Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (36 page)

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“That’s irrelevant.
Divina has nothing to do with us,” Cort professes, still showing the confusion that I don’t understand.

“You’re an ass-” Cort
cuts off my insult with a heated kiss- the exclamation point to the fact that he is an asshole. He kisses me as a dying man draws his last breath. Before I can return the kiss, he ends it.

“I’ll buy you some alone time. You have a lot to process. I am so damn
ed sorry about what you just saw.” He shakes his head in confusion. “Ezra will regret what he just did. It makes me sick. I don’t even know what the fuck that was,” he hisses. I am about to explain the bird and the bees when Cort turns on his heel and leaves. I hear a sickening crunch, and I know a fist just connected with a door frame.

Chapter T

When my eyes close in the darkness the memories

“Hold her down, boys,” a sinister voice commands.

Warm hands that aren’t much bigger than mine, wrap tightly around my wrists. A heavy weight settles on my legs. Bigger hands grip my thighs.

I panic and try to buck them off. I wiggle and writhe. I yank my hands and feet. None of it does any good. The only thing I manage
to do is hurt myself. I bite back a scream.

The more I fight
, the louder I breathe, and the louder they breathe- three sets of lungs inhale and exhale in time with mine.

Their leader cackles
down at me. I still my fight because I don’t want to please him. He wants me to fight. Some instinctive part, that is buried deeply inside me, recognizes that this man wants me to fight, to scream. It will add to his thrill.

I give one final try to escape. I arch my back
, struggling to get free, and my eyes connect with the one holding my wrists. I gasp. Huge, blue eyes gaze down at me in pity and fear. He’s a child- a boy no more that fourteen or fifteen. Bile rises in my throat. I know why I’m being held down, and I won’t allow a child to do that to me. I renew my efforts to escape. I fight like an animal in a trap. One hand pulls free and I lash out at anything in my path.

“Aaron, she’ll h
urt herself,” the third boy calmly says. He quickly clutches my hand and gives it back to the boy. I whimper as my wrist is shackled between his fingers.

Shh… Please calm yourself,” a smooth voice murmurs to comfort me. I whimper out as the reality hits me. The three holding me down are children. I’m at least two years older than the oldest. I turn my face to the side and vomit.

Wave after wave of dry heaves wrack my body. The acid burns my throat, but it’s nowhere n
ear as painful as my thoughts.

“I’m not doing this,” the boy holding my legs cries. His tan cheeks are wet from tears. “This isn’t like the whore he brought us. I can’t do this, Ezra. I’ll die first.”

“Cort, I know. I won’t let him do this to you and Aaron. You won’t have to, I promise. Just follow my lead. Trust me,” the one named Ezra breathes.

“What are you going on about down there?” The leader shouts.

“Nothing, Ray. She’s ready.” The boy at my side, Ezra, and the one holding my legs, Cort, communicate with their eyes- identical gray eyes.

“Well, which of you wants to go first? She’s definitely
ready now.” Ray speaks of me as if I’m truly an animal- meaningless. I’m a thing to use- a disposable playtoy.

“No,” Ezra says
. “You aren’t going to subject her to all of us,” he growls with authority.

turns my face to the side so I can no longer see their leader. My view is of the lake. Its crystalline water that promised safety taunts me from feet away. I try to reach out to the water for help. A whimper escapes my lips when it doesn’t envelope me in its watery embrace.

“Well, this is my son’s first hunt,
I thought we would share in the spoils and dispose of her in the lake.” A sinister laugh bubbles up from Ray’s chest. My body tries to shudder, but it’s immobilized. “This way we can do anything we want and no one will hear us.  We can take our time. And look at that lake, no one would find her for days. I planned this perfectly,” he says with pride.

Ezra repeats. “It’s my first time and my first hunt. I will not share.” His voice sounds strong, but his body betrays him. His hands shake against my face. Ezra’s eyes meet Cort’s gaze and hold for a moment as they silently communicate.

“No, I wouldn’t want to share on my first time either. It’s his birthday, he should get to pick,”
Cort says, stationed at my feet.

“Son, what exactly do you propose? My patience is wearing thin with your petulance.”
Ray’s voice is softer when he speaks his son. 

“Just me-
Cort and Aaron go into the woods a distance. I don’t want an audience. No harming her, either. She’s just a girl.” He strokes my face like I’m his pet. I try to ignore the sensation but it overpowers everything else.

“Fine, you have a choice. We all get a turn and I end her life when we’re through or we go with your plan, but I get to have a go. I promise that she will live, but I doubt she will wish she had when I’m finished,” he says arrogantly.

“No, it’s just me,” Ezra hisses into his Father’s face.

A slap reverberates from his jaw down through his fingertips. Its force shakes my face.

“Take it or leave it, son. This is not a negotiation. I didn’t go to all the trouble of making you, getting you back, and bringing you friends, for you to disrespect me like this in front of our catch.” His voice is cold and detached.

s boot kicks me in the ribs. I bite my bottom lip to keep the scream that is builds from erupting. The pain is excruciating. It’s hard to breathe. Every breath shoots painful stabs up my side. I bloody my lip to keep the wounded sounds at bay.

Hands disappear from my body signaling that the negotiation is over. I see a pair of young men
slip into the woods, just out of sight. I detachably realize that this means I get to live. They chose the option where I get to live when this is over, but I may wish I hadn’t.

I release a heavy sigh and draw in fresh
, clean air. My lungs fill to capacity and my rib protests the fullness. My body eases with the realization that I may get to see another day. I know that the leader thinks I will regret it. But as long as I have a tomorrow, I can endure today.

Self-preservation wins out over the fight or flight instinct. I numbly lay and
don’t fight as Ezra unbuttons my shorts, draws the zipper down, and slides them off my hips. My heart rate goes in to hyperdrive. I eat my heartbeat as he spreads my thighs and kneels between them. He gently lifts me and places my short under my bottom as a cushion.

“Look away,” he orders his father, his
voice is scratchy-rough.

“Now, son, where would the enjoyment be in that?” Y
ou can hear the amusement in Ray’s voice.

I close my eyes
and tell myself to let nature takes its course. It will be less violent if I submit. Ezra is being surprisingly gentle, rubbing my tummy trying to calm me.

“Son, do I need to show yo
u what to do? I know this is your first time with a girl, as this incarnation. I’ve had much fun with you and your friends, but it’s time the gay side of you enjoyed a woman. Come on, you have a minute to do it or I will,” Ray menacingly threatens. “You aren’t making love to the girl. Just fuck her and get it over with. I know you know how to fuck,” he says in disgust.

The metal on metal sound of a
zipper lowering has my eyes tightly squeezing shut. If I can’t see it, it’s not really happening. Betraying tears leak down the sides of my face and wet the hair near my ears. A warm, heavy weight lies on me and covers my body. His hand reaches forward and pulls my head into his chest.

“There… there… Shh... He can’t see any of you. I promise,”
Ezra softly says, but his voice breaks in fear. I know it’s not a promise he can keep.

I start to shake uncontrollably. I’m too smart to think the thoug
hts most people would dwell on. It’s not supposed to happen to me. I can’t believe this is happening to me. I know there are no guarantees, and I find no comfort from the thought. My life or death is in the hands of the leader and his son. There is no escape, no rescue, no reasoning or pleading my way out of this. My only option is to endure and pray that I live through it.

I try to distance myself as I had during the negotiation
, and I can’t find the switch in my brain. I start to panic. I bite my lip against the terrorized scream that is threatening to spill from between my lips. I’m frozen in fear, I can’t even move my fingertips.

“Can I at least enter her without you hovering?” The son says in annoyance.

“Fine, I’ll be back in two minutes. I have to make sure the boys didn’t run off. If they run again, I’ll kill them this time,” he threatens.

“I know- they know.”
Ezra speaks as if he’s heard the threat a thousand times before and he’s bored with it.

“I’m so sorry. I don’t want to do this to you, none of us do. Well, I’m sure he does
,” he snidely says about his father. “He kidnapped us all. First he took me from my home, from my bed, and then he went back and took the others. I know he’s capable of exactly what he says… we’ve seen him in action over the past few days. I’m so sorry,” he repeats like it changes a damned thing.

He shifts his body so that I feel him press against my sensitive flesh. He’s hot and firm and I whimper in fear. I try to press my back into the unyielding ground to get away.

“I’m sorry. It has to be this way. It’s the only way I can protect some of us. He’s already taken so much from my friends. This way, you’ll have two less people inside you, and they can keep what little innocence they have left. I am so sorry,” he cries in shame.

He flexes his hips and enters me with searing pain
, impaling, pushing deep where nothing has gone before. My eyes pop wide open and my mouth forms a silent scream. My fingernails claw into the compacted earth and dig- tearing my nails until I feel the wetness of their blood. The switch flips over in my mind as he slowly rocks into me. I process very little with the exception of his control. He holds so much back in an effort not to harm me.

My eyes hold wide with fright as I concentrate on the wisps of clouds peeking through the voids in the tree tops. I stare at the canopy instead of feeling the sensations rocking my body. I zone out and watch the magnificent beauty of nature instead of experiencing the brutal nature of man.

A sinister laugh brings my gaze to the middle aged man holding my wrists above my head. His nails bite into the thin skin, leaving crimson crescents filling with blood. His pale, clammy skin is revolting, but not as vile as the expression on his face.

The sensations rush into my system as he leers down at me. The pain throws the switch wide open. I see more clearly than I had before. I finally register wh
at the boy looks like, his musky masculine scent filling my nose, his touch on my flesh, his taste on the back of my tongue, and our bodies connected at our sexes. Pain and terror mix, racing my heart and creating a chemical reaction in my blood. Adrenaline rushes through my body as I try to fight. Every movement causes the nails to dig deeper, to draw blood.

“Look at me- not him.” My eyes flash to the husky, smoky voice. “That’s right… look at me,”
he coaxes. Gunmetal-gray eyes captivate me. A boy around eighteen is rocking into me. He is tall and slight, as if he hasn’t filled out into the man he will become.

“No son of mine stops befo
re he’s finished,” Ray hisses at his son when Ezra slows his thrusting.

“It’s just yo
u and me, don’t look at him.” Ezra’s voice holds sympathy, and I remember how badly he fought his father. How he was forced to take me, sacrificing us both to save his friends. “Stay with me,” he murmurs. His pace increases and I whimper from the pain and from another sensation I don’t want to admit.

“Let go of her hands,” the boy
seethes. “She’s not going anywhere. You’ll get your turn. This is mine. Step back.” His anger terrifies me, reminding me of animals fighting over a fresh carcass. I freak out. “Shh… I’ve got you. Just look at me,” he soothingly says.

My hands are released
and I flex my fingers, but the boy instantly recaptures them. I startle and cry out. “I just want to hold your hands. I won’t hurt you or hold you down. It’s okay. Stay with me,” he begs. He draws our clasped hands between our bodies and settles them at our chests.

“It’s just you and me. We’re all alone. I saw a pretty girl walking the trail and asked her to join me at the lake. We walked and talked. When we got to the water
, we kissed, and then it turned into something more. Now, it’s just you and me, making love next to the sparkling water. Imagine it with me,” he coaxes me into his fantasy world. “It’s just you and me…” he moans. “Stay with me,” he draws me deeper into his fantasy.

I no longer feel the agony and terror. I fall into his eyes and I’m swallowed by his imagination. He whispers words o
f comfort to keep me with him. We lock eyes and block out the rest of the world. The pain turns to unfamiliar pleasure. My legs part and my hips angle up completing a deeper connection. Shame slams into my soul as I feel pressure build and heat spread throughout my body. The boy’s face echoes back his own displeasure with our bodies’ reactions.

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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