Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series)

BOOK: Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series)
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Book Three by Joyce Jordan

Copyright © 2014 Joyce Jordan

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in ay form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.



To contact the author:

[email protected]






Feeling lonely after Stefano’s departure, Ana decided to watch a movie. She was into her second one when she heard the door
bell ring. She thought all the brothers had keys to the penthouse, so she frowned. Then she saw Gabe motioning for her to open the door, so she did and almost jumped out of her skin. Kelly was standing there with a bag and a smile on her face.

“Are you moving in?”
she asked with a hopeful expression.

Kelly gave her a huge grin.
“Yes, until you are feeling better.”

They screamed and hugged each other. Gabe smiled at them and picked
up Kelly’s suitcase.

“Oh, I’m so glad. Now we can have some girl talk.” Ana shut the door and hooked her
arm with Kelly’s then they followed Gabe to Kelly’s bedroom.

“Kelly, please make yourself comfortable. I’m sure Ana will give you a tour while I start dinner.”

“Thanks Gabe.” Kelly answered with a huge smile.

“Okay, when did this happen, and why didn’t you tell me?”
Ana couldn’t contain her smile of happiness.

“It was supposed to be a surprise. Gabe knew you would be depressed living here,
especially without being able to work, though I can’t see why anyone would be depressed with all this beauty,” she said pointing to the room. “And he said he didn’t want me staying alone until they resolved this issue with your attackers. So here I am.” Kelly smiled again. “How could I refuse?”

“It’s a great surprise. Unfortunately
, I will have to wait until next week Monday to thank him.”

Puzzled Kelly asked, “Why?”

“Because the doc said no physical activities for at least a week.”

“What? OMG Ana
!” Kelly exclaimed. “Please don’t tell me you tried coming onto the poor guy?”

“Believe me I tried this morning. Before my parents left. I was left feeling horny and very frustrated.”
She laughed remembering the morning in bed with Gabe.

“It’s too soon, you dummy. Are you trying to land yourself back in
the hospital?” she asked and swatted Ana’s hand.

“It’s been two and a half weeks. What am I supposed to do? My BOB will just leave me more frustrated. Besides he won’t allow me to use it,” Ana complained and threw herself on the bed. “Anyway, in the meantime, I guess I can live vicariously through you. Please tell me there has been some action from Rafe. I thought I saw some changes the last few days.”

“I really don’t know what’s going on. I have been a mess since you were in the hospital.” She sat on the bed beside Ana. “You know, the two of us went to meet your parents at the airport. He was kind and gentle with me. I’m still trying to figure out what it all means.”

“Tell me what happened,
” Ana said gushing with excitement.

“Well, he lifted me onto his lap and held me to his chest wh
ile I cried. I cried the whole way, and he let me cry all over his shirt.” She sighed thinking of that limo ride. “And cry I did until he wiped my tears when we were close and told me I needed to make sure your mum didn’t see me crying otherwise she would think the worst. Pretty much what Gabe had said before I left.” She sighed again. “Then he kissed me and took my hand when the limo stopped next to the jet. Since then he has been polite and attentive, but no moves.”

“I think he is just trying to give you space and besides there were people around. I have seen him watching you everytime you guys are in the same room
,” Ana told her and shifted to face her friend. “Before, he hid it really well, now, not so much,” she told her. “Besides, he is probably going to be spending a lot of time here with Gabe going through whatever they are doing about the case. We’ll see how much he can resist you then. I hope you brought all your flirty dresses.” Ana laughed and wiggled her boobs as she said the last statement then picked Kelly’s hand up. “Come, let me give you the grand tour.”

“Well, I have seen some pretty houses in LA, but this penthouse is massive and beautiful. Evelyn
did a good job in decorating it,” Kelly said with appreciation. “It’s very down to earth and not showy showy. I’m sure your parents were impressed too.”

“We didn’t even talk about it, but I think they were comfortable enough after the first day when mum said she didn’t want to impose, and would be better if they stayed at a hotel.” Ana took a moment to look around. “It’s very homey,” she agreed.

They continued from the bedrooms to the open plan kitchen, dining room and living room which Kelly had already seen a couple of days before. Then she showed her Gabe’s home office. When she opened the huge glass door leading to the pool area, Kelly’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Be careful of flies entering your mouth, Kelly,” Ana said grinning at her.

“You told me about this, but never in my wildest imagination could I imagine this. OMG! We have to swim, I don’t care how cold it is. I think I will be swimming everyday.” Kelly
walked to the edge of the pool and gazed at the water. Lights were shining inside as if in invitation. “You said it’s heated right?” When Ana nodded, Kelly said, “This must be a dream. Please pinch me. Ouch!” she cried out when Ana pinched her. “I guess I’m alive,” she added.

Ana pinched her friend
again then started walking to the other end of the pool and showed her the hot tub.

“Oh God, Ana. This is torture. How am I ever going to leave this place? I may need Gabe to adopt me.”

“I know. Pretty impressive right? We will have lots of fun once I get the green light for physical activities. Come, let’s head back. You can see this again in broad daylight.”

As they walked back in they heard the men talking before they saw the table which was set for six people. Manuel and Rafe were busy with the plates, cutlery and placements, arranging them neatly and cleaning the glasses before placing them on the table. Nate and Gabe were talking in the kitchen, not paying
any attention to their younger brothers who were arguing about something trivial by the look of things.

Something universal must have alerted them to the girls presence, because they all stopped what they were doing and looked up. Manuel was the first to move claiming them and saying he wanted to sit in between the pretty ladies. Immediately there was a fight of who s
at next to who and where.

It was like being in a kindergarten class. Gabe
kept saying he didn’t see the reason why he couldn’t sit next to Ana since she was his girlfriend, and they could all fight over Kelly. Then silence reigned when Rafe stepped in and said that nobody was fighting over Kelly, because she was his girlfriend and he got to sit next to her.

Gosh, this is a real Kodak moment, Ana smiled to herself. For the brightest men she
knew they were, they proved her wrong as they all stood dumb founded.
It seemed like none of them had seen this coming. “Alrighty then,” Ana said breaking the silence. “Kelly will sit between Nate and Rafe, and I will sit between Gabe and Manuel. Let’s eat.”

“Wait, wait, wait. Did Rafe just stake a claim on Kelly?” Manuel questioned them.

“Same question from here,” Nate said.

“Yes. That’s what I said,” Rafe answered them.

“And when did this happen?” Gabe asked him with surprise in his voice.

“A few days ago,” he replied.

“Well, I’ll be damned. You sneeky thing.” Manuel slapped Rafe on the shoulder then walked up to Kelly and lifted her high up in the air making Kelly squeal. “I’m not sure what you see in him, but I’m glad to have another sister.”

“This is good news. But fair warning Rafe, if you hurt her, I will kill you.” Gabe followed suit by slapping Rafe’s shoulder then kissed Kelly’s cheek.

“And I will help bury the body. Good choice bro,” Nate added. He squeezed Rafe’s shoulder then kissed Kelly’s cheek.

Ana looked at the brothers. It was like someone was getting married or a baby announcement
had just been made. The way the brothers were all so excited, it was like they had won the Lotto, Powerball and Mega Millions all rolled into one huge lumpsum. I guess it’s the same thing, Ana thought to herself. Rafe did win one or all of them by getting Kelly. Now he just had to see about keeping her.

“Okay, you can let my
hand go now,” Ana whispered to Kelly. She had been squeezing her hand since Rafe had made his announcement, only letting go when Manuel had lifted her.

Kelly released the breath she had been holding and let go of Ana’s hand. “Did that just happen?”

“Yes, it did. I know it’s not like you guys are getting married or something, but I’m so glad.” She hugged her friend before walking over to Rafe and kissing his cheek. “If you hurt her, I will feed your balls to the dogs.”

“Ouch Ana!” Rafe cried out and stepped away.

“Just a friendly warning. Now are you going to stand there or go over to her?”

“What did you do to Rafe?” Gabe asked Ana.

“Nothing, he just didn’t like what I said to him,” Ana replied as she watched Rafe walk over to Kelly.

“Did you know about this?”

“I guessed.” Ana took Gabe’s hand and interlocked their fingers. “Don’t they make a cute couple? They look adorable.”

“Baby, I doubt Rafe wants to be described as cute or adorable. But I do agree that they look good together.”

As they sat down to eat, Ana thought she could just open a match making business. With two success stories, she just needed a third which would be to find a girl for Nate.


A couple of days later Gabe rushed to the office to take care of some business. “I’ll be gone for a couple of hours. Both Kelly and Mrs. Jones will be here shortly. Call me if you need anything,” he said to her.

Ana decided to sit on the couch in the bedroom and do some reading. When she heard the door open and close, she thought she would talk to Kelly before she went to bed. When she didn’t find her in her bedroom, she thought she would find her making coffee in the kitchen. Ana retraced her steps from Kelly’s room then went searching for her in the kitchen.

As she came into view of the kitchen, she saw Kelly in a very passionate liplock with Rafe. He had trapped her right next to the coffee machine that was brewing a fresh pot of coffee.  “Oops. Sorry.” Ana turned around to go back to the master suite.

Oh God!
Ana said to herself thinking of how Rafe had been kissing Kelly. As if his life depended on it. She went hot thinking of how Gabe did the same with her.

“Ana!” She heard Rafe calling her back and wondered if she should just ignore or go back. When she heard the second ‘Ana’, she twisted and went back to the kitchen.

“Sorry, I didn’t know Kelly had company.” Ana really tried not to smile, but failed miserably.

“It’s okay. I’m the one that should be apologizing. I thought you were asleep,” Rafe explained. “I’m on my way to the office. So I’ll see you later.” He kissed Kelly’s
lips then gave Ana a kiss on the cheek, then he left.

“Sorry Kels, but that kiss was so hot. Please tell me he is a good kisser
and not just sloppy tongue?”

“Oh Ana. The best
,” she replied with a grin. “It’s so intense. He just comes at me like a bull. Takes me on a spin and leaves me aching for more.”

“That’s just so like Gabe. It confused me a lot the first days, but now it’s a little better, but even now the intensity doesn’t go away.”

“It’s crazy, I have Rafe on one hand whom I just started dating, then I have Brad on the other hand who wants me back.”

“Wait? When did this happen?”

“You know he has been making some snide remarks all along, trying to belittle me and discredit me. Unfortunately for him, for the last few days we ended up hardly working the same rotations or the same shifts for that matter. But whenever our paths crossed, he would be in my face with something negative. Last night, however, he had changed his tactic and was asking for a second chance.”

“I hope you told him to get lost.”
She looked at Kelly with an angry expression and worry on her face.

“I didn’t want to set him off, so I just told him that I didn’t want to date for now. He looked at me funny like he knew I was lying.”

“You think he knows you are dating Rafe?” Ana asked.

“I don’t see how he would know about Rafe. I know at one time he thought I was going out with whoever was supplying me with the car and driver, then after I explained it was your boyfriend he stepped back a bit. I didn’t hear from him until he came back again with his snide comments. It’s like he has a split personality of two bad people and I’m not sure which one is worse.”

Ana hugged her. “I’m sorry, but I guess the best you can do is stay clear of him and make sure you are always in a group when you see that you are working close together that day.” She squeezed Kelly’s hand. “If he becomes a nuisance we may need to re-group.”

“I know. Thanks for listening.
” Kelly poured a cup of coffee and offered one to Ana who shook her head in denial. “Now I need to shower and go to bed. Rafe said he was taking me to dinner before my shift tonight.”

“Okay, I hope I see you before you leave, but if I don’t have fun and text me after.” Ana watched Kelly go. She needed to get out of this apartment. It was driving her crazy to be indoors
everyday. Gabe would kill her if she left. That much she knew. And right now she didn’t want to ruffle any feathers.

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