Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series)
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Ana left after she had been taken on a tour of all of the offices. They pointed out different areas to her but no introductions were made to the employees. She finally saw Tom, her first team member, but he too was not introduced to her. Ana couldn’t wait to start and coach the young boy. She remembered her youth days and thought she could at least help the kid out. Not that she was that much older
, but at least she understood him better than most.

She worked late. If she was going to keep up with her work especially after being out of commission due to her hospital stay, she needed to make sure she didn’t fall behind on her projects. The trips she would need to make wouldn’t help.

The good thing was she was always ahead of schedule, so it wasn’t so much as a rat race as it could have been were she behind, but she needed to make sure her clients didn’t think they would be getting substandard service once she joined the big boys.

Ana drafted the letters she would need to send to her clients and set them aside for Rafe and Nate to approve. Her new game Dr. K,
kept her occupied the rest of the afternoon and early evening. Kelly didn’t know about it, but she had inspired her to create it and she intended on gifting it to her after it was done. Just like I Love Summer, it was of a beautiful sassy female superhero.

“I know I’m not supposed to interfere in your work, but skipping dinner isn’t part of the deal.”

Ana jumped when she heard Gabe admonish her all the way from the doorway. She glanced at the time and was surprised to find that it was after eight. “I got carried away,” she said as she quickly shut her computer off. “Sorry.”

Gabe looked at her guilty face and wondered if it had something to do with her meeting earlier with his brothers, or something she had been working on when he came in, or skipping dinner. “Should I be worried that you skipped lunch too?” he asked.

“No mother,” she said as she rolled her eyes.

“Come here.”

Ana wondered if Nate and Rafe had betrayed her. Not that Gabe had any say in her work, but she still wanted to keep the peace per se. She intended on making sure he still honored that agreement.


“No, you come here,” she said with bravado.

Gabe’s mouth twitched. He took the few steps to where she was still sitting in her chair

Now that he was at her side, Ana didn’t know what to do with him. She hadn’t thought he would have agreed to her spontaneous demand. She stood and simply hugged him to her. “I know I am still recovering, and should eat better. But I promise to try harder.”

Gabe lifted her chin with his fingers. “You promise?”

She nodded.

“No say it.”

“I promise.”

As she finished saying the words, he kissed her. “Thank you.”

Ana laughed. “I’m sorry you worried, but I’m ready to eat now. Actually I’m hungry.”

Gabe chuckled. “Lucky for you, I brought dinner,” he told her taking her hands. “I wasn’t sure how much longer you needed to work.” Gabe walked her to her tiny dining room and sat her down, then placed the tray he had laid out in front of her.

took the seat he offered her. She looked over to where Tim Wallace, her night bodyguard was sitting having his own dinner. It then hit her even harder of how late it was. She waved to him and gave him a smile. “Thank you,” she said to Gabe as she saw what he had prepared for her. “I take it you have already had dinner.”

He nodded. “I ate with the guys. Eat up.”

Ana took the fork beside her and sampled the food. “You or Mrs. Jones?” she asked.

He smiled. “Mrs. Jones. Now are you going to eat or what?”

“I’m eating, I’m eating,” she said shoveling food into her mouth. She always loved the pasta dishes Mrs. Jones made. Actually she always made great meals. It made her think that it had been a while before she cooked. She needed to remedy that.

Are we sleeping here or the penthouse?”

“Can we? Sleep here, I mean?”

Gabe sighed. “You would be safer at the penthouse, but I understand the need for your work, so I’ll have Tim make arrangements for us to sleep here tonight. I’ll have to work on making it more secure at night if you intend on us sleeping here more often.”

“Well, if it involves too much work, we can just go to the penthouse. I’ll just come back early in the morning tomorrow.”

“No. We’ll sleep here. Now finish eating while I talk to Tim,” he said.

Ana knew there was no point in arguing. Gabe had made up his mind. She wouldn’t make him change it. Not this time anyway. Besides it wasn’t one argument she wanted to win. She had othe
r issues she needed to focus on. Her merger with the Sullivan brothers was forefront, and along with that came her mentoring of one young hacker kid. Now that was not an argument she intended on losing.

She took her plate to the kitchen and washed it. Gabe was on the phone, so she went to take a shower. It had been a long day and now she was feeling the effects of that long day. A trip to see Dirk,
for an hour of Danish hands massaging her body would be best thing right about now. No sooner had she thought those words, than she felt Gabe’s hands on her shoulders.

“You look tired,” he told her massaging her neck and shoulders. He took the bottle of liquid soap from her hands. “Let me wash you then I can give you a massage, help loosen some of those muscles.”

Ana purred in contentment. She was right in the middle of her bed and Gabe was doing wonders to her back. Not long after that she felt so relaxed, she fell asleep still purring.

Gabe laughed as he pulled the sheet to cover her b
ody. He went to check in with Tim, then came back to bed to join Ana.




The problem with going to bed early was that you also woke up way too early.
If she had been alone she would have gone to her office and started working. Ana knew she could still go and work, but if she got out of bed, that would wake Gabe up too. Besides, she was really enjoying the warm body beside her.

It was interesting to think of how she was now so used to sleeping next to someone who was not Kelly. And amazing to find out that she was in love with the guy. She thought back to their fight a few weeks back when he had found Stefano in her bed and assumed the worst. Those had been the worst days of her life. She couldn’t imagine her life without him. But how far did Gabe want to take their relationship? She knew he loved her too, but was he in love with her too?

“Baby, your thinking is making me dizzy.”

Ana chuckled. “I thought you were asleep.” She turned to fully face him.

“I was hoping you would go back to sleep. What’s troubling you?”

“This and that,” she said off handedly. “Mostly business.”

Gabe pulled her closer to him. “Nate and Rafe told me the meeting went well. They said you were excited when you left.”

“Mostly, yes.” She brought her fingers to his cheek. “But there is still something that I need to clear up. But I don’t want to talk about that now. Maybe later.”

Gabe took her hand off his cheek and kissed her knuckles. “What would you like to talk about?”

“No talking.
I love you. Can you just…”

Gabe didn’t let her finish her sentence. He leaned towards her and took her lips. Ana returned Gabe’s kiss and then quickly took over. She pushed him on his back and straddled his waist, never lifting her lips off him.
She came back and pushed her tongue deep into his mouth and he groaned, exciting Ana further. She hit her tongue on the roof of his mouth and dueled with his tongue. It was a heady feeling and with Gabe’s fingers holding her head steady while lightly massaging her scalp only fueled her need further.

His hands moved from her head and palmed her breasts. She became so wet she drenched his belly and felt herself sliding along hi
s body. She slid further until she felt his cock nudging her. When she licked his nipples, he hissed and Ana smiled. She grazed one nipple with her teeth and quickly took his cock, aligned it to her entrance and sank down. The angle made her feel so full. She needed to start moving and soon. She heard Gabe grunt and squeeze her breasts. Ana grazed the second nipple then rose up and started moving up and down Gabe’s cock.

She leaned back and moved faster and faster crying out as she quickly reached an orgasm. Gabe flipped her over and nailed her to the mattress with his hips, then started pumping fast and hard into her.

Before Ana had fully come down from her high, she was again consumed with heat spreading throughout her body. She couldn’t move, Gabe held her pinned down and he was relentless in his attack. If she wasn’t enjoying what he was doing to her body, she would have thought it was some kind of punishment.

Maybe it was. But what a punishment. She dug her nails into his butt and urged him on. He hissed and slammed his mouth down on hers. Ana moaned and opened to his silent command. His hands held her hips and butt in an even tigh
ter grip and she felt her control slip as she was consumed by an orgasm she had tried to hold at bay. She cried in excitement writhing beneath him and pulling him along with her.

Gabe roared and slammed into her one last time reaching a wild orgasm, like never before.
He swore, then slammed into her again, feeling another burst of energy when she bit his shoulder in her excitement.

“Ana!” he hissed and grabbed her hands, holding them above her head. He grabbed her hip with his free hand and moved with wild abandon, slamming her to the mattress with each hit. Her sounds were drowned by the sounds of their slapping boides. They came together, both shouting each other’s names.

“I love you too, Ana,” Gabe told her switching their positions. “My God, that was incredible.”

Ana smiled sleepily. She would have liked to wash the sweat of
f her body, but on the other hand, it reminded her of what had just taken place, so wasn’t in too much of a rush to get rid of it. Besides, she needed to take a short nap before she managed to convince him of round two. As much as she liked being an active participant, there was something to be said for giving total control to Gabe.


“Wait up Kelly.”

Kelly thought about ignoring Brad. She just wanted to go home and get some sleep. Tonight she was attending a benefit, courtesy of Evelyn again. And since she was going straight to taking day shifts for the next few nights, there wouldn’t be time
for much rest. Ana was trying to catch up on her work, so they had opted on not doing their regular volunteer work until the next time she had at least two straight days free.

So he caught up to her and placed his arm around her shoulder.

Kelly shook it off. “Brad, what do you want?”

“I was hoping you had finally come to your senses and we could go out tonight. I know we are both off, which is rare, so this would be the best time for us to talk and
work through our misunderstandings.”

Kelly shook her head at him. “No, Brad. I think we were done weeks ago. It’s best we
just have a professional relationship.”

“I see no harm in extending it to an intimate relationship too. I really like you Kelly, and I think you didn’t give us a fair chance last time we were together,” he said adding on the charm.

If Kelly didn’t know better, she would have fallen for the charm a second time. He really was a cute guy, but unfortunately behind the cuteness lay something Kelly was afraid to discover. “I’m sorry Brad. It won’t work.”

His eyes went hard. “Why not?”

Kelly took a step back, then she saw her two guards step next to her. They flanked her, and stood a little closer to Brad than she knew he would like. She almost laughed at his sudden fear.

“Everything okay?”
Hank said as he joined them to her right.

“Actually, we need to go,” John improvised to her left.

She thought about telling him she was dating again, but thought better, then simply started moving towards the door. All she said instead was a goodbye, then they were out of the door.

“Ex-boyfriend?” Hank asked her as they drove out of the parking lot.

Kelly nodded. “And I prefer him to stay that way, but unfortunately he is trying to convince me to give him a second chance.”

“You’re smarter than that, I hope,” he said.

Kelly laughed. “Before not so much, but now I hope so.”

“There’s something about him, I don’t like,” John said. “We’ll try and run interference at work for you. But hopefully you don’t get too many similar shifts.”

“Thanks guys,” Kelly said to them. She was glad she had been assigned guys she could talk to. They were almost like big brothers to her and she appreciated their concern.

The remainder of the ride to Gabe’s penthouse was silent. They found Spark, her
night time bodyguard waiting for her outside. Apparently Rafe had asked him to waylay her and bring her to his place instead. Kelly waved to John and Hank as they finished their shift with her and followed Spark to Rafe’s apartment.

He had breakfast waiting for her. Her earlier confrontation with Brad disappeared as she saw Rafe st
anding beside the chair he was holding out for her. Coffee and a bagel or muffin would have been enough, but a full breakfast was even better.

Rafe kissed her lips lightly then sat her down. He took the seat opposite her.
“So how was your day? Or rather night?” he asked.

“Thanks for breakfast,” she said lifting her knife and fork. “And as for work, it was not too busy
last night. Just tiring. I’m used to it though. Just that…”

“Just what?”

Kelly grimaced. “Nothing.” There was no way she was talking about her ex to Rafe. Especially not now with this breakfast in front of her.

“Kelly. It’s obviously something and you seem upset about it. Did something happen?”

“Rafe, I’m sorry. I’d rather not talk about it,” she told him. “Can we just enjoy the breakfast you made?”

Rafe wasn’t happy. Something was making her jittery and nervous and he intended finding out what it was. “If it’s anything to do with that Maynard boy, I need to know Kelly.”

Kelly shook her head. “No, it’s not that.”

He relented. “Fine. I’ll let it go. For now
, but I still intend on knowing what made you so upset that you almost gagged on your food.”

Kelly laughed. “Seriously Rafe? Gagged?”

Rafe laughed with her. “Close enough. Now eat and then we can take a bath together.”

Kelly swallowed. “Are you not going to work today?”

“Oh, I am. But after I put you to bed,” he told her with a twinkle in his eye.

After that Kelly couldn’t eat. She was glad that she had already eaten half of what had been on her plate, but the rest just wouldn’t go down. Not without a fight anyway. She
settled on finishing her scrambled eggs but gave up to the rest.

She followed Rafe as he led her to his bedroom, where he made her sit on a chair. He went to his bathroom and started filling up his huge t
ub, and came back for her. He undressed her and then undressed himself. Kelly tried to help but he shook his head. She leaned into him as he pulled her into a kiss that had her head reeling in no time.

“Our bath should be ready now,” he said releasing her lips. He walked her into the bathroom and they both stepped into the hot water. “Too hot?” he asked.

“Not too much. It will cool down soon enough.” Kelly lowered herself into the water and leaned back against Rafe. Heaven, she thought to herself. Her mind flitted back to Brad and she tensed, then quickly removed him from her mind.

Rafe took the scrub and started washing Kelly. “Are you going to tell me what’s troubling you?”

Kelly relaxed into Rafe. “Nothing right now.”

“Kelly, you just tensed. And I’d like to place a bet that it’s for the same reason you almost gagged  on your food.”

“Rafe, it’s n…”

“Kelly, don’t tell me it’s nothing. It’s something especially when you can’t seem to get it out of your mind.”

Kelly got out of the tub, grabbed a towel and started drying herself. “This isn’t something I want to discuss with you right now Rafe. I’d rather just forget about it. Besides, telling you will only make you upset and I…”

“What do you think I am right now, Kelly? I’m fucking upset as it is. What is it you don’t want me to know? Or should I ask John or Hank?” Rafe swore and toweled himself dry with each harsh word.

“Brad wants me back.”

Rafe froze. “Are you fucking kidding me? That slimeball?” he shouted. “I hope you are not trying to tell me you want to go back to him. Because I won’t let you. So don’t even think about it.”

What the fuck? Kelly saw red. She laughed with malice. “As if you could stop me.” She took the necessary steps towards the bedroom door. Her intention to get dresssed and away from the stupid man. Were all men that daft? Did he seriously think she wanted Brad back?

Kelly never made it to her destination. As soon as she rounded the bathroom door, Rafe slammed against her. “I’m serious Kelly. You’re mine now.”

Kelly pushed him away. “Says who?” she sneered as she continued on her journey.

“Me,” he answered her and slammed her against the wall. “And don’t you dare walk away from me.”

“Fuck you, Rafe.”

“I intend fucking you Kelly,” he hissed and took her lips in a harsh kiss effectively shutting her reply.

Kelly fought with Rafe but was no match for his strength. He took her hands and held her immobile, never once breaking contact with her lips. He thrust his fingers into her hungry pussy and she moved against his fingers, hoping he would switch with his cock instead.

As soon as he gentled the kiss she relaxed and started kissing him back with all the pent
up hunger and frustrations she had. When she realized her hands were free she pulled his head closer to her. She grabbed his shoulders when he lifted her right leg up and thrust into her.

Kelly screamed at the harsh entry and dug her nails deeper into Rafe’s shoulders. He pulled her other leg up and held her pinned to the wall. “Mine,” he snarled, then started pumping hard into her.

“Faster, Rafe!” she screamed at him.

Rafe slammed her harder and harder against the wall. Each time he bottomed his cock into her tight cunt and kept coming for more. It was heaven and he couldn’t get enough of her. God help him, he had waited long enough for her and there was no way he was giving up on her. Even if it meant keeping her tied to his bed. He was willing to get the necessary handcuffs for that. Abduction was looking like the perfect crime after all.

He licked the sensitive area behind her ear and she screamed her orgasm into his mouth as he slammed his mouth against hers. Rafe walked to his bed and pulled out. He threw her on the bed and followed her before she could get away.

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