing he could do about it.

He wasn’t surprised to see Rafe dragging an almost drunk Kelly, nor Mitch dragging his drunk sister. His lips twitch
ed at Mitch’s disgust. He hoped his sister would give him a hard time. Clearly the guy didn’t have a clue of what he had gotten himself into. It would be fun to watch him being eaten alive by Evelyn and then spit out.




Evelyn woke up with a headache like no other. The sun hitting her eyes was all wrong. She opened one eye and groaned. Where the hell was she? This wasn’t her house, nor Gabe’s, nor Rafe’s or Nate’s. She couldn’t imagine her brothers allowing her to go home with a strange man.

Alcohol was bad. Why hadn’t she thought of that before? She groaned again when the fresh smell of coffee hit her.

“Morning sleepyhead.”

That voice. Evelyn could never forget it. Not after what they had done the other night. “Mitch?”

“Yes baby. I have some coffee, a light breakfast and something for your hangover.”

Evelyn gingerly got up and sat against the headboard. She plumped enough pillows to make her comfortable.
She took the red tomato juice. Argh! What the heck did he put in it? Too late, Evelyn swallowed. She placed the glass back onto the tray and held her nose, hoping she didn’t throw up.

“Bottoms up,” Mitch said placing the glass back into her hand.

Evelyn gave him an evil eye, but swung the glass back to her lips and drank the whole contents without tasting this time. “That was nasty,” she said shivering at the after taste in her mouth. She quickly grabbed the cup of coffee and rinsed her mouth with it. She scooped the eggs into her fork and sampled them. Mmmmm. They had a slight cheesy taste to them. Just enough to make you wonder what kind of cheese he had added. Evelyn took another forkful and complimented him on his cooking.

It was almost noon. Evelyn needed to get moving if she was going to get back to Jersey and then to her mum’s for Sunday lunch.
And as soon as Mitch took the tray away, she ran her naked ass to his bathroom to take a much needed shower. First things first, she found a wrapped toothbrush and brushed her teeth. She stepped into the shower and groaned in delight.

Last night had been fun, but she needed to remove all the sweat off her b
ody. If she had been sober, she could have done that before she went to bed. Sadly she couldn’t remember much after that dance where she had felt so safe in his arms.

He came up from behind and cupped her breasts. “Mitch,” she said turning around.

He pushed her against the wall and took her lips in a hungry kiss. “Give it to me baby,” he said and deepened the kiss. Mitch brought his hand down to her center and smiled as he realized that she was already wet. “Oh, baby,” he crooned against her lips. He pushed her legs apart and pushed two fingers deep inside her. “Come for me,” he whispered against her lips.

As her orgasm started Mitch slid into her tight cunt and kissed her hard, swallowing her cries. “Are you okay, Evelyn?” he asked.

At her nod, Mitch started moving in and out of her. He pulled one leg up and wrapped it around his waist. “You’ve been driving me crazy,” he said moving into her. “Since the first day I saw your picture.” Mitched groaned and kissed her, forcing her lips to go wider apart. “I never wanted to meet you,” he said slamming into her with his tongue and cock. “Yet here we are,” he said harshly and groaned as he flexed his hips. “Fate Evelyn?” he asked.

Mitch lifted her second leg to wrap around his waist and nailed her butt to the wall. “I’m going to fuck you hard, Evelyn. I can’t wait anymore,” he hissed and thrust hard and deep into her.

“Oh,” she cried out and rose up tightening her legs around his waist.

“Scream all you want, but I’m not going to stop,” he said and started slamming her against the wall.

Evelyn thought she may never be able to sit ever again. Her butt repeatedly hit the shower wall, as Mitch reared up time and time again, trusting hard and fast into her. Hitting her vagina walls and causing friction with his movements. She shivered in delight and bit his shoulder as everything inside her tightened and she screamed her release. Mitch placed his arms under her legs and continued thrusting into her until he too surrendered and he released his semen deep into her womb.

Evelyn couldn’t feel her legs. Wow. That had been something. That man was a machine. And he was welcome to service her anytime. She stood as he washed her front, then turned her and took care of her back.  Evelyn had never shared a shower with anyone, even her past boyfriends. It was a learning experience that she was realizing she enjoyed even after two shared showers. What woman wouldn’t love a man taking care of her? Washing her body and her hair too?

There was nothing she could wear in his wardrobe. Evelyn put her dress back on and covered it with his shirt. At least it wouldn’t glare and let people know that she hadn’t slept in her house. The walk of shame was aptly named.

Feeling slightly better, she took her little clutch purse and made sure she hadn’t left anything behind. “Mitch, I need to leave. Thanks for taking care of me last night, but I need to be at my mum’s house for lunch.”

“I know. I’m taking you there,” he told her.

Evelyn gaped at him. “Why?”

He laughed. “Your brothers invited me. And besides, I’ll be guarding that little body of yours nights and weekends.”

“You mean until Steve is back at work?”

“No, permanently. Steve will be reassigned to day shifts so he can be with his wife at night.”

Evelyn was quiet on the way to her house where she changed into a more comfortable dress. She didn’t know what to make of these turn of events. She had only met Mitch yesterday and bam, he was already sharing her nights, or intending on sharing her nights. Wasn’t that a little too fast?

Granted he claimed to have seen her pictures before and liked what he had seen. And so does every female who has seen Brad Pritt or George Clooney. But does that mean they would sleep with them on their first eye to eye meeting? She snorted. Yes. And so would she. Maybe she should have chosen some badboy actor.

Evelyn finished dressing and walked back to her sitting room where Mitch was waiting for her. They got back into his car and he drove the short distance to her childhood home. Her brothers were already home, she realized. She hoped she hadn’t said anything embarrassing otherwise she would never live it down with them. At least now she didn’t have to be the only female, minus her mom. She was glad for Ana and Kell
y, great women that her brothers had chosen. Stefano was a great addition to the family too. She hoped it worked out between him and Manuel. If only Nate could find a good girl too.

Mitch followed her to the kitchen where she went looking for her mother. She had hoped he would stay with her brothers in the living room. Now she was forced to introduce the man.

“Hi mum,” she said kissing her cheek and hugging her. She leaned away, “You look good.”

s, baby. I think it’s the new cream I’m using these days,” Eva answered her daughter.

“Mrs. Boyd,” Mitch said coming closer and shaking her hand. “I’m Mitch Sanders.
It’s nice finally meeting you.”

“Mitch Sanders?’

“Mum, he’s the owner of the company that Gabe hired to guard the family,” Evelyn explained to her mum. “Sanders Consulting? Ring a bell?”

“And also the one dating your daughter.”

Evelyn gasped and Manuel who was close by chuckled. He shook his head at Mitch’s bravery. The man had some kind of death wish.

How does one date someone without the one being dated even aware of the situation? What kind of asshole would say that to her mother? Or was it that he knew she wouldn’t refute him in public? Or did he really think he was that irresistible?

Her mum stopped what she was doing and gave her full attention to Mitch. She raised her eyebrow, and looked from her daughter to Mitch. “Oh, I wasn’t aware Evelyn was seriously dating anyone right now? Well, no one serious enough to bring to lunch,” she amended.

“Neither did I,” Evelyn mumbled. Unfortunately, it was loud enough for everyone to hear. At Manuel’s snicker, she gave him the evil eye, and grabbed hold of Mitch. “Excuse me
mum,” she said and took him outside through the kitchen door. “Are you delusional or something? You come to my home and have the audacity to tell my mother we’re dating,” she said with exasperation. “Me and you,” she added pointing between the two of them.

“Isn’t it clear that’s what we are doing?”

“When people are dating, both parties know. So don’t you think I would also be aware of that little fact if that was what we were doing?”

He crossed his arms and looked at her all hot and bothered. She was irresistible and he wished there was somewhere he could take her and show her who was boss. “I thought you knew.”

Evelyn had never felt the need for violence until today. Seriously? How could she have known about it and not realized it? Were some of her brain cells missing? “We barely met, and now we are dating?” she asked. “Last I knew was we had a one night stand. It was a good time, but that was it. Yeah, we may have had sex again this morning, but it’s done. Finito,” she told him. “And the sooner you get that and understand, the better for us all. At least then you wouldn’t go around misrepresenting yourself.”

Mitch was on her before she had even re
alized what was happening. “I’m not done with you yet. One night wasn’t enough for me. So deal with it. Until we are both satisfied, we’ll be dating, exclusively for that matter, so now you know I don’t share.” He took her lips in a harsh kiss and when she opened, he gentled the kiss and pressed her against the wall, then slipped his hands inside her t-shirt and undid the bra clasp. “Baby, don’t move,” he warned. He hid her from prying eyes kissed her a long time while playing with her nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

He moaned and
coaxed her to push her chest outward, pushing her breasts into his palms. She lifted her hands and fisted her hands in his hair, pulling his head tighter against her lips.

“Evelyn, I need you. Give us three months then you can walk away if you still want to,” he said to her against her lips. “Say yes and move in with me.”

“Mitch, we just met,” she said with a sigh. “You don’t ask women you’ve just met to move in with you.”

He moved closer to her until she could feel his arousal.

Evelyn tried to push him away, but it was like she was moving a brick wall. “That’s not fair.”

Mitch chuckled. “I never said I’d play fair. I’ll do anything I can to get you, Evelyn. Three months is the minimum I’ll accept, and we can negotiate on you moving in after a couple of weeks.” He kissed her again. “That better for you?”

As if, Evelyn thought to herself. What kind of lunatic did she invite into her bed? Although delusional and bossy, the man knew what to do to pleasure a girl. And what was three months anyway? She could do that and then make sure she got enough sex to last her the rest of the year and get rid of him. “Just so long you know I won’t be bossed around, because if you do…”

He growled at her. “Is that a yes or no?”

Evelyn folded her hands on her chest.

“Fine. Say whatever you want to say.”

“…like I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted. If you try and boss me around, the deal is off.”

“As long as you are in my bed every night, I won’t need to boss you around. And I mean every night, Evelyn,” he warned her pulling her closer to feel his hard cock.

“You can start by behaving yourself. Everyone will be wondering what we are doing outside for so long,” she said leaning forward and trying to fasten her bra back on.

Mitch removed her hands and took care of the little detail, then took her hand and walked back into the kitchen with her.

Fortunately for Evelyn, lunch was about to be served, so she helped placing the dishes on the table and her ‘relationship’ with Mitch was forgotten for a while. She knew her mother would want to know more about it, but hoped it would be days before she had to clarify. Hopefully by then there would be some kind of data to relay because as it was, what was she to tell her mother? ‘Mum, I met him the other night and we fucked, enjoyed each oth
er so much that we did it again? And now he asked me to move in with him?’

Evelyn avoided her mother and insisted she sit and chat with the boys while she, Ana and Kelly took care of washing the dishes.

“So what’s the FB status update between you and Mitch?” Kelly asked Evelyn once they were alone in the kitchen.


Ana flicked Evelyn the dish towel. “Facebook.”

She laughed. “I guess we are dating,” she said with a sigh. “Although that’s not something I’ll be adding to my facebook anytime soon. Besides it’s just for three months.”

“Like a trial run?” Kelly asked.

“Kind of reminds me of your brother Gabe. Wouldn’t give me a choice really, although he made it sound like one.” She snorted remembering. “But well,” she smiled, “that much sex. Incredible sex. I’m glad I agreed and here I am,” she said and lifted her ring finger.

“Ew! I really don’t want to know what my brother does in the sheets with you Ana. But that reminds me. The wedding planner I want you to meet says she can meet us anytime we want. She was going to take about a month off, before she started accepting more jobs, but I convinced her to take us on for yours. When are you free to meet?”

Ana looked at Kelly. “I don’t know. It’s going to depend on Kelly’s schedule. The two of us can pretty much make our own schedules but Kelly can’t and I really want her to be in on the planning from A to Z.”

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