Paranormal Curves (BBW Collection) (6 page)

Read Paranormal Curves (BBW Collection) Online

Authors: Curvy Love Publishing

BOOK: Paranormal Curves (BBW Collection)
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“He made me feel like it even when he wasn’t trying.  He made me feel gorgeous just by complimenting my cooking or the amazing work I’d done.  In every sentence, in every action, he showed me how amazing I was.  That’s why I really felt it, because he wasn’t doing it with that purpose.  He treated me and talked to me the way he honestly felt about me.  Very few people actually do that.  I think very few people are even capable of it.”


Delv nodded but continued to keep silent.  He didn’t want to interrupt her flow.  This was very important and he clung to every word.  She noticed all this in his bated breath, in the tightening of his hand around her knee, in the shifting glimmer of his eyes. 


“So, when we were kissing, I felt a rush.  It was a rush equal part good and bad.  But when you slowly began wrapping your arm around my waist and gave the gentlest squeeze to my stomach on the side, I was jolted.  Kevin did that all the time, mostly without noticing.  But… I didn’t think I would meet someone like you.  Not now, maybe not ever.  I’m confused and scared but I’m not willing to not find out what’s going on.”


Before she knew it, they were kissing once again.  His arms wrapped around her more insistently than before.  He was bolder.  Even with the first kiss, she had sensed some hesitation.  But everything was gone now and she let herself go completely. 


He was pushing her down on her back against the seats of the couch as he climbed over her.  Kissing turned into something more fervent.  His lips left hers only to trail down along her jawline, to her neck, where he stopped for a while.  She could hear her heavy breaths as he sucked gently on her neck and his hand went from her shoulder down to her side, only narrowly missing her large, heaving breasts.  She was filled with desire.  She closed her mind completely and focused on what she was feeling. 


She gasped as his hand went from her side up to her breast, mouth having moved down to her shoulder.  It was exhilarating to feel this way again.  It all moved so quickly because she felt so lost, she felt like she was on high.  She cupped his face and pulled it back to hers so they were locked into a sensuous kiss, his hand still on her breast.  His fingers were treading the low neckline of her dress.  When he pulled away from the kiss, she still had one hand on the side of his face.  “Fuzzy,” she whispered out.  She thought she noticed a flash of horror in his eyes as she simultaneously wrapped her thick legs around him.  She looked up questioningly but he shook his head. 


He dipped his head back down to kiss her as he began untying the straps of her dress so her breasts could fall out.  She had opted not to wear a bra today and now she was very glad for it.  She moaned loudly as his mouth closed around her right nipple, his hand roaming freely around her shoulder, chest, and left breast.  She moaned even louder when he shifted and she felt the unmistakable bulge in his pants rubbing against her underwear.  This had not been planned but she was dressed perfectly for the occasion.  She reached down, between their hot bodies, to unbutton and unzip his pants.  She tugged them down, along with his briefs, just enough to set him free.  She gasped and arched her back when she felt his tip rub against her, now very wet, underwear.  She felt his movement cease and his breathing hitch at the contact.


He looked up at her with those damn eyes and she fought off every negative feeling associated with them.  Instead, she focused on the good.  All the good.  She pulled his face up to kiss him while moving his hand under the hem of her dress.  Her message was clear: he lifted his own body up and removed her underwear.  In the heat of it all, she managed to remember the condoms in the drawer of the end table.  Her friend had given them to her, mostly as a joke, and she had carelessly tossed them in there.  Never having thought about another man, she hadn’t about the condoms or getting rid of them either.


She pointed at the end table behind her and he reached over, his hard cock rubbing against her leg, to open the door.  He smiled and grabbed a condom.  She took it from him, carefully opened the wrapper, and unrolled it on him.  She then wrapped her legs around him again and drew him closer to her.  She felt the tip rubbing against her.  She breathed so heavily she couldn’t hear his heaving.  They kissed, he rubbed her breasts, and he slowly entered her.  She broke the kiss with a loud moaning, throwing her head back.


“Fuck,” she gasped out, pupils blown.  “I haven’t-“she couldn’t finish her sentence but he understood.  He continued to move in and out of her slowly and sensually, all the while exploring her body with his hand.  He grabbed at the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head, throwing it down on the ground.  He marveled at her exquisitely thick body, he gleaned the protruding belly and licked his lips.  She noticed the look in his eyes, knew he wanted so badly to touch her – all of her.  He likely wanted lick and bite her belly but worried it might set her off.


“It’s okay,” she breathed out with a nod.  His eyes glossed over as he pulled out of her and traveled down her body with his mouth.  He played gently and briefly with her breasts before moving down to her belly.  Sure enough, he began licking it and nipping lightly at it.  His free hands roamed the rest of her body as he did this.  He enjoyed it for a couple minutes before, to her surprise, he moved down to her vagina.  He began to eagerly lap at it and she couldn’t stop the moans escaping her lips as he his tongue swirled around her clit and a finger entered her. 


He traveled back up her body and kissed her as he entered her, a bit more fiercely this time, his hands clawing at her belly.  He didn’t just like her body; he really liked her body.  He seemed to have a particular penchant for the rounder, fattier parts of it.  He began thrusting in and out a bit harder and faster, making deep growling sounds, almost like soft roars emanating from his throat.  She reached down between them to stimulate her clit as he thrust in and out of her, pace and deepness picking up.  The combination would throw her over the edge.  He quickly replaced her hand with his own and rubbed her clitoris in circles, alternating pressure and speed, as he thrust in and out of her.  He kissed her deeply, his animal-like groans growing louder. 


She felt the first wave of orgasms hit her hard.  She clamped her eyes shut as her head lolled to the side. This spurred Delv on more, upping his clitoral stimulation and thrusting game.  A second orgasm hit her right as his mouth closed on her nipple.  There was so much stimulation happening at once.  She felt blindsided.  Finally, she heard the guttural groans from his throat, growing into a practical full-on roar, as he climaxed inside her.  She noted his hand holding onto her belly as his thrust became rapid and uneven, jerky.  This gave her a final orgasm and she threw her arms back, eyes shut, and moans falling easily from her lips. 


She never knew how they made it to her bed.  In their orgasmic haze, they had somehow stumbled into the bed and passed out.  She woke up hours later, with the sun beginning to climb into the skies, to find the bed empty.  She instinctively looked over to the bathroom door.  Nobody was in there.  She walked out of her bedroom, still stark naked, to find an empty apartment.  She was completely confused but felt a nasty feeling creeping up from her stomach.  Surely, Delv wasn’t the type to play the overly, but sincerely, charming man just to have sex with a woman and then disappear?  Had she been that stupid, that desperate?  The nasty feeling grew and she realized it had transgressed the emotional into the physical.  She flew into the bathroom and retched out as much of the anxiety and pain as she could.  Of course, she couldn’t rid herself of all of it. 


How quickly headaches come on.  She walked weakly back to her bedroom.  She was about to climb back into bed when something caught her eye.  There was a small tuft of something at the corner of her bed.  She moved closer to inspect it.  Was it hair?  No.  The thickness and sheen of it definitely didn’t look like hair.  She hesitated before picking it up.  Fur?  Was there really fur at the corner of her bed?  How was this possible?  She didn’t have pets.  There was no hair on Delv from any pet.  How in the world did this end up on her bed? 


She couldn’t think of any plausible explanation.  It was another thing to add to her list of reasons to feel perplexed.  Her mind could only focus on Delv and the fur for the next few hours.  She didn’t even have his phone number or know what apartment number he lived in.  “Brilliant,” she said aloud to herself, “He is fucking brilliant!  How did he do it to make me trust him so much, so quickly, that I would invite him over and fuck him without having any way of even contacting him?”  She was seething.  But the anger was directed at herself for being so unbelievably stupid.


She spent the entire day and night sitting on her couch, unknowingly staring out the window.  There was no sign of Delv.  How could this be?  She never gave up but her body and mind did.  She didn’t even realize when she passed out on her couch, still naked, still hurting, and no less confused.  She was awoken the following morning by an unfamiliar buzzing sound outside.  She registered her naked body and proximity to her ground-level window.  She willed herself off the couch and into the shower.  She could only muster enough energy to throw on a flimsy slip.  She forced herself to eat a cup of yogurt but barely managed to keep it down.


Then, she resumed her post on the corner of her couch.  She was mostly hidden from the prying eyes of the outside world but she was afforded a good look.  She would definitely see Delv is he was anywhere in the vicinity. 


By 11pm that night, it became clear she would not have the luck of seeing him wandering around outside.  She concluded he was likely avoiding the area entirely.  Would it be too desperate to run around looking for him?  Yes.  Would that stop her from doing it?  Unlikely. 


She didn’t bother changing.  She just threw on some shoes and wandered out into the night.  “Yes, Tamarin, I’m telling you it was a bear.  A fucking bear out there!  In all the years I’ve lived here, I’ve been warned they might be around but I’ve never actually seen one!”


Mira’s breath caught in her throat.  She hadn’t expected anyone to be out here so late.  She leaned back against the wall.  She didn’t want to run into these strangers, wearing just a slip, and now she didn’t want to walk around.  A bear?  Her mind flashed back to the fur she found on her bed.  She couldn’t think of any connection.  After all, wouldn’t she have noticed if a bear entered her apartment?


She was taken out of her thoughts by the sound of panting.  She wasn’t sure what was happening until the panting grew heavier and she heard the purr of, “Oh Tamarin.”  Were they really about the have sex right there in the hallway?  Anger flooded her and she rounded the corner loudly.  The two people sprang apart and she marched right past them, not stopping to think of the potential dangers outside her apartment complex. 


Then, she saw Delv.  He was sitting off at the edge of the neighboring forest, slumped against an outer tree.  He didn’t appear unconscious but he appeared to be tired, even weak.  She stood rooted to the spot, unable to take her eyes off him.  She wanted to approach him but she wasn’t sure if it was to check on him or slap him.  Or both.  Her mind was racing.  Maybe something had happened to him.  Maybe that could, somehow, account for his disappearance. 


He looked up and in her direction.  Instantly, he sprang up and ran.  He was running in her direction.  She was confused, afraid.  He continued to run and she assumed it was toward her.  But when he reached her, he continued running.  He ran right past her, not slowing for a second, not even looking at her.  Her legs took off after him. 


She never knew she could run so fast.  She was significantly behind him but he was never out of her range of vision.  “Delv!”  She couldn’t stop the shout just as she couldn’t keep from running.  “Delv!” 


He didn’t look back, gave no indication of having heard her.  She continued to run after him.  He stumbled into his apartment and slammed the door shut.  She banged on it, not caring about the hour or the neighbors.  “Delv!  Open up!  Open up the door!  What is going on?”  She needed answers.  She didn’t want to deal with something so childish.  He finally opened the door and pulled her inside.


“Please, don’t draw attention here.”




“Look, I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry I let myself get carried away with you.  I couldn’t help myself.  But there are things you don’t know about me, things you couldn’t possibly understand.”


“So, you think that means you can just have sex with me and disappear?  You think telling me that will make me say it’s okay and just leave it alone?”

“No.  I don’t.  But you really can’t-“


“Can’t understand?  The girl with the dead fiancé?”


“It’s not like that.”


“Tell me.  Tell me what it’s like.  Because what it looks like right now is really shitty!”


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