Paranormal Curves (BBW Collection) (9 page)

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Authors: Curvy Love Publishing

BOOK: Paranormal Curves (BBW Collection)
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When Melea got home that night, she could hardly stand. Her head was spinning and she was not even sure how to gather her thoughts. Going over to his house didn’t make her thing that she was actually going to have sex with him! Sure she was glad as hell that she had worn her good lingerie but damn!

Sighing, she laid on the bed, too tired to shower or do anything else. For someone of Jordan Simpson’s age, he definitely had endurance and stamina. It must have been all the exercise he did.

‘Or all the sex,’ her mind said quietly as she felt herself getting jealous. Yes there was that, because there was no way that she was the first one to be his. But why bother now when she in fact was with him? He wouldn’t go back on his word of helping her family if she didn’t do what he wanted or if they broke up…

Tucking that thought into the back of her mind, she decided to ask him later when the time came. For now she was about to have an amazing eight to nine hours of sleep that was much needed.

When the light began shining through her window, Melea opened her eyes and stretched leisurely, wincing from the soreness in her muscles. Last night’s events were tumbling back into her mind as she blushed and tried to remain calm. Part of her wanted to scream like a little girl from excitement but that was just too petty. She couldn’t believe that she was having some sort of thing with this man! Never in her life did she believe she would have been this lucky.

Glancing over at her phone, she saw a text message from her boss saying that she was going out of town so everyone had the day off for today. Melea whooped in excitement and sat up with a huge grin on her face, nothing could ruin her day now! With all this free time on her hands, she could clean some of her apartment and then go shopping if she pleased. The possibilities were endless!

It was tempting to call Jordan and ask what he was doing, but she didn’t want to seem clingy. He would probably contact her in a few days at most she assumed and just settled for getting ready for the day. There was no sense in worrying about him when she could be doing other things that were just as important.

Standing up and getting herself into the shower, made her even more awake once feeling the water on her skin. After last night she would definitely need to invest in some more sexy clothes and lacy lingerie.


Jordan sighed and walked around the halls of his mansion with his mind still on Melea. She had been everything and even more than he could have ever dreamed of. She just had to be his… He was determined to find a way to make her stay at his place too, the thought of burying himself deep within her again was too much as he stood still for a moment, lost in the thoughts of last night.

“Sir?” Harold came over and handed Jordan the glass of wine he had requested.

“Thank you,” he sipped it graciously. “Harold?”

“Yes Sir?” Harold already knew what his master was going to ask him. He had asked him this every time Jordan had found himself falling for a woman.

“How could someone so pure like her even begin to fall for someone like me?” he asked as Harold’s expression changed. There was something different about her that had made Jordan rephrase the question.

“You did tell me once that there was a thing called soul mates for your kind did you not?” he reminded him gently as Jordan said nothing. “Perhaps she is your soulmate?”

Jordan just grunted and took another sip of the alcohol. “I feel like she might be, but it’s so hard to tell. I just don’t want to mess this up.”

“Just don’t reveal anything until you’re for sure she wouldn’t exploit you Sir. Wait a few months perhaps?” Harold advised and walked away, leaving his master to his thoughts.

Jordan glanced out the window where his garden was and just sighed, the old man was right. He would need to wait it out a little bit longer before revealing his true self to the girl.


Melea sighed at where the time had gone. Her twin brothers would be graduating within three weeks and she was slowly gaining more money for school. Things were looking up for her since she had met Jordan and couldn’t be happier. The media hadn’t caught wind of it yet, but it was only a matter of time. They had been seeing each other for about four months now, and things had become pretty serious.

She knocked confidently on the door and stepped back to wait for Harold to let her in. Within seconds the door had opened and Harold welcomed her.

“Is Jordan in his office?” Melea asked, heading in that direction.

“Yes ma’am he is. Shall I get you anything to drink?”

“Water please,” she smiled and knocked on the door, waiting for Jordan to allow her to enter.

Jordan looked up from his newspaper and automatically knew it was Melea on the other side. Today was the day, he thought and answered, “come in love.”

She walked in quietly and bent down to kiss his lips gently. Jordan smiled through the kiss and got a glimpse of her breasts that were being revealed through the thin fabric of a shirt.

“Melea,” he murmured gently and brushed his thumb against her collarbone.

“Yes Jordan?” she whispered, her breath caught from the gesture.

“You know how I feel about you wearing thin shirts like that,” he teased her gently.

“Maybe I wore it… just for you,” she whispered and straddled his lap before claiming his lips with hers again.

He groaned as her hips brushed against his crotch that was beginning to harden. She would be the death of him.

Pushing her onto the desk, he pulled open her shirt and began assaulting her breasts that had only been held within the strained cotton.

“No bra,” he mused and slid his fingers along her skirt before feeling her swollen wet lips, “and no panties. My, my, what has gotten into you today?” he kissed her briefly and slid his mouth over her breasts.

Melea groaned and fumbled to unbuckle his pants, needing to feel him inside her before they did anything else today.

Sensing her need, he undid his fly and pulled his throbbing cock out for her to stroke a few moments. He threw his head back and groaned as she pumped him before sliding his tip up against her wet entrance.

“Do it,” she grunted as he slammed into her and began sucking on her dark nipples while she gripped his hair.

“Yes Jordan,” she huffed, feeling herself getting closer as their skin slapped against the other. “Keep going!”

Jordan picked up speed and let out a growl from within as his bear threatened to reveal himself before he could finish making love to her.

‘Just one more minute,’ his mind begged as he shot his load into Melea and felt her quivering from his grasp.

Melea rested against the table, feeling the cool wood against her cheek. That had been the hottest sex she had ever had in her life!

“Melea,” Jordan’s voice was soft and cooing, “darling can I ask you something?”

She rose up and turned around so she could look into his eyes. There was something different about the way he was looking at her, almost like fear.

“What is it Jordan?” her voice was laced with anxiety as she waited for him to tell.

Taking her hands in his he kissed them gently and asked, “do you believe in love at first sight?”

She startled at the question and thought to herself whether she did or not. That seemed to only be in fairy tales and made up stories she had been told when younger… but that didn’t mean it couldn’t happen.

“If the two are strongly connected then maybe… why?” she whispered as Jordan knelt down and held her cheek in his hand.

“I firmly believe in love at first sight,” he kissed her nose gently and smiled when he noticed a faint blush dotting her cheeks.

“Are you saying you’re in love with me Mr. Simpson?”

“I am,” he brushed his lips against hers.

Melea’s heart thundered within her chest as she thought of a proper response to his statement. Of course she was falling in love with him, but wasn’t it too soon to say those three words?

“I understand if this is all too soon for you,” he kissed her again to persuade her, “but I felt the need to tell you.”

“It’s okay,” she smiled and noticed his cock was hardening again from gazing at her naked form. “I do feel that I am falling in love with you as well Jordan… I just didn’t want to say it if it was too soon…”

Jordan felt a burden fall from his shoulders as he pulled Melea in for a hug and caressed her hair, “thank you.”

She kissed his chest and enjoyed the warmth that was coming from his body.

“I have one other thing I need to confess,” he ran his fingers through his hair.

Jordan sat her down on one of the chairs while he took a seat across from her. “I’m sure there has been talk and speculation as to why I never show myself outside my house very often.”

Melea was unsure where he was going with this but nodded, “yes, some people are unsure why… but I feel that’s your own personal business.”

“It may be,” he regarded her, “but I feel you have a right to know. You just… can’t tell anyone after I tell you,” he said slowly.

She frowned but gestured for him to go on, unsure of what he meant. Perhaps he had some kind of terminal illness? The thought made her stomach tighten and she brushed it aside quickly before Jordan could ask what she had been thinking.

“There are some people in this world who aren’t exactly what they seem,” he began. “I happen to be one of those people… Sure I’m very wealthy and have nice things… but what I don’t have is a mate.”

Melea said nothing as he continued to explain.

“You see Melea… there are people here in this world who have… talents you could say. And one of my talents is that I can shapeshift into an animal.”

Her eyes widened as she listened to him talk and explain how he could change into a grizzly bear and in order for him to be able to reproduce later on was for him to find his mate. That’s why he had never been able to leave the house that much or had dated around. He was simply miserable without someone who understood him. Was she that girl?

“Will… will you show me?” she whispered nervously as Jordan gasped and looked up to meet her eyes.

“You won’t run away?” he spoke even quieter.

“I don’t think I would… but I want to see,” she spoke firmly. It’s not that she didn’t believe him, but this was one of those occasions where you had to see it to believe.

“Okay,” he sighed and slowly got onto his knees as his skin began to shift into fur and his body elongated to become accustomed to the new bone structure.

She placed a hand over her mouth and held back a silent scream while rubbing her eyes with the other. There in front where her boyfriend had been was now a black grizzly bear that looked too playful to be aggressive, but still menacing. It was like a huge teddy bear with a frown on its face.

“Jordan,” she whispered and stood up slowly, her fingers shaking as she stroked his nose and fur.

The bear grunted and stood still as she continued to feel his “second skin” and tried not to scare her away.

“You can change back if you want,” she spoke as Jordan slowly stood up and began to shrink back into his normal human form.

“I didn’t want to tell you right away,” he began to explain himself as she nodded. She knew why he wouldn’t have told anyone from the beginning. It didn’t hurt her that he hadn’t told her, she just wish she was reacting better to the situation.

“Does anyone else know?” she asked.

“My staff members who have been here for a long time,” he acknowledged and held his hand out for her.

She took it without hesitating and pressed herself against him while kissing him deeply. After he told her the truth she felt even more drawn to him than before. Could that have to do with this whole “mate” thing?

“Will you still accept me as yours?” Jordan breathed against her neck and kissed it sensually.

“I will,” she gripped him tighter as he rubbed his body against hers.

“I think,” he kissed her gently as she longed to place her mouth all over his body once more. “That we should take this into the bedroom, don’t you?”

Without another word, she followed him down the hall and into his room where they would not be disturbed.

“Now,” Jordan bent down and kissed her quivering thighs while gazing at her exquisite mound that was giving off a sweet aroma that he was begging to lick, “I believe I still have to punish you for not wearing any of your under garments.”

She blushed and leaned over to lock the door, making sure they wouldn’t be disturbed while he pleased her.


Tyrone and Trevor walked up to their family after walking the stage and surrounded their mom with a huge hug. Standing off to the side, Melea held Jordan’s hand who had worn sunglasses and a hat to try and conceal his identity for now. She could not be more proud of her two younger brothers than in that moment.

“All my babies are grown up now,” her mom wiped her eyes and let them go and give Marcus and Melea hugs as well.

“Congrats boys,” she kissed their foreheads as they tried to brush it off as no big deal. “Dad would be proud of you.”

“Thanks Melea,” Trevor smiled as him and his brother shook Jordan’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you Sir.”

“You as well lads, I have a present for the both of you,” he winked at Melea and handed them two separate envelopes.

The small group had managed to pull away from the crowd and was standing off in a corner where no one would take any notice.

Melea and Jordan said nothing as they opened up the envelopes to see season tickets to their favorite hockey team and a check each addressed for one hundred thousand dollars.

“Mom!” Tyrone yelled and showed her the stuff first followed by Trevor.

Their mother just gasped and tried to control her tears of happiness as Jordan came over to her and hugged her tightly.

“Thank you so much Mr. Simpson,” she wiped her eyes and gazed at Melea who was hugging her brothers once more. How could her daughter have gotten so lucky? Maybe her father was surely looking out for her and the rest of them for that matter.

“It was no problem at all Ms. Young; I just hope these boys are able to attend the schools of their dreams.”

“How could we ever repay you?” she whispered, loosening her grip on him.

“As long as they succeed in school, that’s all that matters to me,” he smiled at her as Marcus came over and gave him a hug as well.

“Thank you for helping my family out and for taking good care of my sister.”

“I was very fortunate to have found her,” Jordan admitted and clapped his hands. “Tonight we will celebrate at my house for dinner! Shall we say around seven?”

“That sounds delightful,” Melea’s mother smiled and ushered the boys to thank Jordan as Melea smiled at her family. Things could not get any better for her than in this moment.

“We’ll see you then around seven,” Marcus waved as Melea and Jordan hurried off to go help prepare for tonight.

“Do you have everything moved out from your apartment?” he asked her as they began driving back to the house.

“Yes, we got the last load today and I turned in my key to the landlord,” she replied. Melea could hardly believe it when Jordan had proposed that she move in with him to one of the many rooms within the place. Of course she ended up sleeping in his room, but used one of the spare bedrooms for her things.

“Great,” he pulled into the driveway as Harold and some of the others came out to grab her boxes that were in the trunk.

“That means we’ll have plenty of time to kill,” he winked as she pretended to roll her eyes. For being a man of his age, he sure did have a lot of sexual energy.

“You can’t blame me when I’m dating the most beautiful woman,” he answered her thoughts with a whisper.

“I appreciate the flattery,” she teased as she went inside and headed towards his bedroom.

Jordan pushed her on the bed and kissed her lips before saying, “no one has the body like you that I love so much. Those breasts,” he gripped them gently as she moaned and thrusted up against him.

“That ass,” he gripped harder while biting her earlobe.

“What else?” she asked breathless as he grinned, pleased that she was going along with the game.

“Hmm,” he slid his hands down the waistband of her skirt and stroked her clit that was already hard. “Definitely that sweet little pussy.”

She gasped from pleasure and from his dirty mouth as he smashed his lips against hers and slid his tongue into her mouth. She knew she would never be able to get enough of him if she tried and didn’t mind at all.

Melea tugged as his clothes as they began to fall to the floor and heard a growl erupt from deep within Jordan’s chest. His bear wanted to come out and play and for once, Melea wasn’t scared.

“You can,” she murmured and stroked his hair gently as he transformed and sniffed her face while licking her nose.

“Gross,” she teased him and ruffled his fur on the top of his head.

Jordan just chuckled as Melea tried not to laugh herself from seeing the bear laughing, knowing that it was still Jordan and not some nine foot black grizzly in the room.

“You know,” she rubbed his nose as he continued to sniff her body, “I’m not sure I’ve ever had a thing for bears,” she winked at him.

Jordan stood up and shrank back into his human form as he jumped on her and kissed her mouth to silence her screams of delight. One day he would be able to change her into a bear as well and produce the offspring he wanted so badly. But for now he would have to wait, and waiting for this woman was worth it he decided in his head.

“You know,” he began and rubbed her breasts gently, “I think that with my bear tongue I could actually cover more skin of yours to please,” he winked as she gasped and hit his arm playfully.

“You Sir, are disgusting,” she said half serious half kidding as he just continued to laugh and kissed her deeply.

“I’ll find a way to change your mind, you’ll see.”

Melea stood up and grabbed his hand, “I think we should go help out with dinner and whatnot. There will be plenty of time later for play, don’t you think?”

“You’re probably right,” he pretended to pout as she grabbed her clothes and slid them back on.

They couldn’t help but to gaze into each other’s eyes while their breathing slowed. It was as if time stopped and the world had stilled. Jordan realized how in love with this woman he really was in that moment and wouldn’t have traded anything if it meant being with her for a little while.

“I love you Melea,” he brushed his lips against hers once more.

“I love you as well Jordan,” she grabbed his hand and together they walked out of the bedroom and down the hall, leaving their sexual desires and wants for tonight.

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